
Path Of A King

Hiroki Yukito, a half Japanese 17 year old boy student from Japan that was transported to another world. A world full of magic, swords, adventurers, demi-humans, and vast untouched landscapes that are lush green and beautiful. This new world is also full of adventure and mysteries that are waiting to be found, vast forests and mountain ranges waiting to be explored. Hiroki has a goal and it's not to return to earth but to make something of himself in this new world. With the help of his friends, subjects and lovers he'll conquer it all. Though the continent of Ercas is a new frontier full of beauty, many dangers also lurk. An original Story written by: Jorge Duenas

jd_author_officium · Fantasy
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10 Chs

Merribourne Act I

The room was big and full of luxurious decorations currently, it was full of men. The men sat on tables that went around the room in a circular manner except for a throne reserved for the king placed high and at the center of the room. The men gathered are nobles and representatives of all the territories of the Zen Kingdom.

" Now. . . moving on the the next topic--"

The man currently speaking was the king's representative, his name, Lloyd Aldmin. Lord Aldmin has no territory to govern but he is a well-connected influential wealthy man who controls the kingdom's affairs when the king is not available to do so. Lord Aldmin is tall, and thin, has sharp eyes, a narrow chin, blond hair, and blue eyes. Lord Aldmin currently wears a lavish attire decorated with gold and gems something only the representative of the Zen Kingdom is allowed to wear. The room was called the audience room inside the castle in the Zen Kindom capital, Merribourne. The castle is the residence of king Rowe Grey Mauntell and the royal family. The Audience room is located next to the actual throne room inside the castle. The king's chambers is located behind the throne room all in an effort for the convenience of the king to move around quickly from room to room in the castle.

" Screw that! We need to talk about the man who kidnapped my fiance! "

Leren Baylor shouted.

" Lord Baylor. . . your father wasn't able to come to the meeting? "

Lord Aldmin snorted back.

" My father is a busy man! I'm just as qualified to represent Blackthorn since I'll be the next Baylor to govern it. "

" Lord Leren, I think all of us in this room are busy men yet we have responded the kings request to gather today for this meeting. . . "

" But my fiance! We. . .  "

" Silence!! To interrupt me, the representative of this kingdom is the same as interrupting the king himself! You will be quiet now because we have far more important topics than a lost, soon-to-be bride. Remind your father that Blackthorn has changed from families in the past and that it can happen again! "

The room went silent for a while, everyone stared at Leren as he sat back down on his chair and abided by the kings representative's request for silence from him. Truth is, almost all of the nobles that are gathered in the room aren't particularly fond of Lloyd Aldmin so it's not hard to believe that Leren has some sympathy from the other lords in that respect.

" Now, the next topic at hand is about the current military build-up in the Theron Empire. Our spies have sent reports that the Empire is preparing for another war. "

The room once again became full of conversations between the Lords of the Zen Kingdom as Lloyd stirred concern with his remark.

" We need to build up our military at once! "

" I agree. "

" Aye, this is very concerning. House Fitzbert is ready to aid with 3,000 men that are ready to fight when needed."

The men who responded to Lloyd's information; were Lord Umber Emury of Beldale, Lord Alison Witler of Moorwald, and Lord Alan Fitzbert of Ridgewater. Lord Umber Emury of house Emury is a tall heavy-set man with a robust belly, he had red hair and green eyes, a long braided beard, and a fur coat embroid with lavish decorations. Lord Emury is 35 years old and 200cm in height. Lord Emury governs Beldale located northeast of the capital near the ocean and bordering the unconquerable territory.

Lord Alison Witler of house Witler is a short thin man with unusually pale skin color and deep sunken eyes. He has white hair and no facial hair at all. His eyes were grey in color and wore a lavish white military coat decorated with gold buttons and shoulder outlines. He was a man around 50 years of age, 166cm in height, and had been a military commander in the past. Now, Lord Witler governs Moorwald located southeast of Merribourne on the ocean line of the Zen kingdom. Only about 3 days away from the capital.

