

Meet Billy Bubba Bill, a heavyweight champion in our world, but he died while stealing a banana. See how Billy gets reincarnated, see how he learns to adapt to the shinobi world, and who knows, you might like it. I posted this story on other sites NO HAREM Alternative universe! 104 K words as of chapter 17

Highlord1337 · Anime & Comics
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26 Chs

Oni Of The South Pt 2

Hello Author here! A lil bit of slice of life chapter here; ay not every chapter needs action in it, right?

Talking ""

Thinking ''

(Survival is cool and not cring!) Cool ass Pic




(Billy's POV) [After the Slap near the beach]

Billy cringed when he saw Danzo's smiling face. 'That is a face that should never smile again… God, I bet even iron would bend just to get away from that smile.'

He saw Danzo run towards Waves. Billy looked up at the thundering sky and the never-ending freezing rain.

Standing up, Billy balanced himself. "Fucking mud." He walked back to his team while nursing his cheek. 'Asshole… You just had to channel chakra into that slap.'

Billy stopped his movement when he heard his teammates shouting at each other. 'What the fuck is wrong with them? I knew they never liked each other, but this shit is getting hostile.'

He looked at the foggy forest where they came from. 'This fucking place is a death trap.'

Billy began walking towards his team; he saw them fighting with each other. Running out of patience, Billy clapped his hands, gaining their attention. "All right, why don't we all take it easy; we are outside of Konoha now."

Both Nawaki and Yunmi stopped their shouting match and looked at Billy. Nawaki glared at Yunmi while removing some of the rainwater that fell into his eyes. "Where is sensei Billy?"

Billy pointed at Waves. "He went scouting; he will be back in one week. Oh, and he told us not to die."

Yunmi twirled her umbrella, splashing some water into Nawaki's eyes. "So, we have to survive for a week?"

Nawaki backed away from Yunmi and replayed. "yes, and we have to find a shelter while scouting the area for danger; oh, and we have to master his training."

Yunmi looked at Billy. "To be fair, two of us knew about the excurses from our clans, but we did not master it yet. What about you, Billy?"

Billy cracked his fingers. "Nah, I knew about it a long time ago; Oyabun made sure I knew about it. but I never practiced it on account of the academy, job, job training, and Mito-Sama's training."

"Oh, my Billy, are you always this busy?" Yunmi asked while covering her mouth.

Billy exhaled and squatted. "You would not believe how busy I was. Even if I had some free time, Oyabun would put me on sales duty… Have you ever had to deal with ten kids running in and screaming about cool masks? Fucking annoying."

Yunmi gave him a small giggle, and just as she was about to replay, Nawaki interrupted them. "Guys, why don't we find shelter? Then we can talk about our daily lives there?"

Billy looked up at the sky; he saw lightning striking in the distance. He stood up and looked around. "Yeah, I think a bigger storm is coming… So, do we split up and try to find shelter?"

Yunmi nodded. "I think it is for the best if we split up, but we need to remain close to each other, so my mind-link can still function."

Nawaki began drawing on the ground. "The connection can only support half a mile, right?" Yunmi nodded at Nawaki, who started drawing on the mud. "I think Yunmi should stay in the middle, I would go to the east, and Billy will go to the west."

Billy shrugged. "Makes no difference, call me when you find shelter… Oh, and guys." He raised one finger at them. They both looked at Billy. "No more fucking fighting, all right… We don't have the time. Get your shit together."

Billy lowered his finger and channeled some chakra to his feet, and ran towards the west. His speed was much slower than usual on account of the fog, rain, and mud.

He searched the western side for half an hour, he saw a pond, but there was no shelter. He saw some streams and dead trees. Suddenly he heard Yunmi call out to him. "Billy, Nawaki, I found shelter."

Billy smiled. "All right, I will meet you back near the shore." He turned back.

After traveling for another half an hour, he saw Yunmi covered in mud, and she had a frown. "What happened to you?"

She looked at him and sighed. "I found a cave entrance, but I slipped; now I am covered in mud."

Billy looked down at the miserable girl, and he grew awkward. He slowly raised his hand and patted her head. "There, there, it will be all right."

