
Passing Standards to be my lover

Lazuli Williams is a woman in her 20s who died because of anemia that she inherited from her mother and grandmother. For some unexplainable reason, she was transferred back to the time when she was only 15. she didn't know why she was back from the past. her last life was pretty much draining and although there are a lot of regrets she didn't want to experience it again. the pain of being alone and being abandoned is something that she was afraid to happen again.

anime_Habit · Fantasy
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10 Chs

I'll go 

Chapter 10: I'll go

They both chatted to each other happily, mother Celine told her stories about the latest brand-new fashion trend which is a topic that she can't share with her three sons. Although Zuli lost a lot of interest in this kind of luxurious thing because she is trying to save money, she still accompanies her aunt and responds to her from time to time.

Mother Celine look at her watch and spoke at her twins' sons in displeasure,

"What are you two still standing there for? Go out and buy Zuli some porridge to eat!"

she can't ask her older son to do this menial task, because she feels that his royal highness Cai is not suitable to do this kind of lowly job. So, she could only turn to her two youngest sons.

The twins look at each other like they were sending signals with their eyes. Zuli looks at the two of them with amusement.

mother Celine was running out of patience when she saw that no one is moving, she was about to yell again when Cai unexpectedly said in a calm hoarse voice.

"I'll go"


Everyone turned to look at him in shock that their jaws almost fell to the ground. Cai's voice sounded calm and frigid, but it made Zuli's heart jump.

Did that mean that he cared for her a little?

She looks up and stared at him intently, wanting to see any emotional fluctuation in his handsome face. but she was disappointed in the end, all she saw is his distant cold face.

The look on his face gives the impression that he is only accomplishing the task, that no one wanted in the first place. She felt the lump forming in her throat but she purposefully swallowed it back.

Cai gives everyone a sidelong glance before his gaze stops at Zuli's entangled small face, and inquires calmly.

"What do you want to eat?"

Zuli comes back to her senses and bent her head quickly, hiding the disappointment in her eyes. She replied calmly while twirling the hem of her clothes with her index finger,

"I'm not hungry yet" she then lifted her little head and ask everyone.

"I still don't feel well so, I don't have an appetite. How about you guys, have you eaten?" she looks at everyone calmly, and not an ounce of sadness can be detected on her pale face.

she is hungry that she can swallow a whole cow, but after glimpsing Cai's detached behavior she lost her appetite.

like someone had put a fishbone in her throat, she felt so uncomfortable. that she can't even swallow or spit it out.

Despite that, she maintains her emotions well, but she still smiled brightly at everyone. her last bit of pride was preventing her from showing hints of sadness on her face.

She can't stop her heart to be hopeful even just for a moment, but she should at least try to stay away from him for good.

Cai was about to say something when his phone rang, he stared at it for a moment before he decided to pick up the call. The other side of the phone said earnestly,

"Boss, Major Jack said that you need to report to the headquarters tomorrow morning. He said it is quite urgent so, it will be best if you arrive earlier than planned."

Cai's face turned serious when he heard this, he paused for a second and look at Zuli from the corners of his eyes before he replied indifferently.

"mmhhh... I'll be right there." he then hung up the phone without giving the other party a chance to respond.

The other side of the phone was speechless, can't he at least ask if they are fine, he left in a hurry and let them fend for their selves after they return from a mission. The other person by his side saw his dejected face and ask in bewilderment,

"Ray, did the boss say something to you? What's the look on your face?"

"Captain said he'll be here tomorrow; I didn't even have time to visit my mom," Ray said mournfully,

When Chad heard what Ray said, his mouth twitched. He could only pat Ray's back and said sympathetically.

"it's alright, boss didn't mean it when he said that we'll have a day off. You should get used to it"

Ray also nodded his head, what can they do if Major Jack likes their boss? Even if his favoritism is killing them, they could only suffer.

Back in the hospital, after Cai hang up the phone, he turned to everyone and said calmly,

"I have to go back now, I'll leave first."

Mother Celine didn't bother to look at his cold son, she still can't forgive him for not catching her baby Lily last night. She continues to peel the apple in her hands and responds rather unfriendly to him.

"mmmm... take care" waving her hands in the process, clearly indicating that he should scram.

Cai didn't care about his mother's childish behavior and stared at Zuli. Seeing that his looking at her, Zuli hastily looks away and said in a small voice.

"Bye...take care" she looks dejected and her eyes are a little droopy, but in her heart, she was jumping up for joy.

'Take care of your head, what utter nonsense! you should scram, may we never meet again in the future so shoo... Shuu…'

Zuli's behavior didn't escape from mother Celine's eyes, she's quite happy inside but her mouth tasted a little bitter, her baby Zuli is pitiful to likes her ungrateful son. she heaves a sigh, she should just leave this to the younger generation, she has no right to intervene in this matter.

Zuli lowered her head to hide the small arc that appears on her pale lips, what a joke! how can she smile at everyone knowing he was about to leave. they might think that she is possessed. She must not break her infatuated persona at the moment.

Checking the time Cai could only leave, but before he walks towards the door. he dragged the twins by the back of their shirt rather brutally and said commandingly.

"let's go, both of you are going to send me to the airport." the twins were speechless, can they say no?