Lord Redner Fitzbert of house Fitzbert wears a unique armor that resembles normal noble's clothing yet has decorations of mithral and orichalcum metals that protect him. He is by far the youngest Lord in the meeting at just 15 years of age. Lord Fitzbert is slim and very fit because his father had trained him in combat since the day he learned to walk. He has brown eyes and brown unruly hair. He is 165cm tall but still growing. Lord Fitzbert governs Ridgewater located northwest of Merribourn bordering the Fenrok kingdom's borders. He had only recently been appointed lord of Ridgewater because his father passed away of an illness, being the oldest of house Fitzbert, he was quickly appointed as the new lord.

" We need to be careful with our actions! If we build up our military the countries at our borders will do the same. "

" Aye, we will have to deal with the elf of the Fenrok Kingdom. "

" Not if we give a proper explanation beforehand."

This group of men was Lord Gerett Ironarm, Lord Arthur Gifford, and Lord Edmond Zolckster. Lord Gerett Ironarm of house Ironarm is a very well-built man with a lot of muscle. He has black hair and green eyes. Ironarm is about 196cm tall and looks to be around his 30s. He governs Ironrock located north of Merribourne bordering the Valley Of Life that's controlled by the Magic Elders of Ercas. Lord Ironarm wore armor made out of orichalcum and mythril, his great sword attached behind him, and fists made out of iron forged with a secret technique only known by a select few blacksmiths in Ironrock.

Lord Arthur Gifford of house Gifford is 192cm in height and has a hefty body. Lord Gifford is around his early 30s and is wearing blue armor made out of Mythril. Gifford has blond hair and green eyes. He governs Strongcrest located northeast of Merribourne on the coast. Primarily, a fishing economy but the people are proud and poverty is low.

Lord Edmon Zolckster of house Zolckster of Ester is a thin tall man, around 192cm in height. Lord Zolckster has brown hair and blue eyes. He governs Ester located north of Merribourn and west of Ironrock, just like Lord Ironarms territory, it also borders the Valley of Life. Ester is said the be one of the wealthiest dominions in the Zen Kingdom. There's even some talk within the common folk that Lord Zolckster is even wealthier than the royal family. Though not a strong-looking man he certainly makes up with intellect, Lord Zolckster is a very cunning man. His attire is a black robe decorated with silver and the Zolcksters family crest, the twin swords of adamentite.

" Do we have to worry about the empire? They don't even share a border with us. I think we are overreacting. "

This man was Lord Alexander Boteler of house Boteler of the cliffs. He is lord of Redwell located east of Merribourne. Lord Boteler is a slim man of 189cm in height. Boteler had clothing made out of animal hide along with steel chainmail. He had blue eyes and blond hair. A large beard covered most of his face which almost gave him a warrior type of look and not a lord.

"He's right! Blackthorn is prepared for any enemy invasion, we are pretty much protected by the Darkwood forest in the west, the ocean to the south and east, and the high mountain ranges in the north. This is why my father was sure this meeting was a waste of time."

Leren said.

"Young lord Baylor you have a point but what if the empire attacks us by way of the ocean, on ships? "

Lord Gifford asked.

"That's impossible the waters are extremely dangerous for a large number of ships with troops to pass! They'd just smash into the unconquerable territories cliffs and everyone knows the world ends if you venture off too far into the sea it's common sense! It'd be a suicide mission! "

Leren shouted.

" The inexperience nature of a young son of a lord."

Lord Gifford snorted back at Leren.

"As young lord Baylor has stated we are not as worried about the empire amassing troops but we should not let our guard down, I've also received a report mentioning spies from the empire may try acting soon. They may try to assassinate or kidnap someone from the royal family. For now, we have increased royal soldiers in the castle."

Lloyd Aldmin calmly responded to the arguing lords.

The gathered men continued planning strategy and sharing information about recent events until Lloyd finally dismissed the meeting for the day. Usually meeting concerning all the lords of the territories of the Zen kingdom would take place in a span of about a week before everyone could leave back to their domains. The meetings lasted for about 3 hours every day until the week finished and during the spare time the lords had they would stay at a luxurious inn in Merribourne. This very expensive inn was very well guarded by experienced adventurers and even the royal guard would make their presence at times. As the lords exited the audience room after the meetings ended some would continue to talk about topics of interest with other lords. Today's meeting was no exception. It was also the last meeting and the day the ruling lords would make the trip back to their domains.

"Lord Gifford!"

