
Patient With My Billionaire Lover:For My Baby's Sake, Not Money

Helena, 28, is reluctant to relinquish her body to her billionaire lover, Alfred. But when she surrenders it all, betrayals and pregnancy follow. Then, to cap her woes, her boyfriend returns to marry her and billionaire Alfred is on his knees But billionaire Alfred has to prove his love by the time she revenges

Amanfu64 · Urban
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13 Chs

Chapter Nine: Franca to monitor Alfred is a wrong step

Arc Franca sighted Alfred and the swarm of security around him as the car entered. She ogled at him, like a hawk at the window.

A wry smile widened her cheeks. Young. Handsome. Rich. One man's poison," she spoke strongly under her breath," another's meat!

She reached for a file as she drew the vertical blind too close together and sat back behind her desk. The guy I crush on employed me as an in-house architect. I will work closely with him!" She smiled wryly again.

When she knew he had settled down, she reached the receptionist and Alfred was contacted.

It was an express entry.

She sat across the table facing Alfred to tell him about the new contract and contractor. MOA.

"We want to get the best for the project. And to scale down the cost."

Alfred was satisfied Mushraff employed her. Not that she was the first in-house architect. Or Mushraff's finances had been misappropriated. Though, like any other company, secret financial dealings undeniably may be happening. But he is satisfied that Helena's person, working for Mushraff can block any conduit pipe should there be.

"I am looking at the terms of the acquisition and supply agreement." Franca projected, to let him know the benefit of what they have done. "Month-month delivery," she said," will give us a breather in the third-party vendor delivery cost."

Alfred was satisfied and she asked him.

"What did you do my friend? I called her she was not happy?" Franca said after her presentation." Or are we in the office?" she asked Alfred, flashing him a smile.

They were friends before the boss-and-employee relationship.

So, Alfred did not see her question as out of place. He wholeheartedly will welcome suggestions and offers from Helena's people that will enhance their relationship.

"Did she say I did anything?" he asked Franca.

"No." Franca replied, " But don't provoke her." She cautioned him strongly.

Alfred was like saying you Franca, you don't know what you are saying. " Anyone who provoked her will be dealt with!" Alfred said, with the finality of a billionaire.

As he drove out, Arc Franca cautioned herself to thread slowly and cautiously. "She is interested in him but pretends! " she said.

Alfred pulled up at the VOICE and five minutes later, Helena came out carrying her office kits.

The auto door of the Roll-Royce Sweptail opened.

She sat in on the seat, joined her knees together and raised her legs, swerved to the left, she was fully in, and the door closed anti-clockwise.

"You didn't talk to me last night, why?" Alfred gave her a serene look.

"That was yesterday. " Helena sort of snapped. Yet, the face, blank and straight- fixed.

She opened her bag and dropped a letter she pulled out on his leg.

Alfred opened and read it. After reading it, he shifted her face to his side.

Kissing her, she almost opened her mouth but she closed her lips.

"Congratulations anyway," said Alfred. You don't need this job anymore. Do you?" asked Alfred.

" I need it. Thank you for your suggestion."

The Rolls Royce Sweptail continued on the road, reached their address and the automatic gate shifted to one side and it entered.

She led the way going up with her office kits as she came down, not waiting for Alfred.

She saw one maid. Alfred had told her the maids were two. The butler, she has seen often. What could they be thinking? Angry Young Madam? Or Master's girlfriend?

Whatever they could be thinking, does it matter? The victim herself cannot even classify herself.

For two days straight, apart from the other days her Mom was in the hospital, she had been with a man( Alfred)with tacit support from her mother.

Yet, Helena, what are you to him and what is Alfred? No straight answer. Instead, resistance, conflicts within and without.

Helena. Your attitude is something else.

" Until I am convinced he is God-fearing, let me remain unclassified."

She thought of deploying Franca to keep her eyes on him. Should he receive a female visitor, or answer a call from a female, she should let her know.

She will beg him to make Franca his secretary rather than raise the salary.

In the bedroom which has become their bedroom, she put her kits in the wardrobe and walked into the bathroom and began to undress, undressing like she has all the time in this world to do that.

Finally, she threw her underwear on the bathroom rail where her bra and gown were hanging and encased herself in the shower steam.

Despite the comfort of the shower steam, she tightened her lips with tears.

What's the problem?

If Alfred had come before Ruud, she would have had no reason to complain in this life. Her voice quibbled.

But he came late and wanted to take over. He came late into a heart occupied by love and is replacing the love with another. A strange love. A man spends thousands of dollars for a girl and her family without seeing her underwear, and there is no promise from the girl that so-so date, he will see it.

She left the Jacuzzi, left the bathroom as if a further stay in there amounts to cheating.

She does not want to cheat. She has never cheated on a man.

If she could end the relationship now and have her peace back, fine.

She hit Alfred with a pillow and barked at him: " My medicine! Gimme my medicine!"

She flopped into the only seat.

Alfred reached for her medicine.

She gulped the medicine and Alfred held her in his arms in the black leather two-seater.

Her legs were stretched over the arm of the seat.

Alfred knew he was making progress. Big up to the headache.

The more he loves her--see the mechanism--the more she conflicts with herself if he is God-fearing, the same more she conflicts with herself whom to choose. Him or Ruud.

As these thoughts and conflicts roll around in her mental faculty

Then, fatigue, confusion, and worry all set in, causing her headaches

And Alfred will not stop loving whom fate has given him, rather, he will pack lots of pain relievers for her.

She seems trapped and she lies on the bed.

She texted Franca.

Franca texted back: Any clean billionaire? What if he has, what next?

Just forget what's next. Helena texted her. Tell me if a female visits him.

"You don't believe I love you,?" Alfred asked." As he lay beside her

"I didn't say so," she said, in her coiled position

Alfred rolled her to face him and kissed her. It was like she wanted to pay him back.

Her responses were surprising. How she accepted the kiss and answered that she did not say so.

Now, would she start to relinquish herself and let the headache go?

"I have to go to the office," she begged to be un-trapped.

"I didn't trap you."

" I am, Alfred."

Driving to drop her at the office, she still felt trapped. How many days she had been in his mansion? Her mother tactically approved of her going to stay with him. What a mother! Will she believe nothing happened because she will go back home after she has gone to his mansion to collect one thing or the other from the office?

She may be trapped again or take more medicine.