Yunmi withdrew her umbrella and hit Billy. "Don't pet me!"

"Hey, watch it! I was trying to make you feel better!" Billy pointed at her.

"Well, you could have done that without petting me like some damn cat!" She hissed.

Billy facepalmed. "Fine, it's my bad, sorry."

"I accept your apology." She smiled and hugged her umbrella's handle.

They stood there in silence, hearing the rain hitting the mud underneath them, then Billy raised his hand. "So, how is the weather." Yunmi looked at the ground. 'Fuck, this is awkward! I did not interact with her that much! Fucking Danzo, at least introduce the team properly!' Billy complained inwardly.

"Oh, the weather is good." She replayed while fidgeting with her fingers.

"Yeah, that is good…." He inhaled a deep breath and sighed in defeat. Then they heard footsteps; they turned around and looked at Nawaki. "Nawaki! Finally, you are here!" Billy screamed with happiness.

Yunmi smiled. "Yes, finally, you are here! we can go now; let's go, go, go!" Yunmi and Billy ran towards Nawaki, wishing to escape from the awkward atmosphere.

Nawaki gave them a confused look. "What is going on?"

Billy walked to the back of Nawaki and dragged him. "No time to waste. We need to go to the cave asap!"

"Wait, let me take a breather first!" Nawaki screamed while getting dragged by Billy.

Yunmi ran before Billy, showing them the way. "No, can do Nawaki. We need to move fast! You know, rain and all."

"What? That does not make sense; we have been under the rain for hours now!" Nawaki shouted in exasperation and pointed at the sky with both hands.

Billy raised Nawaki's body. "Don't think, Nawaki, just let it go." Nawaki's hands fell in defeat.


They walked for ten minutes, and finally, they saw a small rocky mountain hidden by dead trees. They climbed the slippery rocks and entered the cave.

When they entered, they saw darkness in front of them; the only light source was the momentary flashes of lighting behind them. Billy reached into his bag and pulled out a sealing scroll.

Billy unsealed a torch and a lighter; then, he lit up the small cave. When the cave was lit up, they found it covered with moss; they found a couple of roots in the corner. "Well, color me impressed, Yunmi; this is a great choice."

Yunmi smiled. "Thank you, Billy; now we just need a fire and beds."

Nawaki returned to the entrance and began inspecting it. "You guys do that while I trap the area and scout it for a little bit."

Both Billy and Yunmi turned to Nawaki, and just as they were about to stop him, he ran out. Cold dead silence followed in his departure. "Fuck." Billy commented; Yunmi nodded.




(Billy's POV) [Moss cave]

Billy stretched near the entrance of the cave; he looked back at his and Yunmi's work. 'Beds and a fire check, alarm system check, cleaning of the cave check, and finally hiding the entrance of the cave check.' He slapped the moss-covered boulder near the entrance.

He walked back to the cave and sat near the fire; Billy looked at the orange-illuminated cave and found it quite cozy. "Yo, Yun finished with the dinner yet?"

Yunmi stirred the stew. "Almost done." She closed the lid and looked up at Billy.

Billy fidgeted around awkwardly, which made the atmosphere uncomfortable. "So, how are you?"

Yunmi gave him a deadpan expression. "So, and so… I guess."

Billy sighed forcefully and leaned back on the walls. He retrieved a cigar from his trench coat and began lighting it up, but Yunmi interjected. "Hey, no smoking in the cave!"

Billy smiled at her and took a deep puff. "Bite me."

"Eww, no thanks!" She cringed away.

Billy smirked and exhaled some smoke and spoke at the same time. "Tough shit."

The smoke danced around the cave, changing the smell of it slowly; At the same time, Yunmi complained. Billy took another puff and spoke while the smoke dissipated. "Any word from Nawaki?"

Yunmi curled up into a ball near the fire; her expression changed into sadness; then she reached into her mind. "He is fine, and he says that he will be coming back to the cave in ten minutes."

"That is good." Billy replayed and closed his eyes while smoking.

After ten minutes, they saw Nawaki entering (the cave); he was completely soaked. "Good job on the camouflage, guys." He complimented while petting the large moss-covered rock.

