
Path Of A King

Hiroki Yukito, a half Japanese 17 year old boy student from Japan that was transported to another world. A world full of magic, swords, adventurers, demi-humans, and vast untouched landscapes that are lush green and beautiful. This new world is also full of adventure and mysteries that are waiting to be found, vast forests and mountain ranges waiting to be explored. Hiroki has a goal and it's not to return to earth but to make something of himself in this new world. With the help of his friends, subjects and lovers he'll conquer it all. Though the continent of Ercas is a new frontier full of beauty, many dangers also lurk. An original Story written by: Jorge Duenas

jd_author_officium · Fantasy
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10 Chs

Oakmere Nobility

We rode on the carriage that had flipped over, somehow we managed to track down the horse that had run away when the fight with Alvren began. We were about to reach Blackthorn in around thirty minutes. Emily and I rode in the front seats of the carriage while Syki and the rest rode behind. Thankfully we had collected more beel flowers to bring back to Erika Gunther the sword smith of Blackthorn. I didn't want to fail on my first request as an adventurer, Emily probably felt the same way as well.

Along the way, a group of thieves tried to steal from us but Syki and the rest handled it in less than fifteen minutes. One of the thieves had a bounty on his head so we tied him up to the back of the carriage to bring along. The thief was relatively quiet. Probably because he was tired from walking four hours without resting, If the man decided to stop walking he would be dragged forcefully by the power of the horses. The thief had red leather armor and a mid-range sword on his back. He had blond hair blue eyes and a common face. The man was a little on the heavyset side and according to the bounty, his name was Harold the Snake. Every morning the adventurers guild posts bounties on a separate board near the quest board. Meli just so happens to have a very good memory and she had memorized all eight bounties the last time she was in the adventurers guild. The band of thieves wasn't organized yet so they didn't have a hideout yet. Most of their stolen goods were placed inside several wooden chests in a tent at their campsite. The rest of the thieves were only knocked out and tied. We left them by the side of the road with a note that read "We are thieves. Please call the guards to arrest us." Since they looked to be small-time thieves we didn't kill them. According to Syki, there are many worst out there. It looked like Harold was trying to organize them but it seems like he came from a different band of thieves with the worst reputation. Syki said that he probably got kicked out for whatever reason. Harold's bounty was a nice sum of five shields. Five shields are what you'd normally make in a month of completing red-ranked quests.


We finally arrived at Blackthorn's gates and the man by the horse stables ordered us to halt. Apparently, his name was Mel Stov he was well known to all of the residents of Blackthorn since everyone had to talk to him when entering Blackthorn or leaving it.

"Morning milord and milady, how was the trip to the north? By the looks of it, you've picked up some passages."

Said Mel.

"Morning Mel. Hiroki and I met these adventurers along the way back so we gave them a lift on the carriage. The tied man is a thief with a bounty so we brought him to claim it."

"Aye! I remember you a lot! Youse said you were on a quest to investigate the disappearance of 'em soldiers. Alright just leave the horse and carriage to me."

Said Mel.

"Hey, Mel here's for your troubles."

I said.

"Your too kind milord!"

Said Mel.

I handed Mel a purse filled with a total of two hundred shells and it made him extremely happy. He walks into the stable with the horse in tow energetically. I don't know if I'll make enemy's in Blackthorn so it doesn't hurt having someone who'll be willing to help you escape the city when trouble arises. I guess you can call it a tip for a job well done at the stables. We all entered the city gates, the gates were made out of thick wood with reinforced steel and iron studs. Two armed guards with iron armor stand guard on each side of the entrance holding a spear in one hand and a shield with house Baylor's banner of the sword with black thorned vines wrapping around it in the other hand. More guard patrol the top of the walls that surround Blackthorn.


We made our way to Erika's shop to drop off the beel flowers we had gathered, Syki and the rest waited outside the shop while Emily and I entered.

"Hello, Welco . . . Hiroki! Emily! How did it go? Did you get the flowers?"

"Yes . . . we did. We collected around eight hundred flowers, where do you want them?"

I asked.

"You can just leave them by the counter, I'll sort them out later. Thank you so much as promised here is the signed request completion form, the receptionist will give you the reward."

Said Ericka.

"We will do just that."

Said Emily.

"How was the trip up north? I heard a rumor going around about disappearances around small villages that are located near the Darkwood forest. I even heard that adventurers have gone missing as well."

Said Ericka.