" Ah, if it isn't Lord Azil Herington! How are you doing my good friend? How is Byleon? "

Lord Azil Herington of house Herington lord of Byleon located east of Blackthorn. Since the founding of the Zen kingdom, house Herington has been a very loyal family of the royal family. Many of the most promising talented royal guards have been groomed in Byleon for generations. Lord Herington is of average build, about 198cm tall, with green eyes, and red hair. He wears chainmail made out of mythril and leather armor leggings. Lord Herington is one of a handful of lords that wear a cape with their own house sigils etched on, other lords simply wear decorative pins or a sword with their house sigils forged onto the hilt to represent their pride. In this case, lord Herington's family sigil is a hawk holding onto a burning sword with its talons. Arthur of house Gifford was another lord with a cape. House Gifford had a peculiar sigil, to say the least, a fish hook in seawater and a ship with a big mast. House Gifford is one of the only houses to incorporate the sea into their sigil. Arther's family ruled over Strongcrest even before the Zen kingdom had a king.

" I'm doing just fine and Byleon is as strong as ever. How about Strongcrest lord Gifford? "

Lord Herington asked with a curious tone.

" Stroncrest is thriving! Even though these other lords don't take the empire as a serious threat I'm preparing defenses and amassing troops in case we are attacked. Some of the lords seem to forget that the empire isn't the only threat we face. The Nevos kingdom to the east and the Fenrok kingdom to the north are just as eager to attack us. "

Lord Gifford said.

" I agree Lord Gifford. I've also started to gather troops and prepare Byleon's defenses. Have you heard of the trouble Leren Baylor's gotten into? It seems like the beautiful young girl he was trying to marry fell in love with a different man. "

Lord Herington said.

" Ahahaha! Serves him right! I never did like that little cunt much. "

Lord Gifford said while slapping his thigh.

" It's the strange man that has my attention. I placed a few spies in Blackthorn to have an information network and my spies mention that the man came out of nowhere wearing strange clothing they'd never seen. Apparently, the man signed up as an adventurer and even formed a party. "

Lord Herington said.

" Could he have been a spy for the Nevos kingdom? "

Lord Gifford asked.

" No I don't think so, I had one of my spies trail him for a few days but not once did the man do anything suspicious apart from wooing the young lady's heart. Leren even went as far as to send troops after him but hear this. . . After the troops confronted the man in front of the adventurers guild building a mage working for Leren started shouting nonsense after evaluating the man with magic. That mage went hysterical causing Leren Baylor to back off. "

Lord Herington said.

" Did your spies catch the man's name? "

Lord Gifford asked while pressing on the matter.

" About that. . . Even though his name is weird, I believe he was called Hiroki. My spy overheard one of his companions call him that. "

Rubbing his chin, lord Herington recollected his memory.

Both men walked into the castle's garden while talking. Lord Gifford and lord Herington both had attendants accompanied behind them in case either lord craved refreshments or tea.

" Hiroki?.... Lord Herington are you familiar with the Island of kings?

Lord Gifford asked while contemplating the name.

" No. . . I can't say I am. "

Lord Herington said while thinking hard on the matter.

" The Island of Kings is not well known throughout any domain but one day, I ran into a merchant who had traveled to the empire way up north. This merchant and I shared a drink at a tavern in Strongcrest while I listened to his stories of travel. This merchant mentioned he'd gone to the farthest ends of the empire to the east, all the way to where land and sea met. Most of the east of the empire is just wilderness only but a single fort is located that far east. The merchant had stopped to rest near a cliff overlooking the sea but he could also seas the empire's fort in the distance. While drawing the area on a map he saw a large group of ships heading toward the fort. "

"What! Ships? Where did they come from? Who's ships were they?"

Lord Herington asked with a look of bewilderment.

" I don't know because I can only tell you what the merchant told me. Anyways, the merchant saw a difficult battle unfold right before his eyes. The empire's fort was manned by 500 troops according to the merchant's estimates and the unknown ships laid a complete siege on the fort killing everyone. It was a complete loss for the empire. The ship people spoke in an unknown language and dressed in never before seen clothing. The merchant made up his mind and approached the unknown people knowing full well it could have been the last decision he'd ever make. Though they didn't kill him they kept him locked up while extracting any useful information from him. The merchant didn't fight them because, in his own words, he'd told them " I don't have loyalty to anyone but myself. " as expected the unknown people didn't understand a word out of his fuckin' mouth but he did have something they could understand very well. "

Lord Gifford said while looking straight into lord Herington's eyes.

