

This is a new era, an era where only those with impact is to be recognized, an era where Martial arts predominates After humans survived the dark era they entered into a new age, an age where powerhouses walk among them Aaron a normal average martial art teen experienced a fateful encounter that will change his life

Blastno · Fantasy
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2 Chs


The school bell rang, it was closing time " okay class, don't forget to submit your assignment 9am sharp on Monday. The beautiful teacher informed the class, as she took a glance at Aaron before leaving the class

The class began to gist excitedly majorly discussing how the people in the former eras lived their life and what they were going to do during the weekend

" I wonder how the old era and dark era looked like a student questioned especially people of the old era where there no existence of Norse beasts yet

"I think that the people in the old era are not that smart, one of the students said" why will you say that, majority of the advanced technology we have now was used their invention as a base, another student argued

They may have tried in technological and some other aspect but they failed at human aspect

I read in a ancient material that my dad found when he was working in a site that humans evolved from monkey, if that was even the slightest bit true, when a person is tracing his ancestry he would have exhibited or manifested a monkey characteristics or traits

The students were shocked at two things, first about the finding of an ancient material, because of the calamity that came so unexpected a lot of things were lost during the dark era, so finding a material or information from the old era especially one that can has some benefit to human is a lot of merit

Secondly the erroneous idea that man originated from monkey, since the time from the dark era till now a lot of theories have been established, one of the most striking theory is that " man is a spiritual being" but it was not known to what extent, it was brought up by a famous scientist and it's now a widely accepted fact

But that does not mean they are not smart, during their time they were probably not well informed, the other student stood his ground after coming out of his surprise

As they were arguing, everyone began to pack their bags, getting ready to go home, class have finished for the day

Aaron also packed his bag, ready to go home, he got up before leaving the class not bothering to wave or be waved goodbye not that he had any true friend

As he left his class mates looked at him some with pity and some with a little mockery. A boy who was almost two meters tall bumped Aaron as he walked out of the school gate,

Aaron ignored him and continued walking, but the boy held Aaron shoulder, " low class, don't you have eyes to see me walking by, and what arrogance do you have to ignore me after wasting my precious time by me talking to you, he said

Aaron ignored him, because his type of rich students who think the world is under their feet is everywhere, even in his class

The boy taking Aaron silence as a sign of being afraid to say anything, snorted disdainfully at Aaron before entering the school with high shoulders

Aaron entered a cab to his house which was approximately 1km from the school, he entered his house, straight away heading for his room

Aaron sat on his bed recalling his memories he had a loving family " His father was a manager at a branch of spirit cola in their city, Spirit cola company was called Coca-cola company before the new era, ever since the introduction of force energy, a lot of producers upgraded their products to match the times

His mother was a normal house wife, he had an elder sister who was two year older than him and a younger brother who was about 12 year old

But everything changed about two years ago, his family went on vacation to another zone, he was fortunately or unfortunately not with them because of his project in school which required his presence

Their vacation went smoothly, not until their journey back when they and the people traveling that path mysteriously encountered a beast tide which was not supposed to happen since the the route they used was a safe route

The human federation has four Zones around the world ever since the beginning of the new era and these Zones are absolutely safe without the existence of the Norse beasts, they are the; America Zone, Asia zone, Antarctica zone and Africa Zone

The America Zone was established by the powerhouses in both the North and South America continent. It was established in the South side of the continent while the North side was overuned by beasts

The Asia zone was established by the combination of the big families and government in Asia, Europe and Australia, only a few people that knew the negotiations that went to, that allowed the various leaders to agree to the name Asia Zone

The Antarctica zone was established by freelancer from various continents, it was a combination of powerhouses from all over the world

Lastly the Africa Zone, it was a surprise to everyone that Africa established a place for themselves inside their continent without the help from any other region

After the zones were established there was a need for proper communication between the different zones, so safe routes were established, which connected to different zones

This route were completely safe and free from beasts attack, if there were any unexpected attack it was quickly resolved by martial artists guarding that particular route

Unfortunately for the people that used that particular route for travel during that period was all involved in the accident, whether it was planned or truly an accident, Aaron don't know except if he's strong enough

When his family bodies were found, his parents were dead with their body badly mutilated, his sister was in a coma with little injury marks in her body, his brother was found paralyzed but he was still aware of his surrounding but completely paralyzed

When Aaron received this news he was devastated, he almost committed suicide if not he needs to be strong for his siblings and provide for them, his elder sister and younger brother are currently receiving treatment in the hospital, luckily the expenses needed for their treatment was available, other than insurance which his parents involved in, the government also provided the family members of the deceased some money because it was also partly their fault