
Chapter 13

Harrison Walls POV

I woke up in the morning when the sunlight entered my room. I also heard my grandpa knocking on the reminding me about the class. I got up from the bed and opened the door of my room. My grandpa is standing at the door grinning. He asked me to get ready fast as my class is in the next 1:30 hr. i smiled and went inside my bathroom for morning chores. I took a bath with cold water to keep myself calm.

I am wearing a white shirt sleeves rolled up till my elbows and tucked inside my black pants, combed my hair with some hair gel wore a silver belt Rolex watch. I checked myself in the mirror and was quite satisfied with the way I looked I want to look very appealing to my mate..... I took some of my notes prepared for today's class and left my room.

As I reached the breakfast table I wished good morning to all my family. i could clearly see a grinning and teasing look on their faces. I didn't acknowledge anybody just finished my breakfast and left for the campus with my grandpa. The drive to campus went very silent.

we reached campus 30mins before my class. Grandpa offered me to wait in his office but I declined his offer and went straight to the classroom. I just wanted to wait for my mate.... I sat on my desk waiting for her and arranging my things....I suddenly started smelling the intoxicating floral fragrance of my mate. When I looked up I saw my mate coming into the classroom with Emily beside her. She is wearing a pink flowy dress with white dots. she looked angelic beautiful. I just want to hug her so tightly and kiss her senselessly.... Shhhhhh I need to control.

Lotus and Emily entered the classroom and sat on the first row. Emily is looking at me and grinning mischievously. Then Emily told lotus that she wanted to go to the restroom and left the classroom.

Now I and my mate were all alone in the class room and my heartbeats were raising. Even mate is also looking so restless. To make the situation lighter I thought of having a normal conversation with her so I began with calling her name to ask her the question about her whereabouts. When I called her name my mate looked at me and our eyes met. and then she bit her lower lips....ooohhh my eyes directly went to her lips and now I am not able to take my eyes away form her lips. She began to speak and answered my questions. But I could only concentrate on her lips. OMG my innocent mate u will be death of me....

Then a knock on the door distracted me. A boy named Elijah entered classroom and sat beside my mate. They shared a warm smile and started talking with each other I was getting angry but ignored him because they are classmates and they can talk but then suddenly he touched my mate on her cheek to remove a hair strand. My lycan was getting very angry and wanted to remove the hand that touched my mate from his body. before I could do anything. Lotus got angry with him and asked him not to repeat this type of stunt again and touch her without her permission. she then changed her seats. by then Emily zen and other students entered the classroom. Now Lotus is sitting beside Emily and zen where as Elijah is sitting next to zen.

But now the problem is the seat where she is sitting now I can see her beautiful slender legs clearly from there and they are distracting me to the core. ... oohh moon goddess please help me to get through this class.....

I feel bad for Harrison sometimes. Lotus is innocently distracting him and is completely unaware of the affects of her actions on him... let's see how his actions affect her in up coming chapters....

Sss2916creators' thoughts