" What did he have? "

Lord Herington asked eagerly.

" Maps of course. The unknown ship people were very intrigued with the merchant's maps as if surprised about the lands depicted on them. The merchant spent weeks with the people and eventually they showed him maps of where they came from. The maps showed an island to the east of the empire's eastern borders. The language barrier also thinned and the merchant eventually came to understand some of the unknown languages that's when he found out the name of the origin of the ship people. . . The Island Of Kings. He also learned some names of the people who interacted with him, which brings me to my point. The names of the islanders sound very much like the man from Blackthorn, Hiroki. "

Lord Gifford finished and then signaled his attendant for water.

" Is this story real? "

Skeptical, lord Herington voiced his concern.

" I don't know how much of it is true but I'll tell you what I think. I think that the empire is amassing troops to fight an invading force to the east. "

When lord Gifford finished speaking he took a long gulp of the water he had requested.

" Lord Gifford I'd like to thank you for this truly entertaining story. I must be on my way as my family awaits for my return to Byleon. "

Extending his hand lord Herington expressed his goodbyes.

" I hear a lot of stories when I go out drinking, next time we meet, I'd like to hear a good story from you lord Herington.

Meeting lord Herington's hand with his own, lord Gifford returned the goodbye.


The day was nearing sunset. Lord Gifford and lord Herington had long been gone from the castle grounds. The castle was large. White stone bricks with tall towers on each corner of the castle. The windows are made of clear glass and the doors are made of black hardwood reinforced with mythril studs to unite each plank. Mythril was a very expensive ore, it isn't the strongest metal but it was far stronger than iron or steel. The castle was made to protect the king and royal family from an enemy siege. It was built on a high rock peak in the center of Merribourne. Naturally, the castle oversaw the entirety of Merribourne from all sides. It didn't matter where you were in Merribourne, the castle was always visible since it was the highest structure. Currently, the town of Merribourne is very lively. The night brings forth a very different image of Merribourne. The brick roads, lit by oil lanterns, and the countless brothels open for business. To some it was the absolute worst side of Merribourne, to others it was the best. In a certain brothel in the 3rd district of Merribourne was a very powerful man. Lloyd Aldmin was a very successful representative for the Zen Kingdom but he also had a peculiar hobby. Lloyd was currently thrusting his lower body on a brothel woman. The woman was young, at least far younger than Lloyd. People wouldn't think much of the scene at first, why should they? Brothels were normal establishments all around the Zen Kingdom and many-- paid visits to them. Once you looked with more attention, you'd see that the young woman Lloyd was currently ravaging, was unconscious and full of bruises. Lloyd is a very powerful man and he knew it. His favorite activity after a long day representing the kingdom was to visit a high-class brothel and order a high-class server. Laying with a brothel woman wasn't enough for Lloyd he also enjoyed hitting them. The girl is fair-skinned and has blond hair; under normal circumstances, she'd be a real beauty. Normally her eyes were big a blue but after what Lloyd had done, her face was swollen and hardly recognizable. He'd finished and started to dress.

" I'm finished here, I'm leaving."

Lloyd demanded.

Each room was guarded by a servant to keep customers from ditching the bill. After Lloyd had yelled the door to his room opened. A man dressed in a simple tunic entered the room. His eyes opened wide once he saw the condition of the girl.

" Milord. . . We do not allow such treatment of our servers! "

With a worried look, the servant yelled out.

" Silence commoner! I have the gold. Here. . . I'd say this is enough. "

Lloyd said while taking out a pouch full of coin ad tossing it toward the servant.

" Ah. . . Yes! milord! This is enough, my apologies. "

The servant said while showing a deep bow toward Lloyd.

After Lloyd left the servant walked towards the unconscious girl on the bed.

" Looks like she ain't gonna make it. Shame, she had a beautiful face and a nice pair of tits. "

The servant said while reaching for the girl's breast and squeezing.

