
Path of the Goblin King (On Break)

Long ago Monsters of all shapes and sizes ruled the world causing early humans, dwarves and elves to live in only small communities hidden from the world ruled by monsters and beings of darkness alike. But with the creation of those three races gave birth to the gods that they worshipped and seeing the plight of their believers, they gave them the power they needed to fight back against the never ending hordes of monsters around the world. As time passed more and more monster races either died off completely or hid within the Monster Mountain Range, but the three races would have to deal with constant monster stampedes coming from the Monster Lands when their numbers got to high. This went on for centuries, until the humans, who took the brunt of the stampedes had enough and had the one only known as The Great Sage and his 10 disciples to cast a magic that effected the entirety of the monster lands, a curse placed upon all of monster kind. Monsters would have reduced birth rates, all children would be 9 times out of 10 females, and many other curses that varied from monster to monsters, but the weaker monsters had it the worst of all. The Goblins were most effected of all, Male Goblins could no longer get human females pregnant anymore to be used as BroodMothers, and 99 out of 100 pregnancies between goblins gave birth to female goblins, and to make it even worse still the males would always die to impregnate another goblin, effectively bringing the entirety of the goblin race to extinction. Worse still goblin women for the most part we’re great sex slaves for humans as their looks were attractive enough for it, but just barely for human standards it seems. But the god of monsters won’t let his children to go extinct that easily, The last male goblin was born, Blessed by the God of monsters, this marked the beginning of the Greatest Goblin King! ***** cover art made by artist Rapscallion ***** Forewarning later down the line their will be Futa’s added into the mix to give you guys a heads up

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Oni Brawl! & The Oni Village

You guys should check the Auxiliary chaps again, I uploaded a small chap giving a list of all the worlds that the plethora of characters from those worlds all end up existing in this world along with me asking you guys for suggestions on other worlds to add, but please do that in that chapter and not on this one alright?

Okay back to the story!


*Bang! Swoosh! Crash!*

Our weapons clashed with one another, for the most part I was on the offensive for the younger two, but for the eldest it was more of a stalemate with me only having to go on the defense when all three ganged up on me.

*Bulk Up! Kings Banner!*

I activate those skills as my strength jumps 10 levels from bulk up and a 25% increase in power for all of my main stats putting me at the strength of a level 100 as a result.


With immense strength I slash out sending them flying back with the eldest being the only one to stabilize herself while the other two are sent tumbling away as a result.

"Ohoho! Looks like I should get real serious too!" She shouts out before a blood red aura envelopes her as her muscles bulge from her power up.

"ROOOOAAAAAAARRRRR!!!" Her eyes turned blood red as she took on a more savage look before she flashed right at me with her Konobo held high as she hammered it down.


I just barely dodges but I was sent flying back from the impact force of that attack before I skid to a halt and stabilize myself.

"Oni's Rage huh? Well let's see what you got!" I then leapt right back at her as our weapons clashed causing minor shockwaves from the fight to appear every time our weapons hit one another.

We were both dead even in strength again as we kept attacking eachother, at one point we both stopped using our weapons and started to use our fists instead as we launched rapid strikes at one another as our fists collided.


The younger two had given up and just watched the fight between us it got heated up between us both.


My lit up slightly as I narrowly moved my head out of the way of a rapid attack that had scratched my cheek but in return it left her wide open as I used all my strength to hold her left arm in place as I pulled back my right arm.

"It's over! GIANTS FIST!" I cried out as I sent a massive wave of energy to my fist before she could even react as it smashed straight into her gut.


Her eyes went from pure red to pure white, "GUKAHK!!!" She exclaimed as a large mouthful of blood shot out from her mouth before she lost all strength in her and crumpled over, falling straight to the ground.

*Haahaahaahaa* I took in deep breaths as I catched my breath as I look down at her before I turned and looked at the other two.

"I think…. This proves my strength? Right?" I said after I regained my composure as I turned to look at the other two who had the look of stars in their eyes as they had heavy blushes while breathing heavily as they tried to control themselves.

"Hehe, guh, yeah you really are something hot stuff." I hear from behind me and turn to see their sister(?) get up from the ground as she clutches her stomach, before almost falling again as I hold her up as she looks at me with a hungry look as she licks her bloody lips.