"The trip was quite pleasant but we did run into some trouble."

Said Emily.

"Well it was nothing we couldn't handle and we met a party of adventurers that happened to be in the area. I do advise you not to travel near the forest any time soon.

Goblin scouts have recently been spotted near the traveling routes along the forest."

I said.

We had decided to keep the information about Alvren to ourselves until we know what we were dealing with. According to Alvren, there are more of his caliber out there and we didn't want talk to spread of our feat despite being relatively new adventurers. Also, Alvren's organization might have spies in Blackthorn.

"Really? I'll keep that in mind. Thanks again, both of you. If you ever need weapons just come right over to my shop, you are always welcome."

Said Ericka.

"Thank you"

Said Emily.

"We will."

I said.

After receiving the form we exited the shop. Syki and the rest immediately stood on their feet when they saw us exit. They'd been resting on some wooden crates near Ericka's shop. I told them we had to go to the adventurers guild to turn in the completion form Ericka gave us to collect the quest's reward. Emily and I led the way while Syki and the rest followed. Ericka's shop was only a few buildings away from the guild. As we approached the guild building we heard of a commotion near the adventurers guild.

Outside the guild's doors, stood a man with a lot of armored guards. All the guards had house Baylor's sigil engraved on their armor, and one of the guards held a banner that moved along with the breeze.

"To think Emily left Blackthorn."

Said Leren

"My Lord please do not worry, we've gotten word of lady Zolckster's return from the entrance guards. Seems she was traveling with a young man along a group of adventure."

Said Elmer.

"That's terrific news, Elmer! But what is she doing in the company of mere adventurers? I'll have a word with Emily at once on the matter."

Said Leren.

"My apologies my Lord but we don't know the reason either.

Said Elmer.

We continued towards the guild and as we got closer we realized the commotion was brought upon guards that stood in front of the adventurers guild's doors along with a man that stood near carriages. He wore fine leather clothing and had decorative jewelry on.

"No! How? Why?"

Said Emily.

"What is it, Emily? Do you know that man?"

I asked.

Emily grabbed my arm and shrunk behind me.

"That man is Leren Baylor. He is the one that wants to wed me."

Said Emily.

I could tell she was feeling fear. The uncertainty of Leren Baylor's discussion on the matter of her joining the adventurers guild and her refusing to wed him played a big role in her fear.

"Don't worry Emily, I won't let him touch you."

I said.

"But. . . . What if he separates us? I-I would not be able to live without you Hiroki!"

Said Emily.

Emily placed her arms around my waist and placed her cheek on my back. I caressed her hands as I thought about the scenario she spoke of.

"No. No one can separate us and if they try then I'll give it my all to prevent it from happening. Don't worry Emily I'll protect you because I as well can not live without you."

I said.

"Your Grace. Should we fight off the guards?"

Asked Syki.

"That won't be necessary today. I'll handle it. Emily let's go"

I said.


Said Emily.

Syki made a slight bow in response to my answer. We approached closer until Leren and his guards finally noticed us.

"Emily? Emily! Thank the heavens you are alright! Why did you venture outside Blackthorn? It's dangerous for a lady outside Blackthorn's gates! Our wedding is not far off, once we're married I'll take you outside of Blackthorn all the way to Merribourne to see the capital."

Said Leren.

"Lord Leren. . . . I joined the adventurers guild. I want to be an adventurer! About the marriage . . . . I-I don't want to wed you!"

Said Emily.

"Not going to marry me!? I don't think you have a choice in the matter!"

Said Leren

"Please don't yell at Emily, Lord Leren. Emily has the complete right to choose who she wants to wed."

I said.

You bastard know your place! You are talking to the son of Blackthorn's Lord.

Said Elmer.

"Who is this man!? Investigate who this man is right away!"

Ordered Leren.

"Yes my Lord, right away! We have a mage capable of identification magic, we should be able to read his status info. Spencer! You heard Lord Leren! Identify that man next to lady Zolckster."

Said Elmer.

"Yes captain Elmer, right away! Appraisal!"

Yelled Spencer.

Once the mage Spencer yelled " Appraisal" a blue light emanated evenly around his eyes. His gaze focused intensely at me as if trying to decipher my very existence. After a few seconds, his eyes widened and his face began to turn pale. Spencer took a few steps back and ended his magic. The light around his eyes faded away. I readied myself in case Leren ordered an attack on us. Spencer began to mumble in a low voice desperately trying to raise it so that his captain and Lord could hear what he was trying to say.

