
Outlaw Pleasure

Goro is uncomfortable with Kimie's doting presence as he struggles with avoiding during school.

Kimie takes over many of the household chores and even makes a bento for Goro. Aunt Ruka is delighted by Kimie's responsibilities, much to Goro's dismay.

Kimie says, "I don't know why people are afraid of lust. Then I can imagine that they are very afraid of me, for I have a great lust for everything. A lust for life, a lust for how the summer-heated street feels beneath my feet, a lust for the touch of another's skin on my skin...a lust for everything. I even lust after cake. Yes, I am very lusty and very scary."

Kimie wants Goro to say he remembers her, but he is very hesitant. Kimie tries several methods to make him say it, but gets frustrated. Dress in a flattering fashion, while giving him the stuffed panda. Goro still doesn't remember, and throws the the panda away. This upsets Kimie. "YOU DUMMY!"

Kimie performs a Leg Tomahawk -- Kimie shoves her opponent across from her, switching sides in the process. Before her opponent can recover, Kimie hits the opponent with a kick to the back of their head, knocking them on their stomach.

After failing a grade in math, Kimie volunteers to become Goro's tutor. Kimie decides to help Goro study in order to improve his passing rate, though both have a little trouble staying focused on the matter at hand. "I know how to get you to study!" Kimie shows Goro her chest in order to encourage him to study, but this ends up making Goro pushing her out of his room.

Goro says, "What does that girl want? She's being so weird! We're cousins."

At dinner time, Aunt Ruka had prepared grilled mackerel with salt. Soon, Kimie decides to apologize to Goro and wants to help him study for REAL. Goro agrees but deals, "One little act, and you're gone!" Kimie blushes and slaps Goro.