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"Revenge, of what kind ,are u thinking of killing those monsters Sanyam " asks Rakshit

"that is correct ! but not now lets rest a bit and take care of him tomorrow morning , and as you know that more Aryan sleeps that much stronger he get , we'll take some rest u can practice your power too, but don't overdo it and I'm sure tomorrow morning the whole world will know about this incident, it will be on news or stuff and as that Azz said there are lot of "Nan Ogres" on earth so maybe army or other " PLAYERS " will come soon , world is gonna change " says Sanyam coldly

" oh it's giving me shivers " says Karan


" World changing is a big thing to say ! but after seeing this inhumanly things this statement is pretty much justified hahah" says Mudit

" enough talking let's rest for now " says Sanyam .

Next day 19th April 2023 , Time – 11:43 am

World was in chaos people got to know about this huge incident many public offices, police station , travelling places were attacked yesterday millions people died all over the world . Many Reporters were covering this change , people got to know power system and the inhumanly strength inside them . News about "AZUREKAIZU" and "NAN OGRES" were all over the internet , army with tanks , launchers attacked those " Nan Ogres" but only 24 died all over the world , the whole world face casualties from all over the world , many small and weak countries were destroyed without any chance to survive , India and China faced the most problem because of their population . News of Awakened Players were all over the internet , government is trying to make many Awakeners work under them .

" oh my god is this real , Sanyam was right , news really got spread but none of them talked about Jaipur" says Aryan

"well it happened not only Jaipur but other places too , but Ya news about Delhi is pretty horrible many people died , Sanyam did you contacted your Parents are they safe " says Parikshit .

Sanyam was in most tension because family lives in Delhi , Because Delhi suffered the most all over the India

" Yaa they are safe I contacted them a while ago , Army rescued them a while ago , well those "Nan ogres " destroyed my house but still I'm happy now they are safe " says Sanyam

" haaash … ok then , our parents are also safe we talked to them on phone while ago says they didn't even get a scratch " says all

"hmmmm... good for you , but ….. " says Sanyam

"But what Sanyam " says all in worries

" my brother lost his left arm to that "Nan Ogre" while they were running away , he's alive and in hospital " says Sanyam holding himself

"whaaaaaat…" says Karan.

"So are you going back to Delhi Sanyam " says Param

"No! nothing good will happen if I go , cutting my brother arm huh looks like it's a invitation for their demise " says Sanyam angrily

"Ya those monster killed our friends , we also got a call from Sharad's mother even from Manish's Father we couldn't even say a word , and first time I experienced it they cried and asked if he's alive or not " says Param with tears in his eyes

They all were so angry that their face was overflowing from emotions , and suddenly Sanyam got angry at that a stage he couldn't even hold back , his hand started showing a purple and golden light , his hand started burning , emitting those powerful purple flames his right hand started burned so much that his sleeves got burned , his t shirt started burning , everyone started calming him down , after a while Sanyam got control over his emotion , but shocking thing was his clothes burned but not his skin like that fire is a part of his body , his sleeves burned after a while whole t shirt fall apart from his body .

"Sanyam calm down , calm down we'll take revenge and we'll kill that "Nan Ogre" even that Azz " says Parikshit calming him down

"I'm lending this extra t shirt to you just don't burn it ok " says Param

" uhh ok I'll try to keep my cool , thanks for the t shirt " says Sanyam

After a while...............…

"so are you guys ready for saving other students and killing those "Nan Ogres" , a while a ago I got a call from Ayush he said he and some other students are safe and are hiding inside a mess " says Sanyam

" any other news" Rakshit asks

"Hmm there is , there are total 8 "Nan ogres" in our campus , 1 is at basketball court , 2 at girls hostel , 1 at Law block , 2 at engineering block , and last 2 at cricket ground but they are keeps changing there position ." says Sanyam

" hmm. But how does Ayush know all that" asks Karan

" Ya so Ayush got a (A) rank skill named "X- RAY", Addition to another (A) rank named "HIDE" he is seeing through buildings , and can hide his presence near those "Nan Ogres" a perfect spy right " so he will keep us Updated time to time we can implement our attack anytime "says Sanyam

"Hmm, that's a pretty good ability, we now can commence or attack " says Param

" that is correct , by the way Mudit what ability you stole from Sharad " Sanyam asks

" Ya , I got a skill (B) rank skill named Lightweight , I can decrease your weight at that point that you can levitate if you jump , pretty good for ariel attack right "says Mudit in a excited way

