
Path To Our Future

Guy Donnelly: 6 '0'' approximately 175 pounds, very good shape due to active and regular workout regimen. Shaved dirty blonde hair and blue eyes, pale skin from Irish descent. Dirty bit: fully erect approximately 8 inches. Trademark clothing: black leather jacket with hood. Korinna Patrick: 5’8” approximately 125 pounds, Curvy build not active with working out but not lazy. Shoulder length brown hair and Grey eyes, lightly tanned skin but Caucasian. Dirty bit: C cup breasts to D cup, Hips 36”. Trademark look: Think of the girl you could take home to your parents. Katy Monroe: 5’7” approximately 155 pounds, full figured but actively works out. Short black hair down to her ears and Green eyes, tanned with heavy ear piercings, Caucasian. Dirty bit: well endowed D cups and hips almost 40”. Trademark look: Punk girl you met behind a corner store who asked you to buy her smokes. Mathilda Amdahl: 6’4” approximately 215 pounds, Built like a wall with an active workout regimen and basketball player. Shoulder length blonde hair, a little wavy with pale blue eyes, Caucasian. Dirty bit: B cup breasts and muscular build. Trademark look: The girl you bring home and she talks to your Dad about more sports than you do. Imelda Ortega: 5’9” approximately 150 pounds, Lean build due to an active job as a mechanic. Long black/brown hair to her shoulder blades and deep brown eyes, Latina. Dirty bit: B cup breasts and 36” hips. Trademark look: She’ll fix your car and fight the girl at the bar but she’ll take your nut if you give her a reason to. Rachael Bingham: 5’6” approximately 105 pounds, petite build light activity such as yoga. Long strawberry blonde hair to the small of her back with some curls and deep hazel eyes, Caucasian. Dirty bit: barely a B cup and 28” hips. Trademark look: Sweet, Innocent, could make you feel bad just by crying. The one you want to bring home to Mom and Dad. Natsuko Nakamura: 5’2” approximately 85 pounds, Small build. Short black hair with blue highlights in the bangs down to the bottoms of her ears and brown eyes, Japanese American. Dirty bit: A cup and 26” hips. Trademark look: The little Asian punk girl. Sister to Junichi. Ben Scranton: 5’11” approximately 165 pounds, muscled but no definition. Black hair is slicked back and combed, near black/brown eyes. Dirty bit: Fully erect approximately 7 inches. Trademark Look: Casual prep of the crew, currently dating Guy’s sister Liz. Hanna Michaels: 5’6” approximately 135 pounds, curvy frame but a hint of athletic muscle from basketball. Curly ginger hair down to her shoulders with pale green eyes. Dirty bit: Large B cup breasts to C cup and 32” hips. Trademark look: All around good girl, she’s the bi girl you bring around your girlfriend. Devin Hewitt: 6’5” approximately 310 pounds, built like a barrel and stronger than most people around his age. Shaggy blonde hair and hazel eyes. Dirty bit: Fully erect approximately 8 inches. Trademark look: Camouflage coat that doesn’t work for hiding him, gentle giant of the group. Masha Golovin: 6’ approximately 170 pounds, muscled from work but not work outs with mild definition. Curly as hell blonde hair that when worn down gets to her shoulders and bright blue eyes. Dirty bit: b cup breasts and 38” hips. Trademark look: Denims and athletic wear for durability, Devin’s girlfriend.

Fredrick_Udele · Fantasy
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87 Chs


Amazingly he gets what I'm saying and he backs up, sadly it's not to back down. I shake my head and leave money to pay my bill before getting up and stepping outside and heading towards my bike. Sure enough they follow me but when I take out my pistol both of them freeze and I chuckle shaking my head. I remove the magazine and put it on safe before tucking it into my saddlebag, then I remove my leather jacket leaving me in my jeans t shirt and boots.

"So are you both going to come at me at the same time or do you want to take turns," I ask plainly.

Two targets, one about my height and lean while the other is a bit taller but heavier, sure enough the heavy one decides to approach first and I stop him with a hand.

"So do you plan to play football professionally," I ask, getting a confused look.

"What? Yeah why," big boy asks, confused.

"Oh just didn't want to ruin your career before it starts," I reply with a smirk.

Welcome to the 'Hi, I'm going to cock my fist back to my shoulder and leave myself unbelievably open for attack' show. This episode was brought to you by dumbass number two who literally goes all TV with his attempt at a punch, sadly for him this isn't TV. I darted inside his range fast and hit him with rapid strikes from my fists to his torso ending in a solid shot to his lower abdomen and buckling him over. I bring my fist up hard to his face and feel the big boy's nose break with the impact before he falls backwards in pain. I straighten myself up and see the one who tried to get me to move trying to summon his nerve to come at me.

"Seriously, I just spent ten seconds whipping the dog shit out of your friend and now you want a shot," I ask surprised.

The girls they were with are staring at me like I just walked out of a wet dream but I'm focused on dumbass number one, he looks like he's seen a boxing movie or two but never had any real training. I almost want to show him how to fight before this kicks off but instead I settle for him rushing me and taking a wild swing that I duck. I snake my arm up under the arm he swung with and hook the arm, neck and head before stepping forward and bending him backwards over my hip. I'm bent forward holding him for half a second before launching us both backwards and while my back is the first thing to hit the ground for me for dumbass number one it's his forehead that hits with a sickening smack. I roll him off my arm and stand up before adjusting my shirt and I spot Nathaniel coming out of the restaurant talking on his phone. I let him get to me and he addresses me with a bit of humor.