Billy opened his eyes. "Stop right there, Nawaki." Billy reached into his trench coat and retrieved a scroll; he threw it to Nawaki. "Dry yourself up first; we just finished cleaning."

After drying himself up, Nawaki walked to the fire and sat down. They could hear the thunderstorm raging in the background and the rain hitting the door.

Nawaki rubbed his hands together from the cold. "Damn, its cold."

Billy looked at Nawaki and exhaled more smoke. "Want some green tea?"

Nawaki smiled. "Fuck yeah."

Billy nodded and reached into his bag seal; he channeled some chakra, and his tools popped out, a small kettle, several small cups, matcha powder, and a mixer.

Yunmi raised her eyebrow. "You know how to make green tea?"

Sighing in annoyance, Billy filled the kettle with water and placed it near the fire. "Oyabun sure loves to brag about me with the old ladies at tea houses." He shook his head.

When the Water boiled, Billy poured it over the small cup of matcha powder. "Light or heavy, Nawaki? Yunmi, you want one too?"

After they told him what they wished for, Billy mixed a fluffy light foamy matcha tea for Nawaki and two heavy ones for him and Yunmi.

Billy finished his cigar he threw it into the fire. "What did you find, Nawaki?" He took a sip from his still-boiling tea.

Nawaki covered his head with a towel. "I finished scouting the west side, trapped the path to the camp with hunting traps, and made them look old."

He picked up the small cup of green tea. "found a couple of non-shinobi deserter camps; I don't know which nation they are from. But we should be careful they may become bandits in the future."

Nawaki took a sip from the green tea. "Found some old shinobi tracks, a battlefield, and some looters."

Yunmi looks at the stew pot. "We need to tell sensei when we see him again; we could use the looters or the deserters in the future." She took her cup and blew on it, then took a small sip and smiled.


After drinking the tea and chatting for a while, they looked at the stew.

Nawaki nods. "So, food is ready?"

"Yup, dig in." Yunmi replayed while helping herself.

Billy unsealed some protean packs and energy boosters. "I am starving. I hope it is as good as you claimed it is."

Yunmi smiled. "Hah! When you eat my cooking, you will be ruined forever; nothing beats my bear stew!" She licked her lips and looked down at her bowl of stew.

Billy looked down at his bowl. 'Where the fuck did she get some bear meat?' Billy shrugged. 'Eh, I ate communist meat before with grandpa; it was all right.'

Billy, Nawaki, and Yunmi took their first bite. Nawaki spat his food instantly; Yunmi grew pale, Billy swallowed the bear meat and he slowly lowered his bowl down; he took a deep breath and looked at Yunmi.

Yunmi began stuttering. "W-Who would have thought that… Salt and sugar look the same!" She lowered her bowl. "Oh, my, as a lady, I should not eat so much… You guys can have the rest." Yunmi stood up and walked to her sleeping bag.

Billy exhaled his breath. "Yun."

She turned around. "Yes, Billy?" she gave him a nervous smile.

He opened his eyes and looked at her. "You are no longer allowed to cook for the team."

Yunmi's cheeks puffed up. "What come on, Billy, just because of one mistake."

Billy pointed at Nawaki, who was gagging. "This is more than a mistake… I think we could use your cooking as a poison."

Nawaki was on his knees, vomiting on the floor. "Uhhhhh. Blarg!"

Yunmi relented. "Fine." She sat down again.

Billy reached into his trench coat and pulled out a scroll. "Thankfully, I got some cup ramen."


After finishing the ramen, Billy handed it to his teammate. When they finished eating, they stayed there in comfortable silence. 'All right, that's it… if no one is going to face this awkwardness, I will do it!' Billy spoke to himself.

Billy stood up and looked down at his teammates. "That's it!" Nawaki and Yunmi gave him a surprised look. "I don't know what happened, but this is it! I am up to here with this bullshit!" he raised his hand up to his head.

Nawaki placed his cup of ramen down. "What are you talking about?"

Billy pointed at Nawaki, then at Yunmi, and finally, he pointed at himself. "This shit is too awkward, all right! I don't feel relaxed. The atmosphere around us is too tense."

