
Path Of Knights

This is the story of Dante Kudo, Knight by fate and Hero by Choice...join him and his allies of The Order as they endure a series of Unfortunate events in the Land of Bushido with Everything coming together will he defeat The Prophet Of Truth Shino? Will he Overcome Sins Of His Father's Past? or Will Dante Submit too his inner Darkness? Support with Votes and Comments if you Like. Arigatou! (Warning! Loose Inspiration and Elements from other Anime) just a little Passion of mine, been developing for over 7 years and now decided to write it! Enjoy!

RyuKogora · Fantasy
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24 Chs

Chapter 2: Spar Of The Century

-Third Pov-

Seeing Dante's battle stance, Daisuke's thoughts we're picking at it like a Vulture observing its Prey 'though it still has openings, it has great balance and capacity.....the days I'm not here, he must be working by himself. Kid never takes a break. Like Father like son...'

Dante stares at him with a curious gleam in his eyes, gripping his blade with intensity "Well Viejo! What are you waiting for?...come on. Your not gonna chicken out now after all that talk!"

"Ah Dante, for all that Technique your worse trait has to be your Smart ass Mouth. I've gotta say I'm impressed at your confidence even though you've never been able to lay a scratch on me....it seems no matter how cocky you are....You can never really back it up." Daisuke commented still analyzing him like a Hawk staring at him with precision "Since you're talking a big Game. I'm gonna give you the first shot." The Veteran then lets his guard down, unsheathing his Broadsword and imbedding it into the floor with a raised eyebrow "Stab me anywhere. Go ahead, let's see that resolve of yours come to Fruition"

"The First shot?....you want me to stab you anywhere. what the heck's wrong with you. That's dangerous, I'm not a child anymore Viejo! You might get seriously hurt here" Dante spoke flabbergasted at the sudden request, his head titled a bit in question 'What's he thinking-...I Stab him and he'll get injured. It's gotta be some sort of Pre-test....maybe Gauge how far I've gotten...'

Those eyes of his, never ceased their Frozen Stare as Daisuke simply chuckled contrary to his coldness "I never said you were a child did I? Im simply giving you a handicap because your no where near my lever Kid...I'll give you credit, you've mastered the Basics over the Years. Your Mana is Impressive not exactly Mastered or Matured but you make up for it with your Technique"

"Mana?....is that some sort of Joke?....how's my Mana Gonna determine the difference between me and you. At the end of the day, it's who can win or lose!" Dante spoke casually gripping his blade not exactly making a move yet, the concept of Mana always eluded his mind, it wasn't something he practiced often or really focused on. His Stubbornness simply kept him from believing it would be helpful in fight, the only reason he knew this much was because Daisuke wouldn't let him progress training without it.

"Fighting is all Fine and Dandy but if you don't have proper control of your Mana or don't utilize it correctly. It could make a Huge impact on the shift of Battle. A Proper Master, can shield their Skin with a thin Barrier. Fire Blasts of intense Energy, Summon For Aid in Battle. Seal away other Mana, or use it to increase their Battle Statistics. You'd be Insane to think you can win a fight with Strength alone, that would've been Fine Millenia Ago but now you'd be stuck at Third Class Knight without it." Daisuke explained his reasoning too try and get his Reluctant Nephew too Understand why it was so important but he knew words wouldn't change his mind, only hands on Experience. "I taught you quite a bit. And your Naturally good at utilizing Mana but...you have yet too control it wisely or use it too it's full potential. Theirs so much Mana probably built inside you because of your Genes, but yet I can control the full extent of mine, which means no matter what you do even if you use it...if you don't try too Tap into it further you'll lose every time."

"Mana is the Natural Energy that flows through Everyone and the World...right?....so anyone could use it....what your saying is. A Farmer could beat me if he knew how too use Mana better than me?.....that's A load of Crap" Dante just couldn't believe it, a Superior Swordsman could best anyone with or without Mana it made no difference; at this point he was Angered at being lectured so Early.

"Ugh! You talk to much !" The Young Knight charges straight at Daisuke full speed, swinging his blade harshly, Delivering a strike that pushed the air around them with pressure from the very shock of the Slash, his eyes widened as he was looking at Daisuke spreading his collar and having maneuvered his neck to where Dante's Sword would hit him for a Beheading. Something was wrong, Dante hands began too feel a bit of pain as if he had hit a Steel Wall "How did you?.....that's not possible"

"Oh. You didn't hear me before.....A Master of Mana Control. Can make a Barrier so thin but as strong as any armor to cover their Skin for protection. Since my Mana is more experienced...and yours has yet too flourish....your Strike would never hurt me. I barely felt a tickle....." Daisuke smirked placing his collar back into place before grabbing hold of Dante's sword still on his neck, pushing it too the side "How incredibly Disappointing. This was your chance. To prove too me that brute strength was more than enough too overcome Mana...well your wrong as usual...huh? Go figure. So it's my turn I suppose..."

