
Part Wolf

WARNING: MATURE CONTENT An unwarranted death, an unprecedented rebirth, two men vying for her love. Elize's life was not easy to begin with, but now she has to fight her own destiny. Will she want to return to what was hers? Or will she choose to ignore it? Is she strong enough to face her fate? Then what about love? GLIMPSES (P.S. Contains spoilers, read at your own discretion) : As she drew closer to the door, she could clearly hear two men bickering "I swear if you lay a finger-" Deep breath. Elize repeated to herself as she pushed the door open. Two heads whipped towards her direction from the corridor to which the door opened. The conversation between them seemed to have died down with her presence. One of the two tall men stepped towards her. An animalistic growl emanated from his body. Elize narrowed her eyes and was about to say something when she noticed it. Those eyes. Those same blue eyes! ********* "Who's there?!" She asked aloud, unable to find anyone. 'You have come at last.' The voice replied, a hint of joy in its tone. She gulped her saliva nervously. "Who- who's there?!" Elize stuttered. 'I am what is missing from you.' The voice replied, calmly. "Huh?" 'Since our time has not yet come to become one, why may I ask are you here?' The voice asked. "I uh.." She said absentmindedly. 'Let us seal our bond with a wish, that I may accept you as my master.' The voice spoke with much enthusiasm. ****** "Do you hate me Elize?" He asked, with a pout. Elize maintained her poker face. She was not going to fall for it no matter how cute he tried to act, she thought to herself. "No I don't sir. I don't even know you." She replied nonchalantly. "Ouch. That hurt." He said, clutching the place above his heart. Elize huffed, rolling her eyes. "Do you really have something to say or should I come back later?" She asked, folding her hands above her chest. "Would you come back to me later, on your own accord?" He teased, almost reaching her. "That's not what I-" The Kelpie's laughter cut her off. "You're so cute when you do that. It makes me want to bite you." He said licking his lips, his wet tongue gliding over his moist lips slowly, making a show of the process. Teaser is on the Instagram page : author_obsessedwithwolves Join our discord- https://discord.gg/Nrj87UT

obsessedWithWolves · Fantasy
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517 Chs

Chapter 20: For everyone's good

Zack's POV

Zack walked towards the podium, looking everywhere else but at the woman staring him down.

"I thought I could trust you." She said, looking at him with narrowed eyes.

"I didn't kn-"

"Well now, do you see the result of what you've done!" Aileen shouted, pointing down at Elize's unconscious body.

Zack's heartfelt heavy seeing his mate. Elize was lying perfectly still on the ground, her long black hair fanned around her.

Aileen grabbed his forearm and turned him violently towards her. The strength of the old woman surprised Zack.

"She lost control today because of your bite. What would you have done if she died today during the ceremony?!"

"I would have died along with her," Zack whispered, a tear escaping his eyes. He cast his face down, not wanting to put his emotions on display.

Aileen's hold on him relaxed. Zack heard her sigh.

"I did not mean it that way kid." She said in a much softer voice.

"Aileen I would never hurt her intentionally. I swear I didn't know. I can't see her like this." Zack said, letting out a sob.

A cold hand reached out and touched his face. He looked at the small woman standing tall in front of him, a sympathetic expression on her face.

"I know. But you could have come to me first kiddo. I would never have stopped you from being with her. But now look at what happened." She said, wiping his tears away.

"I'm sorry."

"Sorry for what Zack?" A confused voice asked from behind him. Zack turned around to see his mom standing with Alpha Li. The old man's face was blank, but his eyes searched Zack's face for clues.

"It's nothing." Zack lied, quickly moving away from the head witch.

His mother's head cocked to the side. "Really?" She asked, shaking her index finger at him.

Zack kept his expression neutral. He knew that he couldn't say anything, especially while the old man was present. It would only put Elize in danger.

"It's nothing mom. Just talking about some pack stuff." He said with a smile on his face.

Meiling nodded with a soft smile on her face. "But where is your fiance, Zack?" She asked looking around.

"Your what?" Aileen asked, turning towards Zack.

Zack sighed. "She's n-"

"Ahh, there you are sweetie! Where did you disappear to?" Meiling asked in a concerned voice.

Meifeng was standing beside his mom, laughing nervously. What was up with her? Zack thought. He saw Alex come up to the podium and pause for a bit near the girl and then proceed towards him with a determined look.

"Zack, can we talk for a bit?" Alex asked in a serious tone.