"C-Captain Elmer! T-This man is . . ."

Said the terrified Spencer.

"What!? Speak up mage! Lord Leren can not hear your voice!"

"T-This man is a rank SS Platinum adventurer!!"

"What!! Elmer! Did this mage just say platinum rank!? Impossible!"

Debated Leren.

"Mage! Did we hear you correctly!?"

Asked Elmer.

"Y-Yes captain Elmer, I'm absolutely sure."

Said Spencer.

"Impossible! detain this man right away! We will confirm it when we throw him in the dungeon."

Ordered Leren.

"Lord Leren I advise against it."

Said Elmer.

"What did you say, Elmer!?"

Questioned Leren.

"My Lord, we don't have the capability of stopping and detaining someone of platinum rank. Gold rank can destroy entire villages platinum rank can destroy entire towns and cities, Ionic rank can destroy entire Kingdoms and God rank can destroy entire continents. Platinum-ranked adventurers are so rare we don't have a counter strategy for such a situation. We don't have the strength to detain this man."

Explained Elmer.

"What! You useless bunch. Why do I have you as a guard then? Wait until my father receives word of this! You! What's your name?"

Said Leren.

"My name is Hiroki."

I responded.

"Hiroki? What a strange name, I've never heard of such a name. Are you even of this Kingdom? Never mind, I don't care about your back story. I'll just have father do something about you and I'll teach Emily to behave just how she's supposed to. Emily! I will wed you even if it's by force! Elmer!"

Said Leren.

"Yes my Lord!"

Said Elmer.

"We will be taking our leave now! Report this incident to father right away!"

Said Leren

"Right away my Lord."

Said Elmer.

Lord Leren and his guard boarded their carriages and left without further incident. Emily looked relieved that the situation didn't escalate and Syki and the rest looked like they were prepared to attack at any moment. If Lord Leren and his men had decided to fight, they would have been faced with certain defeat and I would have started a war with Blackthorn. The mood had returned to a relaxed one.

We continued with our goal of entering the guild to turn in the completed request form from Erika.

"Welcome adventurers! We will be closing shortly for the day. What can I help you with?"

Said Lorey.

"Hello Lorey, we completed the guild's request to investigate the disappearance incident."

Said Syki.

"Oh, that's great Syki! The guild's higher-ups are waiting anxiously for the report please wait here while I notify the director."

Said Lorey.

"Before you notify the director can you help my friends here?"

Said Syki.

"Of course. How can I help you?"

Said Lorey.

"Hello, we just came in to return a completed request."

Said Emily.

"That's great to hear! Just give me the signed form and show me your adventurers guild card."

Said Lorey.

"Okay, here is the form, and here are our cards."

Said Emily.

"Party of two?"

Said Lorey.


Said Emily.

Lorey took out a magic stamp from under the counter and stamped out the completion form. Next, she looked over our adventurer's identification cards.

"Ah, mister Hiroki and miss Emily, I remember you both! You registered not to long ago, am I right?"

Said Lorey.

" Yes. "

Said Emily.

"Yes, that's correct."

I said.

Lorey took out another magical tool and scanned our cards.

"What! It must be some kind of mistake! Your cards say that you are of gold and platinum rank! That's impossible! you've only registered a few days ago!"

Said Lorey.

"Is being a gold and platinum rank really that big of a deal?"

I asked.

"Big of a deal . . . Of course it is! We only have one registered gold-rank adventurer in Blackthorn and none who are of platinum rank at this guild branch. Mister Hiroki, you would be the first-ever platinum-rank adventurer in Blackthorn! And the second ever in all of the Zen kingdom!! I must notify the director right away! P-Please, wait here sir."

Said Lorey.

Second platinum rank in all the kingdom! So I guess there are people that could be a threat to us if we become a nuisance to the Zen kingdom. I wonder who is the other platinum-rank adventurer? I'd like to meet that person.

We waited at the counter as Lorey entered a room located behind the reception counter. Not to long after Lorey disappeared into the room, a man in fine attire appeared out of the door in a hasty non-organized manner followed by Lorey who also appeared unorganized.

"Hello, my name is Albert Kel Ezburg. I am the 8th director at this adventurers guild in Blackthorn. Sorry for the wait but would you please follow us through the room behind the counter to talk more privately? Lorey! Please close the guild for the day.