The servant's name is Zeet Mower, he'd only started working at the brothel recently. He used to spend his days as a thief but after witnessing a fellow thief be caught and his hands cut off as punishment, Zeet wanted to earn money without the risk of harm. Zeet is a very big man, not exactly fit with a belly to back that up but he had a body intimidating enough to get the job as a servant for the brothel to make sure customers paid. Zeets encounter with a woman was rare, to say the least. He wasn't an attractive man, in fact, he would disgust any woman with his unattractive face and bad body odor. Brothels were his only choice if he wanted to lay with any woman but brothels weren't cheap either. Zeet isn't picky and certainly knew when an opportunity had presented itself.

" It'll be a waste anyways. "

Zeet said to himself.


Lloyd arrived at his manor. He was getting off his carriage when his servant greeted him.

"Welcome back milord. "

The butler said with a very respectful tone.

" Prepare my bath at once. "

With a strict tone, Lloyd Aldmin gave his command to the butler named Larry.

Lloyd's manor was very luxurious and located on the east part of Merribourne on the outskirts. It was a 2 story mansion made of stone brick and steel. The house was surrounded by a huge hedge that acted like a wall around the mansion.

The path leading up to Lloyd's mansion was paved with gravel and it also had a large hedge wall on each side. The butler named Lary was a man of the age. He had grey hair with a bald spot in the middle of his head. His attire consisted of a black suit with white gloves. Larry had terrible eyesight, a gift of old age though not a pleasant one, glasses had to be worn so that larry was able to see. Larry is the head butler at Lloyds mansion, a total of 10 maids and 5 butlers are present at all times. Larry carried Lloyd's luggage off the carriage and then walked to open the mansion's huge wooden double doors. Lloyd walked inside first followed by the butler Larry. High ceilings and two stairs on opposite sides greeted anyone who walked into the mansion, not only that, a luxury chandelier hung in the center between both sets of stairs. The stairs had a red rug running through them and the floor is made from polished white rock. Lloyd made his way to the bathroom for his bath. Larry had gone towards Lloyd's sleeping chambers to take the luggage.

Two young maids are in charge of Lloyd's bath preparations. Everything was carefully executed because Lloyd did not like his bath water too hot. The last time a maid didn't follow the directions she ended up disappearing but among the maids, they had been talking about her murder. None of the maids working for Lloyd were there by choice. Some had parents who owed money and some were bought as slaves from the slave markets. Buying a slave wasn't necessarily cheap and thus it was a luxury only the wealthy could enjoy. The two young maids were both slaves bought by Lloyd. One of the girls is thin, and short, and had brown hair, and brown eyes. She had a tail and animal ears on her head, she is a demihuman from the wolfman tribe. The second girl is human. The girl had blond hair, and green eyes, tall, and thin. Both girls were wearing a typical white maid uniform and both had big breasts. The demihuman girl's name is Laksha and the human girl's name is Rena. Laksha is 16 years old while Rena is in her 20's. Once the girls had finished the preparation of the bath they stood on standby next to the doors of the bathroom. Lloyd walked inside the bathroom and immediately started to undress. Laksha and Rena had to witness Loyd bathe until he finished. Lloyd liked his baths quiet, he liked to think about his plans during this time and he used his bath time to recall the girls he'd beat that day. Today Lloyd was remembering the blond girl from the brothel.

" Such a pleasant day today. "

Lloyd said with a big sigh.

" That woman wasn't enough! Maybe I'll pay a visit to the woman in my playroom. "

Lloyd silently thought.

Just when Lloyd had finished thinking a knock sounded on the door.

" Milord, the expected visitor has arrived."

This man is a butler named Siget. The butlers employed by Lloyd had all been ex-adventurers who for some reason or another had retired from adventurous ways.

" Good. . . Though such bad timing, I was just getting to enough of my bath. "

Lloyd said while getting out of the water.

Laksha handed Lloyd a towel and Rena held out a fresh set of clothing for Lloyd to change into. After changing, Lloyd walked out of the bathroom and followed behind Siget.

Siget lead him to the private study where the guest was currently waiting.


It was the room at the top end of the 4th tower in the castle. This particular room belongs to the 3rd daughter of King Rowe Grey Mauntell though most knew her as princess Mary. Mary is the youngest of her sisters at the young age of 15 she entered into womanhood. It was customary to schedule a ball for any of the king's children when they reach the age of 15. The ball was used to seek potential husbands for the princesses both her older sisters had done so in the past. His eldest sister named Katlen and her middle sister named Elizabeth were both married to lords.

