
The Awakening

I woke up to the sound of ear piercing shouting, with huge figures leaning over me. Suddenly I was picked up and I couldn't help but cry, then i felt a warm sensation it was like nothing I could describe. The huge figure was holding me tightly but strangely I didn't want to move. I just wanted to stay there surrounded by all the warmth.

Over the next year I realized I had a larger intellect than most, i could understand the conversations that my parents were having, i could even walk. The name I was given was Chen ZI, and I was part of a small fishing family in the coast of the Zen kingdom. I always begged my parents to tell me ore however they didn't know much about this huge continent either. However i found out about cultivation the art of going against the heavens. By the time i was two my parents finally relented against my nagging and gave me the village training manual.

From then on until I was about 4 my parents would leave me at home as i studied the manual. "Dad what are the realms of cultivation?" My dad hesitated before answering in a gruff voice "There are only three that i know of son Novice Warrior and Knight. However I wouldn't get your hopes up. I have been training in this village since I was a child and have only made it to warrior." My mother was the kindest of the two when I would get scared at night she would be the one to hold me. The cottage we lived in was very small. We had two rooms the kitchen and the bedroom the floor was muddied and there was such a strong smell of fish it made having visitors over impossible.

"Dad when can I join the cultivation school", I said. "You know that Zi when you are six years old." I frowned "But dad, I have already memorized the whole manual please. You know you can't, stop it son!" With that I reluctantly gave up for the day.