
Passive Collector

"Did you enjoy it?" "I did. Thank you." "Don't mention it. You do remember our deal don't you?" "I do. I'm yours for eternity." ______________________________________________________ After breaking up with who he thought was his future wife our MC, Seth, decides to go back to his hometown and think his future through. What he did not expect was to awaken his Ability on the way. His Ability allows him to enter the world of Awakeners where his life become even more complicated. Join him as he walks the path of an awakener while trying not to kill everyone that annoys him. ______________________________________________________ Disclaimer: I am only posting this story on Webnovel. I am not responsible for this story being illegally posted on any other site. ______________________________________________________ Also, if you like this story then consider supporting me by donating to Ko-fi. Here's the link: https://ko-fi.com/mobj108871

Mobsjourney · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
35 Chs


[Ding! You have completed all available daily quests. Please choose a reward: Random/Stats]

What are these options?

[The choice is based on your memories of Gacha games, but more specific when concerning stats. If you choose stats you will gain a certain amount of stats. The random option is... random. I expected you to immediately understand due to your knowledge of interactive games and novels.]

My bad. I haven't been getting enough sleep so my brain's out of it. Uhm, if this is similar to gacha games, then it's a scam.

[Would you like the chances or receiving a usable reward?]

Nope, it's about the thrill. Let's go random!

[ㄟ( ▔, ▔ )ㄏ]

[Ding! Congratulations you have received a White Biker eyes helmet.]

... I don't even have a motorcycle. I look at the white helmet that appears in my hand. Calling it a helmet is pushing it, it's just a slab of metal. Can it shapeshift?

[Close but not quite. It does have the ability to shapeshift but there are only three forms. The slab of metal is the dormant form. When you inject mana into it then it will change into either a Helmet or bracelet.] 

I inject mana into it and imagine the bike helmet. It transforms into the helmet and in the front there are a pair of eyes which keep changing. The first one are flower-shaped eyes coloured red and black. It then changes to light purple or lilac with circular lines surrounding the iris. 

If nothing else, it looks cool. I inject more mana into the helmet and it changes into a white bracelet. It doesn't really work with my other accessories. I don't really have a choice, either keep it on my arm or leave it in the dorm. I'm not the only person with access to this dorm and since this looks expensive... yeah. 

"Well that was useless. Now I have to wait for tomorrow to spin again."

[... You have three chances left.]


[Each quest counts for a single spin.]

Random 3 times!!

[Ding! Ding! Ding! You have received: Upgrade ticket x1, Rusted Nail clipper x1, Advanced Audio Headphones x1]

I guess these are better. Black Headphones appear in my hand. It's bulky. Why is it so big? Headphones now are basically invisible, this looks like a helmet compared to normal headphones. 

[These Headphones are from the Early 3000s. They were focused more on volume and bass rather than the looks of the Headphones themselves. Even though it is ancient it has better sound quality and volume than advanced Headphones. It is also loaded with music from the early 2000s before music because unnecessary to human beings' survival.]

 What type of music?

[Please find that out for yourself.]

What's this nail clipper?

[Ancient and self-explanatory. You can sell it to a museum since there seems to be no use for it at the moment.]

Alright, let's see what it's worth... Oi, there's no such thing as a nail clipper! If I sell this it will be too much attention to myself! Why'd I get something so valuable?

[The Nail Clipper is useless to me. As for the upgrade ticket, it allows you to upgrade a single object to the peak of its potential.]

Will I be getting more upgrade tickets?

[If you're lucky enough.]

Guess I'll save it for something then. The upgrade ticket didn't materialise, it must be something within the system that doesn't have a form. Since there are no more spins I start the shower. 

After changing I walk to the classroom. I can see a few people looking at me, pointing, and whispering. Ugh, The thing with Kate and myself is still going around.