
Path to Strength

This is the first book I am posting on this platform, so I ask for patience. My native language is not English, and I am not ashamed to say that I am using the so-called "Best Translator in the World" to help me with this work (DeepL translator). I was really trying to find fanfics that take place in the worlds of Baki, Kengan Ashura or the like, and although I found them, I only came across ones where the character gets supernatural powers that put him above any fighter from these worlds, and that frustrated me. A man needs to see two people fighting using their fists entirely, rather than creating interdimensional portals or something of that sort. So don't expect these kinds of powers here, because here there will just be the old way of solving problems. ---------------------------------------------------- It was a normal day for Yuji, going to school, then to the gym he was attending and finally home. A monotonous, but pleasant routine. There was no cause for pride, much less shame, so for the teenager that was enough. As always, everything was going as it should. That was until the moment when, looking in the mirror, the boy's whole perspective seemed to change. Facing someone who looked like him, but at the same time, was not him, Yuji sees himself in a similar world, but which is certainly not his. Crossover world of animes, including Tokyo Revengers, Baki, Kengan Ashura, Holyland, Hajime no Ippo and others that can easily be included in FF if readers have ideas.

TheJiujitsuGuy · Anime & Comics
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223 Chs

Chapter 53

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I hope you enjoy the reading!



In an alley in downtown Shinjuku, the sound of something heavy hitting flesh rang through the darkness, the moonlight illuminating the scene enough to see a man standing over what looked like a teenager, the man's fist striking his face several times, turning the boy's face into a bloody mess.

After several seconds of beating, the man released the boy and stood up, the moonlight illuminating his face enough that it was possible to discern his features.

"Ryou Narushima."

A voice caught the attention of the now recognized Ryou Narushima, his head turning to see a tall, blond man standing at the entrance to the alley, a cigarette on his lips, smoke coming out of his mouth in an intimidating appearance.

"I didn't think I'd find the one who's being a nuisance around here." The blond spoke, him taking the cigarette from his mouth and throwing it on the ground, stepping on it to put it out.

Ryou narrowed his eyes at this, he immediately turned to face the blond, his fists closed, ready for any attack.

"You know, normally I wouldn't mind your presence, since I need to avoid fights until my fight." The blond man spoke, approaching in calm steps toward Ryou. "But it's one of mine that you just beat up."

When he heard this, Ryou frowned, his eyes analyzing the approaching blond man.

"Then I can't let it stay this way."

The man stopped in front of Ryou, the moonlight illuminating to reveal the face of a well-known gang leader, Osanai Nobutaka.

The two were silent for a few seconds, both staring at each other intensely as they waited for the decision of who would make the first move.


Deciding to strike first, Ryou took advantage of the proximity to try to pierce Osanai's eyes with his fingers, he was surprised when the blond just moved his head to the side and countered with a punch to his ribcage, the force behind the blow causing him to widen his eyes from the pain.

Using a kick to push Osanai away, Ryou grabbed his rib, pain in his features.

"You felt it, didn't you?" Osanai cracked a mocking smile, he bounced around while keeping his guard up. "I got a lot more of those."

With one thrust, Osanai swept the distance between the two, him quickly striking Ryou with two jabs, which he blocked with difficulty. Attempting a counterattack, Ryou tried to grab Osanai to knock him down, but the blond just bounced back as he punched his chin, Narushima's brain swinging at his skull causing his legs to give way and he fell to his knees.

'What?' Ryou wondered, his eyes wide in shock as he stared at the ground in his hands. 'If this continues, I'm going to die!'

Gritting his teeth, Ryou clenched his fingers tightly, his eyes staring at Osanai's legs with murderous intensity.

'No... I'm not going to die!' Ryou shouted in his mind, him advancing towards Osanai, his fist being launched towards his knee, intending to break it in two. 'I refuse to die here!'


Before he could reach it, Osanai's fist struck the top of his head with enough force to push his face down, causing him to crash into the concrete, the power behind the blow being able to crush his nose and knock him unconscious.

"Tsc... Damn amateur." Osanai watched Ryou's body on the ground, his brow furrowed in anger.

Ignoring him, Osanai approached the teenager beaten by Ryou, recognizing him as a member of Akira's division.

"That shit did a number on you," Osanai commented as he picked the boy up and put him on his shoulder, turning toward the alley entrance.

Walking to leave the scene, Osanai made a point of stepping on Ryou's head, the sudden pain bringing his senses back and causing him to raise his head with difficulty, only to see Osanai's back before he disappeared among the people outside the alley.

'I... Was I killed?'




In front of the pharmacy where he now lived with Kou, Yuji looked around for a few seconds, the boy turning his gaze to Kou, who was standing next to him, the little girl with a worried look on her face.

She already knew about Yuji's plan, and as a child who had learned to survive without taking risks, she could not agree with him at all. As strong as he was, she did not want him to put himself in such danger. Unfortunately for her, that didn't change the boy's decision.

"I'm going, Kou." He crouched down in front of her, a warm smile on his lips. "Don't worry, this won't be more than a nuisance, I'll be back before you know it."

He had already assured her of his return, but this did not seem to convince the girl, who constantly tried to change her decision to attack the building of their zone leader. This continued until the point that the girl simply gave up, nodding in agreement whenever he assured her of his own safety.

"Wait for me inside the pharmacy, I'll be back before you know it."

With one last smile, Yuji disappeared from her sight in the blink of an eye, the girl watching where he had previously been for several seconds, before letting out a sigh and going back inside her house.

On top of the pharmacy, a masked man wearing a suit observed this scene in silence, he took a few steps back and disappeared in an instant.


Outside the local leader's building, two guards were silently guarding the entrance.

"Did you hear about what happened at the well?" One of the guards asked his companion.

"Yes... From the looks of it, they haven't found the person responsible for the attack yet."

"That sucks... Who would have thought that someone strong enough to beat several people would show up just in this district."

"Well, the leader's personal guard can do that, so it's not really a surprise."

"Good point."

The two chatted, not noticing the approach of a person, who stopped a few meters away from the building's entrance.

"Uh?" The guard's eyes turned to the figure, his brow immediately frowning as he took a step forward.

"What do you think you're doing? Get out of here you rat!" The guard shouted.


The figure did not respond, a small smile appearing on his lips as he snapped his neck. This sent signals to the guards, who immediately prepared for a fight, only for before they could even realize what had happened, a blow struck their jaws, the glow disappearing from their eyes as they both fell to the ground simultaneously.

Walking past their bodies as if nothing had happened, the figure entered the building, a cheeky smile on its lips.

"As planned."

The internal light from the building's entrance illuminated the figure's body, revealing a Yuji staring at three guards who were protecting the elevator leading to the top floor.

"Ha..." He let out a laugh, his eyes on the guards, who immediately went on alert at his arrival.
