
Patriarch of the Uchiha

After a mysterious accident, a guy finds himself waking up as a young Uchiha Fugaku, the future patriarch of the Uchiha clan in the Naruto world. At first, he is confused and disoriented, but he soon realizes the opportunity that has been presented to him. With his knowledge of the Naruto world, he knows what is coming and how he can change things for the better. Fugaku, a man who lived his life in pursuit of the Uchiha clan's strength and glory, is seen by many as a stern and harsh patriarch. However, the transmigrator is not a good man at heart and seeks to correct Fugaku's mistakes through manipulation and intricate use of politics. As he gains more power and influence, he begins to see the flaws in the ninja world and the flaws in his own thinking. He realizes that peace cannot be achieved, neither through war, nor through working together and understanding one another. However, his path is not an easy one, and he faces many challenges and obstacles along the way. He must navigate the treacherous political landscape of the ninja world while also dealing with the internal struggles of Konohagakure. As he strives to create a better world for all, he must also come to terms with his own identity and reconcile the person he was with the person he wants to become. Through his journey, he learns the true meaning of sacrifice, love, and redemption. !!!WARNING!!!!!!WARNING!!!!!!WARNING!!! SLOWPACED STORY - Basically a Snail fusing with a Sloth, and their combination is still faster than this story!!! !!!WARNING!!!!!!WARNING!!!!!!WARNING!!! Ark 01: Rise of Fugaku - Current Ark Ark 02: Fugaku in FMA - Next Ark

Ikaru5 · Anime & Comics
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55 Chs

Chapter 41:

Nozawa diligently monitored the movements of the Suna Shinōbi for three consecutive days, aware of the team's fatigue. He understood the importance of showing strength, especially in front of Captain Fugaku, who, despite being only 13 years old, led them with unwavering determination.

In this mission, their lives hung in the balance. If Captain Fugaku lost confidence, the mission would be considered a failure, and Konoha would dispatch a new team.

Nozawa couldn't fathom why the people at the Supply Point hesitated to venture out during the night or in small groups. Despite several nights of rest, the team's anxiety grew as they struggled to find a suitable target. But finally, Nozawa spotted a weary group. He approached Fugaku and shared his discovery, saying, "Captain, I have been tracking six Suna Shinōbi with my insects."

"Good job," Fugaku acknowledged. "Follow them and maintain your distance until they are away from the battlefield."

Nozawa's Aburame Clan's insects proved invaluable for surveillance and guidance, saving them from unnecessary troubles. Beyond the valley, a skirmish between Sunagakure Shinōbi and a team from Ame Shinōbi took place from morning until noon, exhausting both sides and eventually forcing both sides to retreat.

Amegakure has not yet launched a full-scale war against the Three Countries that have intruded into their land. Instead, they primarily issue warnings and expel the intruders, using them as a means to benefit their own people and generate income. However, the actions of Ame Shinōbi are seen as weak, making them appear like an easy target. This perception belies the fact that Hanzo, their leader, understands that this is only the beginning and that the battlefield will become more intense in the years to come. This situation has ignited a fuse for a future comprehensive war.

Fugaku's command echoed through the group, signaling them to prepare for action. He paired himself with Hyūga Tazumo to confront the Jōnin, emphasizing the importance of keeping their opponent alive. Nozawa was assigned the task of causing widespread harassment, while Sato and Shinji were to handle the Chūnin. Koda and his companions were instructed to deal with a specific Chūnin.

"Captain, we are also Chūnin," Koda objected, feeling his capabilities were on par with Satomaru.

"I don't care," Fugaku retorted firmly, ending the discussion. "Stick to the plan."

Fugaku employed the Body Flicker Jutsu, swiftly disappearing in the direction of the fatigued Suna team.

Following Fugaku's lead, Hyūga Tazumo vanished almost simultaneously. With his sharp Sharingan spinning rapidly, the Uchiha focused his gaze on the Suna Jōnin, sending a chilling shiver down the spine of his unfortunate opponent.

With lightning speed, Hyūga Tazumo's hands move out, triggering the signature technique of the Hyūga Clan, Hakke Kūshō. In an instant, the Jōnin from Sunagakure is ensnared, caught in a pinch as the Hyūga has landed several hits on the key points of the web of invisible chakra that goes throughout his body.

Seizing the opportunity, Fugaku unleashes a Genjutsu, casting an illusion upon the Jōnin further ensuring his capture. The world around them distorts and shifts, their perception manipulated by Fugaku's powerful Sharingan.

As Fugaku's hand blurs into a rapid flurry of strikes, illusory images of his hand pierce through the air, seemingly stabbing at one of the Chūnin, but in fact, he is throwing out Shuriken at an insane speed, over the days on the battlefield his expertise in throwing out Shuriken has reached the next level. Though the attack doesn't find its mark, as the Chūnin is momentarily stunned and off-balance because of the unexpected attack, two centimeters further ahead and he would be dead.