" Lady Mary? It's Lyn, may I come in? "

" I'm here Lyn, come in. "

Lynette Bellows is Mary's personal attendant. Lyn wears a victorian era maid's uniform. She has brown hair and brown eyes. Lyn isn't that tall and she's around her 40s in age. Mary is wearing a nightgown, she was about to fall asleep and had turned off her lantern. Mary is 155cm tall and has blond hair with blue eyes. She has a very pale skin tone and is very beautiful. Though she hasn't yet fully matured into a woman she already possessed what would make a lot of women envious, her breasts.

" Just came to see if you needed anything before I go to my sleeping chambers. "

Lyn said with a concerned look.

" Thank you Lyn but I don't need anything for the moment."

Mary said.

" You must be tired milady after trying out dresses for tomorrow's royal ball. I heard that all the bachelors arrived today. "

Lyn said with a soft stare.

" Lyn. . . I'm nervous, what if they don't like me? "

Mary said while interlocking her fingers.

"Milady, you'll have them boys following you around. They'll instantly fall in love with you, my child. I can promise you that. Trust me milady you are very beautiful, especially with the fancy dress you'll be wearing tomorrow. "

Lyn added.

"Thanks, Lyn you always make me feel better. "

Mary confessed.

"Milady you're like my own daughter I was even your wet nurse after your mom couldn't produce milk anymore. Come here, my girl. . . "

Lyn finished while extending her arms.

Mary met Lynette with her open arms as well and with that, they hugged each other like mother and child. After the hug, Lynette walked out of Mary's chambers and closed the door behind her. Lynette was walking briskly through the corridor until she came upon a spiraling staircase. Lynette started the walk down the stairs with a lantern in one hand. Even though the corridors had wall-mounted torches they were so far spread that a lot of the time it was far to dark to see. After finishing the flight of stairs Lynette turned into another corridor leading to a large wooden door that lead into the outside. Lynette knocked on the door because every door was guarded by a royal guard and they are in charge of opening and closing the doors.

" Hello? I'm trying to exit can you please open the door? "

Lynnet asked with a raised voice.

Though in theory, it was possible for Lynette to open the door it was still an inconvenience for her. The door was heavy enough for Lynette to make use of all her strength pushing the door.

" Hello? I wonder where the guard ran off to? I guess I should open the door. "

Lynette put her lantern down on the brick floor. She pressed down on the latch and started to push. The door creaked until it started to move slowly. Lynette put all her effort into pushing the door open until she finally opened it enough for her to walk out. She repeated the process to close the door.

" I wish I was younger, that was one heavy door. . . "

Lynette said while wiping her forehead as if cleaning off her sweat.

Lynette looked around the dark and wondered where the guard had gone. With nothing but her lantern, her field of view was very limited, to say the least. It was a very cloudy night and there was no moonlight. She started to walk in the direction of the servant's building. The servant's building is a separate building that functions as the sleeping quarters for all of the maids, butlers, and cooks. The building is located on the opposite side of the royal guard's barracks but all of the outer buildings are connected by a gravel path so that people wouldn't get lost at night. The gravel path is lit by a large post lantern every few meters away leaving a few dark areas while following the gravel path. Lynette's hand lantern was useless since the post lanterns lit her path very well. Lynette stopped to turn her lantern off and continued walking. Suddenly one of the lanterns turns off right in front of her. Lynette stopped and stood under a lantern trying to see anything in front of her. All Lynette could see was the light of the lantern farther ahead of the one that had turned off.

Lynette turned her hand lantern back on and held it high up, waiving side to side in an attempt to see into the dark path ahead of her. She started to walk again but at a slow pace. Her mind racing with ideas and her fear rose as she neared the darkness. She walked through the darkened path without incident and arrived at the lit area around the next lantern.

" I told you so, just a lantern in need of an oil that's all. "

Lynette whispered to herself.

As Lynette finished talking to herself she went quiet, she'd heard something but wasn't sure if it was her mind playing tricks on her. The sound could be heard clearer now as it got closer to Lynette. She couldn't see anything because the path diverted into a sharp turn. Lynette clenched her fists and was on high alert. Just when she was about to run back to the princess's room the light of the lantern revealed a guard.

