

Life is short but people tend to long for immortality even at the expense of the innocent. But what can we do? Life has never been fair towards us it only cares about who is stronger in this pit. While the weak cower, fearing what may come their way. Never push them to the corner or they will bare their teeth. Follow Lorenzo of the Forest as he heads on an adventure to become strong and finally fulfill his long desire. Revenge!

Key_To · Fantasy
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The Arcane History

I picked up the <Arcane history>. Looking at it, its features are looking new. It doesn't have the smell of old books or even dust. It feels like it was made this day. But the store owner said that it was there for how many years, not attracting any buyers.

The contents of the first quarter are introductions about the arcane text. Thoroughly scanning it, maybe there was a text that I didn't learn. Fortunately, I know all that was written here.

The next part is about the origin of the arcane text.

It was when everything is dark, bleak, and silent, devoid of any hope or warmth. This space is full of floating rocks that jet from one another. And when they hit one another sparks ablaze the dark nothingness.

One of those floating rocks cracked. Out of stress or constant hits the surface of the rock was slowly shed. When the surface completely peeled off, a radiant green glow appeared. It was a seed that popped out of the rock.

This seed had a solid property. No rocks can scratch it, even destroying some of them when they crashed. Time went and goes. The space slowly expands due to this seed's fluctuations. A sprout was slowly growing out of it, while roots slowly crawled below it.

A whirlpool swirled, the seed right at the center of it. The seed consumed the primal energy around it. It sucked all it can take.

The sprout grew leaves, leaves grew wide, and its stem hardened. The rocks that flew right next to it got caught by the net of its roots. Slowly those rocks clumped together from a single rock to a massive landmass.

At this point, the seed is now long gone. The once sprout became a massive tree towering inside this emptiness without match. Its roots reached the deepest deep, sucking nutrients of the abyss.

It had an unstoppable growth devouring every ounce of energy it can take. The space was stretched wider by the tree's mysterious force. The landmass also expanded with the roots.

Three gigantic flowers bloomed and then fell off. The first flower went to space waking up the concept of space, the second to time, and the third to gravity. This is the first payback of the tree to the emptiness and its devouring of the primal energy.

What is consumed must be returned. For greed will only bring ruin to this expanse. The spot on the tree where the 3 flowers bore fruits. With this, the tree is intensely consuming primal energy.

As for the 3 main concepts, they brought balance to the expanse. Space slowed down the tree and its expansion, Time set the limit on everything that can't replace what is consumed, and Gravity holds everything down keeping the heavenly bodies to collide with one another.

The 3 fruits slowly ripened with the passing of time. When it got ripe, it had fallen off the tree. The shell cracked, exposing 3 godly beings. They were the Jade king, Order, and Chaos.

The Jade king who is brimming with life and power, Order whose beauty is without a match, kind and just, and Chaos filled with anger who summoned calamity and famine.

When Order came to being she refined the primal energy creating the order ether. She created the Order realm where she gave birth to the concept of soul and light. When the concept of light was born, stars appeared on the vast expanse. Her order realm was located resting on top of the tree.

Chaos also refined the primal energy creating the chaos ether. He went to the abyss building his own realm the chaos realm on the tree's roots. This realm is the place to remove the bad karma out of the souls sending them to the Order realm to be cleansed and to collect good karma. Chaos made his minions on the abyss making the elements. The elements brought color to the world, not only to the chaos realm but also to the whole expanse.

While the Jade king was left alone on the massive land mass walking endlessly, examining the wonder of this whole expanse.

The Jade king ruled all in this domain. His 2 siblings, the concepts, elements, and even the tree listen to him. The only thing he can't rule is the nothingness because there was nothing even before the tree was born.

Out of his boredom, the Jade king created flora and fauna. He commanded the elements to erect mountains and seas, germinate the forest, the wind to blow, fire to give warmth, glaciers, and icebergs brought a chilling cold, and metal brought firmness to everything.

He also created two beasts the dragon who roams the seas and skies and the chimera who roams the lands. The chimera is a beast with a body of a chicken with its feathers and wings, the heads of a lion and goat, its tail the head and body of a snake, and its front legs were claws while the hinds were of horses.

The Jade king gifted the dragon to his sister Order and the chimera to his brother Chaos. They love these gifts because it is befitting to them, the dragon's shiny scale and elegance, and the chimera's ferocity and its odd form.