" what about other ability " asks Karan

"sorry I can only steal one ability at a time it has a cooldown of 2days " says Mudit

"don't worry about that , btw Sanyam are there any people that got any combat skill " Aryan asks

"First of all most of them didn't even awakened , but I got to know there is a person who got the (S) rank skill "ICE MANIPULATION" btw shocking thing is she's a girl from girls hostel , and a boy named Reyansh got a (S)rank skill called " Controller" he can control object it's kind of psychic powers there are some more people too , a person with a (AAA)skill called "SHARPSHOOTER" with his (B)skill called "THRUST" , and some other people too but these three and Ayush are right now leading all of them " SANYAM says

" WOAAHH.. there are more people with (S) rank skills ." says Aryan

" ok now let's take everything to commence our attack , Karan go call Ayush to tell that we are coming in 2 hours ." says Sanyam

"OK" says Karan

"Everyone start Preparing for the battle , take all those metals , Rakshit use your skill to make them different type of weapon, swords, spear, knives etc , Mudit use your skill to make them lightweight , so that other people can use them , Parikshit use your skill to lend for my skill and get familiar with it , Karan you try to lift , pierce and throw objects using your hell binds , Param help them to separate different weapon and test them , Aryan you just go to sleep to increase you power more , I'll practice my power too" says Sanyam


"everyone don't worry I've contacted the outside team , they all are awakened and will help us soon " says Ayush to people in front of him, Ayush was a black man with glasses with big beard he was wearing casual clothes and his height was around 185cm

Then a girl approaches Ayush from behind

"Ayush who are they , you didn't mention about them before, are they strong " says a beautiful girl with a very pretty face and her hair was open , she was wearing red top with blue jeans and shoes ,her height was around 173cm.

" I'm sorry about that Khushi , but that was their plan to not to tell anyone , they were the first to encounter those "NAN OGRES" , they even killed underling of that "NAN OGRES" without any powers , they also got the most attacking skill , you can say I got instruction from their leader that not to tell anyone they are actually preparing some weapons for those who didn't awaken so it will take around 2hours " says Ayush

" oh is that so" says Khushi

" and they are preparing some small knives for Reyansh so that he can control them" says Ayush

"SWEEEET, but preparing weapons only in 2 hours , is this because of a skill " says Reyansh , a handsome boy with clean shave his height was same as Karan .

"Hmm , I don't know a lot about their skill ,but thing I know that is most of them are (S)rank .

"(S) rank that's crazy " says a another boy with a rod in his hand he was a skinny boy with specs .

" Hmm Sankalp , they are total of 7 people , actually they were 8 but one of them was killed by Azz" says Ayush

" Whaat! Azz kills other "PLAYERS" too" says Khushi

" Hmm , after that incident , I got one more info , that you should use "MR" while talking to that Azz and never.. ever…. Ever disrespect the creator of this game in front of Azz or you'll die " says Ayush

"Hmm , lets divide our teams and continue to check on those "NAN OGRES" movements " says Sankalp

"ok " everyone agrees

After a while ............

We see 7 people were flying at a very high speed , they were all Sanyam and his friends ,

"wohho ho , Amazing Param your skill is seriously amazing , I never thought I could ride sound waves " says Aryan while laughing

" Well , I figured out this a while ago too and it accelerated us at 10x speed , we'll reach campus in just 3minutes I guess " says Param

" hey Sanyam contact Ayush that we are coming in a while " says Parikshit

"hmm , wait " says Sanyam , and shouts "OPEN STATUS WINDOW, REQUEST A CALL TO PLAYER AYUSH " ...….

IN MESS ....

A big screen appeared in front of Ayush saying CALL REQUEST FROM "PLAYER SANYAM" WILL YOU ACCEPT ( YES/NO)

"YES , ACCEPT" says Ayush

Then Sanyam says " Yo , Ayush we are on our way be ready "

"ok " says Ayush

" first tell me current status of those monsters " says Sanyam

"ya so if you are coming from main gate . then there is one in garden in front of main gate, then 2 in Boy's hostel 3, 1 infront of mess but it cannot feel us or see us because of my skill, 1 in between engineering and law block and last 3 are on cricket ground together ." says Ayush

" Hmm Ok we are coming from main gate , give us more info " says Sanyam

" oh ok so that "NAN OGRE" is in the garden , he is kind of different than other "NAN OGRES" he doesn't have any sword he have heavy and a blunt weapon kind of like a "MACE" he annihilated whole Boys hostel 1 , not a single one is alive from Boy's hostel 1, 300 boys tried to kill him by making a group but they were all killed by him , and now he's sitting on a pile of those 300 people " says Ayush

"What a Badass" Karan says from behind .