Yunmi looked around and sighed. "He is right."

Billy sat down again. "I know we have known each other a long time, but we need to start over."

Nawaki looked at Yunmi with weariness. "How are we supposed to start over, Billy?"

Billy smiled and retrieved a kunai. "With this. To better start over, we need to say our problems with each other, do not leave anything out, even if they are minor."

He placed the kunai on the ground. "When we are done listing our problems, we have to promise to solve them; after that, we all will say our names, favorite food, things we like and things we dislike, hobbies, and our dreams for the future. Everyone in agreement?"

Nawaki gave the kunai on the floor a deep look, and after contemplating for a while, he looked up. "I agree."

Yunmi looked at Billy, then at Nawaki. "Fine."

Billy smiled and spun the kunai, and it landed on Yunmi. She picked up the kunai and looked at Billy and Nawaki. "I always feel invisible to you guys… Nawaki and Billy, you two have been friends for a long time now, and you have a long history with each other."

She took a deep breath. "And you know whenever we interact with each other, I always feel like a supporting character from a novel, and you two are the main characters… I just feel like I am not that important."

Her eyes began to tear up. "Nawaki and I never got along in the academy, maybe because of my old friends, or maybe my personality… I don't know. But I am really trying my best to support the team."

She looked down at her dress. "And it does not help that Nawaki always complains that I like to dress up or act like a girl… I know we are shinobi, but is it so wrong to be girly? I am a girl, after all, damnit? I got enough crap from the clan telling me how I should dress; I really don't need more on my plate… we are a team. We should all support each other, right?"

She looked at Billy and Nawaki; then, she handed the kunai to Nawaki with a smile.


Nawaki took the kunai and thought about what he will say; then he looked at the team. "I've always been the only Senju my age, people always try to get close to me, and it is annoying. Because I know that some of these people genuinely want to know me, but I can't take the risk."

He looked at the fire. "My grandfather always preached about the will of fire this and the will of fire that. But look at our clan now; every day, we hear more of my clan members die out there. I mean, I get the will of fire, I truly do, but why do we need to be royalty in the village? Us and the Uchiha created Konoha together; how come they do not receive the same problems as me? Why do I always have to fear new people?"

Tears of frustration began leaking from Nawaki. "I envy you two sometime…" he looked at them. "You have no care in the world; you do not have to act a certain way, every time. And I really envy that. In the village, I am always watched; I always know that someone is watching me. IT IS FUCKING ANNOYING!"

He shouted the last part; then he calmed down a little. "I guess my problem was trying to act a certain way for my team because people are always expecting something from me. And it made me an asshole…" he looked at Yunmi. "I am sorry, Yunmi." Then he handed the kunai to Billy.


Billy looked at the small kunai. 'I did not expect that… Fuck I really don't have anything to complain about. I am a go-with-the-flow kind of guy.' Billy thought while sweating from the expected looks of Nawaki and Yunmi.

He looked at his team. "Shit, to be honest with you guys…" he stopped for a moment, and his team leaned in. "I don't really have anything I am mad about."

Instantly Yunmi and Nawaki screamed at him. ""Stop lying!""

Billy leaned back, surprised. "What, it's the truth! I live an awesome life!" He tried to reason.

Nawaki pointed at his face. "No one can live a normal life with your face Billy!"

Yunmi gasped and pointed at Nawaki. "I KNEW IT! You were hiding something from me!"

Billy leaned in. "What the fuck is that supposed to mean? Just because I have this face does not make me a drama queen!" Billy scoffed.

Yunmi looked at Billy and narrowed her eyes. "Fine, if you don't really care, then show us what is behind the mask."

"Ok," Billy replayed, unimpressed, which made Yunmi and Nawaki slip and fall.

Nawaki stood up. "What?! Then why are you always hiding your face?!"

Yunmi nodded with Nawaki. "Yeah, I have never seen you without your mask!"

Billy gave them a bored look. "Eh, it's fucking annoying; people always gasping. And saying ooh, poor Billy, I just don't care." Billy reached for his mask, and it hissed, then it showed his scarred face. A face with no lips and no nose. Every part of it was scared, with slash wounds and torture wounds. His eyes were sunken back, giving him a tired look; his silver eyes shined un-naturally.

