
Parshawna Macduff

"My whole life changed after my mother's death. I was an orphan just before some time and now, I am a witch, the next heir of Witchdom, a princess, the owner of the most powerful wand on earth." A 16 years old girl- a female protagonist was spending her life with her mother at her uncles' house, where she was having a difficult life. Her life changed when her mother died and she met her grandmother who was a witch and the Queen of the WitchDom, and she was the next heir. With a confused mind and situation, she began her adventure, her journey toward many mysteries. When She met a few students in WWS, they become a part of her journey. The doors of many past mysteries will open with her, She will unleash the invincible power of the most powerful wand. The long-lost revenge was on her way. So many mysteries, misunderstandings, new faces will lead her to a long journey. With the help of her friends and her love the journey to find the truth, will she succeed? What will happen when she faces the evil witch? The most dangerous creature on earth? So much suspense. So many heartbreaks, So many mysteries. So many past stories. What will she choose? What does her fate want? Will she be able to find the powers she was fated for? Witness her journey from a normal girl to the greatest witch of the decade with the help of her family, friends, and her only love.

Wendrila_Kundu · Fantasy
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99 Chs

The Secret Of Golden wand


MARCH 2009

After that day, I spend my day with many thoughts and worries in my head... many mysteries were yet to solve, many questions are yet to find answers for... But when and how? The school began to its peak of time. We got busy with our works. It had passed 6 months here. But still few things were unchanged as it was before. It was after school when I came to the hall for our dinner. I followed towards my friends and sat beside them. I finished my dinner, without any conversations.

Jenney noticed that I was silent from as usual as she asked with a concerned voice-" Shawna are you okay?"

I nodded my head and kept my concentration on my food while looking down. I ended my food quickly and was about to come back to my room. I was lost in my thoughts as many things kept revolving inside my head... and I bumped into Priam once again. And I landed on him. My eyes turned wide from shock to see us in that position. For some time my mind stopped working as I kind of had lost in his eyes which were looking at me. His hands are on my waist securing me not to fall to the ground as mine were on his chest to prevent myself crashing down to him again.

I nervously smiled at him as soon as I came back to my senses as I said-" I am so sorry, I didn't see... You?"

He smiled as he stood up and helped me to get up on my feet as he said-" We have to stop meeting like this miss Macduff." I scoffed as I dusted my clothes a little. I was feeling so awkward to even look at him.

I shyly looked down and replied-" I was in a hurry, sorry I didn't see you, I apologize..."

He scratched his head as he smiled and replied-" You don't need to, I kinda liked it"

I looked up with my eyes open, not sure if what I heard is correct or not. And once again his eyes met mine and for a second everything around the world stopped. I started remembering how I felt warmth in his arms. My heart started beating so fast that I would fall. What is happening to me? You stupid heart... Stop beating like that... That is embarrassing. But unknowingly I started looking at his majestic features. I haven't noticed he had such beautiful eyes. Those dark orbs were letting me feel shivers down my spine. Oh! as I remember I touched his arms, he is so muscular. I bit my inner lips to control my thoughts but the feminine within me wanted to give myself in, this feeling was so beautiful in his embrace just like a dream that I never wanna wake up from. Just then, Cresseda walked into us, while finding Jennifer. She stopped as she looked at us with suspicious eyes. She scoffed to gain our attention. We immediately pulled out, looking away from each other with a little embarrassment.

She asked in her mean voice-" Uhm... You guys, did you notice Jennifer around?"

I nodded in a no. and excused myself from Priam, he looked disturbed by the entrance of Cresseda as he hated to watch me walk away to my room. His eyes never left my figure.

Priam sighed and looked back at Cresseda as he replied-" No, I have no idea"

She smiled shyly and started behaving a little clingy towards him as she said-" Oh it's okay prince Priam, I am Cresseda by the way" She forwarded her hands as she continued-" I apologize I didn't behave properly around you... I..."

Priam smiled at her and politely spoke to avoid her-" Oh, it's fine, I mean you don't have to.". He started walking away. But Cresseda stopped him as she called-" Can we be friends?"

He paused with an awkward silence looking at her not knowing what to answer her and just then Jennifer walked in. She looked at them with squinted eyes while tilting her head a little. Priam sighed as he got a way to escape. He smiled at them and went away quickly to his room avoiding both of them.

