
Part Of ME

This story follows a 21yo cheerful college student Jennifer Scott. But beneath her bubbly and cheerful persona lies countless insecurities, anxiety and low self esteem. After her broken relationship with her cheating ex boyfriend Richard, Jennifer is afraid to give love a chance again. She vows to not let her heart be broken one more time. That was until Zephyr walked into her life and changed everything with a lie.

Lucy_Collins · Teen
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12 Chs

I'll be there for you

" Hey, is it possible for you to come over right now?" The text read and a wave of concern washed over me.

" Is everything okay?" I asked.

" No."

I quickly walked over to his house. He opened the door with eyes red and cheeks puffed. It seemed like he had just finished crying.

" Hey what's wrong?" I looked at his swollen face and put my hands on his shoulder.

" Nothing, just come inside." He made way for me to get inside.

(Something was wrong. It was very obvious that he was just trying to hide it. )

" Zeph, what's wrong? Talk to me." I held his hand and gave it a little squeeze.

" Jamie, my best friend, he committed suicide. He's dead, Jen, he's dead. I talked to him yesterday night and today morning I found him hanging from the ceiling fan."

I couldn't believe what I heard. Without thinking any further, I hugged him.

" I'm so sorry, Zeph."

" I couldn't do anything. I didn't even know he was struggling. I'm a horrible best friend," he said.

" You couldn't have done anything Zeph. And you're not a horrible friend at all.  None of it was your fault. What he did was ultimately his choice. You cannot blame yourself."

" But I should've been there for him. Why didn't he tell me anything, Jen?"

" How could you have known he needed help? He maybe had his reasons for not opening up. But you're not at fault here."

" I can't even imagine what you're feeling right now but I'm here for you, okay? "

" Thank you, Jen."

" You don't need to thank me for anything. I'm always here." I looked him in the eyes and wiped a tear away from his cheek.

We stayed in that embrace for quite long before he pulled away.


It had been 3 days since I had heard from Zeph. I missed him but I also understood that he needed space. I hope he's okay though.

(Why have I been thinking of him lately? Why is my mind occupied with only thoughts about him? Well I care about him so I'm just worried I guess. Yeah that's probably it. Right?)

The sound of notification distracted me. It was a message from Zeph. I was smiling like a fool looking at his name pop up on my phone.

" Hey, the presentation's due in 2 days. Wanna rehearse today after college?"

" Yeah sure, that sounds good."

(I had almost forgotten about the presentation. He sounded like he was a bit better. I was glad. )

" Why are you smiling like that?" Alex looked at me with her eyebrows slightly raised.

" It was Zeph texting you, wasn't it? Nat asked as she looked at my flushed cheeks.

My lack of response was an answer in itself.

" I'm going over to his place after college to rehearse for the presentation," I said.

" Alright, just don't do any stuff."

"Natasha William Stevenson, just for your information, we are friends. Get your head out of the gutter for once." I crossed my arms and looked at her with a frown.

" Zefer..no Zennifer or wait, Zen. What do you think, Jen?"

" Shut up Alex."

Even though I wanted them to shut up, my heart was beating crazy whenever they would take his name. 

" I've seen the way you look at him Jen. It's high time you give someone a chance after that douchebag," said Nat.

(I knew exactly who they were talking about. I had moved on, just not ready to give love another chance yet. )

(I didn't know what I felt towards Zeph as of now. Being around him gave me a warm, fuzzy feeling. I was comfortable and completely myself around him. He didn't judge me and was always nice. )

" Earth to Jen," Alex yelled.

" Stop dreaming about Mr. Gorgeous eyes already," Nat said, teasing me.

" I was not dreaming about him," I tried to explain.


Soon it was time for my meet up with Zeph. After 3 whole days. I was excited to see him again.

" Hey Jen."