

Meet Billy Bubba Bill, a heavyweight champion in our world, but he died while stealing a banana. See how Billy gets reincarnated, see how he learns to adapt to the shinobi world, and who knows, you might like it. I posted this story on other sites NO HAREM Alternative universe! 104 K words as of chapter 17

Highlord1337 · Anime & Comics
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26 Chs

The Sim's

The Sim's

Hello, Author-Kun here! Just a warning this chapter is about building up Konoha as a whole, adding little bits of magic here and there to the whole simple life, so there won't be much action, but if you were a fan of the slow simple life, this chapter is just for you fam { Enjoy lads }

"" Talking

'' thinking


His eyes opened from his long sleep of the dead; his mind ordered him to wake up, but he did not wish to do so, he slowly yawned and stretched his body, and finally, he opened his eyes.

He looked around and gradually rose, then he turned to his right and drank some water he always keeps nearby, enjoying the cool water from his 'Watar'Os 3k' bottle he stood up and did some stretches, checking on his body and seeing his muscles that he works so hard for. He took a long breath enjoying the air, then he heard a moan of someone else waking up; he turned around and found a woman with long hair sleeping next to him. He smirked and said to himself, "Hmm," then he looked down at Billy Jr. "We did it again, buddy high-five," he said while holding his hands towards Billy Jr.

He looked up at the woman who is slowly waking up and tried to wake her up without saying her name. "Hey, beautiful, rise and shine. I am going to make you some breakfast, then you can go home."

Then he heard the most beautiful voice of all of his year. "But I don't want to go to school, Billy" He smirked a little and humored her a little "come on now, I will make the best banana pancakes with a protein shake on the side with a hint of coffee, and hey maybe if you are lucky there will be some protein strawberry syrup left!"

She moaned and slowly rose, her body fit and beautiful, her hair reached down to the lower part of her back, she stretched a little, and said: "But I don't want to turn around Billy if I turn you will find me ugly, because I just woke up."

Billy hummed a little "No, I won't, and I will have you know my Grandpa always taught me that Girls will always look better than boys, come on, show me your pretty face," he suggested while smiling.

She hummed a little "Fine, but close your eyes. I want it to be a surprise."

He nodded and closed his eyes "all right, they are close."

He heard the sheets shifting, and for some reason, he felt wetness in his lower region, then he heard her speak, "Ok, you can open them now," and he slowly opened his eye.

Billy screamed when he saw her face, lines of age that made her face looks like a carl's Jr original roast beef sandwich, mouth wide open with one long yellow tooth sticking out, her eyes are closed, and her face keeps shifting while she shouted at him "I TOLD YOU NOT TO FUCK ME BILLY I AM YOUR GRANDMA!" she screamed in a shrill voice while he heard the room around him shake and crack, his bed started to deflate.

Then his Grandma started to dance around while smoking a weed pipe made from a banana in the shape of the nice old man, and the old man started talking, "I Don't take no IOU, I don't trust banks to boy yoyo,"

while his grandmother kept repeating the same sentence over and over. Suddenly he saw a hand crawl from the bed and the voice of Mrs. Smith telling him "WHERE IS YOUR HOMEWORK BILLY!"

suddenly the hand from the bad grabbed Little Billy Jr and stole him, Billy Jr formed a mouth and screamed, "BRO HELP ME!"

Billy quickly jumped into the bed, and his surroundings turned into darkness, then he saw the light shine from Billy Jr, he quickly swam to his little bro slowly pushing against the deep tides of the sea, then he felt something grab his feet pulling him down, he twisted his body to see, and he only saw a thousand and one eyes looking at him, with a significant crackling smile forming, the teeth are made out of sunken ships.

With dark blood oozing from them. Then the mouth opened and said, in a dark echoing gravelly voice that thunders in his ears, "HERE COMES BILLY!"

And he felt his body getting pulled to the open mouth, he looked down and found countless naked rotten bodies pulling each other like a chain made out of rotten flesh; to the mouth and the one holding him was John's rotten corps with the mini steering wheel still there, he looked up and smiled with his rotten skin dangling from his head, his mouth as black as ink with broken blacken teeth and in his mouth was Billy Jr reaching a hand to Billy, Billy quickly shoved his hand inside of John's mouth, then suddenly John's mouth clamped on his hands.


He woke up, his feet jolting, his hand punching the air, his heartbeat rising quickly, and his breath quickened for a second. He laid there for a minute, exhausted from his night terror. Slowly he stood up, catching his breath and looking around, gathering his jumbled thoughts.

After a moment, he felt calm, and stood up from his bed; he saw the dust rose when he woke up from his quick fit; he gathered his thoughts some more, learning again where he was, and everything fitted together; he coughed from the dust in the air.

Billy Stood up and stretched a little, and went to the bathroom to freshen up from his sleep, whenever he stepped on something the dust rose up, he reached the bathroom which is near the kitchen, when he opened the door, dust rose up and covered his body, he quickly dusted his hand to get rid of the dust, then he went inside.

