
Fiercely Fighting (Part 1)

The bonfire still stood raging in the centre of the clearing. Though no one stood around it any longer. They had finished with their merriments and celebrations, the happiness of nearing their destination had already drained from them. So instead, they acted like all carefree and wasteful Goblins did and slept their fears away.

Though just a few metres away, their fears encroached upon them, heralded by 6 beast like eyes piercing through the bushes.


After giving Wulfarth his orders he crept away into the cover of darkness with Alice at his side, leaving Faruth to move towards the Goblin encampment alone.

The Goblins in question were all snoring into their beds fashioned from the skin of beasts, similar to what the two had back at their cave. They spread themselves out at random around the blazing fire, save for a single group of three to the right surrounding their Hobgoblin leader, presumably his personal guards.

Shifting silently to the left using [Stealth], Faruth raised both of his hands parallel to his waist at a slight angle.

In his left, a black vortex appeared before his right slowly drew a sword from it, lacking all the sounds that came with removing it from its sheath. He drew closer to the encampment with his sword placed carefully away from the surrounding trees, so as to not clash against them.

Upon reaching the clearing, he made his first target clear. It was a lone Goblin right on the outskirts, drooling onto his darkened pelt of a bed.

Faruth plunged his sword straight through the Goblins throat, covering its mouth with his palm just in case. It died almost instantly, leaving behind only a message in its wake and leaving Faruth to move on to the next.


[[Congratulations! You have slain a Goblin Warrior:]]

[[You gained 150 EXP]]

[[You gained: Goblin Ear x 1]]

[[You gained: Goblin Leather x 1]]



[[Congratulations! You have slain a Goblin Warrior:]]

[[You gained 150 EXP]]

[[You gained: Goblin Ear x 1]]

[[You gained: Exquisite Goblin Leather x 1]]



[[Congratulations! You have slain a Goblin Warrior:]]

[[You gained 150 EXP]]

[[You gained: Goblin Ear x 1]]

[[You gained: Goblin Leather x 1]]






Like this, only the three bodyguard Goblins were left, along with their leader. Though Faruth hadn't quite managed to level up from this, he received 1350 EXP and resources that he could put to use back at his village, pushing his strength even higher!

For these last four however, Faruth had to be extremely careful. Each of the three bodyguards had pure fighting Stats as high if not higher than himself! That's not even factoring in the monstrously strong Fulbash that could erase him in an instant.

Luckily for him though, they had one fatal flaw. Goblins were stupid. Extremely stupid. This particular group was anyway. They were no match intellectually to the masterful gamer Faruth, who had spent countless hours trying to figure out ways to beat the annoying horsemen of King H*rlaus and S*njar Khan. That in itself is worthy proof.

So instead of directly confronting them right away, he tried a completely different tactic. Moving to the opposite side of them, he deactivated [Stealth] before running directly towards the still burning bonfire and kicking it towards the now waking group. Slightly singing his fur in the process. Though it was already black.

Before they were fully aware of their surroundings, piles of burning logs and ash flooded over the four, trapping them flailing about underneath. A smell of burning flesh permeated through the air along with constant screams of agony, making Faruth slightly shudder.


[[Congratulations! You have slain a Goblin Leader:]]

[[You gained 300 EXP]]

[[You gained: Goblin Ear x 1]]

[[You gained: Exquisite Goblin Leather x 1]]

[[You gained: Magic Stone (Small) x 1]]


A window indicating the death of one of the bodyguards popped up in front of him, but he had no time to worry about that. Fulbash lifted up the burning debris and threw it around him with a deafening roar. It appears that his plan had worked for the most part. The remaining two Goblin bodyguards were out of the fight, rolling on the floor in endless pain, leaving only an injured Fulbash as a competitor.

While the vicious Hobgoblin was still catching his bearings, Faruth ran back into the thicket that he came from, leaving a single line of burning footprints in the ground as he did so.

After dealing with the burns on his body, Fulbash caught sight of the still smouldering footprints and the rustling in the bushes, before letting out his signature roar and sprinting after it with surprising speed.

But as he reached the edge of the forest, he realised that no one was hiding where he thought, causing him to fly into a deeper rage due to the Gnoll's trickery. In his semi-unconscious state, he failed to notice the Gnoll in question was behind him, only realising after the pain of a wound had struck his side.

He subconsciously swung his fist back, though the Gnoll dodged backwards with his superior agility. This exchange led the two foes to stare directly at each others faces with evident malice.

But of a shorter chapter today for you guys. Part 2 coming tomorrow!

Thanks for the support!

Shakin_Baconcreators' thoughts