
Parshawna Macduff

"My whole life changed after my mother's death. I was an orphan just before some time and now, I am a witch, the next heir of Witchdom, a princess, the owner of the most powerful wand on earth." A 16 years old girl- a female protagonist was spending her life with her mother at her uncles' house, where she was having a difficult life. Her life changed when her mother died and she met her grandmother who was a witch and the Queen of the WitchDom, and she was the next heir. With a confused mind and situation, she began her adventure, her journey toward many mysteries. When She met a few students in WWS, they become a part of her journey. The doors of many past mysteries will open with her, She will unleash the invincible power of the most powerful wand. The long-lost revenge was on her way. So many mysteries, misunderstandings, new faces will lead her to a long journey. With the help of her friends and her love the journey to find the truth, will she succeed? What will happen when she faces the evil witch? The most dangerous creature on earth? So much suspense. So many heartbreaks, So many mysteries. So many past stories. What will she choose? What does her fate want? Will she be able to find the powers she was fated for? Witness her journey from a normal girl to the greatest witch of the decade with the help of her family, friends, and her only love.

Wendrila_Kundu · Fantasy
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99 Chs

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Him, "Priam"- the name mumbled from my mouth without my knowledge. The love of my life!!!. I came back to my room as I closed the door quickly, preventing myself to break down in front of them. I don't want Grandma to see me like this. Nor anybody else should see me like this.

But I cannot hold it any longer, as my heart ached to know that my first love will probably be a closed chapter without even trying to write it. I was on the very verge of breaking down. The lumps in my throat were making me more towards it.

I let my grief and sorrow flow as soon as I closed the door. Tears were not ready to stop today. Does he hate me now? Does he not remember any of it? Why? ..... I began to cry sitting on the floor, like a lost child.

The only thing that was going on in my head is, I will probably never be seeing him. I will be getting married to someone else... who is not Priam. How?... How is he so calm? This was not the Priam I know!!!. My Priam loved me. He was always there for me. He saved me... He... he claimed me. Then where is he today? Why is he not here? Why is he not coming to rescue me now? Did he forget all that we had?... Does he not love me anymore?

Ahhhhh!!! I throw the nearest thing that was caught by my hand, making the room echo with the noise. I was so frustrated. everything was going out of my hand!!! Nothing was at its place!!! It was all because of him. Felix.

My eyes turned in anger as I furiously remembered how he tricked me. All everything went upside down within a day... I wish I have never met you... I hate you... Why....? Why did you ruin my life? I had trusted you... I took you as a friend Felix... I fucked up!!! And everything went wrong since then.

The kingdom is falling apart... The people who once had loved me started despising me. The hand who used to bless me, now... have turned to curse me. The mouth which use to praise me once now is used to criticize me. I have nothing with me...

I have lost my family, my friends, my love... The trust of my people... Why am I even worth living for? Junnie is gone... My best friend is nowhere to be found all these years. Jenny left me too. Though she had stayed beside me all these years... but She is gone too!!. Brad hates me... and now, you. Praim... you ... probably don't want to see me too.

I have been living like a dead person for all these years hiding the pain and sorrow inside of my heart. Accepting fate, I had tried to move on, but I have been pulled down. After mom left, I finally got a real family.

The memories began to flash in my mind. The perfect happy family. Everything was perfect until lady Georgia and Felix had shown up and ruined it. Now I am just a dead soul trapped in a living body. The guilt has slowly started eating me alive in these years. No one was there to share. Do you even know how hard time have I seen?

It was not easy Praim... It was not... I have suffered just like you. How can you do this to me? Please... Please remember me... Remember our good time... please come back to me. Even if it is for once. I want to see you, touch you, hug you. want to tell you how I truly felt about you. I was so stupid not to understand those days who you are to me. But don't push me away now...

I was a crying mess while sitting on the floor. My brain was numb, emotionless. My heart was aching from the pain that I have kept inside for so long. It was a hard choice for me. I have to choose between you and this kingdom.