Daisuke's Body began too glow with a Nova Green Aura, the Mana he was exerting intense like the prowling of a Lion King, his Broadsword was truly Incredible in length and Width about the same size as his very own Body. Lifting it out of the ground he had imbedded into earlier, and placing it over his shoulder nonchalantly preparing too move.

"My Swords getting Restless....This ain't like every other Sparring session you know. Your clearly not taking this seriously enough so I'll have too push you harder than ever before. I'm tired of your Tough Talk, and your constant ignoring of Mana Teachings. My patience is running Thin! This Attack could end your life...you either Block it or Counter it with your own Mana. If you don't....Well. You get it...Right?"

"Y-you've lost your mind!…." Dante could feel the intense Mana radiating from his master, like an anvil of pressure placed on his entire body 'a slash of that size-….he's really trying to push me!' The white haired young knight, without any hesitation whatsoever turned swiftly and ran in a full sprint. As fast as he could possibly go, pumping his legs up and down pretty much running track at this point 'I've gotta get far away. I can't possibly block it!'

"Running from a fight…that's not like you at all." Daisuke's lifted and pointed the tip of his blade at the sky above, as the Mana covering his body spread to his sword "Give em hell…Yōshimitsu…" in single swing a massive slash of energy launched itself from the broadsword, its size and strength as vast as a mountain side it tore through dozens upon dozens of Tree cracking the very earth on its path toward The escaping apprentice.

The gleam of the energy came into his peripheral view, the green getting closer and more intense as it followed him destroying anything in its path "oh crap!!" Glancing behind, nothing could ever prepare him for the shock of the sheer power Daisuke was displaying "Don't freeze!…don't freeze!" He was warning himself; in a split second kicking the heel of his foot onto the ground, Dante evaded the powerful blast with a sidestep landing on his chest as he breathed heavily 'That was insane-..' he thought to himself, suppose now he truly realized how important Mana was to a Knight.

Nothing could truly drive fear into his heart, like the sight of the Aftermath. The Aqua Irises shook softly as he saw the decimation Daisuke caused with just a single swing "he did that all of that!…" it looked as if a Bomb went off in the middle of a forest fire, he could even see that the attack nearly reached him from several kilometers of running.

"Now you see, why it's so important." Daisuke walked down the straight burnt path he created with no sweat broken, raising his eyebrow at his nephew "I wasn't even trying hard. This was a practice swing at a baseball game to me. Now imagine what you can do?…"

"But how do I?..." Dante clenched the grip of his own blade harshly, he hated to be proven wrong. He dreaded being lectured like this and he also had a keen hate for being shown up so easily. "How do you make your Mana do that?...I know about using it to sense and track things but...every time I've ever tried to fight with it! It backfires!"

"using your mind...you overthink to much. Mana is a 'Natural' energy. Natural. It has to be done Naturally....you have to feel It flowing through you. Use your Heart...and focus" Daisuke explained wisely now that he had Dante's full attention, their was no better time the Final Entrance Exam was coming and if the Kid can't figure out Mana Control he would never pass it. "Get into your Battle stance..close your eyes. Think about your happy place....feel your Mana flowing like A River of water...then focus it through your Goals...your body will react instinctively and Mana will work in conjunction with your state of mind. Eventually you can get your Mana to do battle.."

The White haired male just let out a sudden breathe in defeat, as he got into a stance where his sword was leveled overhead similar to a Samurai. Closing his eyes he began to think 'what's my happy place? What even is that?!....a place I can be happy. It's Mom....and Daisuke....home?...nah, theirs more. It's...my whole village. My childhood...somethings are missing but...that's where I'm happiest!..' as he stood there for several seconds, following Daisuke's instructions a Teal colored Aura began to cover his body 'Wait. I can feel it...this is Mana?..it really does feel like Water rushing through..'

