
PART TIME MATCH MAKER (My beautiful monster)

Synopsis. Do not grieve, for everything you lost comes around in another form. The paths of two star-crossed lovers,Mythel and Rex, intertwine across multiple lifetimes. Bound by a mysterious and tragic destiny, their love story takes a captivating twist as they navigate the complexities of time, immortality, and a profound secret that threatens their happiness. In this modern age, Mythel is reborn once again, unaware of her past lives or the true nature of her connection with Rex. Determined to find her, Rex meticulously searches for the woman who holds his heart. However, burdened by the knowledge that revealing their shared history could shatter her fragile psyche, he chooses to conceal their past from her. This clandestine enigma has tormented them through countless lifetimes, casting a shadow over their chance at lasting happiness. Unraveling this mystery becomes paramount as Mythel's life is threatened by malevolent forces drawn to the secrets she unknowingly carries. Rex embarks on his mission to protect Mythel in a race against time and fate,with the depths of love, sacrifice, and the power of shared history. Will Rex's decision to hide their past ultimately protect or destroy their chance at eternal happiness? Will Mythel discover her true identity and the secrets that lie dormant within her? Prepare to be enthralled by this mesmerizing tale of love and destiny, where the past, present, and future collide in an epic battle against the shadows that threaten to consume them.

thornprincess · Fantasy
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13 Chs

New student (Meet my friends).

Danny suddenly took Ruby into his arms and kissed her deeply not minding that either Acapella or I were there.

Well, I and Acapella did not take this abandonment to heart but instead smiled at the lovely scene going on. Well, guys, I think it's time for an introduction. so sorry it's coming late.

My name is Mythel Copper. I am 18 years of age. My personality? Well, I am a little bit of a nice girl and the type of girl who doesn't give a fuck about what people think of her.

I love listening to music a lot and despite that, don't have a favorite. I listen to music based on moods, I also love dancing a lot, love to read a little but not much. Movies? I am not a fan of that especially Korean genres because they bore me to death.

Their romance is so wack and full of hide and seek. I remember a time Acapella forced me to watch one. Can't remember the title. I think the boys are over something. To me, the girl was behaving too childish for my liking.

Acapella was annoyed with me for thinking such but what could I do? I couldn't force myself to give a good opinion on something I had a bad opinion for. I also love being straightforward and hate beating around bushes.

Fashion? I am crazy and obsessive about it. I go shopping almost every weekend. There is also something you guys should know about me. I am what you can describe as a full-time fashionista and a part-time matchmaker. The reason why I call myself that is because like I told you guys, I go Gaga over anything fashion, and for the latter, I just love match-making people who I think look perfect or great together.

For example, I might see a guy and a girl who I think look good together and decide to match make them even without their consent. Yeah, I know what you are probably thinking, 'This girl is crazy'. Have to admit, I am a little bit. Ruby and Ella( short for Acapella) think I will get in trouble soon.

Well, seems we are done knowing about me. Now is the time for you to meet my friends. Let me start with Acapella Carter.

Acapella is also 18 years of age, she loves movies a lot especially K-dramas, and also loves K-pop music. She is crazy and obsessed with the K-pop group "BTS". These are a group made up of seven males. Their names? don't care to know but Acapella forcefully made me know the name of one "Suga" because she won't stop mentioning his name.

She has tons of his pics on her phone and uses him as her dp, profile pics on her every social media platform, and also uses him as her screen saver.

I would have said she is obsessed with him but she strongly opposed it saying he is just her bais. She loves him so much and when asked the reason, she said because they are kinda similar in attitude.

Acapella's parents are the owner of this prestigious school. Not many know about this because she isn't the type to boost. She loves being low-key. She has two siblings, Josh and Kimberly.

She is a gentle girl and doesn't get angry but once she does, run for your life because Disaster happens when she is.

"Just because I am gentle doesn't mean I take shits" That's her motto.

Acapella has long black hair, Hazel eyes, pink lips, and Not too full boobs and butt. Flat tummy, Not too tall, and Not too Short either. Her facial expression is cute and she has a gap tooth.

Finally our baby Ruby. Ruby Qin is a very cute and short girl. she doesn't look her age which is 17, she looks 15.

She has a very cute facial expression and behaves most often like a kid but in serious cases, she behaves maturely.

We hate seeing her cry because once she starts, it breaks our hearts especially Danny's.

She is a fucking novel freak. She also loves writing Novels. She reads novels to the extent of her being extremely picky while selecting novels to read now.

she also loves listening to music but sucks badly at dancing at least Acapella can still move to beats but her? No. Ruby's favorite color is pink. Ruby has black hair with the tips dyed in the color pink, her eyes? can't say the color cuz it's weird. it's not black or brown.

Ruby doesn't look like our country's citizen at all. she looks foreign. she has pink lips, small boobs, and butts, but has hips. Her hips are wide and sexy.

She has a very flat tummy and she is very short. she has the stature of a model. Right now, she is dressed in the same uniform as I am but with pink boots and pink berret attached to the side of her hair. Her school bag and phone case are also pink in color so you can see how obsessed she is with the color pink. Acapella on the other hand doesn't have a favourite color. she loves all colors. She too is as dressed as we the girls are, the only difference is she isn't wearing a headphone or a beret, she is wearing a bow instead.

Ruby is from a Royal family. According to her, her origin is traced from country x. weird right?

At first, when she told Acapella and me about the country, we were shocked and at the same time thrilled because we had never heard about such a country being in existence in our entire lives till then.

We would have loved to know more about it but unfortunately for us, Even Ruby doesn't know much about it.

According to her, she hasn't even stepped foot there once and her parents aren't willing to reveal much about it. weird right? But one thing is that Ruby's family is filthy rich and very mysterious.

They keep most to themselves and rarely attend gatherings or occasions and they are always going on business trips leaving just the nanny for Ruby. Ruby is a very shy girl. She loves talking a lot.

Once she starts talking, you will pray for her to end. She hates being the center of attention and at the same time loves it.

She is also the type who cares about what people think of her, she gets angry very quickly but doesn't keep malice and forgives easily. Her weak point is trusting people easily.

She also follows BTS but her favorite is v. she only follows the guy because he is freaking handsome. According to her, he is part of her 10 top list of men she is allowed to cheat on Danny with. I have to admit, the guy is freaking handsome. Anyway, that's all you need to know about us for now.

"OMG"! I heard Ella exclaim. "Look at that gorgeous piece of meat" She screamed startling the two lovebirds who were still kissing. I turned to look at who or what she was referring to and saw him.

What I describe as an epitome of perfection.