
Passion Surge

Perhaps the lord of the seas was wrong. Perhaps his foresight had waned in the dying light of the era of deities. His apprentices, they called themselves heroes. He himself, was called one. However he now began to doubt that. ... A yandere short to keep my writing from degrading. Sorry I can't put out chapters right now. I'll put the chapters in tomorrow.

Blue_Robin · Fantasy
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4 Chs

The Pupils Wrath

4 Hours Later - Valor Base, Grand York (Future New York)

After reading the full set of reports from Carna-Girl, Pyr immediately took New Tacion's teleporter straight to Valor Base. This was where his current student, the lightning hero Surge was based. She had been doing well recently, and had been inducted into the top 10 of the student S class. She was supposed to be kind, energetic, capable, and strong. However now Pyr was unsure.

He had lived a long time, and though he was a part of the youngest generation he was still a Titan.

Such uncertainty was rare for his kind.

Valor Base was a more traditional concrete, steel and glinting glass set of buildings rather than the science fiction skyline of New Tacion. A metal panel almost resembling a futuristic sewer lid suddenly began to glow in the middle of a courtyard. The rim shone dimly before it became a bright yellow, flared up, and abruptly shut off.

On top of the panel now stood Pyr.

His full nine foot flaming body was far more imposing in the bright open space of the base. On top of that, his status as one of six or so H classes was impressive or rousing to the students who reside here.

After all, Valor base was an educational institute for North American heroes. It was an angular and geometric building made of slightly yellowed concrete and tinted windows. It also had a large courtyard where students tended to mingle. Coincidentally, the teleporters were also found here. Looking around, his eyes scanned the shocked crowd before he began to walk towards the open doors of the main office.

Like a receding tide, students slowly moved out of his way. Whispers of excitement and concern spread almost as fast as the messages on the school forums. In literal moments, eyes were popping up from all around the school as people made their way to get a peek at one of the more elusive high class heroes.

However, this would not last long as moments later, another powerful person would appear.

The hero who had received the final blessings of both Minerva and Freyja.

The Overseer.

Just like him, she was not human. At least she wasn't anymore. When heroes first appeared and the deific age finally began to wane, she attracted the attention of both roman and norse deities respectively in their final days. She had originally only had the power of flight. She didn't have super speed, super strength, or the ability to survive high above the clouds. All she could do was fly. So when Italy came under attack during the great purge, the best thing she could've done was flee. Live to fly free another day.

But she didn't.

She flew people to safety. She fought against the great scourge. And in what were to be her final moments, she received the blessings of both deities for her valour.

She is now one of the world's few H Classes.

"You're disrupting everyone again Pyr. I warned you to stop doing that."

The Overseer floated down from the sky on a pair of shimmering grey wings, her voice both stern and slightly exasperated. Her dark grey steel armour shone slightly in the midday light. Her pale skin and auburn coloured eyes were barely visible, hidden beneath the shadow of her dark brown hair.

"All of you, disperse."

A couple of words were all it took for the group of people to start rushing towards classes and offices.

Noting their urgency, The Overseer sighed and returned her gaze to Pyr.

"So, what's the deal? Why are you here."

Pyr then looked forward at the entrance, seemingly waiting for something.

"Any second now", he said.


Thunder crashed through the buzzing crowd as a stream of lightning blasted towards him. Holding out his hand, he then closed his fist moments before it hit him.


A forehead slammed loudly into his stone like palm, once again grabbing everyone's attention.


The bolt that struck him had become a teenage girl within the blink of an eye, before she immediately wrapped her arms and legs around his arm.

She had long pale white hair, dark skin, and a pair of branch like horns stretched towards the sky. Her slim fitting silver and white supersuit was adorned by two long, thin, rectangular pieces of translucent cloth that hung from pauldrons floating above her shoulders. Tiny blue sparks of lightning flitted between the pauldrons and shoulders, keeping them afloat.

Pyr, unamused by her enthusiasm, pinched the scruff of her suit and peeled her off his arm.

"Greetings Surge, I see you have yet to learn that I am not your jungle gym."

The girl suddenly phased into lightning before hitting the ground.

"Sorry Master Pyr! It will happen again!"

Pyr sighed and then turned to The Overseer.

"How do those teachers do this?"

"She's surprisingly well behaved when you aren't nearby."

Pyrs main arms hung low as one of the ones from his secondary set scratched his mask-like face in a pinching motion. He wasn't very expressive, yet his exasperation was clear to almost everyone in the vicinity.

Everyone except Surge who was grinning gleefully at her teacher.

Pyr took a moment to collect himself before speaking again.

"Alright, I have something I wish to discuss with you Overseer."

"Surge, return to whatever class you currently have."

