
Path of the Endless

After facing death in his previous world, Michael's consciousness was transmigrated into a new one. He found himself in a strange and unfamiliar world, where he discovered mystical practices, stumbled upon forbidden relics, and attracted the enmity of powerful entities. Using his extraction ability as his guide, he chose to embark on the Endless Path and started his journey to uncover the secrets of his new existence and shape his destiny amidst the chaos.

Fairn · Fantasy
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14 Chs

Exiled Blood Ants (1)

"What are you doing?!" A voice asked, making Michael flinch. He could have sworn that all of the students went to check out the situation too. When he turned around he sighed. "Ada!" Michael recognized his classmate quickly, but without a second thought, turned around and continued to open the door.

"HEY STOP" She yelled at him as she approached and tried to stop him. She grabbed his arm as she started to yell for the teacher. "HEY, TEACHER, HE'S TRYING TO OPEN TH..."

"Ada shut the fuck up" Michael closed her mouth with his palm before turning her around and holding her against the wall. "I know we're not close by any means, but my sister is out there" Michael continued. "She most likely didn't manage to get into the shelter, so I'm going out to look for her" Ada's eyes changed from fear and worry to confusion and understanding. Seeing this, Michael let her go before starting to turn the door handle again. It was a wheel, like a bank vault, and turning it was extremely difficult, especially for the frail Michael.

"Fuck!" He cursed while struggling to turn the wheel as it barely moved. Without a second thought, Michael spoke. "Zero, increase the Strength stat!"

A wave of energy coursed through his body, his eyes shone slightly as his arms became slightly bigger, his chest puffed a little and his whole frame became sturdier.

"It's turning!" The wheel, which was barely moving, started to speed up as he put all of his strength into it.

"Wh.. What just happened!!"

Hearing Ada's question, Michael froze for a second. 'Fuck, I forgot about her!' quickly, Michael continued turning the wheel, and without looking at Ada he said "What're you talking about?"

"That light! It appeared out of nowhere and started to enter your body, and then... and then you suddenly grew slightly bigger... Not by much but it was noticeable... What did you do?"

"Ada, we're in a stressful situation, you're terrified and exhausted, and you were most likely hallucinating"

"No, I wasn't!"


The door finally opened before Michael quickly slid through the gap, leaving Ada standing there.

"WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU TWO DOING!" Michael heard the teacher's voice through the gap, but he didn't care anymore as he was finally out.

"I saw Lisa shove a physics book in her backpack this morning, so her class is most likely in the laboratory at the second building, but since she didn't come with the other students, she must have been in a situation she couldn't... Think!" Michael kept muttering to himself as he made his way up the basement stairs and back into the Academy's main hallway. "There are 2 options. She was either pushed or hurt, and couldn't get here on time, but no matter how panicked and scared the kids were they wouldn't leave a student behind like that..."


The Academy shook as a loud ear-shattering sound came from outside.

"Ignore it and think... The second option... Bathroom" Michael nodded to himself, finding it plausible as he walked towards the main door, opened it, and walked outside.

"What the fuck is happening!!!" The scene in front of him looked horrifying. In the distance, he could see bullets flying off into the sky as they attempted to shoot down what looked like winged insects.

"They're getting close!!" Michael's fear grew, but he quickly calmed himself down and started running towards the science building. "Fucking stamina!" He didn't run for long but he could already feel himself getting tired. "What trash physique!"

After cutting through the grass, Michael found himself in front of the science building, he pushed the door open and walked in. "It's quiet" He could hear every step he took on the floor as it echoed into the building. "Where are the bathrooms again?" Michael scanned his memories and quickly remembered the location as he started walking towards it. "If she was stuck in the bathroom, why didn't she leave and head to the main building after she was done?" Michael started thinking about it, "She should have at least hid in the basement even if the steel door was closed shut" This revelation confused him. "Where is she then?" It didn't make sense to him, why wouldn't she make her way there? What was she doing?

"Michael?" A faint whisper reached Michael's ears as he got closer to the bathrooms. Turning his head, he saw Lisa inside one of the classrooms, peeking at him through a window. "W..what are you doing here??"

"I came looking fo..."

"Why did you come!!!" She said, panicking.


"RUN!!!!!!" Lisa yelled at the top of her lungs as she was looking at something behind him.

Michael turned his head quickly, his eyes widening as he saw a giant Ant, twice his size with a bright red exoskeleton with sharp and long mandibles and pitch-black eyes.