" Isn't it a little too late to be out and about ma'am? "

The guard asked while lifting one of his eyebrows.

" You nearly scared me dead! Why aren't you at your post by the door? "

Lynette said while placing her hand on her right hip.

" Heard a noise coming from the servant's building but I didn't see anything out of the ordinary. You maids are some real heavy sleepers aren't ya? I tried knocking on the door but no one answered. You would happen to have a key with you, would you? "

The guard asked.

" Yes I do have the key but someone should have answered the door. Why don't we go take a look? "

Lynette said with a hint of worry.

Lynette and the guard walked the gravel path until they reached the servant's building where they sleep. Lynette took out a large key and placed it inside the large wooden door's keyhole. The building is rather large and has many windows. A single lantern hung at the door providing lighting for both of them. Lynette turned the key on the door with a thick click letting her know the door had been unlocked. This door wasn't as heavy as the door to enter the royal family's castle so Lynette didn't even bother asking the guard for assistance. The door creaked open and nothing seemed out of the ordinary. The lanterns inside had not been lit and so it was very dark inside the building.

" Odd, usually the lantern is on at all times in the hallways of the buildings. So why are they off? "

Lynette said why waving her lantern in hand.

" Why don't we go in and have a look around? Shall we?"

The guard said why lifting his eyebrow.

" Let me light the lantern so that it isn't as dark inside maybe the girls will wake up and explain why no one is answering the door or tending to the lanterns. Girls wake up! "

Lynette shouted.

" Mind warning me next time you shout like that. Felt my eardrums 'bout to burst. "

The guard said while taking his fingertips out of his ears.

" Why isn't anyone waking up? I swear these girls need more discipline. I'll have to talk t-. . ."

Lynette couldn't finish her current thought. Three maids had tackled Lynette before she could utter another word. The guards didn't even have enough time to comprehend the current situation that was unfolding in front of him. He just stood standing looking at Lynette fall to the ground. As soon as his brain finished processing he reached for the hilt of his sword beside his hip.

" W-what do you think your doing!? Get off h-. . ."

Said the guard.

Just like Lynette's situation, the guard was suddenly tackled by more maids and even a butler. He fell hard to the floor and the impact knocked the wind out of him. His sword dropped to the ground, clanging until it stopped bouncing on the gravel. The attackers still in their night gowns and underwear, had a pale look to them and they groaned and shouted in a mindless way. As soon as Lynette and the guard fell on the floor the attackers began to bite. Lynette let out a scream as the maids began to rip out her flesh. Blood rushed out and stained the gravel around her. One of the attacking maids dug her hands inside Lynette's abdomen and pulled on her entrails then proceeded to feast on them. Lynette was still screaming in horror as she was eaten alive until another maid forced her hand into Lynette's mouth and ripped out her tongue. At this point, Lynette had died from the amount of pain she had experienced but the maids still feasted on her body. The guard was still alive when Lynette died. Nearly all of his face had been ripped off and eaten by his attackers, only one of his eyes remained intact, and witnessed his final moments as his chest was ripped apart as the attacker feasted on his organ.

" U-UNDEAD . . ."

The attackers were in fact undead. Undead could only be created by high-tier necromancy magic, dark magic that had been thought to be extinct since the death of the dark mage from the past. Truly a dark night in Merribourne, as a dark plan had been set in motion.


At an unknown location located in the Zen kingdom, a group of men had gathered. The area was dark and full of fog. A normal human would not be at such a location in such ominous conditions. The men currently present were wearing dark robes with hoods covering most of their features.

"The attack has started. Soon we will have our revenge against the Zen kingdom. The kingdom was founded by the renowned hero, Zeren. That bastard is responsible for my current state! "

The man currently talking was none other than the evil dark mage from the past. His body looked shriveled up and very ancient, looking more like a corpse about to turn into dust with the slightest movement. The dark mage of calamity Zeron. What no one ever knew was that Zeren and Zeron were in fact brothers. Zeron currently sat on a stone throne in front of a huge dead tree. The throne was placed higher than the robbed men that had kneeled in front of Zeron.

"Your grace, is it time to initiate the second phase? "

One of the robbed men asked.