"Understood teacher! It was lovely to see you!"

Surge then burst into sparks and flashed off into the building. Watching her go for a moment, he then turned to look down at The Overseer.

"You said she's well behaved when I'm not here right? Let's discuss that."

A couple minutes later, in a small dark office, both Pyr and The Overseer made themselves comfortable.

"You seem tired."

Pyr sunk down, his body literally shrinking and dimming till he glowed a weak crimson as his power dwindled.

"Subduing Hydra took a heavy toll on my body, and the suppression of my strength afterwards even more so."

"If only we could find Typhons corpse…"

"Don't concern yourself with idiotic if's. Even if we found it, without Hephaestus and Athena, suppressing my strength would be impossible. We need to wait for their next incarnations to be born."

"We could speak to Loki."


"I am not opposed to making a deal with him now that he has matured, but that's a temporary solution at best."

The Overseer sighed before falling back in her chair, watching the now almost human sized Pyr crumpled and seated weakly before her.

"If you don't want to try, that's fine. Just know that we fourth generation deities need to stick together."

"I know, but right now I am here to talk about Kaina."

"Surge? She's doing great, why are you concerned about her?"

Pyr tossed her a small cylinder with male port sections sticking out the bottom.

The Overseer caught it and plugged it into her desk, the once smooth black surface now lighting and displaying a yellow hologram in front of her.

Her eyes flitted from portrait to portrait of heroes, before reading the information listed below them.

"She's threatening female heroes to stay away from you? Why? What's the motive here? And more than that, these reports are incomplete. That at least explains why I didn't receive them."

"Well they are incomplete because I intercepted them before any of them could reach you. Carna-girl is always benched on desk duty so I make sure she monitors any reports involving her hero I.D. and name."

The Overseer narrowed her eyes, peering into the flaming abyss that were Pyr's.

"First off, if you ever pull something like that again, I swear by the ichor that runs in my veins I will put you in worse condition than your current one."

"Secondly, I am going to verify these claims. These threats are quite detailed, and I have never known her to be as violent a person as the one described here. This might be a case of a bit of aggression against her. It wouldn't be the first time a group of students have done this kind of thing."

"Well it seems we may be able to ask her directly."

Pyr slowly swivelled his chair towards the door, his dimmed eyes practically boring holes in it. It was then, the recipient of his gaze revealed themselves.


Blue sparks coursed across a panel near the door before it swiftly retracted into the wall.

There, Kaina stood quietly.

Her face was angled down, steeping it in shadow as the light behind her creeped into the office. It was an eerie sight given that normally the girl before them is normally bursting with energy.

The overseer's eyes glimmered gold as her wings opened unconsciously, her presence growing larger within the room.

"Hero Surge, this is a private Coalition office. Using your powers to open that door makes you guilty of breaking and entering. You have a minute to explain yourself."

Kaina opened her mouth once, then twice, before finally sucking in a breath, and yelling at the top of her lungs as her eyes crackled with lightning:








Silence reigned for a moment as The Overseer blinked twice. Kaina stood there practically shaking, her face dyed red

"Judgement Flame."

A pale grey flame engulfed Kaina, extinguishing the lightning in her eyes much to her surprise. Her previous embarrassment disappeared as confusion took hold of her features.

"Master? You don't need to verify my wor-"

The flames then turned black.




The Overseer launched herself over the desk towards the burning student however two left arms barred her movements.

She looked wide eyed at Pyr who didn't even bother to shoot her a glance.

"You know of my powers purpose Ludovica, so calm yourself. Let her writhe in the company of her sins."

Kaina screamed as she was set alight by the black flame, falling over as she writhed in pain. For a full minute she burned in agony until it finally stopped, leaving her smoking, yet otherwise physically unharmed. It was as though she had never been burnt at all.

"Why…" She weakly asked, wincing as she turned to see Pyr.

"I judged you for your crimes against the girls that you threatened. Sexual orientation and romance are godly concepts, and I, as a titan, care for neither. Those feelings mean nothing to me."

Pyr then walked over as swiftly as his weakened form would allow, before kneeling down and staring into her eyes.

"All I care for is your duties as a, no, MY student. No more, no less."

Tears welled up in Kaina's eyes, something that didn't even happen when Pyr had seared her alive moments earlier. Fear and sadness seemed to shackle her to the floor as she tried to stand.

"Kaina… since Pyr has dolled out his judgement. I won't levy anything against you, but you and I need to go see those students you threatened."

Ludovica's sympathy laden tone was met with silent muttering from a shadowed face.


Ludovica then gently reached out a hand to try and help her up.

Kaina however, she simply began to giggle. A wide mischievous- no, malicious, grin spread across her face.

