
partner for life

sometimes,being heartbroken creates a phobia to love. that fear of being hurt by someone you love continue to hunt you down. as result you push away an romantic relationship since its better to be cautious than suffer in the end. that's exactly how Angela collin's mind worked. however most phobias are said to have a cure so what a bout her phobias, is there any cure for it? she did find an answer. the cure exists and it works miraculously that you won't remember ever having a problem. True love it is.. His name is Quen Okefe. he is rich, handsome, outstanding businessman and he has a fame. to almost every woman he is a full package. Nevertheless he doesn't want any woman but a special one. his last relationship was in college and now it would be a world scandal to spot him with a woman. yet his world was soon to change, on first sight his walls fell and his heart succumbed to his special partner.

lemon2_sweetK · Urban
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25 Chs

chapter 1

L Group, a famous company in the country that produces the best liquor in the region, is launching a new brand on the market. information from a reliable source say that they are forming a partnership with one of the famous hotel but not yet known our.....

"Turn it off,"said Carly Okefe

"Yes, sir,"the driver answered

Carly Okefe, the chairman of L Group on his way to the company  was amused by how news travels fast .

"Jimy ,drive fast. I got no  time,"Carly ordered.

"Yes, sir."

"Morning, sir," a young woman named Betty greeted.

"Morning ,has Mr Collin arrived?"

"Yes ,he is in the conference room,"

"Let go then," Carly said, and together, they went toward the conference room.

Betty opened the door for Carly and a medium-sized man stood from his seat when the door opened.

"Hello, old friend,"Carly beamed,spreading his arms to hug his old friend.

"Long time no see Carly." James Collin said as they sat back on the chair.

"How long has it been ,two years, right? " Carly asked.

"May be. After I went to Germany  we lost touch, how is it going?" James asked.

"Great, as you can see."Carly said with a cheerful smile.

"I am happy that we're going to do business together again,"James said with pleasure.

"Yeah,and I'm excited that I immediately called you after hearing that you are back in the country, but I was surprised that you urgently wanted to meet me."

"It's about the contract  I want to ask a favour from you, but rest assured, whether you say yes or no, the contract will still be signed."

"You know I can't say no to you, James.just name it"

James smiled." My daughter Angela ,she just graduated in business, but she is still naive and needs more experience, but I can assure you she is smart. I want her to head the project"

"As I told you, I can't say no to you, and you said she is capable . besides a few times we met I came to like that girl she is absolutely smart and one more thing, my son is experienced in the field he'll help her".

"Thank you, Carly . You won't be disappointed. "

"Alan, is your sister home?" James asked as  he entered the living room.

Alan was watching a movie when he heard his father's voice. he rose from the sofa and went to his father.

"Good evening dad ,mom is upstairs,"

"My goodness, Alan, can you please answer my question and don't try to cover for Angela?"

Alan smiled he liked teasing his father. "Well ,Angela isn't home.she went out with her friends."

"Night clubs again." James said with no surprise at all.

"But dad, what happened this time. don't tell me she broke another client's nose" he said with amusement he really liked his sister's mischievous acts.

"As if u'ren't the same.tell her we have a talk." he said, climbing up stairs.

"We got it from you, dad,"he shouted after him.

"Gosh, I'm tired," Angela exclaimed, taking a seat beside her friends.

" Oh, bestie, u're something else. Where do you get those strengths? " A girl named Brena asked.

" You and Dina really disappointed me .I thought we'll have fun, but what did u do? u left me on the floor, "she said, rolled her eyes, and drank a shot

Just then, she received a text from Alan.

"Girls , I'm coming back," she said and passed through the crowd of dancing people trying to read the text when she collided with someone and her phone fell.

"Hey, watch where you are going," she said as she bent to pick her phone.

"That wasn't my fault," a deep male voice answered.

Angela raised her head and studied the guy from shoes up  the head. she was fascinated that she couldn't get her eyes off him.tall mascular with a handsome yet serious face, which went well with his brown hair and blue eyes.

"You shouldn't walk like you're at your place,"he added with a sarcasm, which pissed off Angela so much.

"Now u say it's my fault, huh?"she spat. Determined to start a war on him.

"Whatever," the guy said and walked past her.

"You ...." she said but was interrupted by her phone ring.

"u're lucky I got this important thing to do or else...shit so arrogant."

" What's up, bro?"she asked when she picked up.

"Where are u ,dad has been waiting for u ,you better come home,"Alan said and immediately hung up.

"Shit ,I'm screwed now.dad is definitely going to trash me,"she said and put her hand in her hair in a thoughtful way.

"Better go when he is asleep,brilliant !"she thought and went back inside.

"Hey bro ,I saw u kept staring over there. u want a chik?"a guy named Danny asked his friend.

"Do u know that girl?,the one with a short hair?"the guy asked, ignoring his question.

"No idea may be we can ask Billy he might know."Just then, Billy came with a bottle of whisky.

"Billy, do u know that girl?"Danny asked.

"Which one ?"Billy asked, sitting beside him.

"The pretty one with short brown hair"

"Oh, u mean Angela .who doesn't know her here .she one of the type of girls watch but don't touch.billy said with a smile.

"Angela?" The guy repeated.

" Yes, Angela Collin, but bro, are u interested in her cause she isn't easy?"Billy asked curiously

But he refused to satisfy his curiosity and sipped his vodka.

So she is Angela! Seems like I got too much lucky these days. That old man deserve a world prize. She must be short tempered though but who cares. She So beautiful and cute. I don't know if I'll be able to focus on work with her around,yet I can't let her go too. She is mine now. Only mine. A smirk tugged his face as he thought.