Said Albert.

"Yes, director! Right away sir!"

Said Lorey.

We followed Albert through the door behind the counter and through a room with a hallway that led to a single red door that had "Director" printed on it. Albert was a short, robust man about 155cm he had a big beard that connected to his mustache, his hair is short and already grey with age. If I had to guess his age it would probably be around fifty-five years old. He was wearing clothing that looked quite fine just what the noblemen would wear. Once we arrived at the red door we entered a vast room that easily fit all of us. The room was adorned with skins on the walls and a desk with a bookshelf to the left and painting to the right. There were eight portraits that hung on the right wall beside the desk the last one being of Albert. I assume the other seven men in portraits are past directors of the guild branch. There were only two wooden chairs in front of the large wooden desk. Albert sat behind the desk and invited us to sit. Syki and the others stood behind us as Emily and I sat on the chairs.

"First, mister Hiroki, I would like to offer my congratulations on becoming the first ever platinum rank in our guild branch in Blackthorn. We are sincerely honored! Of course, I would also like to congratulate miss Zolckster for becoming a gold rank which is no easy feat I might add. I don't know how you ranked up in such a short amount of time but I'm sure it must have been crazy strong opponents and nonstop fighting for you both to have ranked up that quick!"

Said Albert.

"I-If I may speak. Director Albert, the opponent they both defeated was connected to the disappearance investigation near the Darkwood forest on the northwest section of the tree line. When we got to the barracks we discovered what we could only describe as a panicked and hastily situation in which the soldiers had left the barracks building. We also discovered a dead body in a room inside the building which initially let us confirm a struggle between the soldiers and an unknown opponent. Investigating further into the matter we spread out to cover more ground around the building venturing into the forest until I myself and another party member named Erien Stevol investigated west of the building arriving at a clearing in which we found evidence of the soldier's deaths. The scene was very gruesome and bloody as it looked like a one-sided massacre had happened. In the moments that followed, we came into contact with a man who called himself Alvren of the chaos. The man also referred to himself as ninth-ranked."

Explained Syki.

"This Alvren character could also be the one responsible for the disappearances over the last few weeks . . ."

Added Albert.

"What? Are you telling me there were more disappearances!?"

Said Syki.

"Yes other than the soldiers there were a few villagers, hunters, traveling merchants, and even adventurers that I suspect fell victim to Alvren."

Said Albert.

"Why didn't anyone report anything on the other people who disappeared!?"

Added Syki.

"It is quite simple really, Roderick Baylor feared a state of panic amongst the citizens of Blackthorn. Once soldiers of Blackthorn started to fall victim to disappearing as well, Roderick decided it was time to do something about the problem at hand. Of course, I was against doing nothing from the start so I decided to send trusted adventurers to investigate. . . . Though admittedly nothing new was discovered so I decided to put out a request on the board to supplement the lack of able bodies to help investigate the recent disappearances. Though I must ask for your forgiveness. I had no idea the man behind the occurrences was such a strong foe."

Said Albert.

"Director Albert, we lost a party member because of this request! It was my responsibility to take care of all the party members! I failed! I . . . I was the one who insisted on this request from the start! I cannot help myself but feel responsible for his death. Erien Stevol that's the name of the man who was killed by Alvren because of me!"

Said Syki.

"Syki don't blame yourself! The ones at fault are the ones who knew of this problem from the beginning. It's because of Lord Roderick's weakness to resolve the problem when it was first noticed."

Said Norma.

"When we were about to be killed by Alvren after losing the fight with him, Hiroki and Emily saved us! If it wasn't because of them we would have all died!"

Said Syki.

"I see. Though something is bothering me, I'm well aware of miss Zolckster and to my knowledge, she has no battle experience. She's always been inside Blackthorn's gates.

"Emily didn't fight Alvren in a physical way but it was thanks to her that I managed to defeat him! To me, she fought just as hard as I did. Also, it would be best if you didn't look much into how we got so powerful in such a short amount of time of joining the guild."

I said.

"Very well ser Hiroki. I'll overlook some of the details and I'll keep this request and its details secret from anyone else. In return, I'd like for you to take on one more request. How about it?"

Said Albert.

"It's not like I have much of a choice. What are the details?"

I said.

"My youngest daughter. . . . Alara was one of the first to disappear when the disappearances started occurring. I need to know if she is still alive or if I should mourn her loss but most of all I want those involved to pay and suffer for what they've done. I- I was devastated when I got word of her disappearance! If there are others like the man named Alvren, I want them to be brought to justice by the adventurers guild!"

