
Path to Strength

This is the first book I am posting on this platform, so I ask for patience. My native language is not English, and I am not ashamed to say that I am using the so-called "Best Translator in the World" to help me with this work (DeepL translator). I was really trying to find fanfics that take place in the worlds of Baki, Kengan Ashura or the like, and although I found them, I only came across ones where the character gets supernatural powers that put him above any fighter from these worlds, and that frustrated me. A man needs to see two people fighting using their fists entirely, rather than creating interdimensional portals or something of that sort. So don't expect these kinds of powers here, because here there will just be the old way of solving problems. ---------------------------------------------------- It was a normal day for Yuji, going to school, then to the gym he was attending and finally home. A monotonous, but pleasant routine. There was no cause for pride, much less shame, so for the teenager that was enough. As always, everything was going as it should. That was until the moment when, looking in the mirror, the boy's whole perspective seemed to change. Facing someone who looked like him, but at the same time, was not him, Yuji sees himself in a similar world, but which is certainly not his. Crossover world of animes, including Tokyo Revengers, Baki, Kengan Ashura, Holyland, Hajime no Ippo and others that can easily be included in FF if readers have ideas.

TheJiujitsuGuy · Anime & Comics
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230 Chs

Chapter 127

Sorry for the delay. I'm sorting out some issues with my move, helping to buy some furniture, and so on. Also, I had a problem with my wifi, but it is already fixed. I will get back to posting on patreon as soon as possible, and the posting of chapters will be back to normal.

Join my discord!


If you are interested in supporting me and reading the chapters in advance, here is my p@treon!


You can also search for: "BaritsuSupremacy" to find it on the platform.

I hope you enjoy the reading!



Senju didn't know how to feel about the idea of Yuji killing people. From the information she received from Hiyama, she knew that Akoya was a monster, who would not stop committing his crimes with just a beating.

But that didn't make the situation any better in his eyes. Killing was still something... difficult to think about.

She felt like a hypocrite to think so, since she really didn't care that Kisaki had been brutalized, rendering him unable to lead a normal life since he started living with the aid of life support equipment. In many people's view, that would be a fate worse than death, but still, Senju felt that Kisaki deserved that.

In fact, what bothered her most about all this was that Yuji didn't tell her that he was now killing people.... "Bad people," in Kou's words.

They had known each other for two years, and talked often when he was out of the country. They even kissed!

Their relationship could in no way be considered as just friends.

And yet, he didn't even mention to her about the place where Kou previously lived.


With a sigh, she shook her head, calming her thoughts as she walked beside Elena.

Fortunately, her friend was busy talking to Hiyama and Kou, preventing her from realizing that she was in her own internal monologue.

Maybe Senju was just thinking too much, after all, Yuji had to worry about winning a tournament, and would talk to her when the time was right.

She would be waiting for this moment, even if she didn't have much patience.


The result of the fourth fight came out as Yuji had predicted, with Muteba winning with few injuries compared to Sekibayashi, who was completely destroyed.

He could respect the Wrestler's pride in wrestling, but he did not agree with his methods at all. An underground fight was very different from a fight in the ring, which made it impossible to take on strong wrestlers while refusing to dodge.

While Sekibayashi could beat fighters of the level of Haruo and Akoya, he did not see him, under any circumstances, being able to last long against monsters of the level of Wakatsuki, Kanoh and Kuroki.

Probably a single [Blast Core] from Wakatsuki would be more than enough to leave him by a thread of his life.

"Hey, kid, it's your turn-"

As Sayaka was about to start the fights on the right block, Okubo caught Yuji's eye, only to see the seat where the teenager was sitting completely empty.

"Hey, that was a little scary." The MMA champion commented.

"He does that sometimes." Akira sighed.

"I wasn't even able to see him." Kaneda was sweating as he tried to understand how the boy had moved so fast.

[And let's start the fights from the right block! I know you're all excited for this!]

As he walked toward the arena, Yuji couldn't help but review some information he had from Saw Paing.

Letwei practitioner, skeleton hard as steel, and lively personality. There were no other traits that stood out from the fighter other than these, at least through what Yuji himself knew.

Other than his abnormally dense bones, there was no other feature that could be a problem. In fact, Yuji believed he could beat the older fighter fairly easily, since having learned Lethwei because he saw more use in it than in Muay Thai that neglected his punches, he knew how to combat the style.

His main plan was to simply overwhelm Saw Paing as several blows to the point that he was unable to continue fighting. If he resisted, he would just focus on his vital points and manipulate his flow to return all the damage from his punches back to him.

Inevitably he would fall.

[Representing the Village of the Dawn, the "Howling Fighting Spirit," Yoroizuka Saw Paing enters the arena!]


[And he's loud as ever!]

Yuji had to praise the strength the man had in his vocal cords.

Arriving at the entrance of the arena, he smiled when he saw his friends waiting for him in the alley. Karura and Kou were the first to notice his arrival, the two girls running up to him and throwing themselves into his arms, Yuji promptly holding them, though he didn't agree with Karura always jumping towards him whenever she saw him. But what would he do about it? Drop her to the ground? No, that would be a bit cruel to the girl.

Although there was something in the back of his mind telling him that she wouldn't mind that.

"Kou is rooting for Yuji." The little girl motivated him, an expression full of determination on her face, which Yuji found extremely cute. "But Kou knows that Yuji will win!"

"Yes! Karura is also rooting for Yuji!"

Karura said with a silly tone, her attempt to imitate Kou's way of speaking drawing a laugh from him as she seemed, for the first time, to annoy the little girl.

"Are you ready for this?" Senju suddenly asked, causing Yuji to turn his attention to her as he placed the two girls in his arms on the floor.

He didn't even have to use his system to realize that Senju was bothered by the fact that he had killed Akoya. It wasn't a side that he had shown her and Elena, so it was normal that they were both bothered, although he didn't feel that Elena seemed to care much about the matter... He would talk to the girl later, as this was rather unusual for a girl who was quite protected by her brother.

As for Senju, he wasn't saying that he was sorry for what he did, because he wasn't. In fact, the more he thought about it, the more he felt satisfied that he had done what he did.

What he would do is have an honest talk with the girl after the tournament. It was the least he owed her.

"Do you still need to ask? Since when have I not been ready for a fight?" Completely ignoring his past defeats, he asked confidently.

"You can do it, Yuji!" Elena also motivated him, this drawing a smile from his lips as he stroked the top of her head.

"Will you need my help? You must already know that I can time the fighters' breaths." Hiyama suddenly asked, the woman a little annoyed at the display of affection between Yuji and the girls.

"That won't be necessary, I'm sure I can handle it."

Hiyama nodded in agreement.

[And now, representing Yoshitake Real State, the "God Anomaly," Yuji Shinakawa is coming!]

"This is my moment, cheer for me." Smiling at the girls one last time, he walked past them and headed toward the arena, stopping only when Senju's voice sounded from his back.

"Don't hurt yourself, Kou wouldn't like it if you didn't come back in one piece."

Laughing at his words, he entered the arena.

The girl's words seemed more like a way to hide what she really meant, but he would not comment on that.

At least not yet.