The bathroom was small; it had a small sink, a showerhead, and a toilet. He opened the hot water tap, and brown water came out. He waited until the water turned clear, then he freshened up and returned to the living room/bedroom.

After putting his mask on, he sat on the ground. "ALL RIGHT THAT IT!" he fumed to himself, then he heard a voice speak. "SHUT THE FUCK UP, KID. IT IS FOUR IN THE MORNING!"

Quickly Billy stood up and apologized. "SORRY!" apparently, the walls are a little thin around these parts. "all right Billy, stay calm, and don't shout again," he told himself.

"so let me get this straight, I died check, met Buddha, and Mr. McDonald's check, did some shit to me that made me have all John's memories check, I woke up in the what was it again? Naruto world stupid name by the way check"

He took a breath "My new self; lived a life of a sissy check, my parents are dead check, I have a farm somewhere check since I have the hill Billy blood in my veins I need to get the farm back somehow check, I somehow agreed to become a ninja check, met this nice guy Yamazaki-oyabun check, became his apprentice, etc. check, and now I have this place check."

He sat there in utter silence, then he smelled himself a little and sighed, "I smell bad check, and I peed myself check."

Billy sat there for minutes not knowing what to do, then he stood up and screamed, "NO FUCK THIS SHIT, YOU ARE GOD DAMN BILLY BUBBA BILL, WORLD CHAMP IN FUCKING WEIGHT LIFTING, YOU WON'T FUCKING SURRENDER! LET'S DO THIS YEAH!" he screamed while doing a side chest bodybuilding pose and smiling like he was in a competition. Suddenly he heard something breaking, he quickly went to the window opening it, there he found a 40-year-old woman with her hair in a jumbled mess looking at him with fury in her eyes


Billy sweated a little "yah sorry lady my bad" her eyes grew furious, and she went inside, then she returned with a potted plant that is clearly dead, and she screamed

"I WILL SHOW YOU WHO IS SORRY," and she threw the pot at him, he quickly tried to close the window, then he heard the pot breaking, but it didn't hit him.

He peeked down and found out she missed "HAH! WORK ON YOUR AIM, YOU OLD BAT!" She looked madder and flipped him the bird, then she closed her window.

He sighed and closed his window, but said "Sorry again old BAT!" then he heard her scream, he laughed a little then grew serious "alright Billy you can do this, the first thing you need to do is take a bath" he remembers from John's memories that there is this thing called an 'onsen' which is the best place to clean oneself, and to peak on girl apparently.

Billy nodded to himself, "second thing you need to do is buy something to eat, new clothes, new furniture, and cleaning supplies to clean this place up."

Then he looked at the kitchen "before that, check on the stuff that is already here, see if they work still, fix them if they don't, then finally buy food."

He smiled in satisfaction about his plan, but then he looked at the window and found it dark still, he does not know how Konoha works still, and John's memories did not give him something clear; he knows that there are some fanfictions out there that John read, that tells him that Konoha works 24/7, but still, it's not 'canon' as they say "alright then Billy since there is literally only two things to do at the moment, check on the stone age electronics around the house, and maybe I don't know, try meditating like some douchebag."

Billy looked around for a moment, then he started moving around, checking every electronic outlet there, every device he got; he even checked the gas stove and the bathroom, and after finishing with all of that, he sat again on the ground sighed to himself "Yup everything is busted, need gas, or some tune-up, Ok brain add this to the list find a super handyman or something."

He looked at the window and found the sun still not up, then he relaxed and sat still for a moment. Nothing but him and the universe now, he relaxed and focused on his breathing, the small movement of the dust around him. Finally, he stood up slowly and opened his eyes, and said to himself in a relaxed and plain voice.

"What the fuck am I doing?" he dusted himself. "This anime mystic bull shit won't work like this if I want to use that chakra shit I used yesterday," and he changed his voice to Yoda. "Knowing yourself, you must hmm!" he bent himself and picked up an old fishing rod he found while he was checking things, he pretended to be an old man "the dark side you will join Billy, for yo mama I fucked, and spawned you did Hmm!"

He changed his voice again. "No! it's not true! It's impossible!" he bent down again and said in Yoda's voice, "sweet ass she was, but child support she won't see" then he fell down and started laughing.

After catching his breath, he relaxed a little and looked at the window, which shows no sun; he stood up and stretched a little "alright, no more playing around, let's do some exercises, and try to channel chakra like yesterday," he did some push-up, squats, lifting things, and whenever he felt really tired something in his body snapped and gave him more power, he kept doing it, and every time it happened he focused on where it came from. After some time of doing this, he located the new body part in his chakra network because he had lived his previous life without knowing them; this new body part feels different, he took hold of it, and he sat down.

