
Path of the Goblin King (On Break)

Long ago Monsters of all shapes and sizes ruled the world causing early humans, dwarves and elves to live in only small communities hidden from the world ruled by monsters and beings of darkness alike. But with the creation of those three races gave birth to the gods that they worshipped and seeing the plight of their believers, they gave them the power they needed to fight back against the never ending hordes of monsters around the world. As time passed more and more monster races either died off completely or hid within the Monster Mountain Range, but the three races would have to deal with constant monster stampedes coming from the Monster Lands when their numbers got to high. This went on for centuries, until the humans, who took the brunt of the stampedes had enough and had the one only known as The Great Sage and his 10 disciples to cast a magic that effected the entirety of the monster lands, a curse placed upon all of monster kind. Monsters would have reduced birth rates, all children would be 9 times out of 10 females, and many other curses that varied from monster to monsters, but the weaker monsters had it the worst of all. The Goblins were most effected of all, Male Goblins could no longer get human females pregnant anymore to be used as BroodMothers, and 99 out of 100 pregnancies between goblins gave birth to female goblins, and to make it even worse still the males would always die to impregnate another goblin, effectively bringing the entirety of the goblin race to extinction. Worse still goblin women for the most part we’re great sex slaves for humans as their looks were attractive enough for it, but just barely for human standards it seems. But the god of monsters won’t let his children to go extinct that easily, The last male goblin was born, Blessed by the God of monsters, this marked the beginning of the Greatest Goblin King! ***** cover art made by artist Rapscallion ***** Forewarning later down the line their will be Futa’s added into the mix to give you guys a heads up

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The Queen Bokoblin

"Well, what a nice little village you guys got going on here, but unfortunately I got business to deal with, so give me back my subordinates and we won't have any trouble, okay?" She said to us by the time she arrived at the gate as she gave us her demands.

"Your subordinates? I dunno if you can't already tell but they don't even have the corruption in them anymore so there's no chance in hell I'm gonna let them go back with you." I said as I spread my arms out as I looked side to side to see if she was even seeing what I was seeing before I looked back up and pointed at her.

"Hmmm? Oh! You must be that little Goblin King that the big guys in charge are sending their men out looking for, sorry my boobs were too big to see you from up here." She said with a bit of a smirk before she kneeled down to be at eye level with her.

Standing up she must be like 100ft tall and our walls were only half her height so she needed to kneel down to get a good look at us.

"My you are cute! I think I can see why my girls defected to your side after all." She said with a bit of a giggle as she looked me over.

"What do you mean that they are your girls? It was Shazza's tribe that she lead here after it got destroyed because of what happened when the Hero attacked the DemonKings Lands causing a lot of monsters to scatter to find a new place to call there own." What is she even talking about.

"Oho? So this little one didn't tell you the whole truth did she?" She said as she looked at Shazza and the rest of the higher ups from the Bokoblin Tribe that knew what she was talking about who had awkward looks on their faces for being called out on their now supposed lie.

I turn and look at them, "What is she talking about?" But they look conflicted and don't really know what to say to me which makes me more confused, and even a bit worried as well.

"Their not gonna say huh? Well let me tell you then, what they told you was mostly true about them fleeing after the Hero attacked and defeated the DemonKing half a year ago, hell I ran away as well, but me being a Bokoblin Queen I had rule over several monster Tribes, but most of them broke apart and scattered to the winds except for little Shazza's tribe who, while became much smaller than it once was, they still stayed as a tribe with her being the leader, and I was fine with them wandering until they finally decided to come running back home…. But that's when you got in the way…." She said as she leaned forward and looked at me with a squint in her eyes.

"I felt it when your tribe was formed but didn't think about it, but only a few days later the connection between me and my last tribe was cut, I assumed at first that they died, then I heard talks about a new Monster King in the Great Forest, and that was roughly the same area where the connection was cut between me and them and after awhile I felt that nagging feeling getting to me to head here and so I did, and on the way I put two and two together to make a good guess to what happened to my last tribe, and now here we are." She said as she summed up her side of the story and opened her eyes looking straight back at me.

"Even if that is true, I'm not letting you take them away from me, their my women, my family now, I don't care if they were your subordinates, the second they came under my and Mother Terra's protection was the second they stopped being yours." I say as I cross my arms while looking up at her, but at the same time I'm ready to pull out my sword if I need to.

"Hmph, so you don't want to give them back to me, but at the same time I don't want to hurt such a cutie….. Hmmmm…. Oh I have a great idea, why don't you just let me join your tribe instead and let me be one of your queens, that way I still get my tribe back and I get a cute little guy like you to myself!" She said all happy like, much to my confusion.

"Well uhhh…. I'm not against it…. But I don't think we can do it at all if there's this big of a you know, height difference." I say as I scratch my head at this sudden turn of events.

"Oh don't worry about that." She said before she began to rapidly shrink in size before I had to look down below the wall to look at her now.

"Now come on, aren't you gonna let me in?" She asked as she waved up at us before we turned to look at each other as the others shrugged before we came down and opened the gate for her.

When we pulled it open we still saw an extremely tall woman behind it, she went down from her towering 100ft size now down to a still quite tall 10ft size instead, but she was well over two feet taller than the tallest of my women, now I'm thinking what I'm gonna have to do for future women who are completely Giants and can't shrink like her.

"Wow, this place looks much better from this height instead of from way abo- IS THAT AN ONSEN?!?!" She said looking around before she cut herself off and noticed the Onsen that she couldn't see properly earlier due to the houses and the inn/tavern blocking her view.

"It is, but before you-"

"Yahoo! Onsen!" She shouts out ignoring me before she runs off past the bridge and jumps into the onsen where she began to relax with a satisfied look on her face.

I pinch the area between my eyes "Haaaa…. Fuck it! Who doesn't like a nice Onsen Bath when you don't have anything to do." I shrug it off and me, along with my Bokoblin Lovers head to the Onsen to join up with the Bokoblin Queen after taking off all our clothes.

"Mmmm, you really are packing a big piece of meat down their you naughty boy." She said with a smirk as she quickly took me in her arms as I sat in her lap as her huge tits laid on top of my head.

"Oh where are my manners, I completely forgot to introduce myself, I'm Gaylee, and I hope we can get along from now on." She said with a toothy smile on her face.

Now that makes three queens who are now my wives, but what can I say? The more the merrier.

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