
Path 13th to Divinity

In an era where steam engines roar, wireless communications begin to crackle, ironclad ships dominate the seas, and airships claim the skies, humanity stands on the cusp of conquering the natural world. But beneath the surface of this scientifically thriving age lies a hidden realm of elixirs, runes, sacred artifacts, extraordinary powers, and enigmatic contrivances, inaccessible to the uninitiated. Elyon, chosen by the world system, is thrust into this veiled existence, where he is presented with a thirteenth evolutionary path, beyond the realm of the twelve deities of this world. Tasked with the herculean quest of siphoning the powers of the twelve gods and then sealing away the pantheon itself, Elyon must navigate this clandestine world with care. Guided by the system, Elyon delves into the fusion of technology and supernatural abilities, embarking on a stealthy ascension to divinity, one divine prerogative at a time.

Thomassl · Fantasy
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99 Chs

Moving House

The three siblings returned to their apartment on South Cross Street and happened to meet Thane, who was home at the time. Seeing Elyon accompanied by two young ladies, Thane teased:

"Who would have thought our most straightforward Elyon, the silent and studious one, would turn out to be the deepest player? Even Bob, known as the lady-killer at the Royal College, never managed to have two 'sister flowers' at once. Paul, the Casanova among us, would be envious."

Facing the teasing soon-to-be officer, Elyon felt a compulsion to explain, but Nyara and Seraphina exchanged a knowing glance and, in unison, clung to Elyon's arms, playing the part of doting girlfriends.

"I'm Nyara, and she's Seraphina. We're both Elyon's girlfriends. Please, take good care of us in the future."

Nyara spoke with a saccharine inflection, far from her usual dismissive demeanor when alone with Elyon.

"Ah, surely not, Elyon?" Thane appeared genuinely surprised.

With a sigh, Elyon admitted to the situation, "There you have it, my two chameleon-like sisters for you."

Upon hearing their brother's description, the sisters promptly released his arms, with Nyara even casting a disdainful glance his way.

"Ha, I should have guessed. I didn't think two beauties would fall for a bookish guy like you. It seems the gods really have blessed you."

Inwardly, Elyon couldn't help but think: Today, of all days, I might bump into a real god or angel—or rather, a seasoned old charlatan.

"Is Mr. Wyles home? I need to speak with him; I have to find a place to move today, or I'll have to stay at a hotel."

"He should be, but do you think you have enough time to find a place? Maybe you should consider a nearby hotel."

"I'll give it a try. You girls come in with me," Elyon said as he led his sisters into the apartment.

"Thane, if you're not busy, could you entertain my sisters for a bit? I'll go pack up what I need for moving."

Elyon's belongings were few: clothes and books, primarily. This era lacked the vast array of electronic devices that would require a whole truck to move on Earth.

He stuffed his clothing into a leather suitcase and tied the books with hemp rope. After managing to pack everything, he asked Thane to keep an eye on his sisters while he went to Mr. Wyles' house, several streets away.

"Elyon, are you here to end your lease?" Mr. Wyles greeted him with a smile.

"Yes, sir. I'll be working in Gonia's port area starting in July, and I've brought my two sisters with me. They're planning to attend the Caelon Political and Economic Institute, so moving to Gonia would be more convenient."

"That makes sense, being closer to work is better. Have you found a suitable place? I know a few former employers in Gonia who have properties for rent. How big of a place do you need, and what's your budget?"

"A two-story terrace house would be nice; I can't afford a detached house right now. Three to four bedrooms would be ideal, and my budget is about four to five pounds a month."

"Hmm, if you don't mind an older property, there's a small detached house for rent on Valen Street by the port. One of my previous employers is offering it. I believe I could help you negotiate the price down to five pounds."

"Are you sure it's a detached house?" contemplating the purchasing power in terms of food, it felt like renting a villa by the sea on Earth for roughly 2,500 yuan.

"Of course. It's been listed at five pounds and five shillings for a while and hasn't been rented out yet. People in Gonia, mainly fishermen and dock merchants, aren't as willing to pay for a nicer environment like in the Laid district."

"Everywhere has expensive school district housing," Elyon continued his inner monologue.

"I'm free this afternoon. Wait here; I'll drive you there. Take a look, and if it suits you, sign the lease."

Mr. Wyles' carriage, drawn by a chestnut horse, arrived at the property after a twenty-minute ride. The gatekeeper seemed to recognize Mr. Wyles and let them through without hesitation.

"Wait here, I'll find the gentleman." Mr. Wyles knocked on the door, and a sprightly elderly man with white hair soon came out and warmly chatted with him, occasionally pointing to Elyon, who respectfully tipped his hat in greeting.