Joshua tried to peel off his older brother's grip from his shirt and said mournfully,

"Older brother! Caden is enough to drive you to the airport, why are you dragging me with you? I didn't even have a vacation for a long time, that company is going to suck me dry! I also need to rest."

Joshua tried his luck and act shamelessly; he was not afraid of death. Caden looks at his twin brother like he's looking at a dead person and said in his heart. 'You should just obey when he was giving you a chance to live, why are you asking for a quick death instead'

Cai stops his movements and looks at Joshua with his cold eyes, Joshua thought his older brother is going to compromise for his sake, so he looks at him expectantly, but soon his face contorted when he heard his older brother's reply.

"Okay, you stay here but I'll tell Grandpa that you drop one of the major projects that father entrusted to you...."

Joshua: "- "damn it!

"STOP! Alright, I'll go! I'll go! I'll drive you to the airport, ok?"

Joshua yelled to stop his older brother in horror and look at his mother from the corner of his eyes.

Mother Celine turned to look at him with cold murderous eyes like she was going to skin him alive.

"What did you say?"

Joshua laughs dryly and took the initiative to run out of the room before his mother could grab his ear.

Joshua didn't want to be the successor of the Eckart family business, to begin with, he likes to live a flamboyant and carefree life. But who told her twin brother to be a musician while his older brother pursues acting without even asking his opinion?

His twin brother likes music a lot like their late grandma. so, his grandpa let him be while his older brother? Don't even think about it, you can't push him to do something he didn't want or it would be a big disaster.

So, even if he didn't want this big pie that is purposefully stuffed in his throat, he had no choice. He can't make his family business disappear, can he?

After the three of them left, mother Celine accompany Zuli until noon after that father Zane show up to pick her up.

Mother Celine wanted to accompany Zuli for a while more, but their flight is 2 pm and the hospital is quite a distance from the airport so she could only leave reluctantly.

"Lily, you should visit an aunt in the capital, okay? I'll buy you lots of pretty dresses don't worry your uncle Zane will pay for it." mother Celine said confidently,

Zuli was speechless by her ex-mother-in-law tyrant-like behavior. Father Zane only nodded his head dotingly; he loves his wife from the bottom of his heart. Seeing the affection in their eyes Zuli felt a little envious.

The Eckart family is a decent family that when they decided to marry someone divorce is not an option, Cheating and having a mistress is even more so.

That's why even though, her marriage life with Cai is not that happy she is confident that her husband will never cheat on her.

So, it's not surprising that many ladies with powerful backgrounds were eyeing the three brothers like tigers ready to pounce on them.

Because of this lovely couple in front of her, she also thought in her childhood that she can also have a happy marriage but she is naïve.

"Aunt you should go, I'll promise ill visit the capital if I have time."


"Promise! You should go now or you'll miss your flight" Zuli quickly bids the couple goodbye.

After Mother Celine and father Zane, she was left alone in the room. Looking at the window out of boredom she feels stuffy and she decided to walk outside it's rare to have good weather.

Removing the IV drip from her small wrist she slowly walks toward the door. After stepping out she discovers that the VIP floor is quiet, so she continues to walk toward the elevator with ease.

Bowing her head slightly to adjust her crinkled hospital gown. She didn't expect that someone would suddenly bump into her from the back. Zuli felt like her back is going to split from the impact, she rolled on the floor for a moment before she bumps her forehead on the pilar and directly fainted.

Theo was trying to run away from his bodyguards, who would have thought that he would bump into a little girl when he was about to enter the elevator? Looking at the girl on the floor he slightly hesitated.

But after a few seconds of deliberation, he hastily entered the elevator but he walked out of prostration.

He looked at the motionless pitiful little Zuli and kicks her cuffed gently.

"Hey little girl, are you okay?" he asks but seeing that she still didn't respond after being kick for a few times, Theo was speechless.

He bent down to flip Zuli's body upwards thinking of ways to wake her up. After tacking the strands of hair that are covering her face. Theo was slightly stunned when he saw her pretty little face. He looked at her in a daze but quickly come back to his senses.

Checking her nose if she is still breathing, he heaves a sigh of relief when he found out that she is still alive.

Patting her little face rather roughly, Zuli continues to lay in his arm unconscious. Theo cursed his bad luck a few times in his heart.

Oh shit, he is really in big trouble. what should he do? He can't let this little girl sleep on the floor, can't he? He is not a gentleman, to begin with so, it's fine if he leaves her alone but looks at the innocent pale-faced little girl. He slightly feels a little sorry but only a little.

his lips twitched unnoticeably he suddenly hear a familiar footstep coming closer towards their direction. It's over! He is going to get caught this time.

Looking around to look for a place to hide, his eyes lit up when saw a slightly ajar VIP room. he lifted Zuli from the ground and run towards it without hesitation. If he is going to get caught at least he has to try until the end.

He quickly closed the door using his left foot runs towards the bed, he placed Zuli on the bed roughly and she knitted her brows.

Theo's mouth twitch and whispered sorry in his heart, he then lay unceremoniously beside her. He covered himself with a blanket and stay motionless.

The running bodyguards were panting heavily, the leader looks at his subordinates and gives them instructions in a stern voice,

"Check every VIP room on this floor don't let the young master run away or we'll all suffer the consequences!"