
Part-time Boss

The Princess locked up in the Evil Dragon's home is just like a yacht owned by a tycoon – it's not so much about whether it's used, but that you can't be without one. Ideally, it comes with a few bounty quests; the higher the level, the better. If there's a dragon-slaying quest, even better – that's the kind of prestige we're talking about. If you don't have a Princess in your lair cursing you to hell every day, you'd be too embarrassed to even say hello to other Evil Dragons. What, the King sent Adventurers to gang up on me? Hahaha, I, the grand Level 80 Black Dragon Lord, a world-class BOSS, how could I possibly care about a bunch of Adventurers. What! The Adventurers have already reached outside the dungeon? All of them are maxed-out big shots, and there are two heroes leading the charge! And the leader is a Dragon Slaying Swordsman! I'm done for, now what to do… Heroes and villains, black dragons and mortals, the formidable BOSS of the game world and the insignificant streamer of reality. This is a story about a Black Dragon BOSS player.

Treasured Moonlight · Games
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121 Chs

Chapter 35 Calm Madness

Translator: 549690339


The scream was abruptly cut off as the tip of the pen stopped less than a millimeter from Wang Ziheng's neck.

Mo Fei gripped Wang Ziheng's neck with one hand, pressing him mercilessly against the wall,

while his other hand clutched the pen, aimed at Wang Ziheng's throat.

"You son of a bitch, say it once more. I didn't hear you clearly just now. What did you just say? You want to sue me, right? Want to fight it out in court, right? Want to ruin me financially, right? You motherfucker, say it again if you dare, say it just one more time—now, right now!"

With each shout, he pressed an inch closer to Wang Ziheng, the last sentence nearly roared into Wang Ziheng's face, spittle spraying upon him, yet Wang Ziheng dared not move an inch.

"You… you wouldn't dare…"

With a forceful push, the sharp tip of the pen pierced through the skin on Wang Ziheng's neck.

The stabbing pain turned Wang Ziheng's complexion deathly pale, unable to complete his sentence.