"The police are on their way and you have witnesses," He tells me pointing to the doorway where I see Trudy with a shocked look on her face.

An ambulance and two cars show up, one with Sheriff John and Deputy Connie. Sheriff John is assessing the damage while Deputy Connie gets the witness statements. I am sitting on my bike when the Sheriff comes over to speak with me.

"So this is clearly a cut and dried matter of self defense. Smart move putting the firearm away," He tells me with some honesty," They'll be back home before midnight but you need to figure out why people keep trying to screw with you."

"Oh that's easy, I don't bend over backwards and kiss anyone's ass," I reply with a smile.

Nathaniel catches himself from laughing while the Sheriff just shakes his head before heading back to his car. I put my coat back on and mount up on my bike and notice Deputy Connie watching me as I pull out and head back to my hotel room. I'm inside and safe before checking my bruises and knuckles, they're sore but some ice helps as I sit and voice text the girls. They are doing fine and I get a full update that there have been no sightings of anyone suspicious of Ben but everyone is working and Maggie is doing well after her incident. I let them go and note the time is late and start to get changed for bed when I get a knock on my door. I'm in no shirt, shoes or socks; just my jeans and I check the peephole and shake my head before opening to a plain clothed Deputy Connie Morgan in a jean jacket, black t-shirt and jeans with cowboy boots.

"Good evening Deputy, is there something I can help you with," I ask as she pushes the door open forcing her way into my room.

"Yes you can, first off we are settling this between us right now because I've tried to be at the very least nice to you and you have just thrown shit in my face for it. And secondly how do you look so good without a shirt," She asks, a little drunk but not too much.

"I work out a lot and I'm not nice to you because you weren't nice to me the first time we met. First impressions are important and you didn't make a great one," I tell her as she sits down at my hotel table.

"Well we're getting you past that right now because I'm tired of it and I'm a nice person," Connie informs me poking at my lone file of information on Tessa and Gwen.

I take the file from the table and put it somewhere out of sight, Connie doesn't pay it much attention as she seems more focused on me. I sit down on the foot of the bed keeping some space between us.

"So where did you learn to fight like that? The Sheriff said it looked a little familiar but he wouldn't say where he thought he knew it from," she asks, prying into my life.

"Same place I learned to handle a firearm and deal with interrogation," I tell her, keeping my tone neutral.

"Awww that's not a good answer, why don't you want to talk about yourself," She asks, still digging.

"Because I failed sharing in kindergarten," I reply avoiding questions from drunken law enforcement.

"You don't make things easy for women do you," Connie states a little put off.

"I make things easy for my fiancés," I reply, letting some information slip.

"Wait, you're getting married and you said fiancés as plural. How many women are you marrying behind each other's backs," She asks and I figure I'd better get this out of the way now.

"I'm marrying five women and they all know each other, they get along and treat each other equally and I love them all equally," I explain my life facts.

"Well that must make it easy to keep from cheating," Connie says a little downcast when I spot something.

"I'm pretty sure your husband would say the same thing," I reply pointing out her wedding ring.

"Oh fuck that, it's from my ex husband. As soon as he's back in the US he's divorced from me which is probably why he sends me the weirdest pictures from North Africa," she says, now confusing herself.

"Okay I think you should probably head home and sleep it off before you work tomorrow," I tell Connie, helping her up when she stops me halfway to the door.

I get backed up to the bed as Connie turns me and places her hand on my chest gently pushing me backwards so that I'm now sitting on the foot of the bed. I watch Connie in all of her 5'9" glory as she undoes her own jeans and slides them off her hips revealing a pair of black panties. She's very fit and I wait for her to make the first move as she leans down and begins to undo my pants. I help her a little by lifting my ass off the bed as she pulls them down and off of me. She removes her coat and separates my legs leaning in and tugging on my underwear waistband exposing my cock. No words in shock, no comment on size from her either. She simply pulls me out as I'm not hard and places me in her mouth sucking and working me over with her tongue and lips. No head bobbing or real movement but with her sucking me and keeping me full in her mouth I begin to harden and it feels really good since I've been without for almost a week now, I can't go without for a week back home because I have the girls. I feel Connie her mouth up the length of my shaft before slamming forward with force as she uses me to fuck her face. I take her head in my hand and start bucking my hips a little while holding her head so that she doesn't move at all. I hear a little gagging noise before letting her go and she pulls her mouth off of me and I get shoved so that I'm laying down now. I decide to crawl back up the bed, not in some stupid submissive feeling, I just like being all on the bed. Connie finishes getting her pants off and pulls off her panties as well before crawling up my body and with a sure hand takes hold of my cock and guides me inside her. Her wetness is good; it has to be considering her body is damn near trying to shut me out. She's so tight that once we get the head in it takes some grinding and a little pressure to get me deeper inside.

"Come on… first real dick in three years and it's not going," Connie groans as we're working inside her little by little.