
Path To Becoming Master Of Death

Josh is born into a world where humans and beasts are able to use the legendary mana. Born into a poor family of normal humans, and his father dying when he was at a very young age. He approaches a girl named Chloe Fireheart, and due to sudden turn of events, he accompanies her home. He discovers her true identity as a Vampire. Weighing the pros and cons he decides to become one. After his transformation ritual. An abnormality happens. "The only way to escape death is to become stronger than death itself." Join Josh on his journey to becoming master of death. Note: this cover is not mine.

Shattered_sword444 · Fantasy
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14 Chs

Chapter 4: tough decisions

"You're a monster." Chloe said, exasperated.

"I'm just an ordinary guy." Josh said, a bittersweet smile forming on his face.

"Tell me more about the system." Chloe urged, eager to find out more about the mythical system she had read about in almost all the light novels she had ever read.

Josh sighed and said, "I have apparently been given some kind of legacy by Ares."

"The god of war?" Chloe interrupted.

"Yes." Josh said, and continued, "it says I have been burdened with the task of fulfilling his wish." Josh paused.

"Which is?" Chloe asked, eager to know what the wish was.

"To defeat death." Josh said, coolly.

"Defeat death?" Chloe asked, with a confused expression on her face.

"It is what it is." Josh sighed.

"But death isn't a person. Is it?" Chloe asked, confused.

"I'm not sure that is the case." Josh said, and continued, "why do you think even the god of war died?" Josh asked.

"I don't know." Chloe replied, honestly.

"Because he was too weak." Josh said, staring out of the window, gazing at the glittering stars scattered across the vast sky, and continued, "To fulfil his wish. I have to be too strong to be able to die."

Chloe stared at Josh's face, trying to the best of her ability to read what was currently coursing through the smart brain of his.

"Even without this request, the moment I agreed to become a vampire, I had planned to train myself until I get to the utmost echelon of power. Either by hook or by crook." Josh said, in a resolute tone.

Chloe took one of her hands into hers and intertwined their fingers together. She took, gazing at the vast sky through the window said, "I'll always be by your side." And rest her head on his shoulder.

Feeling her warmth, and remembering that he had people in life who would support him through his journey, further served to strengthen his already rock-hard resolve.

"There's a perk that comes with it though." Josh said.

"A title right?" Chloe figured.

"No." Josh corrected, "a main class called ' Disciple of Ares'."

"Disciple of Ares. That sounds domineering. What are the effects?" Chloe asked, curious to know the effect of such a cool-sounding title. Surely the title "Disciple of Ares" would have vastly overpowered effects.

"It increases all my stats by fifty per cent when fighting more than one enemy, the attack power of all my magic spells and passive skills increases by fifty per cent, and apparently, I have all battle knowledge the god of war once possessed." Josh revealed.

Chloe stared at him, dazed. She had expected something of this magnitude, but this, this was just too much. Accepting the fact that her darling was just too awesome, she asked, "what are the other system perks?"

"This one is pretty unexpected. I got the title 'Disciple of Ares' because his legacy was virtually forced on me. But I have no connection with the god of lust Aphrodite, except for the fact that I am an incubus. The name of my second main class is 'son of lust'."

"What are the effects." Chloe asked, although had an idea what the effects would be, she still had to hear from the horse's mouth.

Josh sighed and said, "my natural charm is increased by one hundred per cent, I can put any enemy weaker than me under my control and affect the rationality of stronger existences. I can use the magic affinity and five per cent of the stats of any woman I penetrate."

"That's the main class you spoke of earlier." Chloe realised.

"Yes, it was." Josh nodded in reply.

"No wonder when you woke up I felt the urge to pounce on you. Perhaps because of my race and higher strength, I was able to curtail my urges." Chloe sighed, and continued, "it just seems that fate is trying to relentlessly force the harem lifestyle on you." She sighed again.

Josh sighed and thought to himself, 'do I really want a harem? I must admit the idea of having many beautiful and powerful women on my bed is particularly pleasing.' A grin formed on his face. Luckily, the beauty beside him was currently immersed in staring at the stars, if not she would surely lose control and hit him to oblivion.

