
Try me!

Two assassin's on a mission,Mr.Kang seung the top league assasin,his wife Kim jae was his partner of his missions.

"Mr.Kang seung!" minji yelled.

Minji was Mr.kang seung's assistant.Minji was Mr.kang seung's tail but in missions she doesn't tail around him,minji is a very energetic girl.

"Mr.kang seung your 5th mission of the day has arrived I need you to concentrate,Mr.kang seung!"minji yelled

"I'll be right there to take care of it!."

"Mrs.kim jae! your mission is two spy on Mr.kang seung." kyoro said,kyoro was Mrs.kim jae's assistant but Kim jae wast like a top league like Mr.Kang seung.

May the best assasin fight.