
Path Toward Destiny Of Strangers

Each one of us knows that we are strangers to the world and to the people who walk beside us each day, or the people who are in the same country, or city as us. It’s the truth that we deep inside know, but we can’t believe it, why? because we are humans. Humans are social creatures, and to defy that truth we try to fill our lives with other strangers, no matter which way we use, having friends, marrying, or even having kids. We just want our lives to be filled out and have a lot of people around us so that our hearts can breathe and our minds are at ease. Those strangers are like colors that give life to a painting that once a time was black and white, the human heart needs to be fed up with joy, and most of the time it generates joy from the memories that we create with those strangers that we built a type of relationship with them. But in this life there are some people who were kicked out and were forced out to not have these types of things that we call feelings, they are forced to live with themselves and sometimes they just start to hope that life can take a quick look at them and smile at them and give them the opportunity to live those types of things and feed their hearts with joy and charge their minds with happiness, this is their journey toward their path of getting that joy and happiness. Are they going to find joy and happiness? That is what we want to know. The story will focus on three people who are ones of those who were forced to not have these feelings. Alyssa is a young girl who lives in Ansan, South Korea, she is in her first year at Blue River university, and she works part-time jobs to cover her life expense since her family can’t support her studies. Richard a young man who’s also a student of Blue River university, he is a hard-working boy who’s living alone since he doesn’t have a family. Gyeong is a young boy who’s the son of a wealthy family but lives alone since his parent isn’t in the same city where his university is, he also studies at Blue River university. Those three young people have nothing in common only the fact that they study at the same university and the fact that their lives are messed up. Are their lives gonna change? That is what the journey will tell us.

Oussama_Chikri · Realistic
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7 Chs