Jennifer looked at Cresseda with a confused look as she raised her eyebrows while looking at Priam's faint figure. She turned back and asked-" What was all that?"

Cresseda awkwardly smiled as she replied-" Nothing, I was just..."

Jennifer gave her a mean look while raising one eyebrow walk past her room, Cresseda followed her inside and stood before the bed. Jennifer laid herself on the comfy bed as she looked back at her and asked-" Are you trying to get the attention of Prince Priam?" She gave her the meanest look she can give. Cresseda gulped and replied with a shaky voice-" N-no, Why do you think l-like that? I would never do that to you Jennifer"

Jennifer smirked and said-" Good. You should not. The hottest boy in this school shall be the only mine.". She stood up as she went near the mirror while praising herself.

Cresseda said-" Well, Someone did not think like that and was trying to get his attention"

Jennifer quickly looked back at her and looked straight into her eyes as she asked with a furious look-" Who dares?"

Cresseda replied her heart out what she saw when she came here to find Jennifer. Jennifer looked at Cresseda and gritted her teeth in anger and replied-" That girl, has become a pain in the ass. We must give her what she deserves." She looked at Cresseda as she ordered-" You will keep an eye on her okay?"

She nodded as she replied-" Yes I will". They talked a few random things and Cresseda left the room after saying her good night.


I came back rushing and closed the door, I was yet not confirmed what had happened to me for some time. I have never felt this way before, I liked being in his embrace. No!!! I should not think like that, I had some other important things to carry on. I must not divert my thoughts now... I have to control my feelings... Moreover, I have no idea what he feels about me. I calmed myself down as I drift into sleep.

The next morning, we went according to our schedule but I couldn't find Jenny all day. Where is she? I need to ask her a few things... At the end of the day, while I was walking towards my last class, suddenly before the entrance, someone holds my hand and drag me to the corner.

I replied in shock-" Jenny? I have been looking for you all day!!! Where have you been?"

She shushed me and replied in a low whisper-" Shhh!!! get everyone and meet me in the meeting room after the class okay?"

She left in a hurry as I stood there absolutely in the blank expression. What happened to her all of a sudden? Why was she talking like that? Is there anything important or is she perhaps in some danger? Ahh... Pushed my hair back in frustration as I left for my class. But I did what she asked me, We reached to the meeting room where she was waiting for us with an old book.

Brad asked with a frown-" What is this all about?

Jenny replied calmly-" Well, I found the 'Memoir' "

I asked with a confused look-" What is that?"

She replied as she gestured us to sit down-" Something you will like Shawna"

John smiled as he already knew about the book and replied while taking the book from her hands while looking at it-" It's the history of WitchLand and other worlds"

Junnie took the book in her hands from him and said-" No way, this is the original 'Memoir'?"

Jenny winked at her and replied-" Of course"

Brad frowned as he asked her while looking a little concerned -" But it is one of the forbidden books, how did you get it?"

She replied shrugging her shoulder a little and with pride in her face-" well, that's my specialty"

I shushed everybody and took the book in my hands and said-" Shhh!!!" You mean this had the history of the world?" I exhaled in amazement. Wow, this might can help me to find lots of answers... I looked at Jenny as I gave her a tight hug while saying-" thank you so much... I was trying to ask for help from you guys...!!!"

Jenny smiled and said-" I was already working on it for months now"

I said while holding the book and looking at it with a worried face-" You have no idea how much I have meant to find answers that were roaming inside my head!!! Does this have the answers of the golden wand too?"

She nodded as I exclaimed in excitement-" Guys let's not waste any more time"

I kept the book on the table and everyone surrounded the table. We opened the book and keep scrolling through it until we found a chapter named as- 'The Great Wizard's Civilization of Antiquity'.

Jenny said looking at the pages-" This must be it"

I replied-" Go on then"

She started reading the pages and we found the section 'The secret of golden wand'. She continued reading-" With the dusk of the sun, rebellion against the wizards in which many people are killed, both humans and Witches. But she had organized a world for her kind, where the rules and the system of government where witches and wizards have the right to live freely and express one's opinion without fear of being killed. Then she handed over the most powerful weapon, The golden wand to restore life with its power. Many had come to overcome the power that the golden wand possesses, but the wand itself is her, she kept protecting herself. But had prophecied " the true heir of this wand shall possess the heart of gold, a part of human and a part of the witch, that shall control and restore the peace in this world". It may also have consequences to fight with the dark to bring the light. She shall have the light of 'Solis'."