In a mesmerizing display of skill, Fugaku's Sharingan spins like a fiery vortex. The intense gaze of his crimson eyes casts a series of Genjutsu upon the Chūnins, ensnaring their minds and freezing their actions. Their bodies become statuesque, unable to defend themselves or retaliate.

But Fugaku's assault doesn't end there. Swiftly, he hurls one more handful of Shuriken with expert precision, diverting the attention of several nearby Shinōbi. The metallic projectiles dance through the air, threatening to find their mark and disrupt the enemy's ranks.

Amidst the heat of battle, a message resonates within Fugaku's mind, a whisper from his Sharingan.

[You killed a Chunin and earned 30 Points of Life Force.]

[Current Balance: 3336 Points of Life Force.]

(A/N: He killed 27 People as the Black Demon/Ghost 24 Chunin und 4 Jonin.)

These words ignite a flame of determination within Fugaku, fueling his resolve to earn more Points and tap into the true potential of his Sharingan.

The clash of metal echoed through the air as several Shuriken were deflected by one opponent's swift movements.

'Fuck! It seems another Jonin was hiding amongst this group and pretending to be a Chunin.': Fugaku cursed his bad luck.

Meanwhile, the Suna Jonin managed to escape from the Genjutsu and gazed at Fugaku with a grim expression. He hadn't expected someone from his team to perish so effortlessly in the enemy's hands in the mere few seconds he was caught up in a Genjutsu.

'The famous Uchiha Sharingan proves to be stronger than I anticipated.': the jonin concluded.

The Suna Jōnin's, both cautious and wary, didn't dare to underestimate the power of the Sharingan. Countless rumors about its abilities raced through their mind. Reacting swiftly, they formed hand seals, preparing to utilize Ninjutsu to create distance.

"Wind Release, Daitōppa!"x2

Their chest expanded, and a powerful gust of wind mixed with rainwater surged forward, aimed directly at Fugaku.

'Motherfuckers!! Why always me?': Fugaku cursed while his hands swiftly weaved seals.

"Fire Release, Gōkakyū no Jutsu!"

A torrent of blazing flames erupted from his mouth, colliding with the incoming winds. The intense heat clashed with the gust, creating a spectacular display of steam and turmoil.

Fugaku's hands danced in seals once more. In an instant, a Shadow Clone materialized in his place, while Fugaku himself utilized the Body Flicker Jutsu to swiftly move away.

The fire, lacking Fugaku's chakra support, was enveloped by the wind and extinguished, his Shadow Clone got obliterated, leaving behind a thick veil of smoke.

The leading Sunagakure Jōnin fixed his gaze on the center of the explosion, realizing that dealing with an Uchiha clansman wouldn't be easy to resolve.

"You escape while I hold him back! Relay the information to the Supply Point that Konoha is attacking.": he said to the other Jonin.

Meanwhile, Fugaku reappeared at the opponent's side, swiftly producing several Kunai and hurling them at astonishing speed. The Kunai clashed in mid-air, encircling the Suna Jōnin, leaving them with no escape.

The Kunai continued their relentless assault, striking from unexpected angles, probing the defenses of the surrounded Shinōbi.

Fugaku's movements remained fluid as he charged towards the opponent, rapidly shifting directions.

Sparks erupted from the Suna Shinōbi's body as they blocked three consecutive attacks, but the remaining four Kunai found their mark, piercing their flesh.

A crimson stain began to taint the Suna Shinōbi's body as their movements gradually slowed. Fugaku's Sharingan Genjutsu took hold, ensnaring him in an illusionary world.

"Tazumo, hold him back I will deal with the other ones before I come over and help you!": Fugaku commanded.

'I need to get rid of this guy! I can't secure him and move to the otehr's as he will surely manage to escape.'

Fugaku swiftly sliced open the Jonin's throat, but the man's fate was already sealed. Unbeknownst to his opponent, Fugaku's throwing weapons were coated with a lethal layer of poison, ensuring that even the slightest graze would deliver a fatal blow.

[You killed a Jonin and earned 300 Points of Life Force.]

[Current Balance: 3636 Points of Life Force.]

Fugaku used the "Body Flicker Jutsu" and suddenly appeared behind a Shinobi who was engaged in battle with Sato. Instead of fatally stabbing his opponent's heart, Fugaku swiftly ended the Shinobi's life.

[You killed a Chunin and earned 30 Points of Life Force.]

[Current Balance: 3666 Points of Life Force.]

Fugaku instructed, "Sato, help Shinji handle their situation. Nozawa, gather your insects and concentrate your attacks on the remaining Suna Jōnin."


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