Billy stood still, trying to push the chakra to his body; he tried his legs, arms, neck, and finally, fingers; he pushed the chakra into his fingertips, imagining a small blade, but the moment he did so, something invisible punched him. His back smacked the floor, and slowly he stood up, rubbing the back of his head. "So this is why kids do the control shit, fuck I feel drained from this" then he felt his stomach growling, he looked at the window and smiled the sun had just started rising, he quickly stood up, and opened the door, smelling the fresh air then he turned around and closed-door locking it.


Billy descended from the old rusted metal stairs, thinking about what he will do now. 'Ok first thing first, I need to eat something. I am starving, the second thing to do is get some spare clothes, then go to the onsen, thirdly get a handyman, and finally buy some furniture; something cheap or second hand.'

Billy walked around aimlessly, trying to find anything to eat; he saw some people opening their shops, while others were delivering products to their stores. He stopped and looked at a store sign with a monkey laying on its side, listing to a music recorder while it smoked some pipe. He looked at the entrance, and he saw the owner, he was a balding man with a potbelly, he was wearing light blue flip-flops with shorts and a tank top that made him look like a trash bag because of how big it was.

He approached the man sitting in front of the store. "Sir, can you tell me where to find someplace to eat? I am new to the Village."

The man looked up at Billy. "Huh, wha?"

Billy repeated what he asked for louder this time. The man nodded. "Ah you want tah eat kid, aight here's what you need to do, go straight, then left, right, and another right, and finally when you see Mr.Yuzima, you won't miss him he sells watermelons, go next to his cart, there you will see a line about yay big" he signs with his hands "wait with the people in the line, best breakfast in Konoha cheap too if it is bad I won't be Neterio, best record seller in all Konoha!"

Billy looked at Neterio and paused for a second 'this dude must be a great morning person,' then he thanked him for the direction he gave him.

He started walking on the sandy path, looking at the stores around him, there he found a sign showing where he was, he read it 'market district' on the map he found some districts 'weapons district, the tea district, the academy,' and he saw most of them are colored 'red, blue, green, yellow, and black' he looked closely and whispered to himself "Huh red is for ninja only, blue is for everyone, yellow is clan property, green is for the nobles, and black is the training grounds."

Billy added this information into his mind for later use; then he continued walking; he saw more stores opening, people shouting about their new wares, he saw some kids playing around near the stores. And finally, he reached Yuzima's stand; he was as fat as they come; he was holding two watermelons with each hand while singing about how the watermelon can save your life or give you great endurance in bed. He also was bald and clean-shaven, and it made him look like an egg; while he was singing, he noticed that he was wearing a green kimono lined with pink watermelons.

He looked at the cart and found a line of people waiting for food. He quickly stood there waiting, suddenly he felt someone tapping on his shoulder, he looked back and found Yuzima poking him with the watermelon "Hey there lad, new around these parts?"

Billy grew suspicious and slowly gave him a nod.

Yuzima smiled. "Oh then, I am glad I stopped you; see this here line?"

Billy nodded

"This here line is for Kazoku-san's food to go, he is a crazy bastard, I tell you, but he sells some really good food. The problem is that he got some rules, stay two meters from each other in the line" then he pushed Billy back a little "Bring your money out before you order, speak your order quickly, and finally, pay for the food and give the food proper thanks there. Oh, and don't forget to bow for the food."

Billy looked at Yuzima. "In case you are wondering, Sir, I am raising my eyebrow at you."

Yuzima laughed a deep laugh. "HAHA! Lad, I don't make the rules here, Kazoku-san dose, just do what I tell you, by the way, let me give you a recommendation, order the good morning kitty surprise" he looked down at the silent Billy. "No, I am serious here; just order it, and you will thank me later by buying one of my watermelons! They are great, and all the ladies love a nice juicy watermelon!"

Then Yuzima's face turned into butter, he was smiling while imagining something, then he quickly looked down and went to the stand, behind it was a small plastic chair, he sat down there silent and still. Ignoring the looks everyone gave him.

Billy looked around and found some ladies looking at Yuzima in a disgusting manner, then it dawned on Billy, "Oh, you have a boner, sir!"

Yuzima's face turned red, and quickly denied it. "WHAT? NO! AND HOW DO YOU KNOW WHAT A BONER IS, KID!? YOU ARE WHAT, SIX YEARS OLD?!"

Billy stood silent for a moment; they stood there looking at each other, Yuzima's face still red and bothered, then Billy looked down at the cart. "There is a snake under the cart, sir."

Yuzima quickly tried to run away, but he was stuck in the chair, which made him panic and wiggle more in the chair, which made the chair break sending Yuzima to the floor.

Billy's head tilted to the side while he slouched. "Ouch, that must have hurt, but don't worry, the snake slithered away when you fell."

He smiled "don't worry, sir, I won't tell anyone about the boner… except these guys who saw you," he pointed at the people in line.

Yuzima started cursing Billy, but he ignored him while pretending to be innocent. After a while, they reached the storefront.

