
Past Life Conqueror

Nero Dekrauf, the man who conquered the whole world was killed by the woman he trusted the most in the end. "If I was capable of love, I would've loved you with all my heart!" Those were the last words that he failed to choke out in his last moments. When he closed his eyes, Nero thought he would wake up in heaven if he were to wake up at all. Although contrary to his expectations he would up alive, in a body that wasn't his own and in a world that he didn't recognize. A world of sword and magic. A new world for him to conquer!

BrimRock · Urban
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15 Chs

7. Once Upon A Time

'Once upon a time there lived a kind but just king. The life of this king was a hard one, from family conflict to assassination attempts, but still, his will of his never faltered.

That is until his wife, the queen was murdered by his brother. The queen originally was supposed to marry his brother but when his brother lost the right to the throne she called off the engagement to marry him, which enraged his brother and led him to kill her.

The king in return killed his brother in cold blood but losing his only brother and his love drove the king to madness, he began searching for ways to bring his dead wife back in hopes of returning everything to the way it was.

Only when he was about to lose all hope and end his life did he find a lead. The lead was a mysterious power said to be the power of God of creation, although it was nothing but a myth at the time, the king followed that lead.

After years of hardships and countless failed attempts the king found the origin of the mysterious power not only proving that the power exists but also in the process making him the first mortal to wield the power of God, the king thus ascended to godhood granting him strength incomprehensible to anything that the world has ever known.

The power was what will later be known as 'The World's Touch'.

The source gave him new magic called light magic, and the light magic gave him several powers but the strongest of them all was the power to wield time itself.

Unfortunately, even the power of God couldn't bring the dead back to life hence after years of mourning, the king gave up on his quest and decided to dedicate his life to his kingdom and the world.

After 500 years of rule, the king decided to ascend from this mortal world and create his realm, inside the sun. The king then came to be known as the Sun God 'Surya' Sol.

Soon children started to be born with light affinity, these children had white circles on their abdomen. These children were given the title of [LightBringer]s.

The Sun God Sol then decided to share his powers with the Lightbringers he deemed worthy, thus beginning the reign of the sun.

Only a Lightbringer could acquire blessing from the Sun God since only they can use light magic, making them spiritual descendants of Sun God who is the first light magic user.

The Lightbringers that shared Sun God Sol's power came to know as 'The Blessed Ones' and would be considered heroes of light.

Originally humans could only rank upto the High mage class, but when a blessing is given they could break through the human limits and achieve a level beyond human standards.

Thus the blessed ones are considered champions of light, the heroes.

Although originally supposed to be heroes, not all blessed ones were righteous.

Some of the blessed ones conspired to kill the Sun God because one One can wield the world's touch, their greed took over and they declared war on the Sun.

After months of internal conflict Sun God decided to banish the blessed ones who conspired against him and stripped them of their powers and title.

However, Sun God's generosity to let them live later came back to bite him.

One of the fallen blessed ones came in contact with another source of the world's touch.

However this source wasn't so pure and instead of giving him the power to wield light, it gave him the power to wield darkness.

Similar to light, darkness gave him several powers, and above all was to wield the power to manipulate the fabric of the universe, space.

This man would later be known as the first Moon God Raat Chandra.

Also similarly to when Sun God acquired the light magic when Raat acquired the dark magic, children started to be born with its affinity, descendants of darkness.

Moon God blessed these children who were given the title of [Harbinger]s due to the dark circles they bore on their back, in hopes of creating an army of his own to exact revenge on the Sun God.

These [Harbinger]s fought [Lightbringer]s while Moon God fought the Sun God but ultimately they were defeated.

Although the Moon God died another horror soon fell upon them, the [Harbinger]s who died during the battle came back to life as creatures what people called, Demons.

These Demons wreak havoc on Midlands with even [Lightbringer]s unable to stop their deadlier and chaotic dark Magic.

Sun God then exorcised all the Demons and brought peace to Midlands after 7 years of battle, death, and destruction.

After 7 years of battle, death, and destruction the decade known as the 'dark age' came to an end, and the Sun shone brighter than ever before.

Although there was just one problem, the other World's Touch.

Sun God searched for it in hopes of destroying it and bringing an end to any future catastrophe of the level of the Dark age.

However, the hope and peace were soon shattered by the emergence of one man, the one man to whom Raat passed down the darkness, Luna.

Luna in possession of the second World's Touch became the second Moon God and created his realm on the Moon and named it 'Silver City.

Although Luna never managed to bless anyone because in one of their fight the Sun God damaged Luna's soul however being as strong as or even stronger than the Sun God himself, he doesn't need an army.'

"Interesting" Kale voiced his interest before flipping the page.

'Light users are called [Light Bringer] and Dark users are called [Harbinger] and it is said they all are spiritual descendants of Sun and Moon god respectfully thus only they can receive their blessings.

But [Harbinger] is a threat to society and thus when they are born it is right to kill them within a day before they could form any connection to the darkness.

Because once they do form a connection, Maisma will form in them, and killing them would be out of the question.

If you kill a being with Maisma it will come back as an undead demon, stronger and deadlier without any shred of humanity left.

There were even some cases of [Harbinger]s who died during conceiving eating their mother.

Killing a Harbinger child with a name is forbidden because anything with the name has a right to live according to the church of Sun God.

So naming a Harbinger child is not only forbidden but is also a crime punishable by death.'

"Ahhhh it's been a while since I've read this much, my eyes hurt," said Kale while rubbing his eyes in a wired way and closing a big book with a golden cover with a title that reads 'The First Light Bringer'. "Not even two pages in and this much info dump, and not even a single picture, I miss smartphones... and music".

"Anyway I still don't know how Luna blessed me if his soul is damaged or for that matter what that is this guardian and how---" before Kale could finish talking to himself he was interrupted by Haze's hurried voice

"Master what are you doing here in your bedroom with history books, also you aren't even in your celebratory clothes, it's a big day for your brother to get ready to mast, aze said while bringing Kale's formal clothes.

"Ah god Haze stop with your barking already or do you need another treatment, it hasn't been even 12 hours and you're almost back to your old self," Kale said looking almost fed up with Haze.

"Master I'm telling this for you, it will only taint your reputation further if you were to be late for your own brother's--" Haze was interrupted before she could finish.

"What reputation dummy? I'm already the cursed prince and believe me, my siblings would be happy if I were not to come" said Kale nonchalantly.

"Master please..." Haze said with bowing.

"Ah god fine, Jesus can't even read in peace, come on let's go," said Kale while walking through the doors.

'Could've at least changed into the clothes I brought' Haze thought inwardly not daring to say a word out loud.

"I'm not wearing that clown costume, bring something like that to me again and I'll break your hand this time," said Kale leaving Haze quivering before moving out.