" Karan , it's not a joke he's probably the strongest from those 8 " says Ayush in a tensed way

"hmm, sorry about that" says Karan

" ok , Ayush you take your people to that monster who is between engineering and law block we'll send Rakshit and Param to you , take their help to kill that "NAN OGRE" , and we will kill that strongest monster , we are right now in front of main gate you guys should start moving ,we'll meet at cricket ground " says Sanyam

" ok" says Ayush

"Karan begin" says Sanyam coldly

"HELLL BINDS" Karan says , then suddenly black steel chains started coming out from Karan's sleeves when they came out they started growing bigger and bigger and then Karan grabbed the main gate with his Hell binds and started pulling out ,( so Karan can control those binds with ease so even he pulls something that thing breaks easily) then those binds broke the gate and throwed at that garden.

"HUH! WHAT'S THAT ?" Says that monster , then he reacted quickly and break the main gate in pieces with is mace .

"HUFF .. HUFFF .. IS THAT A PLAYER " says "NAN OGRE " to himself

"Everyone charge" Sanyam shouts .

"FLAME INFUSION" Says both Sanyam and Parikshit they were using Unique skill – Phoenix of hell , and Parikshit used his BEGGAR skill for using Phoenix of hell that Sanyam lended to him .

"SACRIFICE STATS" says Aryan he sacrificed his stats that he made in his sleeping section. He sacrifice 3 stats from each section

They all were fast because they were riding soundwaves created by Param and were very lightweight because of Mudit's skill .

" CHAOTIC SMASH " all three of them shouted and punched that monster , impact generated from that attack was so much that it broke the trees and ground itself and because of flames everything in garden started burning , Parikshit can only take 5% of power but it still was one hell of a Attack .

Monster got punched so hard that he went away and fell on those pile of people that he killed .

"HAHAHHAHA ….WOW PLAYERS I DIDN'T EXPECT THAT YOU WILL BE THIS STRONG THESE 300 PEOPLE COMBINED EFFORTS CAN'T MATCH THIS ATTACK ,NOT EVEN 1% " Says that monster while spitting blood from his mouth , his blood was of purple color .

Then that monster stood up and started throwing the dead bodies near him on them as a distraction , so that they can't attack .

"Don't attack to those dead bodies , we have to save atleast those bodies so that we can send them back to their families " says Sanyam

"Understood" says all

They all started dodging and saving those bodies he was throwing at them

"HAHAHA HOW NOBLE , BUT I GUESS YOU FACED MY SON BEFORE HE KILLED SOMEONE LIKE HIM...." Then that huge monster shows the head of a very familiar face , it was none other than Manish .

At that moment Aryan's mind snapped...............

" SACRIFICE ALL OF IT " says Aryan without any emotion on his face .

Aryan throws a punch , it was so strong that his own hand couldn't handle that power , he couldn't channel power perfectly it was overflowing with power he got red lines on his own face and hand he ran toward him and throws a punch on him on his chest , then that monster quickly react to that punch and block that attack .

"AAAHHHHH … MY HANDS …MY HANDS I I .. I CAN'T MOVE THEM " says that Monster , his bones were completely destroyed .

Then Aryan runs toward with his intense red force surrounding him

"Aryan calm down , control yourself , you are hurting yourself ,uhhh he's not listening " says Parikshit

" If he's not stopping then let's help him kill that Bastard " says Sanyam

"Karan you stay with me, other than Karan go help Ayush and others" says Sanyam

"OHHHKK then lets begin " says Karan excitedly

Then Aryan punch on that monster's face and sent him flying

Then from air we see a man with purple flames all over him , he was using those flames to propel himself , it was none other than Sanyam

"FLAME INFUSION" says Sanyam and infuse his purple flames on his right leg but this time he had control over those flames and he didn't burn his clothes .