These two beasts were the ancestors of every beast and animal that roams the earth. Dragon fathered the fishes and birds, while chimera gave birth to all land animals.

The once dry landmass is now filled with vigor. This made the Jade king happy and he loves all the creatures. He asked the soul concept to give these creatures souls. The Jade king created the concept of sound and energy.

The sound concept provided the creatures hearing and every creation their own sound. The energy concept gave everything vitality and regulates the use of the order, chaos, and all ether below it. But it is not in control with the primal energy for it is way above his.

With all this done the Jake king took a rest. He became happy but also started getting weaker. When Chaos and Order revealed their love for one another this elated the Jade king and volunteered to organize their wedding.

In the grand altar below the tree, there stood Chaos and Order facing each other. All creatures, elements, and concepts are guests. The Jade king was right at the center of his two siblings, bearing witness and acknowledging his siblings' love.

The Jade king peeled off two barks of the massive tree. With that, he started to write. Using their language he created the primordial inscriptions, writing down the vows of Chaos and Order. Jade king also wrote his blessing to his two siblings.

He gave this to each of them as a sign that they are already married and their love for one another is recognized. Being born from the tree, they were able to read its contents without the need to study it. They can feel its meaning. The concepts and 2 ancestor beasts were able to read it, except the creatures.

And after the wedding, everything was full of festivity. The Jade king was joyful but also started to show signs of weakness. This made his siblings worry. Even the world tree, as they called it, also started to wither.

Many years passed Order was pregnant and was starting to show signs of giving birth. Order was in such pain because of the intensity of energy inside of her. The concept of energy can't even calm this raging pure energy. Afraid of what might happen to his wife, Chaos asked the Jade king for his help. He asked him to calm the energy inside of her wife.

When the Jade king saw this he was taken aback. This mixture of refined energy of chaos and order ether is wreaking havoc inside Order. Without anything to do, the Jade king gave his siblings a choice, to remove the energy completely or let the child inside die. Chaos and Order looked at each other, not wanting his child to die they agreed with the Jade king's request.

The Jade king grabbed the unstable energy and dispersed it to the expanse. This energy then returned back to its primal state. And with that Order gave birth to an already grown girl. She is bright and cheerful, beautiful like his mother and unruly like his father.

Yet when they saw her they were saddened. She is a mortal, with a life expectancy of only a hundred years. She tried to speak with them but her voice sounds inaudible to them and she can't also understand her parents' voices.

Without any idea what to do, Chaos and Order asked the only person they know who can solve this dilemma, their brother the Jade king. The couple entrusted their daughter who they named Ei'Thona to their older brother.

The Jade king asked Ei'Thona to try and talk to him. He can't also understand her language which made him silent. He noticed that Ei'Thona had her own language. This might be the cause of the unstable energy that was removed from her.

Left with no other choice, the Jade king who was now weaker than usual used his remaining energy. He created a simplified version of the primordial inscriptions. And he infused this knowledge inside Ei'Thona's head.

The Jade king also infused it with the world so that everyone and everything will understand this language. And finally, Ei'Thona and her parents were now able to understand each other.

Chaos and Order were happy with the Jade king's benevolence. But the Jade king's physique started becoming worse. This made Ei'Thona concerned.

When his knees fell down, the whole expanse cried in anguish. The Jade king who was full of life is now grey. He is slowly returning back to the primal energy.

Wanting to extend his life span, Chaos commanded the elements to make a body modeled after Ei'Thona while Order commanded the soul concept to make a blank soul for the Jade king to possess.

The Jade king wanted to refuse but Chaos and Order requested him to do so. He, the loving brother of his sibling can't say no to them and followed their request. He possessed the body and soul they provide and shed any primal energy that he had. The Jade king became mortal.

Chaos and Order then beseech their daughter Ei'Thona to accompany the Jade king. Ei'Thona who can't enter the realms of her parents accepted what her parents asked for. She remembered that the Jake king was always by her side right when she was born.

The Jade king who was now called by his mortal name, Yu started living together with Ei'Thona.

With the transformation of the Jade king regressing into a mortal, the world tree now was totally withered. The world tree crashed shaking the whole expanse and separating the massive landmass. Without the world tree, Chaos and Order cannot visit their brother and daughter. They are now stuck and only the concepts and elements can roam the whole expanse freely.

Love Ya'll

Key_Tocreators' thoughts