
Part-Time Godkiller

[WSA Entry 2024. Please do well to support] Emory Carson is a final year high school boy who has nothing exciting going for him except his scholarship, no friends, love interest, particular hobby or interest. He has a weak physical constitution and is generally frail but everything changes the day after he loses his part-time job, which he works to support his struggling mother, he stumbles on something interesting that would change the course of his life forever as he gets pulled into a world of oddities and encounters beings and existences that should only exist in myths and legends. What To Expect - Realistic Characters with realistic personality -Rational and reasonable main character -Dark scenes (Necessary for the story) -Epic battles I plan for the story to properly unfurl itself at a decent pace and in doing so it's going go on for a while, so kick back, relax and enjoy the story. Discord Server: https://discord.com/invite/SjFaMjrX

Bodhi_sattva · Fantasy
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87 Chs

Chapter 45 : The main dish is here!

"So you've finally shown yourself, Michael" Zalos flatly said

Michael held Emory in his arm, the young boy after being at the mercy of Zalos' merciless winds was covered in shredded debris and a pool of crimson started to appear, dripping from his wounds, his skin was decorated with cuts and slashes that marred his skin, his body a canvas of agony.

"Yes yes yes!! The main dish is finally here. The appetizer was not half bad but it's incomparable to what is about to unfold!" Heilel exclaimed excitedly

Emory's eyes slowly fluttered open, his vision blurry. His senses were still gripped by shock, numbing the pain momentarily as he struggled to process the extent of his injuries. With each breath he took, a wave of agony washed over him.

"M—Michael?" Emory squinted his eyes trying to see past the crimson veil that blurred his vision

"Yes, I'm here Emory. You did well boy, you held your own against Zalos, let us take it from here while you recuperate"