"Y'know master I have watched you struggle for YEARS, trying and trying to be better than the old greek gods."

Kaina's eyes flashed white as lightning began to spark

"Watching you clean up after those dead idiots made me want to find Thanatos

and kill those bastards again!"

Ludovica, who had once taken a moment's pity on her, now stood beside Pyr once again. Their unamused expressions made it seem like the demigod before them was but a child throwing a tantrum.

"Do you think his influence is beginning to harm her?"

"It's unsurprising that it happened, but irksome that her mind amalgamated so quickly."


A staff of bright white light crackled into existence, the thunderous throes of its creation echoing throughout the room and its surrounding halls.

"Don't get me wrong master! I hate that hag beside you, but she's right. You need help, MY HELP."

Sparks of electricity broke the skin on Kaina's hand, causing blue droplets of blood to spatter upon the staff. It instantly transformed into a silver spear, tipped with a blade shaped like a bolt of lightning.

Pyr clenched his fists as his body began to bulk in form, jagged edges emerging from once stone skin. His legs bent and thickened as they returned to being digitigrade. His body returned to his titan form as his mask-like face broke and split, revealing a dragon-like maw as it breathed a spurt flame.

"Close Master! So close! But I need to see the real you, not this pain ridden version, the REAL PYR!"

Kaina lunged forward, her spear aiming for Pyr's chest! Ludovica leapt in front of him, her wings splayed out as a gilded iron scutum appeared and blocked the blade. In Ludovica's other hand, a skegg∅x with a massive blade appeared.

Swinging the axe down, she cleaved at the neck of the spear. Kaina kicked the floor and dodged, waving the spear out of the way.

The wall and the floor snapped in half as Pyr watched on, unmoving. His eyes smouldered as he watched the spear.

"Ludovica, I'll deal with this. It's my responsibility."

"Pyr wai-"


Kaina's scream could only follow her as her body moved faster than her insults. Pyr took a single step forward while pushing Ludovica out of the way and with speed that defied his massive size, backhanded Kaina out of the cleanly cut in wall.

"Ludovica, I will handle this, my mind is not so weak to be moved by a simple spear."

Before she could respond, Pyr had already stepped through the wall.

The school had already been locked down. From the moment The Overseer activated her strength, the sheets of metal covered the windows and the doors. The pulsating yellow glow of the teleporters in the courtyard had turned to a solid red.

Not that such a weak light could be seen through the sea of flame that covered the courtyard.


Pyr threw a fist at Kaina who blocked with the shaft of her spear. The flames that surrounded them reeled back like a tide from the shock of the blow, only to be sucked in as Kaina redirected the blow to the left, slashing the spear in a wide arc towards her master.

Pyr stepped back, dodging the blade as the flames behind him flared up and roared. The skies had darkened in the midst of their conflict, smoke and vapour making their way into the atmosphere.

However it was the scorched earth below that crackled with lightning, not the heavens. Electricity sparked up from the ground and struck Kaina's spear. Every swing she made was done with blinding speed, yet they continually failed to hit their target.

Pyr's body seemed to phase into the flames, making him almost completely intangible.

Her speed had been made worthless.

Suddenly, the flames died down for a moment as Pyr's physical body solidified in front of her. His arms had stretched back, the clawed hands of each closed in stone like fists.

His top right arm struck out towards Kaina as her eyes widened. She flashed out into the ocean-like inferno, disappearing in a whirl of lightning and fire.

Pyr's blow thus obviously missed.

After all, a direct blow would mean complete annihilation.

The entire campus shuddered as the courtyard caved in, burning bricks falling like rain into the flooded catacombs below.


With a heavy splash, Pyr fell into the waters below. His body steamed as the flames that once burned a wrathful orange began to turn a pinkish red. Two more eyes opened besides the original pair with all four beginning to glow the same hue as the newly ignited carmine flames. In this weakened form of his, he had to make use of his more obscure abilities to grant himself the upper hand.

The ability to replicate all forms of fire was one of them.

Pyr began to scan the area, his eyes moving independently as he noted where they had landed. His shoulders sagged as he saw the titanic pillars that once held up the courtyard. They were shrouded in shadow and steam, the swirling dust barely allowing him to make out hundreds of handles that dotted their metal surfaces.

The weak light that came from the hole above barely reached him as he himself illuminated the area. Broadening his chest, he stood tall and swept his arms out.

The steam and dust blew into the dark, contorting the shadows into clouds of all consuming gloom. It was then that another source of light was uncovered. A weak and flickering white light sparked up across him.

Pyr sighed a breath of flame as his silhouette began to rise and grow against the swirling dark.

"Let us not desecrate this place for too long, lest cerberus expels us."

I will explain some the more jarring things later.

Blue_Robincreators' thoughts