
Patient Love

Alexis Mayers life going well for her until the tragedy hit her family. Jayden Martin a psychologist born into the Martin Generation. Martin met Alexis when he almost ran over her with his car. Alexis Mayers also who was supposed to be the reigning queen of the underworld, but her mom had to flee with her, to protect her from her adopted uncle, who wants to be king of the underworld. watch as the love story of Jayden and Alexis hit rocky roads, triads, and trials. 1-2 Chapters everyday -------------------- The book cover is not mine. all rights belong to the owner.. please contact me, if you want me to take it down

alitaIshnu · Urban
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chapter.17. Noah's POV.

One hour ago....

Noah had just met up with his mom and stepfather, let's just say they don't have the best relationship.

You're a disgrace to the Walter Generations, Mr. Walter said as he screamed at the top of his lung.

You should be happy I'm handing over my company to you, the least you could say is thank you, and you dared to refuse me, you ungrateful bastard, he said even angrier than before.

And did I ask you to hand the company over to me, Noah said as he also raised his voice.

Weren't you the one who always reminded me I wasn't your child, and what did you used to say there's no place for a bastard son like me, isn't that it, so what changed now, Noah said as he also got angry.

How dare you raise your voice at me, Mr. Walters said in anger as he turned his head and stared at Noah's mother who was standing next to him and said,

Do you see the kind of son you raised, he has the guts to speak to me anyhow he wants, and you're not saying anything.

The woman looked sad, she hated the fact that her husband would always have a fight with her son whenever he got back from the military, but what could she do about it.

She just turned her head and spoke, son why don't you just accept his proposal, I mean you get to be the CEO, and with time I'm sure you're going to be happy working there, please just do it for m-

No mom, not this time, Noah cut his mom of since he knew what she was going to say, whenever his mom wanted him to agree to her wishes, she would always say that same exact, and it worked like a charm, he would immediately do what she wants, but not today he was firm about his decision.

I've always listened to what you say but not today, I didn't work so hard to become an army general just so I could leave a few years later, and besides, I don't want to be forced into doing this, just like you were forced to marry him.

NOAH, his mom screamed as she slapped him across his face. She knew he didn't like his stepfather that much but she never thought it would get to such a point.

When your father left me, I had to take care of you all alone, if I hadn't met your stepfather then we would have been in a terrible state by now, and also I wasn't forced to get married to him, it was by choice, his mom said as she started to weep.

Only she knows how hard it had been for her to take care of Noah and his older sister. She was working three jobs at the same time, coming home late, and sometimes even staying overnight, working double shifts just so she could take care of her two kids at that time.

That was until she was working at her third job, at the bar, one day, when she met Mr. Walters. He became friends with her, and he would frequently go to the bar just to meet her, and after almost a year he fell in love with her, and so did she, so they got married, She didn't get why Noah was always rude to him.

You slapped me because of him, you slapped your own son, Noah said as he chuckled sarcastically.

Fine, you can stay with him, but I'm not changing my mind, Noah said as he took his jacket and left, while his mom kept crying, and his stepfather tried to console her.

Noah got into his car and just drove off at high speed.

that was when he hit Paige's car.

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