
Path of Sovereign

In the year 2012, anomaly came from the earth that put everything in transition. A colorful floating orb — grants the supernatural ability to whoever obtains and absorbs it. This floating orb can be used for good or for evil. Division in society was displayed in the instance the transition began. Garner, a male lead, obtains a thousand color orb that will change his entire destiny.

Ginx_ · Fantasy
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12 Chs

Chapter 8 - 12 Circles

In the ethereal ambiance of the place, akin to the grandeur of the White House but draped in tattered decay, eleven imposing silhouettes encircle the round table. Their auras emanate power so potent that merely standing beside them proves to be a formidable challenge.

Perched atop the table amidst the shadowy figures sits a small child, whose silhouette turns towards the entrance of the room.

"Rosalia, it has been a while since we last gathered here together," the diminutive figure greets.

"King, you remain unchanged as always," Rosalia responds, continuing her approach towards the table to find herself an empty chair.

"I have found the one we have been seeking. His orb surpasses even the divine class," Rosalia announces.

"Hmm, are you certain? I will need to confirm it myself," responds a petite child.

"Hope, what do you see now?" the small child turns to a slender woman seated nearby.

"The chaos continues to approach us. We cannot prevent its arrival," Hope replies solemnly.

"With the sudden emergence of a multitude of orbs, they have gained an advantage in growth over us. While no King's rank has yet fallen into their hands, I fear it is only a matter of time. Who will stand against them if it comes to that?" she adds, her voice tinged with concern and frustration.

An impeccably handsome man with a strong physique rises from his seat, his hand gripping the hilt of his sword firmly.

"Allow me to take the forefront. I will cut down every one of them with my sword," he declares boldly.

"Sit down, Rafael. None of us will expose ourselves prematurely," the small child warns.

"When will we take action then? What if it's already too late?" interjects a young woman.

"You underestimate our enemy. We cannot act rashly, lest we draw their attention and invite their full force upon us. Do you truly believe we can withstand such an onslaught?" counters a tall, muscular man.

"That brat Manuel is desperately gathering every taker in the kingdom. He's more afraid than us old fogies," Rosalia exclaims with a hint of disdain.

"We should indeed be afraid of the threat, Rosalia. How can we preserve our people's lives if even we cannot protect them? Our numbers dwindle with each passing day. If a war of this magnitude were to occur, they may all cease to exist," the tall, muscular man warns gravely.

"Continue to guide him, Rosalia, and keep us informed. We will supply him with whatever he requires. It's also time for him to meet the other one," King instructs her.

Rosalia nods silently, the tension palpable among the gathered members.

The 12 Circles operate as a clandestine organization, overseeing every aspect of the kingdom. Even the king is aware of their presence and acknowledges their role as guardians. They remain largely unknown to the general populace, with only the elite being aware of their existence. Each member possesses a divine class orb, with the small child known as King rumored to be on the verge of breaking through to the emperor rank. He waits patiently for the opportune moment to strike.

The kingdom and the 12 Circles have an agreement to abstain from interfering in each other's affairs unless absolutely necessary. They have also pledged to maintain secrecy regarding the kingdom's internal matters, so as not to incite panic among the people.

Meanwhile, King Manuel oversees his own elite forces and armies, tirelessly capturing and recruiting takers. Despite their awareness of the kingdom's actions, the 12 Circles choose not to intervene, understanding the reasons behind the kingdom's actions.

Everyone nodded to each other and disappeared in an instant returning to their designated place. 


As Rosalia journeyed through the forest, the air crackled with magic, and the trees seemed to whisper secrets to her passing form. Her path was illuminated by the soft glow of luminescent blue mushrooms dotting the forest floor, casting an otherworldly light around her.

Suddenly, a pack of razorbacks emerged from the shadows, their predatory eyes fixed on her, waiting for the opportunity to strike. Rosalia merely smiled, her aura pulsating with the power of a queen. The creatures, sensing her dominance, cowered before her might, their instincts telling them that she was not to be trifled with. Without hesitation, they fled into the depths of the forest, leaving Rosalia to continue her journey unimpeded.

Drawing closer to her destination, Rosalia ascended the peak of a majestic mountain, where a small bamboo hut awaited her. 

Inside, she was greeted by Teresa, a young woman with slender eyes and dark hair, who approached her eagerly.

"Aunt Rosalia, you're back," Teresa exclaimed, her eyes shining with excitement.

