
Path To Immortality

Tang Zhi, a naive and handsome young man with no knowledge of the cultivation world, encounters a stroke of luck when an Elder from a powerful sect visits his village and takes him on as a disciple. However, Tang Zhi's ignorance of the cultivation world becomes his greatest obstacle—one that he must face without even realizing it.

Spectat0r · Urban
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10 Chs

Becoming A Cultivator

To become a cultivator, one must cultivate a cultivation technique that will enable the dantian to absorb cosmic energy and convert it into Qi.

There were two different types of cultivation techniques: sect cultivation techniques and normal cultivation techniques.

If you cultivate a sect cultivation technique, you'll be able to learn and use the sect's martial techniques as well as any other techniques you may find or purchase.

In this case, once Tang Zhi comprehends the Moonlight Supreme technique, he would be able to learn the Moon Palace martial techniques.

A normal cultivation technique means you can't comprehend any sect's martial techniques unless that sect has no restrictions on their martial techniques. This is rare, as most sects don't want their techniques to spread throughout the world.

The issue with this system is that if you do not cultivate the sect's designated technique, you will not be permitted to remain within the sect. Consequently, if you discover a higher-grade cultivation technique that you wish to pursue, you would be forced to leave the sect, thereby losing its support and numerous other advantages.

The higher the grade of the cultivation technique, the faster you will absorb cosmic energy.

This essentially means that if someone with a small dantian cultivates a powerful technique, they will have an absorption rate comparable to that of a giant dantian, albeit without the corresponding size and speed to transform it into Qi faster.

This also applies to someone with a giant dantian who cultivates a powerful technique. Their absorption rate of cosmic energy would be unmatched.

This was the case for Tang Zhi. However, his physique still held him back immensely. Despite his ability to absorb cosmic energy quickly and convert it into Qi, his Tiger physique caused all produced Qi to be of low quality. As a result, the time it would take him to advance to the next stage of a realm would be considerable.

A day later, Tang Zhi felt a profound change in his body, particularly in his stomach.

Tang Zhi opened his eyes and smiled. 'I finally did it!'

However, his happiness was short-lived when he smelled a disgusting odor emanating from his body.

He noticed that there was black liquid oozing from him. This was the impurities being expelled from his body and dantian as part of ascending from mortal to cultivator.

Tang Zhi wasted no time and headed to the bathroom to take a shower. After three hours of scrubbing to rid himself of the scent, Tang Zhi exited the bathroom, only to hear a shout.

"Ahhh! W-What are you doing here? A-And why are you naked?" Mao Jia exclaimed in panic upon seeing Tang Zhi leave the bathroom with a towel wrapped around his lower half.

She covered her eyes with her palms, her face redder than a tomato. Despite a strong urge to sneak a glance at Tang Zhi's body, she managed to resist the temptation.

"I apologize, Senior Sister. Head Elder Ren brought me here to cultivate the Moonlight Supreme. I didn't know anyone was here at this time..." Tang Zhi said apologetically, feeling extremely guilty.

Mao Jia turned around and retrieved a communication slip to contact her master.

"Master! Why didn't you tell me you were bringing someone here? I ran into him as he exited the shower!"

Hearing his disciple's angry voice, Head Elder Ren responded from the slip, "What do you mean, Jia? I brought Tang Zhi there to comprehend the Moonlight Supreme in the guest room."

"Well, he's currently standing right behind me naked with only a towel! Hurry over here!" she exclaimed before stowing the communication slip back into her spatial ring.

Tang Zhi was taken aback to hear Mao Jia speak to Head Elder Ren in such a manner. He knew Elder Ren commanded great respect within the sect, yet Mao Jia addressed him as if they had been acquainted since birth.

If anyone were to speak in such a manner to merely an Elder, they would face severe punishment.

A few minutes later, Elder Ren arrived and inquired, "Tang Zhi, is there something wrong with your meditation? Why are you out so soon?"

"I'm finished," he said nonchalantly.

"What! Impossible! It takes at least months to comprehend a divine-grade technique, and you're telling me you did it in merely a day?!" Elder Ren couldn't believe what he was hearing.

Mao Jia was considered a genius among geniuses for comprehending the technique in two weeks and a half, yet Tang Zhi had done it in just a day.

This was unheard of in all of heaven and earth. If he really did comprehend it in just a day, then he would be in a league of his own in terms of talent.

"I really did. You can check to see if I'm lying," Tang Zhi said confidently.

Elder Ren staggered backwards upon seeing Tang Zhi's dantian rid of impurities. "I-It's true..." he muttered in astonishment.

Mao Jia was speechless. All she could manage were small noises of shock.

"This is truly unfortunate. If you had a better physique, you would become a figure known throughout the world..." Elder Ren couldn't help but pity Tang Zhi for his physique.

Tang Zhi also felt disheartened after realizing his extraordinary talent contrasted with his physique limitations. However, he didn't let it overwhelm him too much, knowing there was nothing he could do but continue moving forward.

"Head Elder Ren, may I have a new uniform please? My other one got drenched in impurities," Tang Zhi asked politely.

Elder Ren nodded and fetched him a new uniform. Tang Zhi entered the guest room and emerged a few minutes later, clad in a fresh uniform.

Tang Zhi bowed respectfully. "I'm sorry for the trouble I've caused you, Senior Sister. I hope you'll forgive me," he said sincerely.

After regaining her composure, Mao Jia instantly recalled seeing his unclothed body and blushed again.

"J-Just leave!" she said.

Tang Zhi smiled gratefully and thanked Head Elder Ren before taking his leave.

"Every time you're around him, your face turns red. Don't tell me the infamous heart crusher has fallen for a man," Head Elder Ren teased Mao Jia.

She ran into her room in embarrassment, yelling, "Shut up!"

Head Elder Ren didn't blame her. It was as if Tang Zhi's face had a compelling charm. Even he found it difficult not to admire Tang Zhi's appearance, despite his strong will. So, it was only natural for someone younger and less experienced than him to be more bewitched.

Head Elder Ren instantly recalled that Tang Zhi wouldn't know his way back to his room and hurried after him.


Tang Zhi finally returned to his room after Head Elder Ren escorted him back. He jumped into his bed to take a nap.

Rising from his bed, Tang Zhi stretched his limbs and noticed Gu Yufeng cultivating on his own bed.

Opening his eyes upon hearing Tang Zhi rise, Gu Yufeng greeted him, "Good morning, sleepyhead. You've been sleeping for six days, which means you became a cultivator a few days ago. Congratulations."