
Path of Sovereign

In the year 2012, anomaly came from the earth that put everything in transition. A colorful floating orb — grants the supernatural ability to whoever obtains and absorbs it. This floating orb can be used for good or for evil. Division in society was displayed in the instance the transition began. Garner, a male lead, obtains a thousand color orb that will change his entire destiny.

Ginx_ · Fantasy
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12 Chs

Chapter 10 - Reminisce

A whole month has gone by since the chaotic attacks, yet Garner's still curious about the secretive group called the 12 Circles. He keeps asking Rosalia about them, but she doesn't say much, leaving him puzzled.

After they caught the powerful Overlord, everything went oddly quiet. Nobody talks about it, which is weird.

Garner sits on his bamboo bed, staring out of his window, lost in thought. He can't shake off the feeling that something's not right.

Alone in his room, Garner tries to figure things out. He wants to understand his powers and the 12 Circles, but it's like trying to solve a puzzle in the dark.

He sits on his bamboo bed, deep in thought. Emerging from his seclusion, Garner finds himself reflecting on the newfound understanding of his abilities, especially with Julienne's remarks proving helpful in unraveling the mysteries.

Staring at his palm, he activates his power, watching as multiple white strings converge, and a flame ignites. As the fire flickers in his hand, he reminisces about the past, recalling the days when he felt powerless to protect his family from Authority's oppression. If only he had possessed this level of control back then, perhaps they would still be together.

Unbeknownst to Garner, the gathering strings intensify, and the fire's color shifts from yellow-orange to blue. Oblivious to the danger, he persists in gathering more strings, watching the flame transform from blue to red, then purple, before gradually reverting to its original hue and extinguishing.

Breathless from exertion, Garner realizes that the more he uses his abilities, the greater the essence required to fuel them.

Despite depleting his essence in creating the purple flame, he feels less anxious now, having grown accustomed to his powers.

"Come!" he murmurs, and the floating essence obediently begins to converge and gather around Garner's bamboo house. With newfound confidence in his control over his abilities, he feels less afraid, knowing he can now handle them with greater mastery. Garner estimates he can now hold up to 4500 essence, edging closer to a breakthrough into the Warlord ranks.

In just about five minutes, Garner finds himself replenished, a remarkable feat considering that Warrior-ranked individuals typically require an hour to do so. If other takers were to discover this ability of his, they might be left awestruck.

Given that it's Sunday, Rosalia grants Teresa and Garner some free time to rest and pursue their own activities. Teresa often chooses to visit her family in the city, leaving Garner feeling a twinge of jealousy.

After tidying up his surroundings, Garner prepares to venture out once more. Activating his ability, a brown string emerges from the ground, harnessing gravity to lift him into the air. Surrounding himself with white strings to propel him forward, Garner swiftly maneuvers through the skies, his proficiency in flight growing with each practice session.

Rosalia is surprised to learn of Garner's newfound ability to fly. She recalls the significant essence expenditure required for her own airborne endeavors, usually manifesting as a large rose petal for flight. However, Garner effortlessly defies this norm, showcasing a unique mastery over his abilities. Such effortless flight is typically reserved for those who have reached the esteemed rank of Emperor, a level currently unheard of within their kingdom.

Taking advantage of his newfound skill, Garner heads southward, soaring through the skies with ease. He finds that he can maintain flight for about 30 minutes to an hour, depending on his speed, although faster flights necessitate greater essence expenditure.

Garner continues his flight for two hours, periodically descending to replenish his essence every 20 to 30 minutes due to his increased speed. Suddenly, he spots a familiar sight amidst the charred woods: the ruins of his former home, where his family once lived after the war.

Descending slowly, Garner begins to replenish his essence once more. He surveys the area, noting the peaceful, grassy landscape juxtaposed with the ruins of tall buildings, now overgrown with vines and bushes. His heart aches as he sees his family in his mind's eye, going about their daily chores in the very spot where he stands. Unbeknownst to him, tears stream down his cheeks uncontrollably.

Despite Rosalia's assurances of their safety and the true nature of the kingdom, Garner can't shake the anger he feels towards those who harmed his family. Lost in his emotions, he inadvertently activates his ability. Thousands of essence particles converge around him, accompanied by a sudden gust of wind. Dark clouds gather overhead, followed by rumbling thunder. It's as if the storm mirrors his inner turmoil—an angry tempest unleashed.

As the essence continues to flow into him, Garner begins to glow with an intensity matching the storm's fury. The winds grow stronger, sweeping everything around him in its path.

