
Part-time Boss

The Princess locked up in the Evil Dragon's home is just like a yacht owned by a tycoon – it's not so much about whether it's used, but that you can't be without one. Ideally, it comes with a few bounty quests; the higher the level, the better. If there's a dragon-slaying quest, even better – that's the kind of prestige we're talking about. If you don't have a Princess in your lair cursing you to hell every day, you'd be too embarrassed to even say hello to other Evil Dragons. What, the King sent Adventurers to gang up on me? Hahaha, I, the grand Level 80 Black Dragon Lord, a world-class BOSS, how could I possibly care about a bunch of Adventurers. What! The Adventurers have already reached outside the dungeon? All of them are maxed-out big shots, and there are two heroes leading the charge! And the leader is a Dragon Slaying Swordsman! I'm done for, now what to do… Heroes and villains, black dragons and mortals, the formidable BOSS of the game world and the insignificant streamer of reality. This is a story about a Black Dragon BOSS player.

Treasured Moonlight · Games
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115 Chs

Chapter 6: The Evil Dragon and the Princess

Translator: 549690339

At this point in the game,

Mo Fei had finished clearing the battlefield and was flying back to his own nest.

The live stream chat was flooded with comments.

[Awesome, Dragon Bro, taking down a guild all by yourself, where's the sense in that?]

[Epic destruction, over three hundred people done in just like that, the Dragon's Tragedy is going to lose face big time.]

[Just a bunch of adventurers daring to mess with Dragon Bro, they totally had it coming.]

[When is Dragon Bro going to hold a Dragon Disaster special, eh? Start a monster siege!]

[Yeah, yeah, monster siege, monster siege! It's no big deal killing adventurers in the wild, dare to attack the human capitals, Dragon Bro. If you do a monster siege, I'll spam rockets your way.]

Watching the barrage of messages, Mo Fei was speechless inside.

A monster siege, huh? Heh...

Although Mo Fei got really into the game, he was still quite self-aware. He knew that as a disaster-class BOSS, slaughtering human villages and strongholds would be easy, and he might have some chance of attacking human castles, but going after cities with sturdy defense systems and numerous heroes would be certain death.

Unless Nesario personally led the Black Dragon Legion to initiate a Dragon Disaster, Mo Fei could indeed follow and earn some Plot Points.

But as much as he thought about it, of course, he couldn't show any weakness on the surface.

Morphis (Black Dragon Lord): "Pitiful mortals, your malice surprises me. You have no compassion for your own kind, but that's just as well. It's time those arrogant humans were put in their place. Perhaps one day I really should destroy their cities, obliterate their kingdoms, and remind them of the days ruled by death and fear."

This statement prompted a few excited emoticon-filled comments, but most viewers remained skeptical, probably because Mo Fei had made too many such bluffing promises before.

[Is it even possible, stop talking big and doing nothing.]

[Exactly, you said last month you'd do a monster siege, and yet you never left your lair.]

[Dragon Bro, I'm not dissing you, but if you're scared of Lordaeron and won't touch Stormwind City, at least go have a round with Stromgarde or Gilneas. If not that, then surely you can attack Altland, right? Quit all the talk, man up already.]

Seeing the direction the chat in the live stream was turning, Mo Fei decisively ignored it.

Dammit, this audience is really freaking demanding. They enjoy a bit of trash talk but really think they can bait me into a monster siege? This Black Dragon BOSS account is my livelihood; I can't act recklessly.

You can't resurrect if you die in a campaign battle.

Forget it, out of sight, out of mind.

He turned off the chat feature and flew straight back to his Dragon Nest. As soon as he landed, the young dragons left in charge came out to greet him.

The Dark Dragonman Guards stood in two rows at the entrance of the Dragon Nest. These elite monsters were his core assets, too precious to be casually risked in skirmishes outside—they indeed presented an imposing sight.

Mo Fei walked through the Dragonfire Corridor, through the Obsidian Palace, past the Dragon Egg Incubation Hall, and went straight into the deepest part of the Dark Dragon Nest—the Long Sleep Cave.

It was a huge black cavern formed by volcanic rock, with numerous black stalactites hanging from the ceiling above.

This was the final BOSS's room and also Morphis' favorite place to be.

Settling down in the cave, Mo Fei first took stock of today's gains—a bit over three hundred players had dropped more than four hundred pieces of equipment. After all, not every player could afford to buy BUFFs from the Temple of the Goddess of Luck, so it was pretty normal for them to randomly drop one or two items upon death. Nonetheless, players generally didn't wear their best equipment for such life-and-death affairs. As a result, among the four hundred pieces of equipment, the majority were green items, and there were even some plain white items mixed in.

