
Ch. 1 Books

I walked down the halls of the castle. Holding a candle for light. "Where are we going," the girl said as I held her hand tightly. The library, I answered finally finding the door. I opened it and when inside. "What if we get caught Yuno?," the girl asked afraid of what is to come. I'll take care care of it Lucia, I answered. We when inside the library closing the doors. What shall we read next Lucia, I asked happily. She smiled, "How about the legend of the grand-clock," she replied. I grabbed a stepping ladder and reached out for the book. I stood on my top toes and grabbed in back on my feet. Got it, I said proudly holding the book. We made our way to the table grabbing a blanket and putting it over us. I sat down as Lucia sat next to me. I placed the candle on the table. I read out to her reading and showing her the pictures. The legend of the grand-clock, I said turning the page. A keeper who was the watch the clock knew ever time, place, and day. Its said that it could you anywhere wither it was to go back or forward, I paused. "Anywhere really?," Lucia asked. I nodded smiling, The keeper keep watch of the clock no matter how old or young the clock gets pasted down and down. The legend remains a legend for there the clock doesn't exist. "What?!," Lucia replied bluntly. "It doesn't exist??," said asked. Well although on occasions there's a clock there's no way of telling if it's the right one, I answered her. "Oh I see," she said. I could hear a loud bang at the door. I gasped and blew out the candle. Hide princess!, I whispered as we ran under a table by some shelf's. The door shattered into a million pieces. I covered Lucia mouth watching in terrified as we hear foot steps walking. I could feel Lucia crying and shaking in fear. I could see something shined in the moonlight. It was a knife. I held Lucia close to my chest. I didn't think this was going to happened. I could hear he walking out after a couple of minutes. "Y-yuno," Lucia whispered terrified and in tears. I put my lips over my mouth telling her to be silent as we quietly peeked out. This must of been a break in. I grabbed Lucia by the shoulders, Lucia listen to me go down the passageways and tell your father, I said panicking and quietly. "W-what about-," she asked as I covered her mouth. I need to see what they're up to. "No no Yuno," Lucia whispered sadly. I grabbed her hands and put them together. I promise we'll get though this alright hurry, I said as she quickly ran to the corner clicking the button to open the passageway. I stood there quietly. I'm so scared to move. I took a step and when out the library seeing the trail they left. I hide behind the curtains in the shadows. I know I'm just a kid but I can't let this happened. I could see some of the door opened or broken down. Where they looking for something? I kept hidden as I followed them. "Where is the map!," one of them said in frustration. "Shhhhh quiet," another answered. Map? I was about to move but I accidentally knocked over a vase over and shattered it. Oh no, I whispered quietly and quickly when back to my hiding spot. "Who was that," one of them asked looking around. "Damn it we been caught," the other replied alright getting out of there. "What are you doing here!," a guard yelled. Both of them ran off swiftly. As I sighed in relief getting out of the darkness. An alarm when on and guards surrounded the thief's. Lucia ran to me happily and scared. "I was so worried," she said hugging me tight. "You two girls shouldn't be out at this time but this time I'm glad," her father said walking past us. Who knew what would of happened. "May I led you girl to your room princess," a maid said leading us back making sure we don't look back. We sat on Lucia bed quietly. I couldn't believe my eyes. I couldn't believe anything. I was too shocked. Lucia held my hand tightly. "I was scared your were going to die Yuno...," she said quietly and slowly. Her eyes filled with tears. I could see how scared she was. After all we were just 8 years old and we grew up together. Even though I was just her servants, she treated me like a friend. I was happy that she did. She was my only friend. The only person who understood me. I made a promise to myself and her. To protect her. Even if it cost me my life.