
Path of The Fog Forest

A boy from Earth wakes up one day after dying, to find himself in a world filled with all manners of creatures, insane cultists, and even gods and goddesses. He will find himself walking along a path unique to himself. Oh, and he will be a great woodworker! *Title is subject to change* *Note: Everyone in this world has a ‘system’* *I will try to average chapters at around 2000 words* *I don't own the cover picture. If the author wants, I can take it down.*

ImaginationGalaxy · Fantasy
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15 Chs

Chapter 2 - First Class

Rowan spent the next two days spending most of his time reading through the book [Trees up to Grade Three].

The book told him some general knowledge about the world that he didn't know before.

It told him that most materials in the world, like trees, herbs, fruits, stones, metals, gems, animals, and many other things in the world have grades.

Grade 0, is for items with such miniscule mana in them that they have no special abilities. The materials from Earth would fall into this grade, which was also known as common grade, and ordinary grade.

After Grade 0, came Grades 1-9. These were named this to be similar to a person's level.

Grade 0 would be akin to levels 0 to 09. Then Grade 1 would be similar in ability to levels 10 to 19. Then on and on, all the way up to Grade 9, from levels 90 to 99. What comes after that, wasn't mentioned.

The book he was reading had a lot of information on types of trees from Grade 0 to Grade 3.

The special abilities of them, notable uses of their wood, bark, leaves, roots, and fruits. Not only was it their uses, but it also talked about how to care for them, grow them, maintain them. It was like an arborist's heaven.

"This book seems quite valuable… are things like this common? This is giving me so many ideas." Rowan said to himself.

In his past life, Rowan never really did any woodworking. It was something completely new to him, which was exciting in its own way. He was sure that there were many things to enjoy in this new world. But if he wants to experience it, then he needs to get off this remote island.

He eventually decided to head back over to Old John's home. The old man was sitting in his rocking chair, seemingly in thought.

"I finished that book. It was quite useful." Rowan said.

"Hmm. I would be surprised if it wasn't. I acquired that book back in my teens, and it's been useful to me ever since." Old John said with a bit of remembrance. "So, have you memorized the basics about the book?" He asked.

"I will be able to recognize them, and can remember a bit about each of them, but not all the specifics. If I can't recognize one, then it was either never written in the book, or it's beyond Grade 3." Rowan said with a small nod.

Old John looked up at him, and seemed to be mulling something over in his head. "You should know that besides this island we are on, Rimouwater Island, there are two other small unnamed islands right beside ours. One to the south, and one to the south east."

Rowan gave a nod at that.

"About ten years ago when I was still in shape to move around and go in search of different trees, I found an interesting one on the island to the southeast." Old John said.

"What kind?" Rowan asked.

"A Silver Star sapling." Old John said with a small smile.

Rowan raised an eyebrow at that. The Silver Star Tree was a Grade 1 tree, but it could be considered a valuable one, since it had an affinity for the stars and night, as well as bearing some fruits that could be used in various concoctions. It would also make sense for one to grow here, since even with the low amount of mana, there is still starlight that shines down.

"Oh? And you want me to go find it?" Rowan asked.

"Of course! It's not doing a lick of good just sitting out there. It was too young to be of use to me, but I am sure you will benefit from it. Making something from Silver Star wood could help raise your levels too!" Old John said with small smile while giving a knowing nod.

"However, it's not exactly safe, so it would be best if you picked a class before then. You've been putting it off for so long, and you aren't getting any younger!" Old John said with a bit of firmness.

Rowan let out a soft sigh at that as well.

He looked at his Status Screen to check something.


Name: Rowan

Age: 15 years and 11 months [Born: Eleventh day of the Eleventh month, 4E 1878.]

Titles: [N/A]

Level: 0

Classes: [None] [1 Slot Available]

Professions: [Woodworker Lv. 2]


Classes, also known as combat classes, were classes that could give abilities and skills related to combat. The large variety of classes didn't help make deciding one easier. The classes level would be added onto the persons level, raising that as well. It was why he was still at level 0, since professions didn't count.

But a large reason why the previous Rowan never picked one, and why he was still hesitating, was based on how they were leveled up.

In order to level up either a class or profession, you had to gain a deeper understanding of it, and do actions related to it.

If Rowan were to pick a class, like [Thief] for example, then he would have to steal things and act like a thief until his classes level hits 10, then he could pick a new one.

That was a restriction of the Status Screen as well. In order to pick a new class or profession, you had to reach level 10 in that class. Then after that, you are allowed to pick two different ones in each, so the initial one is always important, because picking something that you can't level would leave you stagnant.

This worry was mostly gone for Rowan, since he was planning on leaving this island soon anyways, and that opens up his options.

"Alright, alright. I will pick one. Can I get your opinion on them?"" Rowan asked. It was common for people to discuss their classes and profession options with others in order to get a better idea for themselves on what's good.

