
Path to Strength

This is the first book I am posting on this platform, so I ask for patience. My native language is not English, and I am not ashamed to say that I am using the so-called "Best Translator in the World" to help me with this work (DeepL translator). I was really trying to find fanfics that take place in the worlds of Baki, Kengan Ashura or the like, and although I found them, I only came across ones where the character gets supernatural powers that put him above any fighter from these worlds, and that frustrated me. A man needs to see two people fighting using their fists entirely, rather than creating interdimensional portals or something of that sort. So don't expect these kinds of powers here, because here there will just be the old way of solving problems. ---------------------------------------------------- It was a normal day for Yuji, going to school, then to the gym he was attending and finally home. A monotonous, but pleasant routine. There was no cause for pride, much less shame, so for the teenager that was enough. As always, everything was going as it should. That was until the moment when, looking in the mirror, the boy's whole perspective seemed to change. Facing someone who looked like him, but at the same time, was not him, Yuji sees himself in a similar world, but which is certainly not his. Crossover world of animes, including Tokyo Revengers, Baki, Kengan Ashura, Holyland, Hajime no Ippo and others that can easily be included in FF if readers have ideas.

TheJiujitsuGuy · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
230 Chs

Chapter 28

The drops of water were falling aggressively, in a heavy rain that made the streets fill up to their limits, the culverts impossible to deal with such ferocity of the weather. Walking calmly as if the water wetting his boots didn't bother him, Osanai carried a shopping bag with an umbrella protecting him from the ferocious drops of water. The blond man wore nice clothes, at least much nicer than those he would normally wear, and this was due to the interference of Yuji and Akira, who, upon visiting his home, were startled by the man's clothes. As much as he denied it, it proved impossible to stop the two boys from throwing his clothes away to buy new ones.

Although money was no problem for either of them, this did not improve Osanai's mood when he saw his clothes being thrown out the window.

Reaching his motorcycle parked under a tent for sales, currently closed, he pulled his keys from his pocket, but a moment before he climbed on the seat, the withered tire of his bike caught his eye.

"Uh? What the fuck is that? It was full when I got here." Frustrated, he bent down to check the condition of the tire, not long before he noticed a large cut, responsible for deflating it. "Who did that?!"

Osanai was not the smartest person, but he knew how to identify a knife cut on a tire, after all, in his life as a delinquent, he had done this several times. With a vein popping out on his forehead, the blond turned his head to the side, only to see a boot inches from his face, which hit him full on and pushed him backwards.


"Ugh! Son of a-" Before he could even swear at his attacker, his eyes caught the glint of a blade advancing toward him, forcing him to roll to the side to escape a stab to his neck.

Getting up quickly, Osanai immediately set his eyes on the figure that had just tried to stab him, his eyes noticing the jacket belonging to the members of Valhalla. "So it looks like Kisaki has finally decided to act against me." He immediately concluded, a devilish smile appearing on his lips as his aura began to leak from his body, causing his attacker to flinch, his eyes gleaming with fear.

"I should have finished that bastard off when I had the chance." Snapping his neck, he raised his fists as he began to jump, his devilish grin never leaving his lips. "Now it looks like he's going to annoy me by sending some flies to buzz in my ear."

While the former Osanai was a loser who dared not lift a finger against Kisaki, the current Osanai was nothing like his former self. His strength was leagues away from a few months ago, and his confidence about his abilities was even greater. Since the war against Toman and Valhalla, Osanai had not slackened in his training a single day, and in his current capabilities, Yuji believed that even Mikey would suffer at the hands of his first division captain.

Just as the blond was about to advance toward his attacker, his hearing picked up wet footsteps, causing him to turn to see four other Valhalla members, three of them carrying pocket knives while one carried a club in hand.

"Five in total." He muttered, slight concern sprouting in his eyes as he realized he was being surrounded. "Very well."

Opening his arms in a signal for the group of delinquents to move forward, Osanai cracked a wide smile. "You can come, you sons of bitches!"

"..." None of them responded, instead, they all advanced toward him, some of them letting crazy laughter escape from their throats as they pulled back their blades with intent to pierce Osanai with full force.

A dangerous gleam came from Osanai's eyes, and the moment one of them came close enough to punch him, he advanced towards him, this taking the offender by surprise and giving him no chance to attack when a punch landed on his face and sent him rolling for a few feet before stopping face down on the ground unconscious.