"Oh....you've got something.." Daisuke smirked softly, he knew it wouldn't be hard but Dante can be stubborn. If you know how to use it to Sense your surroundings, it can be used to fight as well. "Think of your Mana as if it we're the blade in your hand...with that focus. Any swing you take..is increased in strength, impact and cutting power"

"Yeah!..I see it!...I feel it!..." Dante spoke getting excited, the Manager surging through him. He knew it was amazing, and it was an incredible thought that he might be able to do what His uncle can do in the future but right now. There was a Sparring session that he needed to win, opening his eyes the Irises glowed with a Neon Hue as his Mana Aura intensified further "I get it. Hands on experience is the best way to master control. Then let's get cracking Then Viejo!.."

"You've got some fire in you now! Ridiculous! You ran from my last attack but now your ready to fight me!....if you insist!" Daisuke shook his head, black hair flowing with the air as he also got into a battle stance his own Aura exploding in power "come at me! Dante!..."

Dante Kudo, Knight Apprentice. Son of Angil Kudo and Disicple to Daisuke aimed to become an Official Knight of the Order. A resilient child from a young age that always worked to be the best, his dreams might finally become a reality and their was only one obstacle in his way. A fight with his Uncle, he wasn't going to let himself lose. Not after coming this far.

The Mana exploded within him as well, a sudden burst of natural energy that even made Daisuke raise his eyebrow "I'm. Not gonna lose. Not here. I made a promise. To a friend, that even if I fell I'd keep getting back up!.....I might not be a master at this Mana stuff. Heck, I might not even be that strong compared too you. But I don't care!...." Digging the soles of his feet in the ground, gritting his teeth the Knight bolted forward at incredible speeds swinging his sword with tenacity as it collided against Daisuke's broadsword Yoshīmitsu.

The force behind his swing was implosive in nature, it caused a shockwave that the air around them detonated like a grenade. Intense Eyes as it glared at his uncle with determination and passion "belittle me all you want!!.....I'll kick your ass and become a Knight! Even if my body breaks!....I'll make My mother Proud! And I'll even make you proud! Daisuke!!!!!!!"

The taller male, felt himself being pushed back inch by inch glancing to verify that he truly was being moved backward against his will, hearing Dante's words just made him smirk as he amusingly stared at his nephew "is that right?....Yare, Yare....you've just made things interesting. Prove it. But not too me. Prove it to yourself! Come at me with all you've got Dante....lay all your cards on the table. Here and Now!..."

Dante scoffed at his amused expression, as his Mana just increased further electricity flared as their blades clenched and friction against each other; sparks induced as their energies Clashed. A Lion King battling the Tiger Cub, but that Tiger Cub began to grow a bit before king they just began yelling at each other; pushing against each other blade by blade and weight by weight.

The Veteran Knight couldn't help but excited himself at the sight of Dante really trying his best "Alright then. I can see your passion...it's good. Really good. But enough is enough...learn your place! Dante!" In a sudden flick of the wrist, the young male was pushed back several feet colliding into a tree making him groan in pain "you talked about your promise. The one you made to Yuuki long ago...is that supposed to be a joke? Your living in a fantasy. If you think a flimsy promise you made years ago means squat in the real world, News Flash! Dante....that girl is gone. And you...you can barely use your Mana! But now you think you've got a chance after learning my trick. Get real...you can't even scratch me..."

"Talk about whatever you want-....say what you want about me-...even about mom-...but don't you ever. Poke fun....at Her!!" That same moment, something shifted as Dante's Mana exploded further while he leaned on the Tree the ground beneath him trembled albeit softly as he dashed forward with blinding speed; Daisuke could read his movements and lifted Yoshīmitsu to block but...snake eyes.

"H-huh?..." the Older Black haired Knight could only breathe out the questioning audible noise, as he felt a warm liquid ride down his arm looking at his shoulder their was a small flesh wound. He had been caught off guard, by his own Nephew. Impossible but how? Realizing it all he could do was chuckle as locked eyes with him "You used the air pressure of my Mana to cause your sword to shift in slight direction.....I was so focused on blocking you knew it wouldn't be shielding a place I didn't think you'd hit....you've grown a bit...Dante....just a bit. I'll even say I'm impressed Kid...but now the rest of it is-..."

"Rest of it?-...Viejo...I've already won the first round.." Dante said with a small smirk, as he stared into Daisuke's very soul "You said I'd never land a hit on you. And I just did.." he held his sword tightly, as it was above Daisuke's shoulder in an upper arcing slash "but I'll give you the honors of round two...if you haven't let the rust get too you...old man..."

"Your such a Smartass...if it feeds your Ego. Fine...you get Round one for cutting me. Once....now then...let's continue...onto Round 2...
