
Paths Of Power

What would you do, to obtain a Path Of Power? A world where there are 5 known Paths Of Power. what happens when are protagonists finds a yet underscored path, the 6th path to power. Join Alex as he sets on a path to uncover the mysteries of his new found power while trying to distinguish between friend and foe Formally: Chains Of Fate. ‐-- Advised: Strong Language And Violence --- The release schedule for this Novel is currently not set in stone. For now expect 3 chapter updates per week minimum.

Kevin711 · Fantasy
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22 Chs

Life Or Death

Seeing the Spear coming straight at him, Shade tried to parry with his sabre. Unfortunately for him, the combination of only having one arm and the power behind Alex's strike proved to much for him to handle.

Not able to handle the power of Alex's blow sent him flying through the air. Flipping mid-air and landing on his feet he looked down at his hands feeling it go numb. "Why does he have so much power?" Thought Shade.

The man that was behind Shade tried to hit Alex while he was wasn't focusing.

Just when his short-short was close to hitting Alex's neck, he felt a strong impact hitting him in the chest. It took a good five-second before he realized Alex had delivered a sidekick, him sending him flying to the opposite side of the room hitting the floor hard.

Desmon's mouth dropped seeing Alex in action. "What kind of monster has Jasper created in the last six months?" Thought Desmon flabbergasted.

Looking at the two people Alex had just sent flying Alex only had one thought, "Compared to Jasper, these people are nothing.

After being taken as Cain's apprentice Jasper combat power had skyrocketed. The combination of strong Destruction techniques and a competent teacher to point him in the right direction left him one step away from opening his 'Gate'.

If the current him was the one fighting Shade. Shade would aleady be dead.

"Is this the best you've got? You're lucky you just lost an arm last time you fought master."

Going red with Anger Shade charged Alex losing himself to his rage. Striking overhead Alex parried and counter attacked. Shade no longer underestimated Alex and was going all out.

Seeing Alex and Shade trade blows, Delson was looking for any opportunity to jump in but the battle in front of him was way out of his league.

Dodging Shade's horizontal slash, Alex countered with a sidekick sending him sliding across the floor. Seeing the situation turning on him, Shade clicked his fingers.

Out of the shadows walked out five more People. "Kill him" shouted Shade, a mad look on his face.


Down on the lower levels, Jasper had jumped through a hole in the wall he just created.

Seeing the five people in lab coats he readied himself. "Go help Alex, I'll secure things down here."

The five men pulling out black bladed daggers and started to surround Jasper.

With a big grin in his face, Jasper raised his Spear with two hands and once again started concentrating Destructive energy on his Spear tip.

When the energy on his Spear started vibrating he released the energy in a thin beam of red light while doing a 360-degree spin, the energy cutting through the men like a knife through butter.

Watching the men fall to the floor cut in half, Jasper felt his last six months of training playing off.




"Impressive, no really impressive," said a bald man walking out of one of the side rooms.

The man looked ruthless, being incredible muscular and having a red tiger

Tattooed on his face.

"But let's see how you do against someone your own size."

Charging he struck his bare fist straight at Jasper, moving with such an insane Speed Jasper had no choice but to activate one of his techniques: Destructive Path Red Membrane.

Hitting Jasper squarely in the chest it sent him flying backwards knocking him into a wall.

Getting up and looking at his opponent's fist, he was shocked to see hit was completely fine even after coming into contact with his Membrane.


Walking up the stairs, Isabel and Kristina could see Alex and Desmon being pushed back. Alex was facing 4 men simultaneously, while Desmon was struggling with one.

It couldn't be helped, over the years Desmon had been trained for reconernonse, rarely being in combat, whereas Alex had spent the last six months betting beat up.

"You help your brother I'll help Alex," shouted Isabel.

Pulling out twin Daggers and charging over. Just when a dagger was about to piece Alex's back, the opponent's hand was severed at the wrist.

Isabel had arrived just in time, taking half the pressure Alex could finally show his worth.

Screaming in pain the man with a severed hand has kicked away. Leaving only two opponents remaining.

"Be careful, Shade is still around here somewhere but I lost track of him." Just as soon as he mentioned Shade, Alex got a tingling sensation down his spine forcing him to dodge to the left.

Splash! As soon as Alex dodged to his left small wound appeared on his shoulder. Getting a small shiver down his spine, Alex new if he didn't dodge he would have just lost his head. Feeling if this went on any longer someone from his team might die, he started to get serious.

Path Of Fate: Fated Strike.

Shade was bewildered, that was the first time someone had managed to dodge one of his attacks when using his bloodline trait.

Just as he was getting over his shock he felt himself being pulled into an attack. Seeing Alex's strike he raised his sabre trying to block the blow.

Even though he knew he did enough to block a fatal strike, Alex's attack didn't change direction like he expected, going straight through his defence and piercing his heart.

It was on this day, that Alex had taken his first life.