[3.1.2022], it's three in the morning, Gyeong is in his house, but the last wasn't asleep, but the contrary he as awake and he was holding a glass of drink and sitting in the balcony, at that time you can't hear a thing since everyone was sleeping, you only can see the dark sky that is filled with stars and the city that is filled with lights, Gyeong was drinking his drink and looking at that view, after a while the drink was finished, Gyeong didn't notice that the glass is empty only after he tried to drink but nothing came to his mouth, he went to brink the bottle to fill the glass but the bottle was empty, Gyeong started reacting and showing some anger, he broke the glass that he was holding with the ground, and then he start yelling all alone saying, "Why" he kept repeating it after a while he went to sit in his bed then he said, "what does anyone know about me, why they keep interfering, they don't know nothing", after what he said, Gyeong opened his eyes to find that he slept, it was one pm, the classes were going, Gyeong got up fast and changed his clothes and took the car keys and went out because he was late from the class, at the time in the university, Alyssa and Ryu Ki were in the class since it was ongoing, Richard was sitting beside them, but the last wasn't talking unlike the two, his face was showing a little expression of anger and frustration, Ryu Ki asked what's wrong with him, Alyssa said that she don't know, the class finished and they were heading to their next class when they entered the found Gyeong sitting their before everyone, and when the three saw him, Alyssa and Ryu Ki looked at Richard to see that he was looking at him, the last started walking and then he went to sit beside Gyeong and then Ryu Ki took alyssa and sit beside the other two, Gyeong turned and looked at them and then started looking around him, then he turned to them and said, "I don't think we are that close, I noticed we sit beside each other a lot are you two into me or what?" , Richard answered him saying, "don't start I am the one who wanted to sit here and they are my friends so it's normal that they'll sit beside me, and didn't you say it yesterday, these seats aren't yours so we have the right to sit wherever we want", Gyeong smiled at him and said, "friends, I didn't knew you would say that word again", at that moment Ryu Ki asked the two, "do you two know each other?" Gyeong answered saying definitely and was to say something but Richard stopped him and said to her that they were classmates in high school that's all, Gyeong started and said, "right we were classmates," Geyong and Richard kept looking at each other and each one of them had a boiling blood in him like they want to fight, the two girl started feeling uneasy, Alyssa told Ryu Ki that she shouldn't asked them, but luckly the professor entered and then the two boys turned around, Alyssa and Ryu Ki were waiting for the class to end to escape that atmosphere fast but unfortunatly nothing goes like they wished, because before the class end's the professor gave the class an assignment and that assignment is for groups, and the groups members were selected by him, the professor started calling the groups and giving the groups members, when the four turn came they got shocked since they were in the same group, Alyssa and Ryu Ki got frustrated since they were already feeling uneasy, but now they need to meet with the others and prepare for the assignment, when the class finished Gyeong stood up and started walking away until Richard called him and asked him what is he doind, Gyeong told him, "what do you thing I am going away" Alyssa told him that they should talk about the assignment and they need to set a time when they can meet, when she said that Gyeong cam toward her and asked her to give him her phone, Alyssa was caught of guard and asked him why, Gyeong looked at her and then smiled and said, "it's not like I am asking you out I am just giving you my number so you can call me when you set a time for a meeting, or if you gonna make a group chat whatever" then Alyssa gave him her phone, then he registred his number on her phone and told her to call him or text the time and place of the meeting, then he went away after looking at them and say, "see you soon", then he went away with a laugh in his face, Richard Gave Alyssa his number and told her to make a group chat because it will be better than calling, Alyssa told him that she'll make the group chat right now, When Gyeong was on his car in his way back to his home, he got a notifications that he has been added to a group chat, the last started smiling , when he arrived at his home he was in a good mood and with a smile on his face but when he noticed that someone was in his house his expression changed and when he entered his house he found that his mother was there, she said to him, "I see that you are in a good mood, even after living the home, I think you really like living alone after what you did", Gyeong didn't answered her but he asked her what is she doing here and if she doesn't have work today, she answered him saying, "I am meeting someone here and I just came by to see my son isn't that normal for a mother to visit her little son", Gyeong laughed and told her, "for you it's not normal, you wouldn't come here if you hadn't something to fo with me just cut the point and tell me what it's this time what do I need to do?", Gyeong mother laughed and said, "you really are my son, you know what to do, well to cut to the point I need you to come with me since I am meeting your dad and we'll have dinner together and by together I mean his second wife will be there too and her child that happens to be same age as you, if I went alone it won't be normal and it may anger your dad who is the one who's filling the card of yours", going asked her when it will be, she told him that the meeting will be this weekend, then she told him to make sure to dress well, then she went away, Gyeong started getting angry he went to the kitchen to get a drink but he remembered that he is out from the drinks, then he took his car keys and went out to buy drinks, on his way he found a drinks shop he stopped beside him and went in, in the entrance there was some workers who welcome the customers, Gyeong smiled and went there, one of the worker welcomed him but when the worker left his head Gyeong said, "so you work here, I think we started seeing each other a lot lately", the worker was Alyssa she was shocked to see Gyeong, but she didn't say a thing she only said, "welcome sir" , when he entered he asked the woker inside that he doesn't want her to be the one suggesting him the drink but he wants the one that is outside that welcomes the customers, the worker told him that it's against the shop rules and it's not her position, Gyeong told her, "then that won't do I think I'll be going to see another shop, I don't like shops that doesn't do their customer requests especially the ones who can become a VIP for the shop", the worker asked Gyeong for a second since she'll go and ask the owner of the shop, when she was going he asked her to bring him or her to him then he'll know how much a valuable he is, when the owner came and saw that the customer was going Gyeong he asked the worker what was his request again and then he went toward Gyeong, when the last saw who the owner was he started laughing and then told him, "so you opened your own shop now, does dad know about this", the owner happens to be his step brother, the child of the second wife of his father, his name was Ryeom, Ryeom started smiling too and asked Gyeong if he can ask about the reason why he wants the worker Alyssa and especially her then he asked him, "don't tell me she is you girlfriend or something", Gyeong answered him saying that she seemed more professional that's all, Ryeom told the worker to go bring Alyssa, when Alyssa came in, she asked her boss what it is, he told her, "I think you already know this person, I want you to be the one showing him the best drinks we have" then he told Gyeong, "oh, one thing our shop doesn't need a VIP customer like you" then he told the worker beside him to give him a thirty percent off sold for anything he take, and then he told Alyssa to come to his office when she finish with him, after that Ryeom went away, Alyssa told Gyeong to follow her to show him their best drinks, when the two were looking at the drinks Gyeong told Alyssa, "if he asked you about me tell him that you don't know me" Alyssa asked him why then Gyeong looked at her and said, "if you don't wanna lose your job you better do what I said" then he took one bottle and told her that he'll be taking that bottle and he went to pay for it, at the same time Alyssa went in to her boss office, when she entered Ryeom told her, "you don't need to sit I be cutting to the point, you are fired" Alyssa got shocked and asked him why she is fired but he didn't answer and just took his phone ans sent her two million won and told her that this will be her last pay check and that he think it's more than satisfying and he told her to leave, when Alyssa changed her work clothes and went out from the shop she didn't know what to do and she started crying, when she started crying Gyeong came and told her if she is fired, and if she told him what he told her, she told him that Ryeom didn't ask her about him and just fired her.