When they reached the store, Billy understood the reason for the rules; the store was located in a small ally way, it was snugly fitted between two buildings, the store had a small sign with a cute cartoon cat that is sleeping on a pile of rice.

Then he saw the people ordering, they all filed into one line, and they did what the rules said; they even bowed to the food. When it was his turn, he looked up at a man in his forties with a loose cigarette in his mouth; his face looks hard like it was made out of stone, with a permeant scowl lining his face.

Near his cheek is a cute cat sticker, Billy, at this point just wanted his food; he knows from John's memories that the anime world is weird, but what is he going to do about it?

Billy spoke in a small stutter, "I… I would like the morning kitty surprise" The man looked down at Billy, and he extended his hand. Billy understood and gave him 1000ryo.

The man pocketed the Ryo and gave him his change without saying a word, then he brought him a small bento box with a smiling kitten; he took the box and looked at the man, the man's eye widened with intense fury; Billy didn't know what to do, then he remembered to bow "I thank you food!" The man's eyes slowly returned to normal, Billy quickly got out of there.

After removing himself from the ally, he found himself in a small dirt park, it was mostly chairs and tables, but there was about a swing and a half. He looked around for a moment and spoke, "what the actual fuck was that"

He then moved to an empty seat and looked around; there were some people with the same box eating; Billy looked down at the box and slowly opened it up; he found some rice balls with a cat theme on them, some veggies on the side, two egg rolls, and a small sealed cup with soup.

Billy smiled and got his chopsticks from the box; just when he was about to eat his first bite, his eye's widened "fuck I forgot to buy a drink."

He grew sad a little about this; Billy always drank something while eating. He sighed a little, but he was still hungry, and just when he was about to start eating, someone called out to him.

"Hey, you" Billy turned around towards the voice, and he saw a kid about his age, with blond hair and dirty clothes that have some patches on them.

The kid smiled and pointed at his breakfast. "I see that you didn't get a drink."

Billy frowned. "Yah so what?"

The kid then brought a juice box. "I will give you my juice box for the toy in the box."

Billy looked down at his breakfast, "what toy?" The kid stood up and pointed at the corner of the box; there, Billy noticed a small card with a kitten on it. Billy took the card and read it, "One kiddy surprise?"

The kid's smile widened. "Yup, Kazoku-san has a system if you collect every card that is in every box he will give you a toy, and it just so happens that I need that one card, and I can finally get my toy."

Billy looked at the card, and then he turned around to the juice box "eh, I don't need a toy," and he handed the card to the kid.

The boy smiled and took the card, then he placed the juice box on the table, and took off running towards the restaurant.

Billy smiled; now that he had everything, he is going to enjoy the fuck out of his breakfast.

He started with the veggies; they were cool and crisp, then he took a bite out of the kitten rice ball, the rice was cooked to perfection not too much salt and not too soft, then he tried the egg rolls, and he found them to be alright nothing to speak off. Finally, he tried the soup, and it was good.

When he reached for his drink, he picked it up. "MOTHER FUCKER!" and he throws the juice box to the ground. That kid tricked him the fucking box is empty!

'When I find that little fucker, I am so going to destroy his ass,' Billy sighed and picked up the trash; he continued eating. When he was done, he cleaned up and returned to the main road.


Billy started walking aimlessly, trying to find a clothing store, after wondering about it for some time, he found a small secondhand store. Billy went in and found the store empty, only one teenager who was running the store looking at some dirty magazine; Billy started looking for clothes that fit him, and after one-hour buying underpants, socks, shirts, jackets, pants, boots, and finally bunny slippers a man needs priorities after all.

He paid the teenager 20,000 Ryo for the clothes and the delivery to his apartment. And that leaves him with 79 thousand ryo to buy furniture and fix the ones he got.

Before leaving, he asked the teenager where he could buy furniture; the teenager just pointed north while not looking at Billy.

Billy started moving north towards the end of the merchant district near the tea district; there Billy noticed a change from stores to a more livable area, he saw small apartment complexes near smaller stores, people here are walking leisurely through the neighborhood, he saw some flower shops, small cafes, much better parks, and housewives talk to each other.

For a moment, Billy thought that the teenager just pointed in some random direction, but then he noticed a store with furniture outside.

Billy went in and found some people looking at the furniture and one guy talking to the store clerk.

Billy started looking at what was available, and he noticed that most of the furniture looked old and used; he noticed that most of them looked like they came out of the 50s on earth, maybe the 60s.

Then it slowly dawned on him, he remembers a game he had played before, one of his memories, not John's it was fallout; these furnishers look like they came out of fall out.

He smiled a little he remembered back when he was on earth, he got an injury, and he needed to rest for some weeks, and his friend brought him his PlayStation with a game inside; it was fallout.

He thought for a moment, 'well, when you are in Rome, might as well buy them.'

He started looking around; he got a dark blue couch, a desk, some lamps, and he found a nice table/colored TV and radio combo; that beast was about 10 ft in length but with a 10-inch screen. At least it was colored, Billy thought.