Meanwhile, back in Rose Village, Rosalia senses a disturbance to the south. Her attention is drawn to a white beam of light piercing through the dark clouds.

"Teresa?" Rosalia wonders, recalling Teresa's ability to control weather. However, Teresa is known to be in the city, not here.

Realizing the source of the disturbance, Rosalia's aura erupts, conjuring a large rose petal beneath her. Without hesitation, she mounts it and takes off in the direction of the light beam, headed towards Garner's location.

A burst of energy continues to erupt repeatedly from the same location, catching the attention of even Julienne, who is far away from the scene.

Just as Rosalia arrives, a powerful surge of energy accompanies her, manifesting as a swirling mass of pink rose petals that dance in the wind. Gradually, they begin to calm the raging storm, bringing tranquility to the area. Spotting Garner standing amidst the aftermath, Rosalia approaches him slowly, her expression filled with empathy.

"Garner... I understand how hard it is to feel helpless. Truly, I do," Rosalia begins softly, her voice carrying a weight of shared sorrow. She gazes out into the distance, taking in the scene before them.

"I remember this place vividly. It used to be alive with the sounds of bustling activity—the smell of car exhaust, the laughter of children playing. It feels like just yesterday. I lived here, right where the pond stands now. My husband worked for the government, and we had two children. Despite our occasional disagreements, we were happy," she reminisces, her voice tinged with nostalgia.

"I, too, felt utterly helpless when the war tore my family away from me," Rosalia continues, her voice tinged with sorrow. "I survived the tragic calamity, but I often wonder what could have been if I had possessed this power. Perhaps we could have been together again for a while longer," she muses, her thoughts drifting to what might have been.

"And... the truth is, I've lived far longer than you might have guessed. I am a millennium and a half old, Garner. Though I've often said it's good to know only a little, perhaps it's time you knew more," Rosalia reveals, her tone serious.

Garner's expression shifts to one of shock and confusion. "What do you mean?" he asks, his voice betraying his astonishment.

"The orbs appeared around 10,000 years ago, along with five ancient ancestors. They were the guardians of the so-called orbs that were sealed on Earth. Their duty was to maintain the seal, ensuring that the Overlords—like the one who attacked last month—could not sense its presence. The existence of takers stretches back much further than we had previously believed, and this is classified information known only to a select few of us," Rosalia explains, her words laden with significance.

"With the seal intact, the Overlords had no way to find or track the orbs, and they couldn't grow stronger without the essence of takers. However, the ancient ancestors were severely injured upon their arrival, and there was no way for them to fully recover as they needed to constantly reinforce the seal. Over the millennia, their injuries grew more severe, and every thousand years, one of them would fall. When the last ancient ancestor finally succumbed, he made preparations and selected twelve individuals to receive orbs specifically chosen from the seal. King is one of these individuals—the leader of the twelve circles," Rosalia reveals, her tone grave.

"But time stops for no one. When the last ancestor fell, King and the others attempted to reinforce the seal, but it was beyond their strength. Eventually, the seal cracked, and some of the orbs contained within escaped, scattering across the world," she concludes, her words heavy with the weight of history.

"The twelve were unable to maintain the seal, so they scattered to train new takers with the little time remaining before the seal would completely break. Then, the war erupted as conflicts arose over the newfound power, and everyone sought to obtain it. The twelve used their strength to suppress these conflicts forcefully, explaining the imminent danger that would come. Some were willing to join their cause, but others succumbed to greed. After 500 years of preparation, they sent all of the King's rank to reinforce the seal, but even with their combined power, they still fell short compared to the ancient ancestors. Each year, the twelve continued to send King's rank individuals into the seal, knowing they would never return."

"Until 11 years ago, when the seal finally shattered, unleashing another war and allowing the Overlords to find us," Rosalia explains, her expression grave. "King settled here in the Earth Kingdom and established the twelve circles. The last war wasn't just about greed—it was a fight for survival, as the Overlords began slaughtering anyone who wasn't a taker," she adds, her face serious.

"What about King Manuel? My parents?" Garner presses, his voice tinged with concern.

"Manuel, like us, sought to protect as many people as he could. That's why he captured everyone and brought them to the heart of the kingdom, where he could maintain control and keep an eye on everything," Rosalia replies, meeting Garner's gaze with unwavering determination.

Hey everyone, sorry for the delay in the new chapter! Life got a bit hectic, but I’m back on track now. Thanks for your patience and understanding. Let’s dive back into the story together. Cheers!

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