The attitude of these adventurers really wasn't proper; they deserved their fate.

There were only about a hundred blue items to be found, and purple equipment was even more sparse with just over ten pieces.

Morphis was too lazy to check everything, so he opted for a system recycle on all the blue gear and below.

[System Notification: Recycled 439 pieces of equipment, obtained 17,985 spoil points. You can convert them into loot items, or exchange them for points. ]

Spoil points are the universal currency among bosses. Every time a boss is defeated by adventurers, they will drop a certain number of equipment items, which are transformed from spoil points. If a boss doesn't have enough spoil points, the system will randomly deduct from the boss's attributes, experience, skills, or even a body part as spoils for the adventurers.

Hence, every dungeon boss must carry enough spoil points, or else they can't afford to die.

For instance, Morphis knew a poor Red Dragon that was so often beaten by players that it ran out of spoil points, resulting in later loot being made from its body parts—swords from dragon teeth, capes made of dragon wings, suits of dragon scale armor, dragon eye badges...

With each dropped item, that part was removed from its body. In the end, it was a sorry sight, missing teeth and scales, and even went blind in one eye. It was neither dragon nor ghost, almost scaring someone to death, and ended up deleting its account.

Since becoming a boss, Mo Fei had been toppled only twice, especially after developing the Bomber Build, he had been practically in an invincible harvesting state; his spoil points had already accumulated to an amount he could sell for money.

This thing could basically be exchanged one-for-one with RMB among boss players.

An income of nearly twenty thousand yuan in one night, plus the rewards from the live stream, today had been quite a profitable haul.

Pity that such good luck couldn't happen every day; otherwise, he would really have struck it rich.

As for the dozen or so purple equipment items, Mo Fei planned to put them up for auction. He estimated they could be worth around ten thousand yuan. In the World of Sky game, bosses couldn't trade directly with adventurers. Equipment obtained had to be either system recycled or put into the spoil pool awaiting players to defeat the boss and claim it back.

But that was no problem for Mo Fei. The spoil pool of the boss could be bound to the treasure chests in the dungeon. Mo Fei directly tossed the purple gear into a chest. Generally, it required defeating the boss to open the chest, but there were exceptions, like when the boss was asleep... plus a master-level lockpicking skill.

Every week, a Gnome rogue would sneak into the Black Dragon Nest dungeon to steal from the chests.

As long as Mo Fei pretended not to see it, and distracted the minions guarding the chest, he could watch the Gnome rogue 'steal' the gear, and just like that, a batch of equipment would be laundered easily.

After selling them off, the spoils were split ninety-ten; much more profitable than a direct system recycle for spoil points.

After finishing these tasks, Mo Fei laid on the cold cave floor, stretching his limbs and wings, feeling the raging dragonfire within him gradually subside. After a while, he curled up again, sinking into the dark, quiet surroundings like a true reptile.

He liked this feeling. Immersing himself in it often made him feel as though he had truly transformed into a massive dragon—and having a huge pile of Gold Coins to use as a bed would be just perfect.

Unfortunately, this peace didn't last long. A woman with a golden exclamation mark above her head squeezed out from a small hole nearby. Dressed in a court gown and with bright golden hair, her beautiful face was adorned with a gem-studded tiara—clearly a woman of high status.

She looked at Morphis with disappointment at this point.

"You're still alive?" the woman said.

Mo Fei opened one eye, smiling at the woman before him, "Look who's here if it isn't our very own Princess. Why so unhappy to see an old friend return safely?"

She stared at him intently, her answer going without saying.

As the dungeon leader, Mo Fei could see this woman's attribute panel.

Katherine Torbjorn (Princess of Stromgarde Kingdom): Level 17, Quest NPC, Health Points 340, Mana Points 10.

Available quest 1: The Princess's Evening Dress. (Tailoring profession quest, requires Expert Tailoring skill).

Available quest 2: The Princess's Jewel Crown. (Jewelcrafting profession quest, requires Expert Jewelcrafting skill).

Available quest 3: The Princess's Luxury Carriage. (Engineering profession quest, requires Expert Engineering Skill).

Available quest 4: Escape from Black Dragon Nest. (High-difficulty, it is recommended for players to complete in a team).

Available quest 5: The Dragon-slaying Brave. (Epic quest, requires the quest item "Morphis's Head").