How can I? I love both of you equally. Then how can I choose one while leaving the other? this kingdom needs mergers. And they say a wedding is a solution. This has been in the royal family for so long. Sacrificing our dreams for the country. But how can I sacrifice you? You are not someone to be sacrificed to. You are not just a dream of mine. You are a part of me. How am I even supposed to sacrifice my love? My love was not something to be sacrificed.

John was right, I can never replace you with anyone. My heart will always belong to you. This marriage is just a compromise. Grandma said a week!!! I have just a week!!!!

No, I cannot waste time anymore. I wiped off the tears from my face as I stood up with confidence. I will visit WitchWorld.

Without any more time, I opened the door and rushed outside. Few of the maids saw me, while I was running like a mad person. I didn't care. All I know now is that I have to meet him at any cost. I ran outside the palace. The guards noticed something was wrong with me as they asked in a worried tone-" Your majesty!!! Is everything allri...."

Before they can finish their sentences... I got my horse, Raya, and rode her towards the gate completely ignoring them. My eyes were still red and puffy. Dried tears were still on my cheeks. The dresses were messed up and hairs were opened and messed. But I didn't care about anything right now. I ride as fast as I could towards the WitchWorld. This is the last chance I have got.

It was already dark. The roads were empty and calm. Only the sound of the horse's footsteps was heard. Raya was the fastest horse among all. She knew I need to be there soon. She didn't hesitate to run the fastest as she can. She began to run through the wind. The journey was filled with so many thoughts and emotions.


Finally, we reached WitchWorld. I came down from Raya and ran towards the entrance. I was probably looking like a mad queen who was on the verge of losing everything. The guards stopped me in the way as I looked at them in confusion. I said-" Let me go!!! I am Parsahwna, Queen of WitchDom"

They hung their head low but didn't make the way for me to enter. I frowned. I was not in the state to argue. I said-" Please let me go, It is very important."

The guards looked at each other. One of them said-" I am sorry Queen Parshawna, but... We have been ordered not to let anyone enter the palace."

I sighed in disbelief as I replied-" Well... I am an exception... I have known them for a long time... Let me..."

They still didn't move. As I asked-" Do you dare to block the way of a queen now?"

They looked down as the other of them replied-" Please have mercy, But we are just following the orders... We are ordered not to let anyone in or out in the palace before the marriage... "

I frowned and asked-" Marriage? Who's marriage?"

We were interrupted by a voice replying-" Priam's marriage!!!"

My eye widened due to the shock!!! My world collided. He-he is getting married? No... How... I mean... what... I am sure this is just a dream... please tell me this is all a lie.

I looked towards from where the voice came and it was William. He had grown up. He is taller and handsome. Seems like a lot of things have changed in these years. He looked a fine prince by now. But my mind was still stuck at his word. " Priam's marriage"

I smiled a little in hope that he will understand and let me in. I called-" William? It- it's me...Shawna...Pl-please, tell the guards to let me in. I need to talk to him... Please..."

But he had a straight face. He didn't reply. I frowned at his action and asked once again-" William? What happened? why are you still standing there? Please let me in. I need to.."

He cut me off by saying-" there is no need queen Parshawna... he had moved on... and so have you... You are also getting married isn't it?"

I looked at him with a sad face, tears were rolling from my eyes. I cannot believe what he just said... Praim moved on from me? How?... How did this happen? I was looking at him without an answer... What should I reply to? I am indeed getting married too... But will he understand.. this is just for the kingdom?

He chuckled bitterly as he said-" You didn't have an answer... I thought so. See Queen Shawna, I respect you, that is why I am asking you politely to leave my brother alone. You have caused enough damage to our family... He has finally moved on and is getting married the next week. I suggest you leave and live your life happily and let him live too"

I cannot even say a single word at that time. All I was doing was crying. I have lost him. Forever. I gulped the lumps in my throat as my mind went numb. I turned back... To leave. there is no way now to get him back. I have lost my chance. I feel defeated.

I started walking from there with tears in my eyes. the memories of him began to flash on my mind. Those happy days, when we first met. Those days when he stayed beside me like a true friend. When he saved me as a valiant prince. Our first kiss. Those sweet encounters. I remember how he always came to save me. I have lost all that now. My love is just a burn page now. Everything has ended.