Said Albert.

"I accept. I'll find out what happened to your daughter. How about it Syki? Would help me with this request?"

I asked.

"Your Grace, we will help in any way we can! I also feel like it's the only way to repent myself for what happened to Erien."

Said Syki.

"I'm in."

Said Norma.

"Yes, I'll follow."

Added Lylia.

"For Erien. I'll follow Hiroki."

Said Berym.

"To serve Hiroki, I'll help in any way I can."

Said Meli.

"Thank you, guys! I'm happy to have you along! What do you think Emily?"

I asked.

"As long as I'm with you Hiroki."

Said Emily.

"Fantastic! Thank you so much! Now . . . Ser Hiroki normally the guild charges a fee when you rank up but on my power as director, I'll waive this fee. I'll also give ten shield coin to each of you for your troubles in defeating Alvren. Erien's family will be properly compensated as a way to apologize for his death. I promise the reward will be much greater if you find my daughter! She has long blonde beautiful hair, blue eyes, is slender, 16 years old, and about 153cm in height."

Said Albert.


We decided to eat at a local Inn to discuss further plans. The inn called "The Sharpened Sword" was a wooden building with high ceilings and large Lanterns that lit up the inside very well. At the center of the inn, there was a large table with ten seats, scattered around the single large table were smaller tables that only sat parties of four. Syki picked our seating area somewhere around the far left corner near the ordering counter. It was the only table with enough chairs to accommodate our group. Actually, it only had 6 chairs so we had to borrow one chair from the neighboring table. As soon as we sat down a waitress arrived.

"Hello, welcome to the sharpened sword Inn my name is Elena Vesp is there anything you want to order?"

Said Elena.

Elena is fair and looked to be about 18 years old, with long blond hair and bright blue eyes, she is thin and her height is just about the same as Syki. Her clothing was a typical waitress apron I could tell that most men would fall in love by just merely speaking to her.

"Why don't you go ahead and order Syki? Since you guys have been here before."

I said.

"Yes of course! Elena can we get the roasted Norix with Atas ale for all seven of us."

"Yes, I'll relay your order to the cook! By the way, it's been a while since I last saw your party here Syki and it looks like your party has grown. Though, It looks like Erien is missing today."

Said Elena.

"We lost Erien in the last quest we took... This is Hiroki and Emily we joined his party."

"I see. . . I didn't know, sorry for bringing it up, and my apologies for your loss."

Said Elena.

"It's okay, we made sure Eriens family is well compensated."

Said Syki.

"Adventurers falling on dangerous requests is a common occurrence so I apologize for my lack of a response. Thank you for your order it should be ready soon."

Said Elena.

"Elena is as nice as ever."

Said Norma.

"....Beautiful as well."

Added Berym.

"So he talks..."

Said Meli.


Said Norma.



"Hey, Lylia aren't you a little too quiet?"

Said Norma.

"Um... Sorry, I'm just thinking that I like this. It's fun being around you guys and I'm glad we got to meet Hiroki and Emily."

Said Lylia.

As Elena left I turned to look at Syki, her expression was blank. Not only her but everyone also had a certain sorrowful look. The talk of Erien must have brought back memories. I decided it was the perfect opportunity to speak to them.

"Listen . . . What happened in the Darkwood forest was not your fault and if you feel like you were helpless or weak, then train and get stronger. I will not abandon any of you and I promise we will get revenge on those responsible for Erien's death. I'm counting on all of you for your help."

I said.

My words were spoken of truth and how I feel. The sorrowful expression on them morphed into strong determination.

"Your Grace we will get stronger and serve you with our life!"

Said Syki.

"You guys are free to address me as Hiroki. Anything else will bring too much attention to us."

I said.

"Very well, as you wish."

Said Syki

"Emily are you related to the Zolcksters from Ester?"

Asked Norma.

"Yes, I am. My grandfather is Lord of Ester."

Said Emily.

"I'm actually from Ester. I grew up there most of my life and registered at the adventurers guild there. Your grandfather is a respectable man. My family ran a Heiver farm until my father passed away. My mother couldn't cope with the loss of my father and so we lost the farm. After that, we moved to the main city with my Aunt and her family."

Said Norma.

"I'm sorry."

Said Emily.