Yunmi instantly recoiled while Nawaki stayed still since he had seen that face before. Billy pointed at Yunmi. "See, this is what I was talking about. Imagine me walking around Konoha, and everyone is either vomiting or giving me a pitied look. I don't have time for this shit! Especially if I am going to get breakfast or something!"

Billy looked at Yunmi, who was still looking away. He stood up and walked right next to her. "Yun, look at me."

When she looked back, she recoiled again because Billy had changed his face to a Silly face. "Stop it, Billy!" She screamed at him, trying to be silly, but it only made his face look worst.

Billy sighed. "Fine, but you need to get used to this face." She nodded at him.

Billy sat back down. "All right, since we talked about our problems, let's introduce each other from the start. I will begin."

Billy took a deep breath. "My name is Billy Tsuyoi Ushi; I am twelve years old; I like to eat healthy food, train, and experiment in the shop with Oyabun. Things I hate are cowards, people who annoy me, getting straddled with leadership, and how I can't get drunk."

He balanced the kunai on his finger. "My hobbies are creating combat masks, watching drama shows on tv, and gossiping with the old ladies on bingo nights. My dream is to one day rise into a comfortable position in the shinobi ranks, own a farm, and maybe marring a nice girl who will give me kids." Billy handed the kunai to a stunned Yunmi.

Yunmi looked at the kunai. "Wow, Billy… you sound like an old man." Billy shrugged.

Nawaki laughed. "It does not help that you have white hair. You are a young fart!" Billy flipped Nawaki off.


Yunmi looked at them. "All right, I guess it's my turn. My name is Yunmi Yamanaka; I am eleven years old; I love watching horror movies at night, helping Inoichi with the new flower shop, I love to eat Oden in the winter times, and shopping!"

"I hate people who tell me what to wear, oil-based make-up, and people who hurt my family."

"My hobbies are planting flowers and creating new clothing designs! And my dream for the future is to one day own a boutique!" she handed the kunai to Nawaki.

Billy laughed. "Man, our dreams are so normal." Yunmi nodded.


Nawaki looked at the kunai. "My name is Nawaki Senju; I am twelve years old. I like to read books, doing mathematical calculations, I love to eat seafood, and hanging out with Billy."

"Things I hate are people who watch me, people who do not give me space, and paper cuts."

"My hobbies are reading, practicing with my chakra, and theorizing about history. My dream is to one day become the Hokage!"

Yunmi leaned next to Billy. "He likes to show off his intelligence, right?"

Billy leaned back. "Yeah, he does that a lot."

Nawaki grew irritated. "Hey, watch it!"

Billy laughed. "All right, since we did the whole introduction, I think it is a great way to end the day. So, who wants to take the first watch?"



The next day, the team began training. One of them would rest in a high position while keeping watch of their surroundings, and the rest will train.

When they first started the tree walking exercise, they all thought that Billy would get it first since he is not from a clan, and he would have a lower chakra, but when Billy tried, he blew a hole into a dead tree.

That day they discovered that Billy had a large amount of chakra, similar to clan children.

For three days, they practiced tree walking, and at the end of the fourth day, they had mastered it.

It was much easier for them because Yunmi and Nawaki were told how to do it. While Billy relied on tips from his team and John's memories.

On the fifth day, they had to pull an all-nighter, and they practiced all day long to catch up before Danzo returned.

Many of them fell into the raging waters; the weather near waves was terrible this time of the year; the best they could hope for was light rain.

On the sixth day, most of them could stand on water, but sometimes they would slip and fall.

On the seventh day, they closed the cave and trapped their surroundings, then they began training while waiting for Danzo. When it became midnight, they saw Danzo running on water.

Danzo landed in front of them. "Good, you are all here." The team stood up and nodded. "Did you finish with the training?"

Nawaki jumped into the raging waters. "Yes, sensei."

Danzo closed his eyes and nodded. "All right, that is good." He turned around and looked at waves. "I am a clone; the real one is still in waves."