"Sure, read them out to me." Old John said.

Rowan pulled up his status, and with his mind, selected the empty slot for his class, and a few different ones popped up.

"Let's see. There is [Orphan] and [Commoner], but I don't want those. They have very little use." Rowan said out loud after seeing them.

"Aside from those, I have [Cutpurse], [Forester], [Druid], and [Forest Prowler]. Huh, that last one is new." Rowan said with a raised eyebrow. From his memories it wasn't there.

"Hmm. [Cutpurse] is one you likely got from your habits of pickpocketing as a kid. [Forester] is likely from when you were planting tree seeds and branches to try and grow trees for the future. But those other two are a bit odd." Old John said with furrowed eyebrows.

"A [Druid] is a person who uses magic revolving around Nature and natural energies. Plants, animals, the very earth. It's an interesting one with a lot of possibilities afterwards, but I don't know how it's available when you have [Mana Lock], or even how that became an option in the first place." He said.

Rowan sat back a bit and thought about that condition known as [Mana Lock]. He has had it since as long as he could remember, and nothing has ever been able to resolve it. [Mana Lock] is when there is mana allowed inside of the body and flowing through it, but something is blocking it from being accessed. It could be a curse, a genetic deformity, a poison, or something else entirely. It's why his MP still shows up as a 0.

But [Mana Lock] means that there is mana inside his body, but it's always at 0 MP, with [Unavailable] written next to it. This is an anomaly in itself.

"Maybe it has something to do with how I was trying to plant trees? A [Druid] takes care of nature, so it isn't too surprising." Rowan said while thinking about it.

"I have heard that there is usually a process necessary for that class, which is why I am surprised. But it isn't anything too weird. Even the gods don't know entirely how classes become available." Old John said.

"And that last one, [Forest Prowler]. It wasn't there last time I checked." Rowan said. He had last checked the options for his class about a week ago.

"That isn't one I have ever heard of before. It is related to forests obviously, but the prowler part is interesting. It reminds me of [Ranger]'s. But it isn't since it would just say so if it was." Old John said. "A class I have never heard of before. It sounds the most promising of the bunch. I might've recommended [Druid] if you had your mana."

Rowan gave a small nod, thinking it over. There wasn't much of an area that could be called a forest on this island or the others. But near the closest port connected to the main body of the Faentar Realm there was a forest, so it was only about two or three weeks away from being able to level it up easily.

"Since there is a forest near Farway Town, it would be useful to me. I will pick [Forest Prowler] then!" Rowan said with a large smile as he selected it.


[Class acquired: Forest Prowler]

[ [Forest Prowler]: The Hunter and Stalker of the Forest. Constantly in movement, preparing to strike. +1 STR per level, +2 VIT per level, +3 DEX per level, +2 WIS per level. Gives skills: [Forest Striding] [Nature Camouflage] [Stealth] [Dagger Mastery] [Hatchet Mastery] Gives abilities: [Ambush] [Prowling] ]


"Whoa, that's a lot!" Rowan couldn't help but exclaim.

"Oh? What did you get?" Old John looked at him with interest. Rowan took a minute to read out the notification he got.

"8 Stats per level? Along with 5 skills and 2 abilities? That is quite strong for your first class." Old John said with a smile while looking at Rowan with a bit of pride in his eyes.

"You should familiarize yourself with those abilities and skills. You will also need to get a weapon as well." Old John said while stroking his beard. He reaches into his pocket and pulls out a couple silver coins. "Go to the Smith's shop and get yourself a weapon." He says while passing the coins over.

"I couldn't take money from you, old man. You've already taught me a lot and took care of me these past few years." Rowan said with a bashful look while looking down. It just made him feel uneasy.

"I didn't teach you all I knew just so you would stay in this barren wasteland. I want you to get out of here and make a name for yourself! So, take these damn coins, and go get yourself a weapon!" Old John said with firmness while giving Rowan a stern look.

Rowan only hesitated for a couple more seconds before letting out a small sigh and taking the 4 silver coins. "I am going to head off then. I will make sure to stop by when I get the chance." Rowan said.

After they said their goodbyes, Rowan walked further into town.

He walked past the ramshackle homes, the tilting buildings, the muddy and dirt roads, and past the people trying to sell their wares on the side of the road. The town seemed a bit empty and lifeless. There was no color to it, and none of the residents here seemed to have much interest in life. Some living just day by day, some stuck in their own mindsets or habits. The town wasn't going to be getting any better anytime soon. Heck, Strata Town didn't even have a mayor!

While Rowan was thinking of this, he eventually found himself standing in front of the Smithy, the one place in town that worked with metals. It was here where Rowan usually got nails, fittings, clasps, and other small metal pieces for items he is hired to make.

He shook those thoughts away before opening up the door and walking into the shop.