"Don't be. That was a long time ago. I remember a woman would always arrive at the city square at noon. She had long brown hair and was very beautiful. She would buy treats for the kids that played around the square most were orphans or abandoned by their parents. I helped my Aunt at a stall selling vegetables and I would see her every day until she stopped coming to the square. It was only later I found out she was the daughter of Lord Edmond Zolckster of Ester.

"She was probably my mother. I did not get to know her because she died during child labor as I was born. I never knew who my father was and my grandparents could not stand to see me. I reminded them of my mother. . . . Or maybe they blamed me for her death."

Said Emily.

"She was part of the reason I became an adventurer, your mother. I wanted to help people as she did those kids. She was a good woman and I'm glad I get to meet her daughter."

Said Norma.

Emily smiled and everyone returned the favor. I placed my hand on top of Emily's lap and smiled at her. Norma slightly bowed her head and then proceeded to cheer the occasion. By that time we had already started to drink Atas ale.

The food finally arrived and we feasted on it. It had turned into a joyful mood. Everyone was laughing and sharing experiences. We rose our ale mugs up high and slammed them together with a cheer. Talks about preparations proceeded and we also speculated about the journey past the Darkwood forest. After a few more rounds of ale Emily and I left the Sharpened Sword inn. Syki and the rest had rented out rooms at the Inn but we did not. We decided to walk to her house to sleep for the night. Once we arrived we simply entered and made preparation to rest for the night. That night, Emily and I expressed our feelings for each other as lovers until we finally succumbed to sleep.


Emily and I decided to go on a date. I brought up the subject because we both came to the conclusion of the lack of any free time for a while. The word date doesn't exist in this world's vocabulary, rather it's just called courting. Apparently, there is a festival of sorts today, a traveling troupe arrived at Blackthorn yesterday. Merchants from surrounding cities and towns also made the journey to Blackthorn. Similar to a carnival from back on Earth they were setting up games, food stalls, plays, and jousting tournaments. The festival will last all day and night but we decided to go while daylight was out to avoid muggers and drunkards that usually showed up during the night. Usually, families and couples, or friends go to such events during the day. At least this is what Emily told me. We readied ourselves and left the house, the streets were full of people heading toward the same destination. The roads had been closed for the day so carriages were not allowed unless you were a Lord or nobleman. As we turned the corner around the building into the main road a dark brown carriage with fancy silver decorations of what looked like goat horns made its way through the crowd of people. The carriage was pulled by four horses that looked much bigger than your average horse. The white stallions were enveloped in silver armor and had long dark manes. A handful of armored guards surrounded the carriage while another group of guards led the way to open up a path through the crowded road for the carriage.

"I bet someone really important is riding inside the carriage."

I said.

"You are right. The carriage has the sigil of house Alyson of Oakmere. I wonder what they are doing in Blackthorn? House Alyson is actually related to the current king of the Zen Kingdom. They are a very high-ranking house and Lord Xarles Alyson of Oakmere is a very powerful Lord. "

Said Emily.

"Do you think they came here for the festival? "

I asked.

"I doubt it, such a festival is only befitting for commoners. They must be here for a different matter but I don't know why their carriage would be heading toward the festival."

Said Emily.

"Well. . . .We should get going or we'll miss out on the fun!"

I said.

To be honest, I was quite happy to do something normal for once. This festival reminds me of the ones I went to back on Earth.

As we turned another corner it led us to the open grounds and we could see big tents and a lot of people. The carriage we had seen on the road was motionless near the entrance gates. The carriage was still heavily guarded by the soldiers. The house Alyson's sigil of the silver ram had been engraved on their chest plates. We entered through the gates as a crowd. The first thing we saw as soon as we entered was the variety of different food stalls. I wanted to try them all out so I grabbed Emily's hand and hurried to the nearest stall.

" 'Ello lad, what can I get youse today? "

Said the Vendor.

"Can I have 2 of these?"

I pointed out.

"Aye right away!"

Said the vendor.

"Hiroki, these are called "nel sticks" They are created using chunks of meat from a "Nel" and then a thin wooden stick is used to stick the pieces of meat and vegetables on it. It makes it easier to eat."

Said Emily.

"Oh, I get it! We had these in my world as well, only we called it a kabob. What is a Nel?"

I asked.

"A Nel is an animal that walks on four limbs and has a flat nose. They get to be very fat and have good-tasting meat when roasted or grilled. Usually, adventurers take them down as quests because nel destroys crops from the fields on the outskirts of town. They eat almost anything which makes them dangerous as well."

