
Pathway to Another Dimension

Dexter exists on the planet named Kayleigh, it resembles the earth but It's far more advanced. He adores composing stories to the point that he almost wished to be within one. One day, his desire accidentally came true. Being the protagonist in his written stories, he has the role to follow the choices and the consequences His created protagonist had made- whether good or bad. He savored most of the story till he ceased up in an electrifying dead-end

Andriel_Schoreder · Sci-fi
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6 Chs


"YOU NERD!" a bully cries as he pushed me back to make me fall.

thud, the books went

The books I held got scattered to the floor with my glasses "Oh no" I thought then tried to reach my eyeglasses then my books one by one.

Students around the campus are circling us both, watching him bully me. I can feel that my hips got bruised due to me slipping onto these thick tiles.

"You can do this, please don't cry, please don't cry..." I thought as I try not to release my tears out. I close my eyes then made a wish for them to go away.

"Dexter, seriously? Your that lame?! YOU CAN'T EVEN STAND UP YOURSELF!" He comments.

"Please don't cry, please..." I keep on chanting to slowly pull myself together.

"What now? Just sitting on the floor waiting for someone to help you?!" He said then the others in the cafeteria made a chuckle.

"Please... don't..." I thought as my tears started to drop one by one onto those white marble tiles that I'm sitting on. *Thud, thud, thud* I heard as I feel that someone is walking towards the cafeteria's glass doors. I can't see if who's coming due to the crowd circling me and the bully. Out of a sudden-

"WHAT'S GOING ON HERE?"-- Someone bellowed. The crowd parted to let them through.

"Hell! It's the school's student president!" I thought.

"I repeat! what's going on?!" She said angrily then bowed down and sat on the floor looking at me, "are you alright?" she asked looking concerned. "I'm fine" I whispered to her ear as I wipe my tears away. Then she immediately stands up and asked the crowd-"Is it Marcus' fault again?"

The whole crowd nodded, "MARCUS, THIS IS THE SEVENTH TIME--", "umm, It's his ninth time, in reality, President Hershey" I mumbled.

She looked at me sternly and I apologized-- "Sorry for interrupting"--

"No, it's ok, cause that's the truth" she replied then gave a chuckle

"I'll repeat, IT'S YOU NINTH TIME DOING THAT WOULD YOU EVER CHANGE?!" She said as she continued shouting

"Yeah, yeah, I know that already... Stop making a fuss" Marcus retorted.

"How could I not make it a fuss if you--" She said interrupted after Marcus turned His back and walked out of the Cafeteria "HEY! don't you try to leave while I'm still talking" She shouted but Marcus still didn't care and continued to walk away

The students sank back into their seats after Marcus had left. I tried to walk, but my legs felt heavy. Hershey helped me up and I grabbed the nearest chair. Slowly and painfully, I sat down.

"Oh, wait, are you ok? Let me just get the first aid kit at the clinic" She said worriedly. I looked at her as he ran away,

'Um...Hershey....why can't I fit in? Why does everyone pick on me all the time?' I looked down, staring at my shoes, embarrassed.

Hershey kept silent as she placed the kit on the table.

"Umm, can you please get the books?" I asked her, "Oh, sorry I forgot" she then quickly picked the books one by one then placed it on the table beside the kit.

"I didn't know you wrote stories." she said.

"I never told anyone.." I mumbled while putting the ointment over my bruises.

"Why don't you? your grammar is excellent, hate to admit it but it's better than mine" she said then I got alarmed and tried to get back the book cause I never wanted anyone to read it.

"Hey quit it, give me back the book!" I told her while I reaching my hand out to her. She shook her head then walked in front of the cafeteria then clapped her hands two times and said-"Everyone, listen to Dexter's Story:

'As I look outside the windows I saw a kid on a swing ...' "

I can't do anything but observe their reaction though It's kind of embarrassing. After she read the first line the school bell rang. While everyone is walking towards their room I heard someone said "She thought that we're listening, foolish, right?" Then they all laughed.

"Won't they have even a little bit of respect to others?" I thought. Out of a sudden Hershey ran to me and said "See? they liked your story" She said gladly. I can't say anything so I just nodded while smiling.

"Let's go to class!" she said. "Oum, yeah" I replied then picked up my books from the table

We both walked the halls while listening to the noise made by us, students. "No one had ever appreciated my works except for Hershey," I thought then sighed.

One by one, the other students entered their classrooms which makes silence take over the halls.

"Who will appreciate me then when She's gone?" I thought then released a frown

"You ok?" she suddenly asked

"Yeah, my leg feels better than--" I replied then she interrupted me

"No, not your physical aspect, your emotional aspect," She asked worriedly

"I've been watching you from the beginning, every competition you joined, every group works that I've made with you..." she said

"...and I've noticed that something's not right with you" she added

"So... are you... Emotionally alright?" she asked concerned

My drastic frown turned into a smile itself then my mouth released a phrase saying "I'm ok... always ok"

Out of a sudden, a feeling of darkness slowly encircles my perimeter which made my hair stand on end...

"W-why can't I show?", "Why c-can't I let them see?", "Why can't even c-control my self or even give others a sign that I've a-al-ways needed their help?"

ring ring ring

The school bell rang the second time which made me wake up from the depth of myself that others can't see. We both ran toward our room, I opened the door then sat on my seat facing the board. "The teacher isn't here..." I thought doubtfully, "Where could she be?" I asked myself.

"Whether she be here or not, I should keep my discipline" I whispered to myself

"Just sit up straight, be quiet and don't mess up your parents' name" I whispered once more

I've sat on my chair for hours with a very steady body. I feel like I had never moved, even an inch! Cause that's what my parents had taught me- always be disciplined, make yourself look smart, and never destroy your name.

Despite the noise walking across the room, I can sense that footsteps are slowly getting nearer the room. Out of a sudden, a person held my shoulder.

"Ohhh, hey, Hershey... You shocked me" I told her

"I've been staring at you again.." she said then chuckled, "I can feel again that you're feeling something wrong... Right?"

"Yes, go! sit immediately, the teacher's coming!" I urgently whispered to her so She then walked towards her seat then sat while facing the board.

The door opened then the Teacher entered the room, "Why is everyone--apart from Dexter and Hershey-- so noisy and untidy?"

Everyone fixed themselves up then sat silently. "I was gone, called by the principal, because there was an announcement that I had to tell all of you as a class" Miss Barb reasoned out

"We will be having a field trip--" She said then suddenly my classmates shouting, Miss Barb clapped her hands twice then shouted, "Alright... alright, settle down... everyone..."

"Our trip will be held on Monday so get ready" she added

Hershey suddenly raised her hand asking her "Where will we go ma'am?"

"Oh yes, I forgot.." she said, "we will be going to the Main Science Headquarters--" she added

I felt like my jaw dropped, My legs stood by themselves then my mouth exclaimed-"r-really? at the Main Science Headquarters?!?"

Miss Barb nodded. "I've never seen you like this-- I mean I never saw you having a very interesting attitude in something," Carl said then chuckled

I got humiliated so I quickly got back to my seat then blushed "Why did I just do that? What the hell are you thinking Dexter?!" I asked myself.

Hershey also stood straight then cried "I'm excited to go there as well!" after she said then she smiled at me.

I smiled back while still looking forward to the trip.

[End of Introdution]