He got some cooking utensils, and some bathroom accessories. And some new bed covers.

When he went to pay, he found the clerk picking his ears while looking board; the clerk was wearing an old fashion kimono with a dark green wool belt warmer. He had dark, graying hair balding from the top, leaving the edges. Likewise, he was smoking an old-fashion Japanese pipe that he saw the Hokage smoke.

He looked down, "Waddya want brat?"

Billy looked up at him. "I have these tags from the stuff I want" Billy handed him the tags, and the clerk looked at them and did some calculations

"that will be 55 thousand Ryo" Billy paid him and told him where his apartment was, but before he left he looked back

"Hey, old man do you have someone who could fix old electronics?"

The clerk looked up again. "Yea, I can get one ta ya kid, but that will be five thousand extra installations and fixing ya shit, expect them to come to ya tomorrow at 3 PM" Billy nodded and paid him.

Now Billy only has 19 thousand ryo for the week. While walking out, he thought about his plans, 'all right, I got breakfast, I got some clothes, I finished with the furniture, and finally, the only thing left of my plan is to go to that famous onsen that John's memories were always raving about.'


After walking around for some time and asking people for directions, Billy finally found the onsen; the onsen was made out of wood; outside of it, there were some vending machines.

Some are selling towels, others are selling drinks hell there is one that sells combo onsen toiletries he got one of those before he went in.

Inside the onsen, a woman was sitting on a desk writing something; when he entered, she looked up at him and smiled. "Welcome to Konoha's spring; how can I help you?"

He looked at her. "I would like to go in, please" The woman smiled.

"that will be 1500 ryo, sir, and if you are going to wear the mask, please don't dip your head in the pool; you may use the showers."

Billy nodded and paid her.

Billy changed and went in; he found two men taking a dip and one guy bending down, trying to peak on the women's section; Billy took a shower and cleaned himself, then took a dip. Billy closed his eyes, trying to relax and enjoy the hot water; the steam was relaxing to him, he remembered his time in the steam room back in his old life, then finally, he looked at the guys in the onsen, one guy had a top knot and some scars, the other had short platinum blond hair, and finally, the guy who was trying to peak on the women's section was large in body, but not too fat.

Billy stayed silent, but he was observing them. Something about them feels familiar to him for some reason. One of them finally noticed Billy looking at them, and he turned his head toward Billy.

The person with the platinum hair looked at Billy. "So what is your name boy, we don't see many people this late in the morning; usually, they come either early in the morning or late in the evening."

The guy with the top knot sighed, "troublesome," while the peaking guy started giggling.

Suddenly Billy's memories started acting up; he remembered some clan names Nara, Yamanaka, and Akimichi. He saw images of people, and suddenly his memories settled; finally, it dawned on him, these guys are related to the trio clan.

Suddenly he heard a voice "Hey… hey… BOY!"

Billy's eyes widened, and he looked at the Yamanaka. "Sorry, I was thinking about something else."

The Yamanaka clicked his tongue "Kids these days have no respect, I tell you, Shiko, so boy, what brings you here this early?"

'Shit from John's memories, this guy is no joke; I don't want to end up in TI after one day… wait why the fuck am I scared of this guy, I have the fucking papers heck, even the Hokage brought me here.'

Billy responded, "My shower broke, so I came here to clean myself…."

The Yamanaka nodded. "Yes, that is clearly the case, but I am asking why you didn't come here in the morning."

'fuck, what is wrong with this guy' Billy looked at the Nara, and one of his eyes was open and looking at the Yamanaka strangely. "Well, you know I came here to destroy the village because I am evil and shit, but thankfully I was stopped by this one guy in a PUBLIC ONSEN asking me why I came to take a dip late in the morning."

The Yamanaka's face grew red for a moment, but the Nara finally spoke, "Inajin, we are not on the battlefield; you can relax."

Finally, he relented then the Nara looked at Billy. "And you need to respect those who are in command."

Billy felt cold for a moment, and when he looked at Nara's eyes, they looked cold, like he could kill him with a slap; he turned his head and found the Akimichi looking at them in a somber tone.

Billy felt hopeless at that moment, and he knew from the memories of John that the Nara could not be the biggest fish in this sea; all of a sudden, he felt angry at himself, the fucking Buddha, at everyone. He felt rage build in himself.

Swiftly he stood up and looked down at the relaxed Nara; the Yamanaka and the Akimichi's face changed into surprise. Billy slowly brought both of his hands up and slowly raised both of his middle fingers towards the Nara. "You can… suck my 3.5 baby dick ya, weirdo! I am out of here bitches"

Before he went away, he screamed at the other side, "HEY, LADIES, THERE IS THIS FAT BITCH HERE PEAKING AT YOU!"


The Akimichi screamed at Shiko, "FUCK, I WAS NOT HERE WITH YOU GUYS!" He ran away with Billy.


