
Pathway To Peace

In the year 3062, magic exist. And a 16 year old boy named Akihito is determined to conquer this magical world and face off against his father to uncover the truth about his mother and past. Though in that journey he soon realizes that there was more to this magical world than he once thought.

Tokyooo · Fantasy
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17 Chs

A New World

Akihito looked around, taking in everything that he saw until eventually his eyes landed over to a blue haired girl, dressed in armor and looking confident.

Akihito hesitantly walked over to her since he thought that she would know what type of place this is.

"Hey there I know you don't know me but I'm Akihito and I was hoping you would know what this place is and how to beat it?"

The blue haired girl looked over towards him, scanning over him with her eyes "you don't seem prepared for this do you? You're probably the most ordinary guy I've seen here..anyways I'm Aimi, nice to meet you" she said with a slight smile.

"Anyways are you sure you're ready for this? You have no armor and you look like you haven't trained at all" Aimi said, with a raised eyebrow.

"H-Huh? I have enough training! I'm good at fighting and I learned how to fight at a early age..I think I can protect myself just fine" Akihito responded.

"Oh yeah? Well how much magic and spells do you have? you look like you would be the type to sell items not fight to be the king" Aimi laughed at him some.

"Magic..? What do you mean magic" Akihito didn't know what she meant and never trained with magic. He looked at her confused and her eyes widened slightly.

"You mean you don't know what magic is? Everyone has magic! Just hold your hand out and say 'book' and all of the spells you have should be there."

"really?" Akihito did what she said. He hesitantly held his hand out in disbelief "book" the book suddenly appeared, his book was white with golden edges. It was very clean. He had only one spell that was called 'hellfire'

"Woah!" He looked at the book In confusion, not knowing anything about magic and not knowing anything about spells. Doubt started to cloud his mind a bit but, he remembered the pain his mother and him have been through and shook off the doubt from his mind.

Aimi looked at him for a second "you really don't know anything about magic huh? That's interesting considering everything in this world is about magic..there's monsters you have to kill on each level and you need magic to do that"

Aimi walked beside him and looked inside his book, looking surprised 'he has so much magic...who is this guy' she thought to herself "alright now all you have to do is say reset to bring the book away"

Akihito did what she said and the book went away "hm..I have a lot to learn..I know this might be a lot to ask of but can you help me beat the levels? I have something I need to do and I realize now I can't do that alone with no experience with magic.." Akihito said to her, looking directly into her eyes with a determined look.

Aimi looked back at him for a few seconds before responding "you seem determined and you're new so why not. Let's do it" Aimi said with a smile as they began walking off.

"Also if you remember a spell you don't have to do the whole 'book' thing to use it. Just say the spell with the thought of wanting to bring it out. Makes sense?" Aimi said and Akihito responded with a nod.

About an hour later They approached a field of grass with monsters around. They were goblins who didn't seem to be much trouble.

"Alright you need armor and to get armor you need coins..you get coins by beating monsters and the harder the monster the more coins you'll receive. You can also pay for spells but some spells can only be received for beating very hard monsters. Understand?" Aimi asked.

"Y-Yeah I think" without hesitation Akihito ran towards the goblins and kicked one down to the ground, doing flips and taking out the goblins without using his book at all.

"Woah..this guy is good" Aimi looked down some "alright you got them all good job" Aimi walked off "but just so you know I don't need your help beating these monsters..you asked for my help and that's all I'm here for" Aimi walked off.

Akihito looked at her a bit confused before following her. They both walked into one of the stores and got Akihito some average armor.

Aimi laughed some, looking at his basic armor "what a noob!"

"Sh-shut up I'm new to this and you know that!" Akihito looked at her, seeing her laugh and wondering what her comment earlier was about. He wondered.

Later that day it began to get dark, Akihito and Aimi were walking on the field of grass, beating some monsters before they approached a big red line on the ground stretching far across the field.

Akihito pauses at the red line and made sure not to walk over it "What's this?" Akihito asked then looked at Aimi.

"This is where the other level begins. Each level has this. If we walk over you'll be in the next level but be careful because you can't go back to the previous level..you ready?" Aimi looked at him as well.

"you better believe it" they both nodded and walked over the red line and into the dark, creepy looking forest on the other side.

They both tip toed inside, the atmosphere of this place was sending chills down there body from head to toe and the only thing that could be heard were owls and there silent footsteps wondering around, Until a scream could be heard from a distance.

There bodies froze for a Moment, there breathing speeding up and there hearts beating out of there chest before Akihito ran to where he heard the screaming, Aimi began running after him.

Akihito suddenly stopped, his eyes widening and his pulse continued racing when he came across where the screaming came from.