
Trial of Energy Manipulation

The sun hung high in the sky as the students gathered for the second trial—the Trial of Energy Manipulation. Chen Zi's excitement was palpable as he stood beside Liu Yan. Master Liang's voice resonated through the courtyard, explaining the challenge that awaited them.

"Today's trial will test your understanding and manipulation of energy. You will be tasked with channeling and redirecting the energies of the environment to hit specific targets."

Chen Zi's focus sharpened as he absorbed the instructions. The trial demanded not only precision but also a deep connection with the energies that surrounded them. The courtyard had been transformed into an arena of wooden targets, each marked with intricate patterns.

As the trial began, Chen Zi took a deep breath, centering his energy. He extended his palms, drawing in the ambient energies around him. He felt the world's essence respond to his command, the energies swirling and gathering in his hands. With a surge of focus, he directed the energy into an orb, its luminous glow casting a soft light.

His eyes locked onto the first target, a wooden disk adorned with concentric circles. With a flick of his wrist, he released the orb, watching as it sailed through the air. It hit the target dead center, the impact causing ripples of energy to radiate outward.

Chen Zi's confidence grew as he continued to channel and direct the energies. Each target posed a different challenge—some required precision, while others demanded strength. His energy manipulation skills allowed him to adjust the orbs' trajectory mid-flight, hitting targets with uncanny accuracy.

However, as Chen Zi focused on the final, intricate target, he felt a sudden surge of resistance in his energy manipulation. His brow furrowed, his concentration wavering. The orb he had formed wavered in mid-air, veering off course. He watched in frustration as it missed the target by a hair's breadth.

Liu Yan's voice cut through his disappointment. "Chen Zi, you can do it! Focus your energy and trust your instincts!"

Chen Zi took a deep breath, blocking out distractions and re-centering his energy. With renewed determination, he formed another orb, this time pouring his focus and intention into it. The orb glowed brilliantly, humming with power.

He released the orb, guiding it with an unshakeable resolve. The orb hit the final target, its impact causing a cascade of energy to fill the air. Chen Zi's chest swelled with pride as he stood amidst the vibrant glow, his success evident to all.

As the trial concluded, Chen Zi approached Liu Yan, a triumphant smile on his face. "Thanks for the encouragement back there."

Liu Yan grinned. "No problem! You had it in you all along. I knew you could do it."

Chen Zi's gaze shifted to the targets that still radiated with residual energy. The Trial of Energy Manipulation had taught him not only control over his abilities but also the importance of determination and belief in oneself. With Liu Yan's unwavering support and his newfound skills, Chen Zi felt more prepared than ever to face the challenges that awaited him in the world of cultivation.