Shiko sighed while he waited for his teammates near the Hokage tower, remembering the meeting between him and the Hokage; apparently, the Hokage brought him and his team back because of the Kumo attack.

Shiko could not blame the Hokage; no one would have predicted that Kumo would attack the farmers, but he could understand that it was a genius move. Maybe they are getting desperate on the Iwa's side, and they needed Iwa to try and attack Konoha, which can give them much breathing room on the west, which may enable them to attack the eastern end near Kiri based on Konoha not having much manpower If Iwa moved their forces.

Hmm, what exactly is Kumo after? I need more data to calculate their strategy; it's a long shot, but I need to get back to the Hokage and tell him to talk to what is left of the Uzumaki; they are near Kiri… now that I think about it, Kiri didn't make a big wave yet. What are they planning?

It is too early to think about what will happen; the war is still at a stalemate since the second Hokage died.

Shiko stood near the Hokage tower for a while, still thinking and waiting for his teammates; then he heard a voice, "Oi Shiko! Are you even listing to me!"

Shiko turned his head to his teammates Inajin and chozin; they had returned from the front line near Iwa's borders together last week; this was the first time he had seen them since he was in meetings after meetings with the Hokage discussing the war, lucky bastards I bet they relaxed all day long.

Shiko nodded to Inajin. "Yeah, I hear ya; I was just thinking about the meetings."

Inajin's eyes grew soft for a moment While Chozin stopped eating his rice crackers. "Now, Shiko, you need to relax; you have been thinking about the war since... well, forever; you know what? I think I know what will cheer you up; how about we go drink some tea and dango"

Then Chozin smiled. "After that, we can go to the onsen… you know, to relax."

Shiko sighed. "You will live your married life on the floor, Chozin,"

Chozin smiled. "I can't help it; I mean, I am a man amongst men."

Shiko turned his head towards the sky. "Hmm, we have time, it's still morning, but I can't stay past midday; I have another meeting."

Chozin laughed. "Better than nothing; come on, I saw this new tea spot near training area 30, plus it is near the hot springs area, so I say we hit two birds with one stone."

They started walking and talking about their kids, and how they progressed. Shiko talked about his son Shikaku, Inajin talked about how his son is having difficulty unlocking his chakra, and Chozin started complaining that his son started calling him a perverted old man.

When they reached the tea spot, they all ordered tea and dango and started talking about some subjects here and there.

Shiko started to smoke, taking a long drag from his cigar. "You know I had this curious meeting with the Hokage today."

Inajin snorted, "when are you not in a meeting with him? It's like he is married to you HAHA!"

Chozin started snickering, "Shiko and the Hokage sitting under a tree K.I.S.S.I.N.G."

Shiko exhaled. "Fuck you guys, no, but honestly, he told me about Kumo's latest attack."

"They attacked the farms near us, and Chozin warn your clan, there won't be much food for a while until the new farms are back in order."

Chozin grew somber for a moment. "Shit, I didn't think we would use our backup supply this soon."

Shiko took another drag. "And you know he told me a curious thing, he found a boy in the new farms; apparently, this kid unlocked his chakra in a berserker rage and killed a Genin."

Inajin's eye grew more curious "oh, did he now? Does the Hokage have files on him? Maybe he is a plant; last week, my clan found six children in the orphanage; they were planted by Jomae to gain information on us."

His eye grew more suspicious. "Fucking Jomae, it's a never-ending battle with them, they always want to get the latest information; heck I bet for every 1000 nin we have, there is one who is a plant."

Chozin munched on a dango. "Inajin, relax, will you take it easy for one more week, we are going to the front line again, but this time Shiko won't be with us, will you Shiko?"

Shiko took a sip from his tea. "No, I was reassigned to the tactical division; I am going to recommend one of my clan members to come with you, maybe Shukazi will do; I know you like him, Chozin."

Chozin smiled. "I like him; he does not say 'troublesome' every chance he gets."

Shiko deadened at Chozin. "Troublesome,"

Chozin laughed. "See, he said it!"

After a while, they finished with their tea, and they started moving towards the onsen; while moving Inajin kept pestering Shiko about the kid that the Hokage told him about, and Shiko, at this point just gave him what he wanted.

Finally, when they reached the onsen, they all prepared and went in; Chozin started peaking, while Inajin started talking about starting a flower shop since his clan had already cultivated medicinal flowers.

While they talked and Chozin peaked, they saw someone enters the onsen. It was a child, but his body was covered with scares 'Hmm, these are torture scars.

Wait, it is Billy, I think; that's the kind that the Hokage talked about' Shiko looked to his left and saw Inajin put things together, and he narrowed his eyes 'ah fuck not again.'

He looked at the kid; his body looked malnourished and broken; he was currently naked except for a towel on his body; his face was covered by a leather mask with a zipper on the mouth part. 'Hmm, I think I saw a mask like this before.'