The delinquents stopped for a moment to watch their companion being thrown away like he was nothing, and that was enough time for Osanai to approach another of them carrying a blade. With desperation in his gaze, he immediately tried to slash Osanai, but the blow was easily avoided with the blond stopping moments before the blade hit him. "Help me-" Before the offender could call for support from the others, a heavy blow landed on his chin, the same feeling his jaw snap as his back slammed into a post, his eyes showing no sign of consciousness.

"Who's next?" Osanai asked as he raised his fist.

Seeing this, the delinquents swallowed dryly, but with enough courage, the one with the stick ran towards Osanai with fear in his eyes.







Standing in front of what looked like an old abandoned arcade, Yuji observed the surroundings with curiosity. It wasn't hard to find out the location of Valhalla's base, all it took was finding a few members and beating them until they put everything out. Sometimes it wasn't just words that they ended up putting out, which Yuji didn't find very pleasant, luckily he had their jacket to clean his boot.

Without waiting for anyone's permission, he opened the arcade door, immediately a strong smell of cigarettes with other substances hitting his nostrils and drawing a grimace from him.

"Great, junkies. Only because we had cleared all the territory of these dross." Among the members of Yggdrasil, it was no secret the hatred Yuji had for drugs, and this anger was for no particular reason, after all, did anyone need a reason to hate these types of substances? "I'll have Senju check to see if these shits are still being marketed around town."

The moment he set foot inside the place, immediately the eyes of all the delinquents turned to him, some surprised, some afraid, and some with pure malice. Many wondered what the hell the leader of a rival gang was doing alone in the wolf den, but Yuji knew better.

For him, being there was no different than being surrounded by newborn kittens.

"Oh, to what do we owe this visit? Commander of YggdrasiL~"

Yuji looked forward, immediately seeing a bandaged Hanma all over his torso and arms. This surprised him, after all, his ribs had been broken by Mikey.

"I just came to take a look at this rat's nest, after all, how can I take care of an infestation without knowing where they're coming from?" Yuji sneered as he approached, but his words angered some of the members, causing the bravest among them to advance toward Yuji with intent to attack him.

"You brat!" The attacker shouted as he punched Yuji, but the Yggdrasil leader didn't have to do much, simply moving his head to the side to evade the blow while with a quick counterattack, he hit the delinquent in the chin, causing his unconscious body to pass Yuji and fall face-first to the ground.

"You seem to have forgotten who it was that destroyed you last time." With a serious tone, Yuji stopped in front of Hanma, immediately noticing Baji and Kazutora standing at his sides. "I have nothing holding me back to simply tear this whole place apart with you guys in here, after all, this is my gang's territory."

"..." Hanma was silent, just staring at Yuji with intensity, who just did the same.

"You wouldn't be here talking if you had come here for this." It was Baji who spoke, his eyes narrowed as he stared at Yuji.

Without responding for a moment, Yuji put his hands in his pants pockets as he lifted his chin with superiority. This stirred the gang members, but they dared not move against the boy.

"Really." He finally spoke, a slight smile appearing on his lips. "I'm here to give you guys a chance."

Hanma raised an eyebrow at that, but let Yuji continue.

"Either you all give up all this shit before my patience runs out, or you'll all be dragged three palms below the ground next to Kisaki."


Kazutora, who was silent at all times, immediately exploded towards Yuji, his fist raised as he approached at considerable speed. With his eyes devoid of emotion, he had fully intended to kill Yuji right there, but when he was close enough to the boy, his eyes widened as his jaw was grabbed by Yuji's fingers, his body lifted into the air with such ease that it shocked even Hanma, who widened his eyes at the scene.

"You sick fuck." Yuji spat out the words with hatred. Even though he knew Kazutora had problems since the death of Mikey's brother, he didn't feel empathy enough to consider him different from the scum that was all the other members of Valhalla. The gang was entirely made up of delinquents who had no remorse in hurting innocent people, and there were even a few murderers among them. Except for Baji, all the rest were nothing but trash, that Yuji would feel no remorse at all to break the legs of each of them. "Don't try to act like you have power somewhere, you're just a few bastards who got together just to do shit without fear of getting caught. I'm being merciful in letting you make a choice."

With a simple motion, Yuji hurled Kazutora into a wall, causing the boy to crash his back hard enough to knock him unconscious.

"Kazutora!" Baji shouted as he ran toward him.

"So, Hanma." Yuji turned his eyes to Hanma, who, despite his calm expression, had sweat running down his forehead. Even with the madness of the delinquent, he felt the danger emanating from Yuji, and couldn't help but feel the nervousness invading his system.

"What is your choice?"