Said Emily.

"Here ye go lad. Two Nel sticks."

Said the vendor.

"Thank you!"

Said Emily.

"Yes, thank you!"

I said.

"Not a problem, I am just glad that young folk stopped by my stall. Take care of ye selfs."

Said the vendor.

The thieves that we took care of on our way back had a lot of stolen goods from their victims. The guild said that we had to return the goods only if the victims of the crime were still alive and had reported the goods. We were left with three large wooden chests and one of them had fine nobleman clothing in my size. The other chests weren't yet opened. I dressed in the finest clothing I could find which gives the impression that I'm a Blackthorn common nobleman, though adventurers have the same level of respect as common noblemen, though a knight commands more respect than a nobleman and a Lord is even higher in rank. There are ranks within the Lords the more land you control and the wealthier your domain the higher your rank within the Lords of the Zen Kingdom.


Holding onto Emily's hand, we walked through all the vendors buying a little of everything and having a fun time.

"Wow! I didn't know there was such good street food here!"

I said.

"Me neither. I've never been out to these types of festivities before. I only knew about some of them because I overheard gossip.

Said Emily.

"Ladies and gentlemen, the show is about to start!"

Said an announcer on top of a makeshift stage.

"I wonder what that could be? We should go see what's going on over there. "

I said.

"Yes, that looks like fun! "

Said Emily.

We walked over to where a crowd had gathered, a makeshift stage had been erected where current dancers were performing. The stage was made from dark wood and had some decorations on it, the sign on top of the arch read "Silver Fox" The dancers were four girls dancing to the music coming from a man sitting in a chair near the back of the stage. The music came from an instrument similar to what I knew as an accordion from back on earth, even the sound it produced was similar as well. The crowd clapped along to the beat of the accordion as the girls stomped and taped on the wooden stage. An announcer came up to the stage and addressed the crowd of spectators.

"Thank you for coming on this fine morning to see our show! These spectacular dancers did an incredible job! Let's give them a round of applause! Now for the moment, you've all been waiting for! Silver Fox Troupe presents "The Knight That Conquered All" Please quiet down during the play ladies and gentlemen. "

Said the announcer.

As the announcer finished the introduction, three persons climbed up the stairs to the stage. One of them was dressed in forged armor, another dressed as a Magic caster, and the last was a woman dressed as a high elf.

Wait she is an elf!! Wow her ears are longer than I thought they would be.

Stage workers placed a painted landscape mural on the stage to add a more realistic atmosphere to the play. The mural depicted a large open space with grass and a single hill. On top of the hill was a stone castle.

" Wretched knight! I will conquer Ercas!"

Said the mage on stage.

" I will stop you evil mage! As the hero of the people, it is my responsibility to wart your evil plans! Now let my wife go!"

Said the knight.

" I will kill her if you try to stop me! haha! Such a beautiful elf woman, I might even make her into my bride or at least have her accompany me in my chambers. [Evil Laughter] "

Said the mage.

" You evil cunt! "

Said the knight.

" Maximum magic! Dark fire twister! I'd like to see you try and survive my great magic! [Evil Laughter]"

Said the mage.

" [Magic Clashing] [Loud Impact] Is that all? That was nothing for my shield! Give it up! Your 10 evil demons have been defeated! All that is left is you! For the sake of humanity, I must stop your evil from taking over the world! Maximum magic! Enlightened sword, holy light!"

Said the knight.

The knight clashed with the evil mage while the elf bride was unconscious near the hill. The play went on depicting explosions and the use of magic. The knight came out victorious but at a cost. The elf bride was killed by the evil mage with powerful dark magic which completely splattered her body on the ground. The green grass was left stained red with chunks of meat spread around.

"Noooo! Layna! My wife... why did this happen! Why not me instead? [Painful Scream]"

Said the knight.

" [Evil laughter] You may have defeated me but I took away your greatest treasure! "

Said the mage.

" You fucking bastard! I will kill you here and in the afterlife! Even if I have to follow you to hell! "

Said the knight.