'It's a path I have to take for the greater good. I hope Chloe understands.' Josh thought, worried his newfound love would leave him because of his choice, to make her share him with other women.

'Now how best do I communicate this to her?' Josh thought, thinking of the best possible way to tell Chloe about his decision. Not really expecting her to accept it, but to at least not feel hurt.

'I'm surely not going to get over this for a while.' Josh felt exhausted, despite not doing anything stressful.

"Chloe, I have made my decision." Josh inhaled, exhaled and said, "I am going to build a harem of only women I truly love just like you. You're always going to be my main woman no matter what though. If you accept that is. I hope you accept this shameless request of a power-hungry man." He awaited her reply.

Chloe felt her heart shatter into a thousand pieces. She would really have to share her darling with others.

'I knew it would come to this.' Chloe sighed.

'I don't want to share my darling with others, but it would be selfish of me not to accept this request of his. No matter what, I have already given my heart to him. I'll still be his main woman. At least that's something.' Chloe sighed, accepting the fact that she would have to share her darling.

"You're shameless." Chloe said.

Josh sighed, and said, "I know."

Chloe turned to face him and said, "you accepted my identity as a vampire even though humans are vampires are not, particularly allies. Denying you of the chance to gain more power in this dog-eat-dog world would be cruel of me." Chloe sighed, She looked into his eyes and said, "you have to promise me you will never stop loving me no matter how many women you conquer."

Josh stared into her moist eyes and said in a stern tone, "are you doubting my love for you?" And continued, "My love for you is like an ocean, no matter how hot the summer is, it never evaporates."

Chloe smiled and said, "you sure have your way with words." She continued with a playful smile on her face, "In addition to your overwhelming charm, I wonder how many women you'll have in your harem. Note, I will only accept the best of the best women as my junior sisters."

Josh almost puked a litre of blood, on hearing Chloe's naughty remarks.

He shook his head and said, "you deserve a good spanking."

"Who's going to spank me?" Chloe asked, in a suggestive tone.

"We'll see about that later." Josh replied.

Chloe rolled her eyes and said, "is there any more information on the system I should know?"

Josh gave it a thought, realised he had told her all about the system, and replied, "nope."

Chloe nodded and got out of bed.

"Where are you going?" Josh asked, surprised.

"I can go days, possibly weeks without food. I can't say the same for you. Especially if you consider the rigours activities we did last night."Chloe teased.

Josh gritted his teeth and said, "you really need a good spanking."

Chloe stuck her tongue out, turned around and shook her huge butt in his face. As Josh watched mesmerized, as the huge but not bursting out of-proportion, mounds of flesh wiggled.

Chloe left the room literally hoping. Josh sighed and got on the floor to do his usual morning routine.


Chloe barged into the room, carrying a tray of food. Josh quickly picked up a towel he found in her room and cleaned off all the sweat on his body his hands could reach.

Chloe dropped the table on the floor and sat down on the tiles in a lotus position, with the tray of food on her laps. Josh too joined her.

Taking a slice of toast he said, "You know. You really have great taste in lingerie." Chloe instinctively turned to her wardrobe and her face turned red in embarrassment.

Josh swallowed a mouthful of toast and said, "you'll need to get some thigh-high socks for starters. And some more revealing clothes."

"You're such a pervert." Chloe said, making a mental note to go shopping for lingerie and more clothes.

"Whos the one who grabbed me by the neck, and almost raped me?" Josh shot back.

Chloe ignored her shameless darling.

"Why are you in a school for normal humans?" Josh asked a question that had been on his mind for a while.

"As a princess, I have to experience the real world. If I had stayed on the vampire continent, I would be treated like royalty. But here, although I get treated better than others because of my looks, I am still able to live a normal life." Chloe explained.

"That makes sense." Josh nodded, understanding her line of reasoning.

"Was my mum's idea." Chloe said.

"Your mum must be a really smart woman." Josh said, his respect for his future mother-in-law grew.

"Of course she is." Chloe said, taking the last remaining gulp of tea.

Josh looked into the tray, seeing the absence of an integral part of every meal he said, "What's for dessert?"

Chloe smiled and said in a sensuous tone, "You're looking at it."