"Teresa, I have someone I want you to meet. He possesses the same orb as you, surpassing even the divine class," Rosalia informed her, her voice tinged with anticipation.

"Really? That's amazing!" Teresa exclaimed, her excitement bubbling over.

"Pack your things, Teresa. We leave today," Rosalia instructed, her gaze firm yet filled with a sense of adventure.

It has been a year since Garner began his training under Rosalia's guidance, and each day was dedicated solely to honing his skills, with sleep being his only respite.

Curious about the new knowledge he gained after his breakthrough, Garner approached Rosalia for guidance. She explained that the information pertained to alchemy, the mystical art of crafting magical pills known only to skilled Alchemists.

Eager to expand his repertoire, Garner delved into the study of alchemy, with Rosalia providing him with all the necessary resources. Despite his numerous failed attempts at concocting potions, Garner persevered, finding that each failure yielded valuable experience.

Throughout his exploration of alchemy, Garner discovered that precise control over the fire element was paramount. He meticulously analyzed the medicinal properties of various ingredients, meticulously recording his findings. By comparing this information with his references, Garner gradually acquired the knowledge needed to craft simple, low-grade healing pills.

Utilizing his ability, Law, to manipulate fire with precision, Garner found himself at an advantage. By adjusting the intensity of the flames and controlling their heat output, he exhibited a natural talent for alchemy. With each successful creation, Garner's reputation as an alchemical prodigy grew.

During his studies of alchemy, Garner also unconsciously trained his acquired ability, which stemmed from the orb he absorbed, known as Law. He learned to precisely control gravity and wind, enabling him to fly effortlessly.

When Rosalia discovered Garner's newfound ability to fly, she was shocked. Flying was a skill typically reserved for those of Emperor rank, yet Garner, only a Warrior, had accomplished it.

Occasionally, Rosalia sparred with Garner to pinpoint his weaknesses. Each sparring session filled her with joy, reminiscent of her days as a fighter, evoking a sense of nostalgia.

Meanwhile, Garner was occupied with studying creatures for experimentation. He stumbled upon a place where he noticed a faint blue glow, which seemed oddly familiar to him. Bravely approaching, he discovered a Teleportation frog, a beautiful creature bestowed with the ability to jump through space.

Observing the frog's movements, Garner noticed a rare phenomenon—a series of blue strings that appeared with each leap. Intrigued, he began studying these bizarre strings without frightening the creature.

However, the frogs disappeared with a sudden rustle, leaving Garner frustrated.

"Dammit!" he exclaimed in frustration.

Two figures appeared behind him, causing Garner annoyance at their sudden arrival.

"You scared them away!" he accused.

Ignoring Garner's annoyance, Rosalia introduced him to Teresa, announcing that they would begin training together.

"Hello, Garner! Aunt Rosalia told me about you," Teresa greeted cheerfully, noticing the glow in Garner's eyes.

"You have the Sky ability, controlling weather like Storm from X-men, and you're already a General Rank?!" Garner froze in disbelief.

"He's a seeker?" Teresa turned to Rosalia for confirmation.

"No, but that's what makes him unique and intriguing, don't you think?" Rosalia remarked.

Teresa found amusement in the situation, teasing Garner further.

As Teresa's aura erupted with a yellow glow and strong gusts of wind, dark clouds gathered, and trees swayed violently. Unfazed, Garner smirked at the display.

Earth spikes emerged around Teresa, surrounding her with deadly precision. Despite Teresa's powerful aura, Garner remained unaffected, impressing her with his quick and precise casting.

"Fascinating! Your quick reactions and immunity to my aura are truly remarkable," Teresa assessed, further intrigued by Garner's abilities.


Meanwhile, Garner and Teresa engaged in a sparring session to test each other's abilities further. As they faced off, a charged atmosphere enveloped them, crackling with energy.

Teresa's eyes glowed with determination as she summoned gusts of wind and dark clouds, channeling her Sky ability to manipulate the weather. Garner remained composed, his gaze steady as he assessed Teresa's moves.

With a swift motion, Teresa sent bolts of lightning crackling through the air, aiming them at Garner. Reacting quickly, Garner conjured earth spikes to deflect the lightning strikes, each spike emerging from the ground with precision.

Their movements were a dance of power and skill, each one testing the other's limits. Teresa's control over the elements was impressive, but Garner's mastery of Law gave him an edge in combat. He used his ability to manipulate gravity to evade Teresa's attacks with grace, defying the laws of nature with each move.