The knight cut the evil mage's limbs one by one. Flame magic was used to heat up the knight's sword to stop to bleeding from the evil mage's wounds, all in an effort to keep him alive as long as possible. The knight's revenge was torture to the evil mage, only ending after the knight cut the mage's head off. Truly, it was mercy for the mage no doubt. After the knight defeated the mage he walked to where his wife had been killed and knelt on the ground. The knight sliced his own throat with a dagger and thus was the end of the hero knight. A sad love story between a human knight and a beautiful elf woman, interrupted by an evil mage. The crowd that had gathered around the play started clapping and cheering while the actors bowed to the public.

" Talented individuals I might add, thank you for coming to see Silver Fox Troupe! "

Said the announcer.

" Hiroki that was a sad story wasn't it? "

Asked Emily.

" Yes. Emily... Just know that I will protect you no matter the cost! I will never let anything happen like back then with Alvren."

I said

" I love you! "

Said Emily.

" I love you too. "

I said.

I hugged her and gave her a kiss on the lips.

We had moved on to the section where vendors sold items. Emily was entranced by a pair of earrings on display.

"Hello there, ah, you have a good eye for jewelry miss."

Said the item vendor.

" I think those look cute. I'll take them!"

Said Emily.

" Certainly. That'll be 300 shells. "

Said the item vendor.

I ended up buying a hairpin for Emily as well, we browsed all of the vendor's items and decided to move on. We set our eyes on the last attraction of the day, it was a house of mirrors. Emily and I went in together.

"This seems really fun! Let us hold hands so that we don't get lost in here."

Said Emily.

"Good idea!"

I said.

"Wow... It looks like there are copies of us in each mirror."

Said Emily.

"Look, that one makes us look short!"

I said.

"You're right! And that one makes us look fat!"

Said Emily.

We walked around the maze of mirrors until we reached the center room. Inside the room, a soft melody was playing in the background. The floor in the center was rotating like a merry-go-round.

" I love this song! I have a faint memory of hearing it when I was very small.

The night is dark the moon is full,

and it's time to sleep until the morning birds sing.

The bright sun is so pretty,

butterflies in spring,

and the melody of flowers as the wind blows. It is such a pretty song! "

Said Emily.

" Emily, how about we dance? "

I suggested.

" Yes! "

Responded Emily.

We danced on the spinning floor to the melody. Emily was still humming the song on my shoulder as we danced.

After dancing with Emily for quite a while I decided to rest by leaning on a mirror but when I put my weight on it flipped and sent me tumbling into a different room.

"Are you okay!?"

Said the unknown girl.

" Huh? "

I said.

"Hello, my name is Meryle Alyson."

Said Meryle.

" Hello. yes, I am okay just a little confused. I was just in another room with someone when I leaned on a mirror and suddenly threw me in there. My name is Hiroki Yukito. "

I said.

"Hiroki? I've never heard of that name before. I am looking for my maid, seems we got separated from each other. It looks like this house of mirrors has hidden traps to confuse and separate people. I got an idea, we should work together to find our way out of here. "

Said Meryle

" That sounds like a good idea. "

I said.

" W-We Sh... Should probably hold h-hands to avoid getting separated. "

Said a flustered Meryle.

" Um. . . . Okay, just until we find a way out I suppose. "

I said.

We walked holding each other's hand through the maze until finally somehow we found our way out. Along the way, we got to know each other a little more. Apparently, her maid's name is Valindra. I told her about Emily in exchange. Though she acted a little flustered and hinted at disappointment when I mentioned Emily and I are currently a couple.

We waited outside the maze. Not too long passed when Emily and Valindra came out of the house of mirrors together.

" Lady Alyson! Are you alright? Please forgive this foolish one for getting separated from you! I'll accept any punishment. "

Said Valindra.

" Valindra, it's alright. getting lost is the whole point of a house of mirrors. It's what makes it fun. "

Said Meryle.


Said Emily.

" Emily! I didn't think the maze had traps like that. "

I said.

" The moment you disappeared, miss Valindra showed up from behind a different mirror and we decided to work together to find a way out. "

Said Emily.

" I see. We did the same. Emily, this is Meryle Alyson, she is the daughter of a Lord currently visiting Blackthorn. "

I said.

" Hello, nice to meet you. My name is Emily Zolckster. "

Said Emily.

"Hello, Emily, nice to make an acquaintance with you both! Most people don't approach me because of my lineage. Well, I suppose I better head back before the guards worry and come looking for me. May we meet again."

Said Meryle.

After Meryle and Valindra left Emily and I headed back to the house. By the time we arrived, the sun had begun to set. My first date in another world had been surprisingly amazing!