"PHOENIX SCYTHE" he then propel his right leg and turned upside down and kicks that monster, that monster couldn't even resist his whole chest skin got burned , even his blood started evaporating , then monster gets thrown back to ground

"GO, HELL BINDS" says Karan , when that monster was falling down , Karan prepares his final attack "DEATH FLOWER" Karan shouts , he creates a flower made of his "HELL BINDS" it was looking like lotus but horrifying and when that monster falls into it , that flower started devouring and squeezing him to death and as a final touch Aryan attacks with full force attack on that monster's face and this time he ripped his whole face from his body

"Finally , it's dead" says Sanyam

"Heyyyyyyyyy Aryan you stole my kill, that's not good" says Karan

With that much injury Aryan get's unconscious and when worried Sanyam and Karan checks him he was just.....

"...sleeping , again..." says Karan

"Let's carry him and take him to safe place and rest for a bit " says Sanyam

" but I'm not tired I want to kill one … on my own " says Karan while pouting

" Uhhhh you're such a kid , but not a normal one , a brutal kid " Sanyam sighs

"hehhe" Karan laughs

"uhh fine as per Ayush's report there is one "NAN OGRE" near mess that they made their hideout . kill him and we'll make that place ours " Says Sanyam

" Thankuuuuuuuuuu " says Karan

" I said stop acting like a child " says Sanyam while scolding Karan .


Then we see the fight between engineering block and law block

"Thanks Rakshit for creating these weapon I can't believe you made 56 swords, 7 spears and 16 battle knives and 17 sheilds in just 2 hours" says Ayush

"thanks you all too for coming here " says Khushi to Param, Parikshit and Mudit

" we'll accept thanks after we all make it alive " says Mudit

"hahahha well why don't we stop hiding and begin the battle " says Reyansh

"Hey Ayush remove your skill and lets start the fight according to the plan " says Sankalp

"ok then" says Ayush

And when Ayush removes his skill , then that monster quickly charged toward them with his sharp big sword in his hand

" ok "DEFENCIVE TEAM" forward, stop his attack " says Khushi ,17 non awakened people started blocking that monster sword strike, and they succeed in doing so "wohoho this shield is very light but super strong "says one of those non awakened

Then Ayush hide himself and Mudit and get near that monster , "lets make things easier "LIGHTWEIGHT" Mudit uses that skill to make that monster very lightweight .

"everyone push forward " Khushi orders , to the "ATTACKING UNIT " with swords alongside "DEFENSIVE UNIT" they started stabbing him , then that monster also released his underling , then that underling attacked some Non awakened people , they were injured pretty badly then suddenly .

"ICICLE SHARD" Khushi shouts , then a big shard made of ice flies toward that mini monster and penetrates his head in one shot .

"AHhahahahhaha , now my turn " says Reyansh " GO BATTLE KNIVES" he controls those 16 battle knives and started damaging "NAN OGRE" limbs so that the monster can't do any kind of movement .

"let's end it " says Sankalp , "ONE SHOT KILL" Sankalp shouts then throws his spear that directly penetrates through "NAN OGRE" head , then that monster dies on the spot .

"hahahahahah finally this ended , let's go to cricket ground as per instructions" says Ayush while laughing

"NO, Ayush many of us are injured , first let's go back to mess and let others have some rest " says Khushi

"hmm, Ayush call their leader and ask him for a meeting first . we can the battle later " says Sankalp

"well if you say , so " says Ayush

AFTER A WHILE ...........................…..

"I've contacted they are already in mess and are resting there " says Ayush .

"Hmm, that's good let's go there " says Sankalp

Then they starting going back to the mess for rest , than they see a scene infront of their eyes, it was almost like they stepped into hell , they saw other 6 other "NAN OGRES" together but the scarier thing was that in front of them two people were playing with those "NAN OGRES" as if they were just small kids . seeing that scene , it seemed as if they were making fun of their whole hard work . 5 Of those monster were already dead and they felt bad for that last monster, it was the same monster that killed many of their people but those 2 people that were playing that last monster felt more brutal and horrifying

Then "Shing.. Karan slashed that monster head and played with it like it was a football

"HAHAHAHAHHAHAH see , see Sanyam I told its much fun to playing with these green potatoes than resting " says Karan , "HAHAHAHAH I can't agree more hahahhahahahah" says Sanyam , they both laughed like maniacs

"WHO …WHO THE HELL ARE THOSE MONSTERS" says Khushi , it was felt like she was trembling to her bone .

And when they turn around we see their whole face and clothes were drenched in blood

"HHHUUUUHHH who are you?" says both of them with a angry look .