We completed the section and turned to another page, as suddenly professor Mecoy walked into us. We quickly hid the book under the chair so that he could not see that. He looked a bit confused as he asked-" What are you children doing here? Aren't you have studies to attend?"

We kept quiet, looking at each other finding words to reply at the moment. But nothing came to our mind at that time. We were scared what If he come to know about the book? We looked at each other nervously as in the meantime Priam walked in with a huge canvas in his hands. He looked at us and said-' You all aren't ready yet? we have homework to finish"

We looked at him with confusion, and so did Professor Mecoy. Professor Mecoy said-" Priam? What are you doing here?"

He replied in confidence as he smiled-" Good evening professor, we had Homeworks from professor Hyle, that is why we joined here."

He scratched his head while murmuring something and walked away. Finally, we sighed as we took our breath. As soon as the professor walked away everyone thanked Priam and my eyes caught him. I stared at him without noticing what I was doing. But Priam caught me staring at him, as he looked straight into my eyes and smirked a little. I shyly looked away controlling myself.

Jenny replied happily-" Thank you so much, prince Priam."

He smiled and sat on the chair. As he took out the book of 'Memoir' under the table and looked at it. He looked with his playing eyes towards me and said-" Well, I will not accept only thanks"

I asked looking at him-" What you want then?"

He smiled and got up from his chair and started walking towards me slowly. His gaze was looking straight into my soul. I looked at him nervously and gulped as I started going backward a little. He stopped at a certain distance and said while giving a playful expression-" Mmm... Good question, Well as for Memoir, this is a forbidden book" He held the book up while looking at it carefully as he continued-" if principal Dunston would come to know about this... you guys could get in trouble."

Jenny smiled as she replied-" I used the invisible spell to take the book, don't worry"

He looked at her with pity and replied-" the wands we use is for beginners we don't have that much power to cover up"

I asked with a frown-" Are u threatening us?"

He chuckled as he looked at me with a pout and said-" Oh I dare not!!!"

While we were talking Cresseda and Cassie were listening to us all this time, and they thought they got the perfect time to make us fall in trouble. They ran away to Jennifer and informed her of everything. She smirked devilishly and replied-" I know exactly what I need to do". She ran off to principal Dunston and informed him about us. Principal Dunston frowned as he stood up and was obliged to investigate the matter.

Meanwhile, Priam told us-" Don't worry, as for belonging from a royal family, we must know the 'Memoir'".

Brad jumped in happiness and said-" That's cool, I mean perfect, as you know the 'Memoir', we need someone who knows it. " He asked in excitement-"So we wanna ask you, do you want to join our team?" He looked at us making sure we agree with him. Everyone nodded their head as I watched them. I was still in confusion if this is a good idea. I don't want to divert myself from the work.

Priam looked at me with his playful eyes and replied-" Well, I would like it if everyone allows me to"

Jenny shouted-" I agree"

John replied with a smile-" Aye"

Junnie said-" Welcome Prince Priam"

I was standing thinking what to do, everyone looked at me with puzzled eyes. as they were waiting for me to reply too. So I sighed and replied-" I am okay with it"

Priam had a witty smile on his face looking at me with oblique eyes. I tried to get my attention off and tried to remain calm. We returned the book to the library on time, before principal Dunston, came to the library to check himself. When he found the book in its exact place, he looked at Jeniffer, possibly to let her explain what was going on. Jennifer looked at us in shock and confused face. She checked the book herself as she stared at us and the book for some time. She looked at Cresseda and Cassie with angry faces and she stood there quietly not knowing what exactly to answer. She tried to explain, that she had got the right information, but she couldn't prove herself.

Principal Dunston warned her-" Miss Laynin, I would suggest you go back to your room and concentrate rather than fooling around. I didn't expect you to do this kind of pranks"

She felt insulted and after Principal Dunston left she diminished her anger on Cresseda and Cassie to let her look like a fool in front of the principal. They both were in shock too. We peeped through the bookshelf into them and smiled at each other for not getting caught and enjoyed their little drama.

After that, we returned to our rooms and finished our schedule while waiting for dinner.