"It was really worth it for the ladies to send us here, originally we were just sent to test you out and see how good the Goblin King and his tribe were altogether, if you guys gave us a good fight we were told to allow for the connection between our Terra Statues to allow for easy fast travel between our villages…." She said before she held me close and buried my head between her big breasts.

"But now I've finally found myself a real man after so many years since my last husband died and gave me my daughters, now I don't think we plan on leaving, might as well stay here from now on." I could feel her body heating up as her scent filled up my nostrils, she was very horny already.

"Well I won't say no to you and your daughters from wanting to join my tribe, but I think it's best you girls go relax in the Onsen while Regina and Cait (One of Wolba's daughters) heal your wounds before I go and see the Oni Village, after that we can have some fun." I say as take her into my arms and carry her in a princess carry making her pinkish skin turn a deep shade of red around her face from being carried like this as she hid her face behind her hands in embarrassment.

(Cait Img)

Her daughters joined us as the gates were opened up before I began to bring them to the Onsen under the heated gaze of all of my women who were absolutely soaking wet from seeing my massive display of strength.

Having a huge dick and being really strong is the perfect combo for monster women in general, but they knew when to have fun or not so they held back and helped those three get naked and put in the Onsen where Regina and Cait came to help them heal up from their injuries, it's nice having two resident healers in our village so we don't need to worry about injuries or illness from now on.

So everyone decided to take a bath with them and get to know there new sisters while Regina, Midna and Gaylee had me to themselves as we relaxed together, hey not everytime we get naked we need to be fucking alright? Besides my body is sore from using Giant Fist earlier.

But being together with my women while seeing most of the have baby bellies signaling their beginning pregnancies just made me smile as the village will get even bigger soon enough.

Pop. 101/1000 -> 104/1000

After awhile of relaxing and with Nina, Lisa and Mimi, the Three Oni's with Nina being the other twos mother, we're finally rested and healed up we made our way to The Shrine of Terra as we went inside and up to the statue before they touched it as it Glowed with a bluish hue before going back to normal.

"There the travel point is set, now come with us Hubby, the village and the leaders would like to meet you." Nina said as she held out her hand to me before I grabbed it.

"Let's see what they want to talk about." I say before a blue light envelopes us as we are pulled up into the clouds and sent straight to the Northwest where the Oni Village resides.



Not long later we descended from the clouds before appearing before the Oni Villages statue of Terra as I got my bearings and looked around.

I was suddenly bombarded with notifications from the system that made me look at the minimap before making me take a deep breath in surprise.

'Holy shit! Everyone here are monsters! I can already tell that these girls aren't even midtier in this village!' I exclaimed with shock in my head as I saw a plethora of skulls and cross bones on almost every single person in this village.

'Fuck man! I thought I was actually getting strong but compared to these women this is nothing!' Most of what I could see were between level 100-150 but the scariest ones were the four that I saw were between 190 and 250 for there levels.

There were Oni's, Ogres, Orcs, Goblins and Giants all within this village, though from its size you could almost call it a small town, but I think it's more because of the giants it's so big when the number of dots only went a little over 500 total.

The women were surprised with the appearance of a man in their village, though they knew that Nina and her daughters headed out a day ago they didn't think they would be back so quick.

And they were surprised with my strength as well, which later I found out was because they knew I couldn't be more than a few weeks old, which is true, when it should take months of hard training to get up to my level, and all I had to say is 'Thanks mom for letting me get strong so easily.'

Though I was strong, but to most of them I was pretty damn weak, that's why they sent out Nina's group instead of anyone stronger as it would have been very unfair for me to fight ladies who are twice my level alone.

Most were interested but weren't planning to do anything until I got stronger, except for one Ogre woman who looked at me with a hungry look in her eyes as I could feel her eyes boring a hole in my crotch.

"Tsk, great now Aila's interested in you." I heard Nina mutter as she and her daughters led me to the village chiefs manor.

(Aila The Glutton)

Inside I was nervous but I held it back before I followed them inside, though my nervousness was shattered by what I saw.

"Shuuuuuten! More sake!" (Ibuki)

"Oh oh oh! Drinks! More drinks!" (Yamato)

"Mmmmm come here little piggy….. I just want to eat you….. Zzzzzzz" (Ibaraki)

'…. Am I interrupting a party or something?!'