"What is the situation, Danzo sensei?" asked Billy.

"We found the base trashed and looted; we have yet to find any clues on what happened to the shinobi." He walked to the shore. "Likewise, we found several clues that there are some factions in waves. But we could not act alone."

He jumped into the water. "Get ready; we have an hour march; the sea will get more chaotic the more we move."

"""" Yes Sensei!""" The team jumped on the water and followed the clone of Danzo.

They jumped from one sea wave to another wave for the first ten minutes; then the waters grew deeper and more deadly. They had to dodge bigger waves, some of them reaching twenty to forty ft in length.

They knew that if they slipped, the waters would crash into them, and they had no way to stand up again.

At the half-hour mark, the waves reached one hundred ft in length. They had to charge their legs with chakra and climb the wave before it crashed, and from the bigger wave, they needed to jump into another one.

On the way, Billy almost fell, and he could not climb the wave, so he had to run in the tunnel that formed. He outpaced the wave at the last second, only to face another one.

He could not see anything in front of him for twenty minutes; he could only see an angry sky, flashes of lightning, freezing rain, and waves that were the size of skyscrapers.

Sometimes large angry fish would jump out of the waters; each fish that jumped could swallow a grown man whole, and they had to dodge them while not slipping. Danzo's clone was not helping them that much; he would only catch them if they were about to fall.

After running for fifty minutes, the waves changed direction; before the fifty-minute mark, the waves would crash into each other and change direction on a whim. They never went in one direction, but after the fifty-minute mark, they saw the waves all move in one direction toward the island when they were about to reach Waves.

From there, Danzo told the team to simply ride the waves. At this moment, Billy felt like Duke Kahanamoku, the father of surfing. His long white hair that reached his feet flew behind him; his mask was getting stung by the rain and the air. The speed of the wave made him feel alive.

Billy could feel his blood singing from excitement; he felt that he was the king of the world. And in the distance, he saw the island of waves.

Danzo signed with his hand. "Left. Cave. Near. Shore. Disguise. Now."

Billy changed his appearance to an old priest with a basket for a head. Danzo went with a typical mob character. Nawaki changed his hair color and clothes, and Yunmi made herself look like a boy.

When they reached the island, they all dove underwater and swam the rest of the way to the cave.

They entered the cave from the sea and swam in the cave's darkness, and after swimming for ten minutes, dodging sharp rocks and small tunnels. They saw an orange light shining.

Danzo's clone stopped them and spiked his chakra with a pulse, and after a while, three pulses reached them. The clone signed that it was safe, and they emerged to a well-maintained base of operation.

Billy saw a desk filled with writings and maps; the one who was writing on the desk was Danzo. To the left, he saw another Danzo opening a filing cabinet. On the right, he saw another Danzo copying a scroll.

The Danzo in the middle looked up at them. "Good job dismissed." The clone that led them through the waters disappeared. "Hmm, you did adequately with crossing the sea." Said the middle Danzo. "You must be tired," Danzo asked while placing his hand on a seal.

The wall behind Danzo moved, and another room opened up. "Go rest and eat something; I will be calling you in an hour."

Getting dismissed, the team all walked to the room, and then they heard the stone closing up. Billy looked around and found the room filled with books, food, sleeping mats, and a small bathroom.

Billy walked up to a table with some hot green tea; Billy picked up the hot tea and turned around. "What?" He looked at his teammate's astonished looks. "I ask again what?" He shook the green tea in wonder.

Nawaki placed his hand on his chin. "I am as shocked as you, Billy; I did not expect that." Then they heard the bathroom getting flushed.

They turned around to see Yunmi flushing the toilet. "Hey, guys, he made a working toilet." Then she started the shower. "And the shower is hot too!" She looked at them. "I am going to take a shower! No peaking!"

Billy looked at Nawaki. "What?!"

Only to see Nawaki massaging his eyes. "We get it; you are shocked; just drink your tea."

Billy looked down at his tea and slowly raised it to his mouth; he took a sip. "Holy shit, this is good!" Billy licked his gums.

Ohhh boy, Danzo should quit being a shinobi and start up a hotel!

Highlord1337creators' thoughts