As they sparred, the forest around them echoed with the sounds of their clash. Trees swayed under the force of Teresa's winds, and the ground trembled with each impact of Garner's earth spikes.

Despite the intensity of their battle, there was a sense of camaraderie between them. They pushed each other to their limits, each one determined to emerge victorious but also respecting the other's strength and skill.

After an intense exchange of blows, Teresa and Garner paused, their chests heaving with exertion. Despite the outcome of their sparring match, both fighters knew they had gained valuable insights into each other's abilities.

As they caught their breath, a sense of mutual respect and admiration filled the air. In that moment, they understood that they were not just allies but kindred spirits, united by their shared journey and the challenges that lay ahead.

As the intense sparring session continued, it became evident that Garner's essence reserves were dwindling faster than Teresa's. Despite his formidable skills and determination, his status as a Warrior meant that his capacity to sustain his abilities was limited compared to Teresa, who held the rank of General, two ranks above him.

With each use of his abilities, Garner felt the strain on his essence, the energy within him depleting rapidly. Every manipulation of Law, every command he issued, drained him further, leaving him feeling drained and fatigued.

In contrast, Teresa's control over her Sky ability seemed almost effortless. She wielded her power with finesse, her essence reserves seemingly endless as she conjured storms and summoned gusts of wind with ease.

As the battle raged on, Garner found himself pushed to his limits, his determination the only thing keeping him going. Despite the odds stacked against him, he refused to back down, drawing on every ounce of strength he possessed to continue the fight.

Teresa, too, recognized Garner's perseverance and determination. Despite his lower rank and the strain it placed on him, she admired his resilience and the fierce determination with which he faced each challenge.

Their spar became a test of endurance and willpower, each fighter pushing themselves to the brink in their quest for victory. And though Garner may have been outmatched in terms of rank and experience, his unwavering spirit and determination shone brightly, earning him the respect of his formidable opponent.

As Garner admitted defeat with a smile, Teresa's expression softened, and she offered him a hand to help him up. Despite the intensity of their spar, there was a sense of camaraderie between them, a bond forged through their shared experiences and their mutual pursuit of strength.

Rosalia approached them with a proud smile, her eyes reflecting her satisfaction at seeing her students grow and bond. "Well done, both of you. It's clear that you've both made significant progress," she commended, her voice filled with pride.

Garner nodded, his breath still heavy from the exertion of their training. "Thank you, Rosalia. And thank you, Teresa. That was quite the workout," he said, acknowledging the role both of them had played in pushing him to his limits.

Teresa grinned, a sense of accomplishment evident in her expression. "Anytime, Garner. You put up a good fight. I can tell you're determined to get stronger," she replied, her tone filled with admiration.

With their spar concluded, they took a moment to catch their breath and bask in the sense of achievement that came with their intense training session. For Garner, it was a reminder of the progress he had made since arriving at Rosalia's place, and a testament to the strength and resilience he possessed. And for Teresa, it was a reaffirmation of her own abilities and a recognition of the potential she saw in her fellow student. 

Together, they stood united, ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead on their journey of growth and self-discovery.

As they caught their breath, Garner's gaze turned to the forest, his eyes alight with determination. "Before that, though, you need to help me catch a teleportation frog," he requested, his expression pleading.

Teresa chuckled at Garner's eagerness, shaking her head in amusement. "Fine," she agreed with a playful grin, recognizing Garner's curiosity and excitement.

With their spar concluded, the prospect of embarking on a new adventure together filled them both with anticipation. Garner and Teresa shared a glance, their shared goal strengthening the bond between them even further. With Teresa's agreement to Garner's request, they set off into the forest once more, ready to embark on their next challenge side by side.

Despite having only just met, Garner and Teresa shared a sense of familiarity, as if they had known each other for much longer. 

For Garner, being around Teresa evoked a comforting feeling, reminiscent of the warmth and camaraderie he felt with his sisters. In Teresa, he found not just a sparring partner, but a companion who made him feel like he was part of a family once more. Their budding friendship blossomed amidst the challenges of their training, forging a bond that felt as strong as kinship.

Hi there! Thanks for stopping by! Ready to witness the wild Garner ride? Sorry for the hold-up, been caught up in the real world stuff. But working on this story has been surprisingly therapeutic. So, hit me with your comments, votes, and anything else that comes to mind! And most importantly, happy reading!

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