After about ten minutes of conversation, the old man returned with a set of brass keys for Mr. Wyles.

"Let's go check out the property. The older they get, the less they care. I thought negotiating would take a while, but the gentleman didn't even bring up the price. As soon as I mentioned getting a discount, he simply said to just pay what you think is fair. He did, however, keep me talking for quite some time."

Valen Street was located by the beach, with white sands on one side and a sea dotted with numerous fishing boats. The address was 9 Valen Street, a red-roofed two-story detached house surrounded by an iron fence about a meter high, separating it from the neighboring houses.

Behind the house was a small black stable, and the yard held a little garden blooming with roses.

Mr. Wyles unlocked the door to reveal a home different from Elyon's rented apartment. There were sofas and patterned porcelain inside.

The double-story house had three bedrooms on the upper floor, each with an en-suite bathroom, and the master bedroom even included a dressing room. The ground floor housed not only the living room, dining room, and kitchen but also a dedicated study and storage room.

Each room was fitted with stylish gas lamps, and both the kitchen and bathrooms had running water. There was a brass mailbox by the door, and despite the house not being lived in for some time, there was no dust on the sofas and tables—clearly, the owner had ensured regular cleaning.

"Are you satisfied?" Mr. Wyles inquired.

"Absolutely. This would cost at least six pounds in the Laid district. I appreciate your help."

Elyon was internally comparing the property to his current apartment. The new house, with its amenities and furniture, seemed a step up.

The yard had extra land, and he considered planting some chilies there. A life with only sweet and salty flavors made him miss the spicy hotpots back on Earth.

"It's no trouble. I'm also helping the gentleman rent out his property. Let's go sign the contract."

The old gentleman had a standard rental contract, leaving the specific address and rent amount blank for easy modification. Back on Earth, this kind of arrangement would probably have earned him the nickname "property flipper" or "house uncle."

After signing a three-month lease with a month's deposit, Elyon handed over twenty-five pounds and received the keys to the small villa at 9 Valen Street.

"Thank you for your generosity, sir," Elyon said, truly grateful this time.

"It's just sitting empty anyway. I trust a referral from Wyles, and a young man who graduated from Aegsburg University will surely take good care of my property. Wyles, do come for tea someday."

"And if you don't mind me asking, sir, how much would you price this house if you were to sell it?" Elyon inquired, thinking back to his struggles to buy a small house on Earth.

"Hmm? The value of a property isn't calculated by the building alone; it also includes the land, which is freehold. Though land in Valen Street isn't highly priced, I think most people would set this house's value at around 1,500 pounds," the gentleman said with a smile.

"Ah, it may take me some time to save up for that," Elyon said with an awkward but polite smile.

With an annual salary of 200 pounds, even if he pinched every penny, between 70 pounds for rent and 70 pounds for everyday expenses, he'd only save 60 pounds a year. Even with annual raises and promotions, it would take at least 20 years.

"Young man, it's good to have aspirations, but wealth accumulation takes time. Come over for tea sometime; I don't mind if you find an old man boring, haha."

After Mr. Wyles dropped Elyon back at the South Cross Street apartment around five in the afternoon, Elyon bid farewell to the true gentleman and rented a horse-drawn carriage to move their belongings.

"My brother, who knows when we'll meet again." Thane hugged Elyon to say goodbye.

"I'll be at 9 Valen Street in Gonia, working at the Gonia district police station's port branch. Feel free to visit anytime. Please say goodbye to Bob for me, and I'll see Paul at the graduation ceremony on the 25th. Let them know my new address, and they can write to me whenever they're free," Elyon said as he climbed aboard the carriage.

Upon arrival at the new house, the sisters were excited, and they graciously offered him the master bedroom.

After haphazardly stuffing his clothes into the wardrobe and arranging his books and notebooks in the study, the sun had set, and he wiped the sweat from his forehead to find his sisters waiting for him in the living room.

"Brother, what shall we eat for dinner?" Seraphina hinted with sparkling eyes that she wanted to dine out, only ever so polite when they wanted Elyon to foot the bill.

"I'm not familiar with the area, but since we're near the port, let's have seafood." Elyon sighed.

"Yay, let's go!"

They found a decent-looking restaurant by the roadside for dinner, indulging in a seafood feast paired with beer – a gout-causing combo. Without garlic chili sauce, the meal wasn't perfect, but still delightful.

After a filling meal that cost them only six shillings, Elyon decided to treat his sisters to dinner once a month.