
Path to Strength

This is the first book I am posting on this platform, so I ask for patience. My native language is not English, and I am not ashamed to say that I am using the so-called "Best Translator in the World" to help me with this work (DeepL translator). I was really trying to find fanfics that take place in the worlds of Baki, Kengan Ashura or the like, and although I found them, I only came across ones where the character gets supernatural powers that put him above any fighter from these worlds, and that frustrated me. A man needs to see two people fighting using their fists entirely, rather than creating interdimensional portals or something of that sort. So don't expect these kinds of powers here, because here there will just be the old way of solving problems. ---------------------------------------------------- It was a normal day for Yuji, going to school, then to the gym he was attending and finally home. A monotonous, but pleasant routine. There was no cause for pride, much less shame, so for the teenager that was enough. As always, everything was going as it should. That was until the moment when, looking in the mirror, the boy's whole perspective seemed to change. Facing someone who looked like him, but at the same time, was not him, Yuji sees himself in a similar world, but which is certainly not his. Crossover world of animes, including Tokyo Revengers, Baki, Kengan Ashura, Holyland, Hajime no Ippo and others that can easily be included in FF if readers have ideas.

TheJiujitsuGuy · Anime & Comics
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232 Chs

Chapter 74

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I hope you enjoy the reading!



"They are saying that the apprentice of Metsudo's Fangs will also be in the tournament, what do you think about that..."

Sitting in an armchair, Nogi Hideki spoke, a figure with his back to him as he looked out the window of the room they were in.


The figure revealed to be Hatsumi Sen, the fighter representing the Nogi group, turned to the man when he heard the question, placing his hand on his chin as he looked thoughtful.

"Heh, the apprentice of Metsudo's Fangs.... If it's a true rumor, then the tournament will be quite interesting." Hatsumi said with a quiet tone, almost as if he had just woken up.

Nogi nodded in agreement to his fighter's response, crossing his arms over his chest as he looked toward the entrance to the room.

"Do you think we can get him on the plan?" Nogi asked, using his peripheral vision to look at Hatsumi.

Hatsumi just put his hands on his waist as he turned his vision to the ceiling, muttering to himself as he thought.

"I haven't had a chance to meet him yet, so I can't give an answer to that."

Nogi understood, and just remained silent. The Fangs of Metsudo apprentice was said to be someone crazy about battles, and there were reports of him all over the world. Even if he was willing to participate in Nogi's plan, finding him would be the main problem, after all, he could be anywhere in the world.

Having a fighter like him supporting him would give him a lot of advantages, but without being able to find him, he could only rely on his representative and Ohma Tokita.




"In that fight of yours against the Brazilian, I think he's known as "The spider", the time you knocked him out with a straight kick was amazing! I couldn't help but get excited! And that fight against that American, I think they call him 'The Notorius', when he tried to knock you out-"

Listening to someone talking so animatedly, you could never imagine that a 56-year-old man was behind all this animation. Kazuo was frantically talking about Yuji's best fights, and the boy had to hold in his laughter when he realized how his uncle didn't know the names of the fighters, and mentioned their nicknames. It was a surprise to discover that his uncle was actually a die-hard fan of his, and he could not help but appreciate this. His aunt also followed his career, but was not as excited about it as his uncle.

As Kazuo continued to talk about his struggles like a passionate old man, Yuji turned his attention to Yasuo, who had a quiet expression as he enjoyed the taste of dumplings. Yuji found it strange that his cousin was a year older than him, since he didn't act like it, but he just blamed it on the fact that until a few hours ago he was participating in a motorcycle gang and was forced to pay 100,000 yen every month. After the slapping beating he gave him, Yuji hoped for a positive change on the part of his cousin.

After Kazuo finished speaking, the three of them started talking normally. Yuji even learned about an embarrassing story from his aunt.

'I just gained an advantage.' He thought as he smiled dangerously.

After some time chatting, Yuji said goodbye and decided to leave. He was looking forward to seeing his friends again, and he couldn't wait for that.

As he was leaving the house, a strange feeling ran through his body, he quickly turned to see a figure watching him through the upstairs window of the house, his eyes narrowing as he concluded that this was his cousin, Kazuo's eldest son.

'An idiot genius.' Yuji thought, shrugging at the man watching him.


When Yuji arrived in front of his aunt's house, he stopped in front of it for a few seconds, the memories of when he came into this world running through his mind, reminding him of the events that led him to where he was.

"I feel like I've been away for a lot longer than 2 years." Letting out a sigh, he walked to the door and rang the bell.

The sound of footsteps echoed from inside, the boy cracking a smile as he realized that even after so long, he was able to discern his aunt's gait. After a few seconds, the boy noticed the door opening.


The moment Shisumi opened the door, she was confused when she found no one, her eyebrow raising in suspicion.

"Those kids again?" She wondered, a snort escaping her lips as she closed the door.

Turning to go back to watching her Television program, she was startled when she hit something, she immediately jumped back in alertness as she raised her guard.

"You look very well, Auntie." Yuji spoke up, laughing at the woman's reaction. "It's been a while, hasn't it?"

Shisumi's eyes widened when she heard him, her eyes roaming over Yuji's body for several seconds before stopping at his face.





After Yuji spent a few hours talking with Shisumi, summarizing his two years of training for her, he said goodbye with intentions of visiting his friends. The woman was a little frustrated with him leaving so soon, but he made it clear that he would not disappear for two years this time, leaving not before hugging her.

The annihilation tournament was a few weeks away, and he would be arranging his participation soon. Kanoh would not meddle in his decision on the matter, and he cared little about who Yuji supported for president of the association, his only demand being that he become the next Fang of Metsudo after him. After these 2 years, Yuji still didn't understand this obsession for him to become the successor to the position, but he didn't think much of it, since it wasn't really something unpleasant, and he liked old Metsudo's personality.

To prepare for the tournament, he would have to decide who he would be representing, and although he was interested in Togo, he couldn't see her as president of the association. He liked the woman, but making her president was not something on his mind, and honestly

Yuji was selfish.

He preferred to become the president of the association himself, and even considered making a pawn the president, so that he could be the real president by the shadows, until he was old enough to become a businessman. But he preferred to just go with the flow and serve as a fighter, after all, the annihilation tournament could happen again in a few years.

With that settled, he still needed to find someone to represent, and that would require time, so he decided he would enjoy a few days with his friends and family before getting back to it.
