
Passionate Fangs

After the Century War between the Vampires and the Elves, The prince of vampires attempts to make peace with the princess of elves. Due to both parents being murdered because of the war, both have to find a humane solution to create peace with their respected people. This novel is an Erotica. Sexual themes and sexual scenes occur frequently within the plot. You must be 18+ to read!

Noah_J_Dean · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
17 Chs

Chapter 4

The maid escorted Alexandru to the well kept library. Walls of scrolls and books and a large desk in the middle. He could tell it was the king's.

Littered with papers he saw a scroll that caught his eye. The seal having yet to be broken like the others, as well as the seal being black instead of gold, which established early on that this scroll was meant to go to his kingdom. Did King Oberon try to surrender in writing before the war?

The maid excused herself but spoke to point out a long pull rope, "If you need anything, please just pull this, my lord."

"All I ask from you, Sweetheart, is to keep the princess aware of my presence." he said as he walked within the vast space of books, scrolls and notes.

She bowed and excused herself, the large doors closing behind her leaving him in silence.

The carpet muffled the echoes of his footsteps. He seemed to enjoy his surroundings but found a scroll with a black seal. his eyes squinted at it with interest before he realized it had be wrong for him to snoop around with untouched property.

He chose to remain civil for now and walked over to the alchemic section and searched for books involving the studies of magic and synthetization. He wondered what the princess was doing to keep him here. He was left alone in this library. The royal guard was not even here. They must have a lot of faith in this peace he made for them.

Alex pulled out an old vintage photo. The color was very faded and everything in it was basically in a tinge yellow, but the photo of his mother remained clear. He stared at it calmly as he felt obligated to start his investigation now. He slipped the photo back into his pocket and started sifting through the archives of the royal families. Any sir name that was similar or exact to Thelvon.

A scroll held what he sought. Amelia Thelvon. She was one of the grove lead researchers in medicine and herbal remedies for other creatures. It told about her accomplishments and her hard work.

Alexandru gritted his teeth as he kept looking for more information. He knew his mother was an alchemist. A woman of science. The photo in his pocket would not have existed if it weren't for her to create the damned camera. 

Then new text in very cursive writing,

"Amelia has left the grove. We do not know where she has gone. I went to speak with her on her progress of her current project only to find her gone. Her family seemed upset, but they claim they don't know where she went. We have stored all her notes here in the archives in case she returns. May the Tree father guide her."

And that was it…

Alexandru needed more information involving her family. She never spoke much of them when he was young. He only recalled her mentioning that she had a sister and a father. Anything more involving that knowledge would help greatly to Alexandru's quest.

One archive list after another. Nothing was being discovered. He knew his time was running out. At any point the princess may stumble across him. Alexandru had to find the suspects of his mother's murder.

There was then one scroll. It was strange and written in old elven. The scribbles were so precise it was almost impossible to read.

"She has betrayed us. She will die."

No signature and it definitely wasn't the same scribbles as the king. This was someone else… Someone who could still be living in the grove…

Alexandru's eyes flared with rage and hate as these scribbled elven letters were read. His hate built back up and he could feel his thoughts rush to a conclusion; whoever wrote this must have been the killer or someone who conspired to her death. There was no more knowledge in text beyond this. These simple letters of finite hate.

Simple. So fucking simple! Even though they wrote it in a rush, they took the time to write that she was a traitor! They had some point to think it out. This note was not meant for Alexandru, but it WAS meant for someone within the kingdom. This confirms these vile long eared fucks had several members within their party to take the life of his mother. Drained her body of her own blood and cleansed sinful thoughts with raging velvet flames!


A knock rung on the door as it slowly opened, "My lord. I am coming in," It was the princess, now wrapped in a sleeping gown hugging her lovely, curvy form, delicately, "Did you find anything of interest, my lord? Anything to help with your research?"

The knock was heard and the blazing rage within Alexandru simmered back down to a simple flickering flame as he placed the scrolls back and smiled at the dazzling princess and spoke, "Was looking through your archives to find information involving alchemy. Tell me. I was given the knowledge that Elves do use alchemy normally, and that within their lands, alchemy and magic does not co-exist. Some of these scrolls date back before the war. Desperate times could not have been the reason," he walked over to Leilania and helped her to a table to sit at.

She took his hand as best she could in thanks as she smiled, "Ah! Well, my father was a realist, I suppose. After all, elves are basically immortal. He didn't see why we couldn't try alchemy. It could help out anyone we could have to make peace anyway... He told me of this one woman... Ah! What was her name?.. She was before my time..." it took her a second to recall the name of the person she was referring to, "Amelia! That was it! Her records are here somewhere. I read her findings before the war, ah she was brilliant. She helped us find and create a cure for our druids tree bark disease. It sounds funny but the diagrams were vile. Though, her notes always seemed... Sad?.. Somber... Until her last entry... Her writing was energetic and bold. It felt happy. I can only hope she found happiness. My father said she was one of his dearest friends, and he prayed for her often. Ah, right... I don't know where it is. My maids found it, but um.. Before the war, my father addressed a scroll to your father. It belongs to you know my lord," She was referring to the scroll he had seen on her fathers desk when he arrived.

Alexandru listened and he could not help but feel his eyes well up to crimson tears. He silently grabbed a small napkin from his pocket and cleaned his eyes of their tears. He made sure he did it quietly, so that the princess did not hear him. To hear someone so unaware speak so kindly of his mother... Not even in his mother's notes, had left him in such an emotional state.

He had no idea what to think other than to continue to listen and oblige, "You ehm.. You refer to the black scroll, addressed from your king?" he said softly as he got up and walked over to the said scroll. He grabbed it, calmly and brought it back to her and sat back down, "I'm not one to take such information lightly. I appreciate you telling me... about this scroll," he said hesitantly. Having her know of his mother was potentially dangerous. He chose to lie to her face before he tore the seal and unveiled the scroll to him. Alexandru placed it flat on the table.

She smiled and nodded as her hands searched for one of the books laying on the table and she opened it, covered in dots. She was, seemingly teaching herself braile.

Though the scroll was still in pristine condition, it still looked old. The kings flourishing writing easily recognizable.

"Dearest King Alucard, I have been in touch with one from your kingdom, You have a son. Congratulations on your heir, I know you have strived for one in these long years, old friend. I want to promote a real new era of peace. When my daughter becomes of age I herby offer your prince, her hand in marriage. Our homes shall thrive together rather than how our neighboring kingdoms choose to wage war between our never ending species. There should be no more turmoil between our kingdoms. Our children are our future as well as our lands future. I hope you accept this request and will answer back with your answer soon. Your old friend - Oberon."

It was written as if, long before the war and the king was still debating as if to send it or not.

Alexandru read the note and even the maid beside Leilania could tell the look on Alexandru was pure stun and shock. He had never been told their two kingdoms once thrived side by side. He was raised under the notion that they were just other kingdoms that had a steady peace between one another. To know his father had slain a once close friend for the name of vengeance and rage bewildered him. Alexandru was thankful that he had the hindsight to not read this scroll out loud. It potentially would have had a very uncomfortable and uncertain outcome.

The latter half of the note also surprised Alexandru. For the king to wed his yet to be born daughter to a vampire... Did he know?? Alexandru spoke with a slight hitch in his throat, "I need to speak to you... Alone. I have secrets only you can know. Only you will understand."