"Sure let's go," Zack said, putting his hands on his friend's shoulder. They took two steps away from the podium when they heard a low growl from where his mother stood.

"You! You are the one who threw me off of the child!" Meiling shouted, pointing her finger at Alex.

Zack looked at his mom in confusion. "Mom what-"

"I'm sorry," Alex said bowing ever so slightly.

"What do you mean Alex?!" Zack turned to his friend with narrowed eyes. The thought of any harm coming to his mother enraged him. But Alex must have had a reason, Zack thought.

Alex sighed and looked down. Not a single word came out of his mouth.

"Explain to me Alex!" Zack thundered.

Aileen interfered at that. "How dare you shout at my-"

"Don't you dare tell my son what to do!" Interrupted Meiling.

The situation was getting tenser by the minute and Alex's silence was not helping the case. The group had not noticed that the place had suddenly become quiet. Every person's attention was now on them.

Alex sighed. Still keeping his eyes on the ground, he began to apologize again. "I'm so-"

"Stop saying that Alex. Don't you see that you're making the situation worse by doing that?" Meifeng said, stepping in.

Alex looked up at her, his expression saddening.

"Meifeng!" Meiling raised her voice in warning.

"I'm sorry aunty Meiling. But if you didn't know, the girl lying down in front of us is his sister." Meifeng said, her head kept high in defiance.

Zack was confused. He didn't know what to make of Meifeng defending Alex. All he knew was that his grandfather's expression had suddenly changed, seeing her defying an elder while defending someone as good as a stranger to him.

Zack stepped forward, intending to warn Meifeng about the hole that she was digging for herself. Before he could say anything, Alpha Li had already reached her.

He watched as the man grabbed Meifeng by her shoulder and shook her violently. His fingers had extended into claws and were starting to dig into her flesh.

Suddenly out of nowhere, Alex came and shoved the man away from her and stepped in between them, holding Meifeng protectively behind him.

Alpha Li was quick to recover and with lightning speed grabbed Alex by his neck and lifted him. Alex struggled in his grasp, although he was a good two inches taller than the old man. Meifeng was trying to pull the two apart, to no avail.

Zack could see that Alex was beginning to shift during the struggle.

"If you don't let him go, you'll end up with a scar on the other side of your face Lang Li." Aileen's voice rang in a high pitch.

Alpha Li looked at Aileen furiously, without loosening his hold on Alex. As if on cue, Agatha and Irina appeared at Aileen's side. Zack knew that he had to step in.

"Grandpa put him down now!" Zack shouted, stepping forward.

At that, the old man shrugged and threw Alex down on the floor next to Elize. He spat on the floor and stepped back towards his daughter. Zack could read the look of betrayal on his mother's face as he looked at her.

"I want you people to leave our side of the Island now," Aileen said, her expression hard. She looked at Zack and continued, "This was a mistake. Take your family away from here Alpha."

Zack didn't know what to do or say. The tension that built up between them was all because of a misunderstanding. His heart ached desperately, seeing his mate on the floor. He couldn't leave while she was lying down there unconscious. He needed to see her wake up. He needed to see that she was fine.

Zack unconsciously stepped towards Elize, wishing all of a sudden that they were a normal couple who could enjoy each others' time without complications.

"Come, son. Let's get going." Meiling said turning around towards the exit, her father following her lead. She stopped midway and turned around to look at Zack, irritation clearly written on her face at the fact that he was not moving.

"Go on Alpha," Aileen said, stepping forward to block Zack's view of his mate.

He sighed and motioned Meifeng to get going. She nodded and stepped down from the podium, stopping to look back towards where Alex was laying.

Zack turned around, turning a blind eye towards the longing that he could now see in Meifeng's eyes for Alex. He just hoped that his grandfather didn't notice what was now becoming apparent to him. He stepped down from the podium when he heard a small cough from behind him.

Zack turned around quickly, hoping to see what he prayed for. Elize was coughing in a small voice, her eyes slowly fluttering open. The witches were suddenly beside her, holding her up and rubbing her back while Alex leaned her against his chest.

"Water." She croaked, struggling to stay up.

'Mate is awake!' Zack's wolf howled in his head happily.

"Zack." His mother called out to him again, in a more irritated tone.

Zack shook his head and walked towards the exit, sneaking one last look at his mate before joining his family. He kept his expression blank, not letting anything slip in front of the man he knew had his eyes on Elize. For now, it was enough that she was safe, Zack thought.

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