" Of course it is, you fool! Bring me another sacrifice! My body requires sacrifices more often now but soon I'll be able to regain my youth! Once I destroy that wretched kingdom and its royal family. We have amassed around 50,000 undead and they'll destroy every living being until they reach the castle. The kingdom will be busy dealing with the undead. We will bid our time meanwhile until our forces have significantly advanced closer to Merribourne. "

Zeron said while laughing hysterically.

A total of 20 robbed men were followers of Zeron. Some of these men were criminals, others were adventurers, and some were even people currently in positions of power in the Zen kingdom.


The horde of undead advanced very rapidly through the plains. The undead had rotten flesh and a very horrible stomach-churning stench. Some of the undead were so decomposed that their bones were visible. Maggots and vermin still eating at the rotten flesh as they moved in the direction of Merribourne. Undead were very difficult to deal with, apart from their strength which was double that of a human, they had the ability to infect humans through a single bite. Zeron had not noticed that his horde of undead had in fact been discovered by a group of adventurers out on an unrelated quest. The adventurers had stumbled and discovered the marching undead and were currently hiding behind the cover of trees near the plains.

" This is crazy! We need to report this to the guild as soon as possible! "

This was the party's leader Ron Sawyer. They are a silver-ranked party of adventurers based out of Merribourne. The party is made of a mage, archer, swordsman, tank, and a healer-class cleric. The party was dubbed 'Stray Dogs' because they all grew up as orphans. The other members are Karen Lect, Nicholas Bowie, Nola Haste, and Warren Yern.

" What if they spot us? "

Nola asked, looking at each of them.

" A lot of people are going to die along the way, there's a lot of homesteads and small villages if they hold their current path. What should we do about them? "

Nicholas asked.

" The capital takes priority and we need to organize a subjugation force to destroy the undead before they kill everyone. "

Karen said.

" I agree with Karen. "

Warren said.

" Okay, one of us will go to warn everyone. I have an ancient scroll. "

Ron said while reaching into his satchel.

" What!? An ancient scroll? They're extremely rare! How did you get

one? "

Warren pointed out.

"I found it during our quest to gather blue crystals from the dungeon near Green View. I guess someone must have dropped it sometime in the past. Ancient scrolls have different types of magic, this scroll has an ancient teleportation type of magic. I had it examined at the mage guild in the capital. They offered a substantial amount when they examined it but I refused. Now I'm glad I didn't sell it for the coin because we would never reach the capital in time by foot. "

Ron said with a concerned look.

" How do you know if it works? I've heard some ancient scrolls only work with the magic user that created them. "

Nicholas asked with skepticism.

" The mage guild told me that it was possible to use it because it didn't have a trace of a magic signature that would have made it impossible to use. Teleportation magic is very rare and it practically doesn't exist anymore, not even the head archmage knows any type of teleportation magic! Karen, use it by opening the binding of the scroll and warn everyone! "

Ron said while holding the scroll out in his right hand toward Karen.

" Okay, but how about you guys!? "

Karen asked while receiving the scroll from Ron.

" We will catch up by foot but we will likely arrive within 10 days at the guild. Relax, we won't look for a fight. We will sneak past the undead and reach Merribourne in about 2 weeks' time. Scrolls only work with a single person and you have the best magic usability out of all of us so it can't be helped.

Ron said while patting Karen's shoulder.

Karen eased her mind and unbounded the scroll. Karen's body began to become translucent and suddenly the space near her warped and she was gone. Ron and Nicholas looked at each other with confusion and Nola broke the silence.

" Did it work? "

Nola asked while looking at Ron.

Ron was speechless he acted almost as if he didn't hear what Nola had asked him. Warren, not Ron, answered Nola's question.

" Well she definitely disappeared but who knows if she teleported to Merribourne or some other place. "

Warren said.

" It has to work or this could be the extinction of the Zen kingdom as we know it. "

Nicholas said.

" We should get moving now. It'll be sunrise soon and those things could spot us easier during the day. We have to sneak past them and make a run for it to Merribourne. "

Ron said.

Ron stood up and looked at the sea of undead one last time, almost as if he had to confirm he wasn't imagining all of it. Soon the others joined him and they stood, still in awe of the terrifying army of undead that could wipe out all of humanity.