After the kid finished a shower, he took a dip and tried to relax, then after a while, the kid's eye opened and looked at us, I tried not to look that interested, but looking at Inajin, 'fuck he is going to interrogate him.'

Inajin started by asking why he came here late in the morning 'Is he drunk? Who starts a conversation like that? Wait, maybe he is underestimating him because he is a kid?'

The kid started throwing sarcastic jokes on Inajin 'He is not on his A-game today; maybe the frontlines are messing him up more than I thought; I better step in and stop this already; hmm, just a little bit of killing intent should make the kid stop, might as well throw in respecting the chain of command civilians always fall for this trick.'

He sighed. "Inajin, we are not on the battlefield. You can relax" Then he turned his head towards Billy. "And you need to respect those who are in command."

Now I will release a little bit of killing intent. I hope he will not fall unconscious.

He looked at Billy's body language, his body stiffened, and his eyes seemed unfocused; then something curious happened; his body relaxed a little, then he raised both of his hands up and slowly extended both of his middle fingers towards me then he said in a low voice "You can… suck my 3.5 baby dick ya, weirdo! I am out of here bitches"

Hmm, unusual it's rare for someone to resist killing intent on their first try with no one to help them, yet this kid did it. Shiko turned his head towards his friends, and they both looked shocked 'same thought' The kid screamed something, and Chozin ran away.

They sat there in silence, both him and Inajin. "So that was a thing that happened," Inajin said.

He sighed. "I may have overreacted, but Inajin, I told you the Hokage trusts him even though he does not have papers; I do not know why the Hokage accepted him this easily into the village, but he assured me he knows that the kid is a son of Konoha."

Inajin looked sour for a moment. "But spies!"

"No buts Inajin it clearly you are suffering from the front lines if this is how you will act in the village, I will ask the Hokage for one more week for you guys, and you need to ask for a psych revaluation from your clan, just to be safe."

Inajin moaned for a bit. "Fine, but let's drink some sake since we are here already."

Shiko nodded, "fine, but one cup for me; I have a meeting later."

Inajin smiled. "OI ONE SAKE, PLEASE!"


Billy was pissed 'who was that guy, fuck him and his dumb, lazy face' after running away from them, he changed quickly and ran away from the onsen.

After noticing that no one was following him, he started walking normally. 'Ok, Billy, you finished everything for today; what am I supposed to do' He thought for a moment. 'Right, I need to buy some cleaning supplies and clean my apartment, then I need to get my new clothes; I think they will arrive at noon, after that… I have nothing.'

While he was thinking, he saw a corner store, he went in and bought some cleaning supplies and some snacks.

While waiting for his turn to buy his stuff, he felt a hand on his shoulder, He turned around and found a huge body towering over him, and the body bent down, and the shadows slowly transformed into light, and he saw the Akimichi.

The Akimichi smiled. "Well… well… well, what do we have here?"

Billy started shaking. "Oh, you know, kind sir, I was just shopping hehe… nothing weird about it."

"Now… now boy, why don't I buy your stuff on me this time, I need to talk to you about a thing."

Billy started to shake; he tried getting away, but the man's hand was firmly on his shoulders, and after trying again, he gave up.

The Akimichi and Billy walked out with their stuff, and after walking while the Akimichi held into his shoulder, they reached a bench on the side of the road "sit."

Billy slowly sat with a suspicious look on his face. "So what are we doing here?"

The Akimichi opened a slat flavored potato chips… maybe 'aight… it's kind of awkward.'

"Want a chip?" The man offered; Billy slowly nodded and reached into the bag, and took a chip.

They sat there silently for some time, and Billy finally had enough. "So, what do you want with me?"

The guy opened his eyes and wiped his lips, and said while licking his fingers, "Oh right, I forgot why I took you tehe!"

Billy snapped, "DON'T TEHE ME, YOU ASSHOLE!"

"Sorry I could not help myself, alright, an introduction is in order, my name is Chozin Akimichi, head of the Akimichi clan and manliest man in all of Konoha!"

Billy looked at him again, "and?"

Chozin laughed, "And what do you want me to tell you, my favorite food too?"

Billy sighed. "No… I don"

And he got cut off immediately "I like Barbecue, the color green, I enjoy the word 'guts' I have a wife, and ten sons; likewise, my dream is"


Chozin looked at Billy in a confused manner. "What? first, you don't care about my name, and when I give you the details, you are mad; Kids these days, here have a chip."

Billy stood up slowly and reached into the bag, and smirked. 'I am going to show you…; you fatass,' and he quickly took the whole bag!


Billy stood mid-running, and he turned around and gave him the bag. "I don't want to eat it anymore."

Chozin quickly swiped the bag. "YOU TESTE LESS IDIOT! THIS STUFF IS GOOD!"

Billy slowly smirked and showed his tongue "bleeeeeh!"

He started eating with gusto and finished the chips quickly; then, he turned and looked at Billy. "You know I came here to apologize for my friend, the blond-haired one."