I chuckled sadly at myself. This was all my fault. William was right... He has the right to live his own life. I have no right to ruin it just because my life is a mess now. I am happy for him. Or am I?

It was dark, and I got lost. I was not in my right mind. I was lost in my dark thoughts. It started raining but I didn't care. I started getting drenched in the water of rain. It was somehow calming me down. The waiter through me was making me feel a shiver as it was telling me this is what I deserve. I was the one who didn't understand his love back at that time. Now he is gone. There is no way I can get him back.

I didn't know how long was I walking or where I am heading to. I am just walking down the roads with an empty mind. After a certain time, my body began to give up. My legs began to tremble as I still kept walking down the road like a zombie. Slowly my eyelids were getting heavier. And my vision started blurring out again. And finally, I fell to the ground unconscious.


She was lying in the middle of the road unconscious. It was raining and dark. People were at their homes, so nobody saw her. She kept drenching in the rain until a shadow appeared. It was the same who saved her before. He looked at her before taking her in his arms and vanished in thin air.


The shadow appeared before the gate of the palace. He carefully put her down before the gate, avoiding anyone's gaze. His eyes were looking at her with so much worry and pain. He sighed before he whisper-" Why do you keep getting in trouble? You do you love him so much?... You are precious to me."

He kissed her lips while she was unconscious before he disappeared again.


I was unconscious when I felt someone's hand on my cheeks. The touch was so much familiar. My head was still in pain. I slowly opened my eyes. I shit my gaze to the one who was sitting beside me, my vision was still blurry. I blinked a few times before adjusting to the light. My eyes widened to see the figure who was staring at me sweetly. Those eyes were filled with love and concern, the one that I was dying to see. It was him. Praim. He was smiling at me. He was sitting right beside me, holding my hands. His face was so close to me.

I quickly tried to got up but he held my hand preventing me to get up. I asked-" Y-You?"

He smiled and replied-" Yes, me."

I was looking at him not believing my eyes. He is here, right beside me. His face was just the same as before. That same smile and love for me. This is my Priam. A drop of tears rolled down my cheeks.

He looked at them and flickered my tears as he said-" How can I not come when you are calling me? Don't you know how much you mean to me hm?"

I said while stuttering-" Bu-but you we-were le-leaving me"

He smiled as he said-" Who said I will be leaving you alone? Don't you know how much I love you?"

He bends down towards me as his eyes fall on my lips. I closed my eyes as I felt his soft lips on mine. They were so soothing. Neither of us moved but, just enjoyed each other's touch. He pulled back after some time, as I looked at him.

I smiled at him while tears were not leaving my eyes. I was happy. the tears were of happiness.

I asked slowly-" Don't leave me please..."

But suddenly his expression changed, He was sad. His eyes were filled with tears too. I asked looking at him with concern-" wh-what happened?"

had didn't answer. He just kept looking at me. I was scared now. Why is he behaving like that? Why is he not answering?. Finally, he said-" I-I have to go"

My eyes widen as I immediately sat up yelling-" NO!!!"

I tried to hold his hands, but they started to blend in the smoke. I looked at him in confusion. What is happening? I gulped. He was vanishing in airs. NOOO.....

I screamed- "NOOOOOOOO"

I shot opened my eyes while sitting in my bed. I was panting heavily. I looked here and there to find him, but he was nowhere. THIS WAS A DREAM!!!!

Tears started rolling out to think of his face in my dreams. Just then the door burst open revealing granny. I looked at her. He had a look of worry and anger. She said-" Thank goodness you are okay!!!"

Then it hit me, I am at my palace... but Who bought me here?... I remember I fainted on the road. I looked at my feet which were injured last night, but it was healed now. Just like before. What is happening? I was thinking all these when I heard granny saying in her dominant tone-" Young lady, you might be the queen of WitchDom, but do not forget, I am the mother Queen!!! I want to speak with you about your insane and reckless behaviors. Meet me in my chamber after you fresh up"

I gulped. I know she is angry. I just kept looking at her who glared at me before leaving my room. I sighed and laid back causally in my bed. I have to face the demon now.