Billy remembers his encounter, "Yah, what was his problem? Is it really weird that a kid comes late to an onsen, or is it my mask and scars?"

"No kid, he is just hmm… on edge since we returned from the front lines," He said gently, "and you know wars are hard on people, but give him some time, and he will be better" he smiled.

"So how come you are not on edge?" he inquired with suspicion.

"Oh, that's easy. I can eat stuff; if I didn't, I would be really sad" he smiled while opening another potato chip bag.

"Fine, I don't care, so this is what you wanted with me?"

Chozin nodded. Billy turned around to walk away, but before he left, he remembered something "Chozin-san do you know 'Orichi's kiddy masks is? I don't know where I am."

"oh, let me see," he stood up and stood next to Billy and pointed east, "go that direction and go straight, keep on going until you find Yuzima-san you can't miss him; he sells watermelons, then you…."

"I know where to go from there, Chozin-san; thank you for the help."

When he started walking away, he felt a fist hit his head. "OW!" he turned around, looking at Chozin, who started to run away from Billy.


Billy flipped off Chozin as a goodbye, and he walked back home; he saw that the stores were all open now, far from before when everyone was opening up, he retraced his steps back to his home, and finally, he saw the store sign a smiling mask with the name of the store next to it.

He entered his apartment, and he had this feeling of excitement and uncertainty about owning a new place to stay at.

Billy starts to clean the apartment, complaining about broken things and pretending he is Yoda again; this time, he is trying to convince the dust and dirt that they have already lost, for he is on the dark side!

While he was cleaning, he heard knocking on his door, he opened it up, and it was a delivery person, he signed the papers and got his packages.

"I can't open them now. I am still cleaning, and I don't want to get them dirty yet," and he started to clean again.

And when the hour turned past noon, Billy finished with his cleaning; he smiled and looked at the room in satisfaction "alright now to change my piss-covered pants… fuck I have been wearing them all day, and I just remembered, eh fuck it."

He groaned and started to change his clothes; he wore his dark green cargo pants, bright yellow discount boots, and a brown hooded jacket, and to finish everything, he equipped his +1 yellow cool gloves.

Billy smiled and looked at himself in the cracked mirror. "I look good… why is every part of my body covered? Maybe it's because deep down, I feel conscious about my scars, and I wanted to cover them up," he took a calm thinking pose.

But then he smiled. "Nah, I bet because I think they look cool… Yeah, that sounds right."

He stood there in silence, "So what now? I feel lost; I don't know what to do; I mean, one day ago, I was going to my gym like normal, and the next day; all this happened to me."

Then he looked up towards the sky. "Is this supposed to be some joke? Oh, God, what am I supposed to do? Do I go on with my life? Is this normal?"

He sat down, one of his arms hanging from his knee just thinking; then he remembered something; he remembered his grandfather talking to him on their old farm. "Listen here, you Lil shit, I learned something when I returned from Nam; I was lost, and alone, half of my family died in Nam, and the other won't come to the family farm because they are a bunch of shit city folk now."

He took a drag from his cigarette. "So what do you think I did?"

"dunno Pa?"

He smiled, and the sun shined behind him, and at that moment, only his white teeth showed. "I moved on, boy, don't cry in the past with your thumbs up your ass; you lost friends, family, loved ones? Well, tough shit, being sad will not get them back, and remember, everyone fucking dies, so might as well create something new."

Billy's eyes widened. "Pa said a bad word. I am gonna tell on you, Gram, Gram!"

His Pa's eye widened. "No, you lil shit, don't!"

He smiled at the memories "even in death, you still helped me, Grandpa" a single tear fell down, and he quickly removed it. "Don't…Men… Don't cry!" He Shakely stood up 'alright, I think I know what to do now.'

Billy sat down in a meditative pose, the same as the one he did in the morning; he focused on his memories, he brought up his new body's memories and gathered them, and he solidified them in his mind.

Then he remembered John's memories, and he gathered them; he focused on the Naruto ones repeating them in his mind the plot points, the people in the memories, and even other things that made up John, his favorite foods, his sad times, his happy times, his family, and he will remember them all.

Then finally, he came to the end of the road; he remembered his life, his family, his friends, and his dream.

He opened his eyes, and he noticed that everything was dark; he sat there until evening 'is this what true meditation is?'

He slowly stood up, stretching a little bit, and smiled. 'I guess I am hungry now, might as well try that BBQ place that is always in John's memories' he moved towards the door and stopped for a moment 'well, I hope you are ready world; Billy Bubba Bill is coming' and he stepped through the door.

Hello, Author-Kun here!

I hope you enjoyed this slow-ass chapter, and I hope you powered through it.

When I wrote this chapter back in the day, I didn't know what I was thinking, staying up all day long just writing like a madman, with no food, no water, no bitches.

Hehe Hope you liked it, lads. See ya next time on PATH OF THE SWOLE




Why the fuck did I write that? I'm hungry.

Highlord1337creators' thoughts